1HE Daily News : NT sf I . MUNCH Rt'PI'.RT, II. O, Ti'OnHDAY, OCTOIIKII 25, 1917. DIN Miff! OALXU i HI BY C7 V7C7 0 WN1EN II II UI Jl VI U UVUsflUU, GERMANS RETIRE ON RUSSIAN FRONT - AUSTRIANS PREPARE FOR OFFENSIVE a 1 f A m wmw mm m m FRENCH TAKE ElbHl THOUSAND I lAUMKU-tfcKftiAiN PRISONERS IN GREAT DRIVE i i nccrwciur nr ,.1N OCNCRAL STAFF TAKEN UNAWARE VICTORY SAID ITALIAN FRONT rn Bt MOST IMPORTANT SINCE THE MA RNE FRENCH ARTILLERY SMASHED GERMAN FORTRESSES WITH SIXTEEN.INCH SHELLS Large Proportion of Troops Concentrated British Preaa Joyful. on Battlefront Are German Berlin , . .m.er 25. The num. London, October 25. The preM Claims Success. f I,,,....nera laaen vj mo here Unlay i full of praise f.r fUlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr '' TflrBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl r. i, tr- . in ycsieruaj the ureal French drive al Soib-on. FBlSBBHDvaBBBBWBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBw'' m BaBBBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBH (Sprclal to The Dtlly Kewi). i ibeasl of Soissons The victory achieved Is Rome, October 25, The Aus--Irians u t tr nHtl al eight thou- said to be the mo I Important one t-fias .BBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa have concentrated strong, for Franee since the battle of the forces on the Italian front for The flerman i' lory. 'it-tn,j Krf thought to have Marne In 191 4, and l an exposition offensive purposes. A large proportion t .maware. The French of the French and tier man of the troops are German. I r, V i.w overlooking the Iroopi at real grip, Hotb aide Per Berlin Wireless. iln and have censlrier-.-ailM' In the lierlin. Oct 25. An Aiistrrv- .ii had been making preparations for Fight. oed t the patient Major llichard Derby, an Instructor German offensive has been instituted an attack at thia point for month " ..rmans have held for in Medical Officer train on the Italian front. The u. in the French llnea. paat, and the finest of the Herman I w i ayBBBBBBBBBBBaiaw-. .o' 1 y .BaBeaaBaBaaaaBBaau&.i Mr BaBBSMBJBaapBBaBBSpjnN-"KBmaaBBBl BagBaaaasJ ing camps, la the son-in-law of German and Austrian Infantry lirL AMemant, and Irooos were massed there. The Oil. Theodore Roosevelt, which ia this morning have captured the .;. .-r wtneh have been cap-l command of the whole of the valley enough reason for his being in foremost Italian positions near trU built care. of the Atlette haa now patted the light. Flitch and Tolmino, and also the and supposed by the Ger. into Hie nanus or tne r rencn. ine northern portion of the Ualnsizza , -, v losswrnable. All the val fortrettea which the Ger-man MAY PERMIT SALE plateau. had eonttrucled de- Russian Front. rung oiku whieb the Hunt were molitbed the alxteen.lnch On A wide front between Lh -$'! bad nn iul Into the by OF OLEOMARGARINE ti..n uf ttir Metc at ahella of the French big sunt and Gult or Riga, the German troops no. but Irn.oh valor i many cases the whole garrisons. pataarBMaaaSaaaaaaaBal 5MMgff have been withdrawn without in I buried the Ban Upon Its Manufacture May terruption rrom the enemy. Mrre in ruin. them. Be Removed to Meet the Chancellor Resigns. HUN ELABORATE PREPAR rriCMS TO KILL CIVILIANS High Cost of Llwng. London, Oct. 25. According.to KERENSKY AUTOCRAT 'SEARCH PARTIES OUT OnI ar. r at mt two. inarhi :es penetrated the London de-feneo a message from Amsterdam re at the last aer.-i.lam- raid. avs the official reptrt. The Ottawa. Oct. 23. Although the ceived here today. Dr. Michaelis, OF RUSSIAN REPUBLIC FOR MR. WM. ANGLE tlhern were driven off by the Hr:uh anti-aircraft guns. The question has not yet been definitely the German Chancellor, has pholo shows the German machine all drawn up in readme to decided, it is altogether likely placed his resignation in the Tw Pramlee May Appoint a New Well Known Citizen Want Hunting start on 3 raid on London. - thai within a few days an order hands nf the Kaiser. Kaiser Wil- Coflimandtf-ln-Chlaf In Otn. From Shawatlana Monday and in council will be passed lifting helm Is returning toHiTcapIlaf towkhonln by Weekend. Haa Not Returned. BORDEN'S PROGRAMME HON GEORGE GRAHAM the ban off the sale and manufacture to take a hand in the straighten. of oleomargarine. This ing out of matters. !t ui t, tim v.tit Owing t the continued absence WILL TAKE 25 YEARS: DEFINES ATTITUDE will be the first real act of the British Front. i ad irt. 2S. The newa. of Mr. William Angle who went new Government towards meeting London. October 25. Violent hunting on Nonuay irom the high cost of living. The mat German counter attacks against that Kerentky wlU'out....Shawatlana. several of hla friends Bourassa Thinks It Contains Too Says Cabinet Programme Dlaplaya ter was under consideration to the newly won British and French i Ml j oqul.h ii- Pl became anxloua on his account Much State Socialism for Liberal Principles Which day at a confreence between the positions in Flanders around .i-ehief of the Ilus- .nd .iihouah they searched all Mediocre Cabinet. He Advocated. heads of the Agriculture and Food Houtbulst Wood have been fruit iiU t: I. U General Iloukho- j.y yesterday, could And no trace Controller's Departments with less. Montreal. Oct. 21. - Ileum llou- Ottawa. Oct. 23 It was learned their experts. KIM Their Officers. Monday His Intention ' t nd of the week. of him. on the house al iiia aiionausi cn. that Hon. G. 1 Graham made a The present high cost of butler On the redoubts captured by when ho left power Hii Tt? Jl -i. r of the Interior, M. to return. iveeeh in which be staled that bound to be still higher during the Dritish northwest of Ypres. . a Khawatlans Lake was the manifest., isswd w, n- lAAiia.! m iiraaaiaiiim. according.....to wiiat ne cussing nee the beginning of the war he the coming winter, makes it al British troops found a German that night, J mmltsionera through t(d lfae ,utr her1- ne dii not Friday by the Union Government,., ftnd union povernment. most impossible for poor people officer who had been executed by stlas eibortinff all r.inrn n Tiieadav. anl it is fear- said: 1U had favored it when Sir Robert to buy it. The popular demand his own soldiers. have "The first act of the ministry 'iloriien made proposals for union that oleomargarine should be U. S. Ship Sunk. r unite. el that aome acoldeot may "to population .. ....... ! I 1 1 1 1 f !. f ...ia. nml made available substitute for Oct. 25. The Ameri n i.imi.ti nn in niimin a iiru- ih zir 111 uiu LiauiKi, auu as a Ottawa. increasing anarchy'overtaken him. which covers the whole owing to conditions and circum- butter has been brought forcibly can steamer Santa F.Uena, 7,115 Am, gramme .3 a the country to' !?..XT" SOOiai SIIU rVIUWl"lVi v- n.mr. m.v. itons, which was formerly one of t .ubI. the nation la a na n" CTU,,V, : : .political,..I.. i. ni rwtain 'natKA it was too late. Later onmenl i for months Dast. The rood the interned German snips, has. ""niCU Over H lr liiiirx ui mo wu.4.. - - ; i k .n.tv n !.. " . ...... t. ii.- .nii nfiuhun imllviilnal Liberals were'Cnntroller. has been studying the been sunt near Ferrol, a port oiu ,7 .Vr i He has a cabin there. mailers, puwm iv - i -- - -- . . , , yra past. t t rrs a t woman suffrage, comprise a verl-jacked to Join the Government he!problem for some weeks past, and tne wesi coasi OI npain. iweuiji J-sa ' h' knowledge it la considered table ooclal revolution, the conse- had adopted the idea that the ror-quences it is understood has strongly four lives were lost. 1 rnmtnnded that the ban be government on incalculable, inalion or a union hardlv likelr that he got lost in of which ara "A half doien others, al leasLjthe eve or an election was not lifted. HON. MARTIN 8URRELL HT TO DO WITH THE P.Q.E..niie uusn, wnicn roigiu iibiiicii are implred by atate socialism of desirable, but that it would more The question, however, is a DIRECTS CAMPAIGN wUh ,eM experience. , , ...hi ' ..1 .An,. .ft.. 1...1,a rtftmnlA. nmniiiaiil nn. There Is al-l i v I llijk ri riv 1 nr I A 1 mni ativancea naiurr. uuuu iirvpmj unit- - i . . . .. ini.- that the had snoken I ..n- a saroiir nf fata in Canada it. u Tlx l)4lljr . t..v. - in.ii.niinn linwrver. .... Ottawa. Oct. 2l--Hon. Martin . ... . . ... ..ill?nonce...seni a lauucu.. u . .. i. h.v. Trriiirii iuis Mr. Graham deprecated crltl-'and if oleomargarine is manufac- IJurrell, Secretary of State leaves -j iriitorr siti ii is sain was vuav no urcruia r - ' it, where it iuoukui in- fcrv tlm d,n o the motivea nt the Lib lured the result might be to Columbia to comprehend for British the of Jargon - innleht f. .... the matter of the 'iiiiirht have come out through piece v of u V, r. word of the problems which erals who had Joined i the lloruei n crease the already high price for the election campaign u has been tho subject ,ttllev there, but no luck attended first other similar commodi- prepare f irl. they are racing. It win require vuminuiraiio... lard and In the Coast Province. aiions betueen Premier Ul Today, the aatne party , manufactured from the same . tie br a -' but li at least years oi aruuuu. i.ovru.B. .m. Mr. Durrell will consult with and the U. 1'. II. ar- ia searching again up which oleomargarine labor to execute the rev- t.rlo would question the oyally by-products from th Coast Doliticians In regard.to JWc; ..ts for the purchase of word ha. been received, telligcnt it no Moreover, made. . Ro- I be niade i reforms and ot.ange. and sincerity of Hon. N. candidates. An effort will f. oluttonary r J'Uklng by the latter They are Messrs. Thompson, is feared thaL in consequence of to secure only one win-ine-war y have not been success. the scarcity of arm 'aelp, farmers candidate In each riding. ' Tu c. p. a, j, hesitating to will not increase their present puc:r any new obligations at return this evening, they have competenis .u. pvT' - V" latr. rm as announced dairying output, especially oleo- not found any trace of Mr. Angle, turers "T'"T' ltlfuslon of Liberal'margarine come, on the marke larger parly will take up tue oujeci. u v "V'.V. " f ihe nlanks'as a substitute for butter, rooa search tomorrow. ,. ar effort oi uan-a. " - witn!eeommUt and live stock experts WESTHOLME ... which had been made'are not certain as to the economic A PUBLIO RECEPTION "L ILsllf. allowing the ''.J COPPER MINES K He intimated that ifvisdom of TO BISHOP BUNOZ adhered and sale or oleomargarine OrCKA HOUSE ihi, programme were to,ture worka hla help The man who . . ... ... ................ h tvmiiii irive vn under present conditions, TONIGHT ONLY A public reception will be ten. Seattle October 21. nS he would leave'.but the weight or opinion at to-dered all daya a week. to the Right Reverend lllsh-;I)illman. Seattle m n.S Pjf' J1-. Str to the full'day's conference was In favor of Mftro PPOo presents announced hi. Ml. Wanted A flrsUclaaa cook and Ft. Andrew'. Hall oivtoday J'J.1 op liunos in any attfmpt it. . Waltreee. Dorothy Donnelly Uainr.iov i.vn nir. Tim rntmult. i wetiuver uruuu ui i'v.t"-' - ni.ni. i - . . ."" - .. . . tu.ih ia iii,. ,n ihi oari oi ....iiiian r" i i k ...in a & ..mmm i in aiuii nunaiHrii iiiueeiv trnw " - tee in ciiurKo win iimau ni-utw. , in it,., " " -.in slon as Informal a. possible, so Alaska-r.hltlua Kxplor.ltou .. p B il- Art m ler to give Licenceholders that his many friends may have of Healtle for tllS.000 in b 1rrru'' " m ..hU,1.,, Householder, a full chance 'Sealed Valley an opportunity to greet him. No ndcaah. u. . Ir- J ' t-d fn- conscrip-!to record their votes for the Civic Broughten & McNeU special invitations win bo issued. The sale is sum ui oe - .... ,i.a(r Biiclhm. I will attend at tho City TELKWA, B.C. i:ervbody will be welcome at St. largest In years In Alaskan eoppeiMtuw. ami au ,lU unUl Uld 30th Andrew's Hall, October 27 at 8:301 nrnn..rtles and is believed te pre- able., ' - ii.,..i i . .witrsllAm. from en " I ' III0IUI1I, ,VP v - " Offer thle .pedal price . nniivitv. ..... in nnriiiprii cuiipvi .. l7-m to 0:30 Persons p. in. 250. runv ' ' 1 i - n. m." ' o.m. fresh, killed Ilulkley Valley F. A Selberllng. president oi me ... .iiaiiiuA I .a .l,.nlMpall.na Itv K W in. LONDON CAFE a a i cnMININQ ADD VAfimaniiwU now uii-iiih urw v i Heef? UNION MEN Goodyear Rubber Company, of IH lUC 111 aj "m - No. t Steer, .ide 15o AND GRILL The Retail Clerks ask you to Akron. Ohio, is reported interesl- Tenders will be received up to titled to vote. No. t Steer, hind. ..... ISo Third Avenue Initio with stores showing the h) in the purchasing company. 6 in. October 3lt. 1017. for FRF.n PCTKRS, City Clerk, No. 1 Steer, fronL ... 1J Prompt Ssrvlca of tha Beat Union Card. 218.51. A ltl..iiitntr p. M vorniHe. The freight rate to Rupert I-V d Mil.I.F. means fauUlely Tha favorite houaehold Coal I. th" la to cat at all hour. ........I lUil nml nupfnollv nl. ISA I A.' v .... , ini'aiion ni'i'u Phone 15, , , Is 86c per I0O lba For New Wellington Coal and , . , ii iiu-i' Rupert General.Lady.mlth Wellington. BOXES FOR LADIES Ir Lumbar of all dimensions, Have a trial fitting. Mr. leimr,ir-' ' iprinca nuoan uoai wo. . w w hone 118. Btephena lilock, I'hona Red 318. Hospilai I