i ti m . .. TUB DAILY NKWB s "MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News BK1TIS1I COLUMBIA For the East. IN NORTHERN THE LEADING NEWSPAPER Wednesdays and Hat-Hay Published Daily Weekly Monday, Guaranteed Largest Circulation l 30 a'm' the EasL From HEAD OFFICE: Daily Newa Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, D.C. Tel. 08. Sunday, 5t30 p.m.; Tuesday. 5:30 Same women hold to 30 p.m.; Thursday, p.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents ier inch the Idea that bread-male Contract Rates on application. Ing Is a long and difficult For Vancouver. ,n- operation, but this It a Monday DAILY EDITION ;v Thursday, Oct. 25, I PIT. mistake, for with Royal Thursdays Tuesday s 10 P p. m. Yeatt Caket, U!ht, ivreet Katurdava ........... P. m. be made In a THE GOVERNMENTS DUTY much to curb extravagance and bread can A change of Oovernment will stimulate thrift. It can be not few hours with but Mtla Prom-Vancouver. be Justified only by a change only economical Itself, but the trouble. Sunday 10 p. m for the better. Candid friends cause of economy In others. A TtTX i Ow ere RT1 reeel.T..M BkiB I : Mondays .9 a. m le via t .pea of the late Administration will great many people must be Wednesdays 10:30 a. in out of their present Ijid roS.wim K.T'lTe, Ci. Fridays 0 p. m shaken admit that it was not riotously vrtttta Ek Win popular. The highly critical habits of spending. It is diffi snavtly.ETrJSiSrstti. .." Saturdays .. 10:30 a. m slate of the public mind has cult to modify custom in not been charmed away by hurry. liul Canadians must E ,W. C I LLETT CO.LTD. For Anyox. Cabinet' changes. Having lost be made to realize that they VIMNIPCO MOaTBtM. Sundays N 10 p. faith In the old Government, face an industrial emergency. Wednesdays 10 p. people look to the new one with The amounC of money needed Fridays Bp. hone, but not with a boundless to market the crops and es Saturdays 10 p. charity. It has a stock of tablisli British credits so as to were not too much to hope for. good-will which Its predecessor keep factories busy and labor From Anyox. When He Gets This lost, but this will not serve it employed on British war or Tim Montreal newspaper I.e Sundays, a. in., Mondays, a. m.. long unless it is justified by ders will be beyond the re Canada says that "the manifesto fuesdays, p. in., and Thursdays. Whether "Jim" Is on a man-of-war or in a its works. sources of the country unless ..nH nn beha f of the lloroen p. m. trench, he's going to have long-lastlntf en. Many faults were imputed to the people are smitten with a Union Oovernment is the program joymcnt and n lot ot benefit from the Ilorden Government, says xeal for saving. One way in offered by Sir Ilobert Ilorden fn Fort Simpson A Naas Itlvsr Points The Globe, but is was attacked which the Government can aid ion! and not yet accompiunea. For Sundays, 10 p. m. chiefly on the ground that it in this laudable object is to Thirteen vears and nothing ac From Tuesdays, p. in. was too dependent on large change, as far as practicable, complished! Canada need a gov WRIGLEYS financial and industrial Interests, the direction of industry. The ernment who will do something Queen Charlotte Islands. or too fearful of them, to employment of more labor and and quick, too. Mails Close Oct. 10 and 24 The Famous Chewing Gum tompel them to carry their material in the production of ov. 7lh and 21sL, Dec. 5th and proportionate share of the bur- essentials would reduce their Sir Joseph Flavelle is at great 10th 10 p. m. It's one of the out! dens of the war and subordin price. This can be effected nalns to explain that his expres Mails from Oct. ltth and 28. standing features ate their selfish interests to the only by the transfer of labor sion "to hell with profits" had no 0th and of lov. Uth and 25lh, Dec. service of the country. The and material from the produc reference to the William Davles the war with its present Government can better tion of the non-essentials on Co, Ltd. The which company Is 23rd p. m. tonic effect on stomach afford to be courageous: it which loo many Canadians are apparently one of the greatest and nerves lu Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp cannot afford to be anything spending money that should profiteers in Canada. "Consist Point. welcome refreshment else. Its first duty must be to be invested In war bonds so as ency's a Jewel" and Sir Joseph For Thursdays, 10 m. in time of need strike at the cause of popular to keep essential Industries at has been consistent In grabbing p. discontent by demonstrating work. In the realm of food as many profits as possible, like Prom Saturdays, p. m. that it has the intention and control and regulation the Government, most Tories. He has even dis The Alaska and Yukon Territory. the will to lay a firm hand on through the Food ciples In Prince Ilupert, What's the machinery of Big Business, Controller, must go much farther the difference between political For Mondays 9 p. m. Flavour and make it work for the Slate. in plans for conserving graft and profiteering, anyway t From Saturdays, p. m. The war has poured fortunes and distributing supplies, for e into the pockets- of many great stimulating production, and for Prince Ilupert has had six years Salvation Army. Lasts! industrial and distributing enterprises. protecting the public against experience of what to expect'frum Some of these have speculators and profiteers. a Conservative Oovernment at Public meetings, Tuesdays, been lately placed under direct The country looks for a bold Ottawa. That should be enough Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p Government control, but there and progressive program frpm to make every voter desire a n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. is need of widely extending the Union Government as a change. The difference between State regulation in the interest justification for union. a Ilorden Unionist and an old- of the publio exchequer and of time Conservative Is apparently the masses. Fiscal reforms NOTES AND COMMENTS nil. The net result of these six are necessary, especially a years is an idle drydoek and a stiffening of the new income The high' cost of living and the hole In the ground. The gross Keep the tax, and direct imposts on high cost of coal remains much result is too gross to go into de up AM assured that luxuries. It cannot have es-eaped about the same, notwithstanding tail meantime. I the notice of the Minister the efforts of a Food Controller my people will respond of Finance that the amended and a Fuel -Controller. With one smashing blow after Food Supply to every call income tax in the United Stales nothe on the western front. will touch a greater number of "Oh I For a business Govern heavy naval losses in the Halite. necessary to the success people, relatively, than the corresponding ment," was for a long time the defeat staring the Austrians in of our cause with lax in Canada, and heart-broken cry of "John Bull," the face on the Italian front, Hul- and Help the same indomitable that the larger American incomes edited by Horatio Bottomley, the garia demoralized, Turkey making derived from professions Ishtnaelite. His hand was mostly overtures for a separate peace. ardour and devotion and occupations will pay double against everybody in power, and nd all expensive colonies gone. that have filled me with the Canadian rale. often with good reason, too. The Kaisre William must be feeling Make Victory pride and gratitude Above and beyond these same cry might well be adopted d aaainst it. Ills is another lost things' the Govrenment can do by the people of Canada, if it cause, but with no romance at since the war began." tached. No wonder his hair has till M AJtSTT KlMO CSOSOS turned grey. e Sure S. S. PRINCE RUPERT At the coming election the winning of the war, nor the Mili WEDNESDAY mldnlcfal for Anyoi. Service Bill are neither of Tlll'nSDVY Mldnltfit for Swansea Bty, Oeean rtiu. tary Vaoeouvtr. Victoria and Sttule. them issues. Hut what will be soldiers must be fed; the'people at real live issues the high cost OUR are, S3. PRINCE GEORGE of living, the conscription of must be fed. And in spite of ammoav Mldmlittf tor Anyox. MONDAY a a.m. tor By, wealth, which is nut such a vague Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. term as some folk would have us Germany's murderous campaign to 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN believe and Anally the record of cut off the Allies' Food for Qutetr Cbartott. islands (p.m. October 10th and J 4 th. the late Ilorden Oovvrninent. supply, by sinking For Kktablkao, Wraoccll, Juneau and Skarwajr at noon Oct. , 1? and SI. TRAIN SERVICE Three complete strong change arguments of policy. for a every ship on the High Seas an ample and Paiienrer Monday, Weaneeosf and Saturday at 11:10 i.m. for Smtlbers, unfailing flow of food to England and Prince Oeorte, Edmonton and Wlnnlpec matins direct connections for all points east and south. France must be maintained. Agency All Ooean Steamship Lines. For information and reservations apply to This is National City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Service-Not to the Farmer only TIMBER SALE X 1077. But to YOU to everybody Srslrd tenders will fee received by Um Minister of Lands not Istrr than noon on This appeal is directed CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the tetn day of November, It IT, for the purrtiste or Ucence X 177, to cut S0,0 TIES or llrmlock, Jackptne, Spruce and WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE T)LANTa garden small or large. Utillw Lowe&t Rates to all Eastern Points Odar on an area situated on llardscrabble via Steamer to Vancouver and th Creek, Skeena Hirer, lunte I, Coast Dis toSAVEand to PRODUCE. Men, a. your own back yard. Cultivate the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY i trict. women and children; the young, the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food One () yesr will be allowed for re- Meals and1 Berth Included on Steamer moral of limber. aged and the old all can help In the further psrtlculars or tba Chief Forester. Nation's Army of Production. Princess May for Qranby ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday Ictorla, B. C, or District Forester, Prince of towns can find no better Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 8 p.m. Sunday Huiwrt. D. C. t. MS P VERY pound of FOOD raised, helps WOMEN Important outlet for their Prlnoaas Alios fop-th south Saturday, October 27th, -' reduce tha cost of living and adds to energies than In cultivating a vegetable Princess Sophia for the north Monday, October 29th. the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. J, I. PETERS, General Atretic Cat nar Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Hupert. P.C. for information on any$ubjtct relating Be patriotic in act as to tha Farm ai Caidtn, writ: well as in thought. TIMBER SALE X 1084. INFORMATION DURXAU Borf Merely smother your cough Department of Agriculture Sealvd leaders Use available will be received by the OTTAWA every means Minister of Lands not liter than Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil not oatr noon on the fOtn dsr Ct NovunW IS IT r... the Ooexlook nothing. CURE IT promptly arrcsta eoartiiag, bat thanks to Us tonic M purchase of Licence X 1011, to cut 70 000 strtoctnenlns; properties It Help the syaton to in row OSI Sha cold and tans effects a permanent cur. It U In la quality vtuca baa Saf Bprure and Jack fine lies cn an area ad-Jln(n B4BM largest aaia erf say cougfe sad cold remedy la Canada. Lot 4 on Esdsko hirer (war Dominion of Burnes Lake, Rants I, Coaii DUtrlcL Department Agriculture JJ4. Imgv toUUt, mrywktrt. Ona year win be allowed for removal A I MATMBR1 CO, rreev. of Umber. OTTAWA, CANADA. rurtner particulars of the Chief foresur Victor!, B.O, or District forester. Prince HON. MARTIN BURRHLl, Mlalater. nuperi, u. C ntt si