nit DAILY NKW ....... MODERN CINDERELLA" , THE " JAP STEAMER WATCHES It)i,liii DESTROYER SINK U-BOAT Local News Notes Jmir i:apnce It the star aclress Seroice Must Precede FOR SALE lit the play lo ie - , Prqj( A Par ilk Iort.Ocl. 21. Onieers Westboltw Theatret onlght. She .. . ... .... I 1 1 I.. tllntl of a Japanese steamer thai arrived vf,- u Parrw. of Tort llsslng needs no iiunwun"." " W'x tli unril ERVIrr" ... here today from a European inn .. naving a visit to Prince Itupert audlenret. The play Is a nan a Bros,i ., On Seal Cove Circle port said they saw a Ilritish destroyer Iii per I. line one, - meaning Cotytesy. I'roiiipllliide, Htiperior ok... "Ink a German submarine derella. June Caprice will be hard eelved, Lot Block 7, 30, in the Atlantic August 10th. Tlie Mr. II. French, of llaiellon, to beat. There will also be a Section 7, submarine had Just made an at n i i itj 1..1 m Prlnre HuDnrt last Pathe Oatette and a most laughable That Is tack on another Japapese freighter, evening. comedy. With Two-Roomed Houm which arrived here last week . DOMESTIC BREAD store mean in Card a with the story of its escape. Union hours l'alronlie stores displaying the Vary Cheap at The male of the vessel arriving belter wages and shorter 28-50-5J. Union Card, . 2i8.50.5fr "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" today said the two vessels were r,,r emnloTees. when the U-boat ftAVmBLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. together near W. M. Law Mr. II. Wulf and Mr. $650 opened fire. His ship put 6n full R. S. C Chapter 111. f Alice Arm. have arnveu in La Casse speed and got out of the way, Bakery vlsiL a while the other stood the brunt Princo Itupert on THE ORAIIAM ISLA3D SPRUCE AND H. O. HELQERSON, LTD of the attack. When the other Mr. and Mrs. Tt. It Jones, of CEDAR aeuee that COMPANY II has tinder LIMITED secuon herewltk 7 af Hs tbe ... vessel escaped the submarine Stautfut Urnssins!. arrived in the Mtd Act Jrpoal 1U) U Minister of turned to attack the remaining city from the east last evening. Puhtte Works tt Ottaa aad la the one Japanese, which made ready to af tbe Dlitrkt Reaittrar of the Land net use it stern gun. Just then, sc. Mrs. MeKlnnon. and Mrs. McDonald utry omre. Diitrtct of Prtwe Rupert, st of the site and Ropert, descnpUoa cording to the mate's story, the and family, late of the plaa prtnce af sawmin stmctara and other works "The Daily News" was a sheet of water thrown up Bayview Hotel, left last evening proposed to be built m oneenstown nsr Should from the Ilritish destroyer as a for Vancouver. bor st Port Clementa. B. C ta front of Your Range Have lots me to rifteen taclutive. sccordinr lo shell struck the submarine. A CLASSIFIED ADS. reentered plaa of the Townaita af the cloud of smoke followed. The Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Purdom, of la tha Ormeats retistered city af Port a dependable oven, n good warming submarine, the mate said, ap London. Ont- were among the ar aforeMld Land R fit try offlra as Plea its. parently had failed to observe the rivals in town by last night's train Il7t and take neUre that after the et closet, a durable and ample-sized WILL THE PARTT WHO TOOK THE PAIR approach of the destroyer and fnmt the eatl. plrtUon of one monui from tbe data of firebox, easy-working grates, staple tbe Brat publication of this noUce tbe r reatlemaa's rlovea from Um cloak unable to submerge in time to rwxa or tbe SL Andre We sodetr IUU at was The SL Andrew's Society will be Graham laland S pro re and Cedar Company, draft control and a finish that requires escape its .shells. Loaned win under Section T of the said u Hum Hoapiui oo rrtdav ait-at. ... . VI i if ri kindly return tame to Dallr Miwi Offlc. auuresseo: louipna-i.Li uj Att apply ta tbe Miaittee of Public Works but little attention to keep clean. AH LAND ACT Hanson, whose subject will bt at hi ornce ta the city of Ottawa for ap these and many other desirable features WANTED. "Kipling, the Poet." proval of the said Site sad Plaa and for leave -to eeeutruet the aald works. will be found in SEEE.1A LA5D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Dated at mac Rupert B. C this tlth WA.1TED Waitress at Royal Cafe. til CASSIAS. We want a good, smart hustling day of October. A. D. 1117. Jill. WANTED Lady elerk. Arpiy u Caase boy to learn the stationery busl THE. GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND Bekerx. if. Take notice that Granny Consolidated ness and at the same time earn CEDAR CO.. LTD. MTCIaiyS Oeo. Nlckeraoo, AreaL SmelUnr 4 Power Company, Ltd, MtnlDr, good Mcltae Hros. 25 waited Jeaeral St mill, good wares. money. f Vancouver, occupation mininf aad smelt Apply Mrs. tf. P. MeCafferr. H FUU tar. intend! to apply for permlialoo to IN THE COUNTT COURT OP ATLIN KOOTENAY RANGE Avenue. st 4. leae the folio wl or described lands: Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod came HOLD EN AT PRINCE RUPERT. WA.1TED Youot womaa as kltcseamaia, Commendnr t a post planted at tbe into town last night from Haiel-ton. IN THE MATTER OP LOUIS BANV1LLE LOB DOS TCPONTO IfP.TntAt WiaF"Ttf TaJlf Tl appl ta Matron, Prise nupert General oatnweat comer of Lot IStf. Caaalar Dts Mr. McLeod is of the Arm DECEASED T Jomw.saIxaXOCU a iL,vi-:Eth Ti.: ; Uict. tbence nortk tt ctulni. foUowtat AND Hospital tf. mark N.W. of Lot of Foley, Welch and Stewart and IN THE MATTER OP THE ADMINISTRATION aira-waier to tae corner WASTED OercpaUoa Ij retired medical lllf. thence weal tare chains to fc has many friends In Prince Hu ACT. For Sale by L A. Calland and Howe & McNnlty bub. clerical or cotunerctaL QsaOfled water mark; thence soatk aad west tt pert since the early construction Dated tbe elrnia day of Septembr. A. D. j tipcrt la BorUeulture aaI poultry nua-tuadrj. chains fonowiar" low-water mark: thence It IT. Upon readiac tb affldavtu of loan Uiaiieil refereacea. Martin rait three chains, to the place of beftn days. Herb McMarttn aad Chat. A. Etrert It Is Kroerer. Print Rupert. B. C, 170 ftln aiut MAtAlnlne a a im ordered that John Hath McMaMia, Official CRABBY O. ..SOUDATED MLtlNO, SMELT The G. T. P. despatched a spec Admtniatrator for tbe County of AUla, 1 LITELUOLtT PERSON MAT EAR 1.10 POWER COMPANT, LTD. ial train to the east today con i kail be be Admlniatrator of an and siara 111 axiiiUUy correaprnvlini for mm- . . Fred Ritchie. A rent. lar the estate of Louis BaavUI deceaaed Bapers; 4i lit moauuy la apart Date. kaput ttn, II7. Oelll tlsting of fifteen cars loaded with InletUU. and that novice of this Order be A HOT BATH THE am; etperteac aaoeceaaarj no blister copper from Anyox. This pubtuhed la th Dally Tfewspaper for two vaaaiar: subjects surrenled. Seed for was brought into Prince Itupert laaoea. MINERAL ACT particulars. National Press Barren by the Steamer Amur. The train Tola Grant la mad npon tha condition MINUTE YOU WANT IT room J 174, Biffaio. It. T. that no porUea of th atecu shall be die NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER load consisted of about 530 tons trtbuted or p dartnr the War lo aay lou are :- j FOH SALE. of copper valued at about 1300,. braeartary or creditor who Is s Oemaaa. gelling aold a t& To C W. Calhoun: 000. Balrarlaa, Aaatra-Haafartaa. or Turklib FDR BALE Siitj-nre yard Cork lino. Take notice, whereas I hare done i subject wherever resident, or lo aay on stanlly. Tbl k " ant leom. At dreaeera, Ota waab-staaaa. eaased to he done aaaeaament work on the on ail behalf, or to or on behalf of say isfaetren af g'" t t arraln ptleee. Apply Empreei rooms. Mldnlrtt Friction mineral claim, situated THE PROFITEER person reaident la Oermaay. Aattro-llaa Water in III. 7 I on the IlUanca liter, aboat fourteen miles AQAINST PEOPLE rary. Turkey, or Balrsrta, of whatever abundance, ' TOR SALE New Modem roar-roomed from the head of Alice Arm, In the Skeena aauonahty. without the eipreaa aaacUeai regi 51 ceitee. Ready early October. Apply mlaiar dlrtalon of Skeena dlatiict. aiaeas of the Crowcx artlar Utrourh lb MlaUter Ihw much has t V,Sfl r. W. Hart. tf. meat work for Ittl, till, and ISIS, aad Toronto. Oct. 25 Mr. Hartley of rtaaaee; aad If aay dlvtrtbuMoa or Irofute. bare paid for said work and recordlnr Dewart. K. C member of the parwtent Is mad contrary to thts conditio the of th era! of probate or letters of admiais HOT WATER LIKE MAGIC MISCELLANEOUS same asm Unlets you pay Legislature for Southwest To- me the sum or, for your share ration will b forthwith revoked. OLD FALSE TEETH B0U0HT On rtfeaa. or the aald aaaeaament work, locether with ronlo, addressed a meeting rJf P. McB. TOUNQ, CO. I. Harry Hanson lie or metal plates, also crown aad toe coat of this adrertlaemeat, I saalL at Ward One Liberals in Armstrong's trtdrework faiarbest prices paid, post tbe eiplrsroa of ninety (tt) days from Hall. Pape avenue, last evening. ata M Maasoa. S.a. WBf Hil Water Servi V z$ wttboal delay, cat a cy return matt. I. tbe da te nereor apply to the mlniny re He explained the new franchise W B. Winueai. B IIS you this cnv-t ? corder at Prince Rupert, B. C, to hare Duaetone. I4il Geortia SL. Vancouver. act, and pointed out its inequalities. WILLIAMS A It ANsoN EiUMlinrd sr years. Oil. your intereets ia tbe Mldnirnt Practloa PHONE 4S9 P. O, BOX Ml mineral claim vested la me, la panjanc He said the Liberal party Barrister, Solicitors. Etc. LOST tbe pronalons of tbe mineral act. was a party that trusted all the Dated at Prtnce Rupert, B.C. this SOU) people, and the Liberal party was tJOMET TO LOA ay or September, 1117. Dtl. aa ittt LOST Small dot. Ion yellow hair, pan H. C PHILLIPS. responsible for the enfranchise. et BWx prtaea Resert, S. C rrracb Poodle; tulr rol abart on fret. ment of women in Ontario. Aatwer to name of Dttli, Reward ttl.te. Pbooe lit. u. The issue in the forthcoming Advertise In The Daily News Dominion election, he said, was PACIRC CARTAGE, LTD. 1 the profiteer against the people. The Liberals did not propose to Stuart J. Martin Harry Atkins have their fighting-ground chosen GcMrai by any Union Oovernment. Conscription Teanng r1 rnwutur. w aHaoa Weaert. ASSAYEH was tiow the law of Hit DOBHCSTIO NOTED FOR land, and must be and would be MAZELTON B. C. BLACKSMITH COAL accepted by everybody. PmNIE SAUSAGE The su oreme question today was wheth Careful Attention Lo Piano Tomato Sausage a Specialty. Tha oldaat astabliahod Assay er they were going to stand for and furniture Removals. a Government which allowed th Offlco In tha North. Phono B7 P. O. Box profiteer. PHONE 93. ORDER FOR TORPEDO BOATS RECEIVED BY BETH. STEEL Th vVeeklaf BUa'a Hw. THE HUB Prince Rupert Feed Co. New York. Oct, 2. Hethlehem J0L.HICKEY Steel Corporation has received orders from the Government for L 5c I Av. CONTRACTOR eea Slita 41 Savant PHONE SS A BUILDER over 150 torpedo boats, to P. O. BOX 22S paiMcc ttupcsrr cost 11.500.000 each. This would make Store and Office Fixtures BOWLINQ ALLEYS the total value of the order ajv. FOOL and BILLIARDS HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS proximately 1225,000.000, and'no 8an, Door and Moldings 1 1 LUNCH COUNTER and FERTILIZER uoubl is the largest contract, from Oak and Hard Woods of all JIa.VW-A tbe amount of money involved, kinds. Give each of Your Representlao awarded by the Government since We Specialize In Hard, Taylor Enriaeertnr Company, Alice war was declared. A croflt of to Children War Chicken Feed a Specialty wood Boat Rlbe, Sash a Arm. B. C 7. A. Eelley Lorrtor per cent, would mean 1122.500.000 Lamter Co, Lad, Oiteea Cbarlotta I. Doors, etc Tor Ilelhlehem Hteel. but t is be. vm CAM! par Certificate. chcom lieved the Plate and Sheet Savings Make TIM HLB your aeadouarters. SUll orfere PrempUr Attested ta. contract will net the Glass and corporation a profit closer to T5 lI lave your mail addreesed la our care. Qlailna. per cent, Hethlehem Steel has on Corner Fraser and 6th SU. " T ET them feel that they are Canada's Pkoae Btaak 110. H. K. its books orders amounting to Rom, Praa. P. a Bea aSS. SO Thlr Ave. JLf partners tliat they have cadi 1500.000,000, This total Is from PHONE QHEEN 269 ii definite share in the stem ttruacle- 8150,000,000 lo 1200.000.000 in P. O. BOX 449. tlie certain vidoryand the free and glorious future. excess of the high record reached lefre the United States entered Encourage them to aave and buy Certificates the war. themselves I You'll be developing their patriotism, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE their thrift and their business sense for Canadian Wo ' Savings Certificates offer absolute security and excell -it SJOTICf TO AOMklMtNT HOLD CBS STEEN & L0NGW1LL 1 interest return. More important still, you will be FOR CANNERYMEN In order lo avoid guaranteeing Iheir future, for every dollar We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete CM point OUt that atTeemnt tw.1.4...' ... lent to Canada helps win the war. line of Ilulber Belting at right prices. ww reamer on lit Munlrlpel Voters' SANITARY AND HEATING FOR FISHERMEN Ual whether their t. w..w k... ar .i, ...ymm vr ENGINEERS For each $21.50, $13 or SSG lent complete stock not. This la quite different from former the Government issues a Certificate, of the Lest now, goods that money can buy for years and meaee It much easier to rerttier. or In three for $25, $50 trolling Spring I)rass, payable years, Silver and Ilronze. n.u, aty curk. Agente for is added FOR THE $100. This means that inlciett The celebrated WATERFRONT McCLARY FURNACES at over B oer annum. Ceitificates may Maple Leaf Palnls and Varnishes Special boat Money flBT be purchased at Dank or any paint "FLOOLAZK" A I complete line of Ship Chandlery. DENTISTRY PLUMBING FOR EVERYONE A fine slock of Hardware, Ourney's Oxford Stoves. and For the sake of Canada and your We Sell cnovvM and anioaa wosta SHEET METAL WORKS children, save and invert In War Savmg Nothing But The Boat. A SPBOIALTV Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue, Certificates. 1 1 DR. J. 8. BROWN Night phones FRED STORK'S HARDWARE OXKTIIT 07fl nd Illua 270 The National Service Hoard of Canada, Osteal SaalU Bloaa, Thlr I.m,. he rloht taiAL . . . ... ..... 4U Pheaa S4 tim. . 7 ne rigni UIIAYA. I ie,