THE DAILY fBVV8 V ... . 'mail schedule The Daily News THE LEADING NEWSPAPERWWORTMJtNCRrr.-.11 COUUNBI.V For the East. PubtUksd Dairy nt Waaty i iaj. Wednesdays and Sat. Cuarantee4La est Circulat on . may l O;30 HEAD OFFICE. " From the East. DaiJr News Baildinff. Third Arenuc. IVmce llopcrtC To '.A, Sunday. &:30 p.iu; Tuesday, jo p.m., Tburiday, 5t30 p.m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO cent i-er inch, i fCon tract Rates en application. For Vanbousr. Monday 1 . . DAILY SDIXIOI v Saturday,. Oct. 27. 1917. Tuesdays 5 p. to. MMrJTTMMMaaMMMMBJ Thursdays 10 p. m. Saturdays 4 p. m. otviu.saivfcc:mromi simple reaion that this can e In Ue platform of the Union the only compromise beteJ From Vancouver. Ooveratnent Is a plank which the two wings of the minify Sunday 10 p. m. mutt strike machine politician in the matter of further ap J Mondays 9 a. in. of all stripes with dismay and pointments. Thus Canada ncx Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. wrath. The Times affirms. Thi had a better opportunity 'J Fridays 5 p. m. is the provision for complete placing ber public service Saturdays 10:30 a. m. Civil Service, reform. In tor a basis of merit and eflleunry face of that fearful menace we than she has now. Certau For Anyoi. max exnect to see a union of such a policy would be bejonil Suudaya 10 p. tn. the political machine-- sort the power of a purely party LVECaUXIT COWAM UMfTB) Wednesdays 10 p. m. of double-sextuple contrivance. Government for the simple Frulars 8 p. in. In press phraseology to wage reason that the political pressure Saturdays 10 p. m. an-ajgresiivo fight to bring to in the party ranks again the fact that what a man sows, to M its knees the ministry which it would be too strong. It was shall he also reap. From .Anjox. When He Gels Tftls .threatens to close the gates of this pressure which limited the Sundays, a. m Mondays, a. m, this paradise of the "practical" reform of 1908 to the inside Presiding at a win the war Tuesdays, p. tn.. and Thursdays, Whether "Jim" la on a man-ofNwar Of what would service. week or In politician. use meeting in Victoria this p, m. political life be to men like which was addresied by Dr. O. B. uracil, hc b going 10 save long.iasun Mr. Rogers and Mr, Bowser, on NOTES AND COMMENTS Gordon. F. R. 0. 8 of Pennsyl Fort Simpson A Naaa Rlvar Points joyment axui a lot of benefit from one side, or that so-called Liberal who vania University recently For Sundays, 10 p. m. Association in Vancouver The- very same hall in which lectured here, the very Reverend From Tuesdays, p. m. which would not include Mr. Hon Col. W. K. McN'aught made Dean Quainton bad some pungent WRIGLEYS Brewster among its officers because his arrogant statement that "the remarks to make regarding food Quean ChartaUa Islaoda. he declined to be domi Conservatives are doing most of control in Canada. The ery Rev. Mails Close Oct. 10 and 21. nated by their machine, on the tee ngnting in in is war was Dean was displeased with Mr. 7th and SlsL, Dec 5th and other. If merit were the onlytbe scene of a free-for-all.flgfat Ilanna, whom he said "would have ov. the Toronto Conservatives 9 lh- 10 p. au It's one of the key to position in the public among to get a move on or move ouL" Mails from Oct. 14th and 28. service? What last week. The wrangling standing are we coming com Notwithstanding the eollojuiatUro featureiof to when a Federal'Government menced right at the beginning of so say all of ust ov. 1 lib and 25tb, Dee. Olh and the war with it, actually talks about making the meeting, in the description of 23 rd p, m. teak efiect on stoa. candidates for employment in which the Toronto Globe beads. Ir Joseph Flavelle is alleged ach and the country's service prove i"Fists Fly and Blood Flows at to be a prominent Methodiit. Now Stewart Ha la Nay and Swamp welcome nerves ita their eligibility before a board Ward Four 'Donnybrook.' Con one of the injunctions laid upon PelaL refrei f examiners? What new calamity servative meeting endsTn battle the people called Methodists by For Thursdays, 10 p.m. mest In tlaae of assf will the Kaiser's war in-j royal. Four free fights. Pres John Wesley was against "the use FromSaturdays, p. m. niet upon the-coantry? ident shoved half-way downstairs. of many words in buying and The In 1908 the inside, administrative, 1 J a aif A Iom Mlnmia ask4 Alaska aAe Yukoa Territory. or v. em a"vvviuui ta rvi selling." The loquacity of the service of the says: "The rival factions' then William Daviee Company's cables For Mondays 9 p. m. Flavour country placed on the seemed as if they would reach an to their British company shows From Saturdays, merit system by the Laurier agreement but a light started in that Sir Joseph was not even a Government. It would have the middle of the hall, and the good MethoditL Wonder is Sir Salvation Army. Lasts! been better if the legislation meeting broke up in a free-for-all.' Joeepb ever gave bis 'experiences' bad been- extended to the outside Politics in Toronto must in profiteering at a love feactl Publlo meetings, Tussdaya service, but the obstacles surely be interesting. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 r in the way of this were too n. Sundays at 7t30 p. m. formidable at the time. As it Agricultural prejudices die ARE BATHS was, the change was a long hard I It has been generally believed step towards Civil Service reform. impossible to grow No. 1 NECESSARY ? When the late Government bard wheat in British Columbia. assumed office it played In fact British Columbia mills havoc with the outside, service,I have been in the habit of paying Tbii locks tut a faotua eoeUoa Is UUt the raiirHUwO ir. but tkrr ara warty Keep It made. 24,000 appointments a lower price for the soft wheat mtm Xavficaoi aba Xaem naUMac of up to 10,600 jobs and in some de of this province on the ground bittrul uuac a ttm star ro aa4 ar I AM assured that partments the cost of adminis-'that it was necessary to import oow aatrr la tattiry Uwt Uter ara rally at people ir& respond raarallal to btalta at Cttemal Batba. my tratioo -was- doubled. That Is No. I Hard from the eastern prov-on Food italaral oT Br a perclr soraaa profrtj Supply to re3 reason why Canada todayjinees to mix with the local pro-baa alar warn aatr, U "I. B. L. Caarada every no reserve for financing duet for successful milling. That msoMf au IM rottaaoui (UU ircea necessary to the xuc British., .orders. 'The mil. this is the shown ttw tarr lauauae. Meaa pkyvlftaej war not case is by cess of our cause iciih Mm, la V eaaaa U t frt mt. af at ' lions were, -thrown into the the fact of a ear load of No. 1 komaa allaweu. and Help the seme indomitable patronage pot. Mr. Rogers and j Marquis wheat being shipped to It loataatir rUvra c ttieauoay prop MrvPeeUtier were in their ele- the BK. mills at Nelson from erty rtruiilc Uw Urtl, aa4 prwrau ardour and devotion drarrtsr-eova wrh SiUooaarai an Uw ment. -Enderby, samples of which the that have Med me vntk 4 Ltrtr Troaaara atwar mat. TW new Government could Dominion Government graders at C. W. SaatbaU. M.Dw of Orm, X. Y Make Victory pride and gratitude not avoid adopting that plank Calgary unhesitatingly graded as vrltai even If it wanted to, for the No. 1 Hard. Further proof of -t ttatmttd. Um doctors ta Uu town since the war began." tatt k la rrrare ta a bit I rta do jamr Caaradn.' I earn aar for a tram His Majssrr Kua Gsosas Out I know Um raatoa for sty aaetaaa Sure arUA, auax acrtoal Utacsara was doe to baVJar tae twwrla aad oat Mttt im S. S. PRINCE RUPERT aoouat tvtea a dir. I oorj ub 1 ltd taaka ta pooU ta avaaral klir WEBRtSOAT awrtrttfcl for iAno. In Uw ameraf f a rood bovtl mubtar. THUKSDVT Vaatnoiar.MttBlfU Vtttorta for HWO um Seattle.Bjr, Oou toeeret Crrtl H.roHra."Orme't Drr Store, car. Srd kUR soldiers must be fed; the people at S.S. PRINCE GEORGE BUHt Itnm a aad imMinVMi Stb St..dvasand frta-for aaawrt,I. ".mr L 0 home must be fed. And in spite of Mvtaitfci for Aayo&j etoajoAY a.m. tor Swuuoa ar. CaMadea" ta Uw (4 it fe year. aAd. wUI Ttnevavtr, Victoria tad SaatOa. (bow aad atpUla It la roe to martt. Germany's murderous camoaiiln to A frra and tatrrvtnar bookWt oa latrrsal 8.8.FMNOE.JOHN Batbur. "Wbr Mao tt Todir i ooij ts cut off the Allies' Food for 0aCtertou UUa&t I p.m. Octctar lit tad jtta. r CaL UiqraV' can alao tm obtataad supply, by sinking rr Eatcaaksav WtupD, Joataar lad Skasver t Boa Ocu 1, t7 aa4 II. for tba aiklor. If yo prefer, tiU to TRAIN SERVICE. Dr. Cbai. A, TrmtL Itl Cotlrta itrL every ship on the High Seas an ample and rtwtit amir, WUiwin aaa Sataraay i II:1( a.m. for Stoiuwrt, Taraeto, for unfailing flow of food to England and rrtafa, ttcorca. LAmomkjQ aaa Wtourr, mtXint dtrtct ccaaectiooj for all potati east tad aoatb. France must be maintained. AflaflyAUoaan Staamahlp Una. For Information and reservation apply to This is Service-Not City Ticket.Gunca, SM Third Avenua. NONC Itt. National to the Farmer only TIMNER SALE X 1077. But to YOU to everybody s Itd traders will ta malved br Um This appeal is directed xiaiitr of Land aot latar taaa oooa vd CANADIAN PACinC RAILWAY tba Itl day of Koaasitttr.. 117. for Um porefcaaa af LUtaca X 1J7, to rul M.ltl TIES of llrmiock, JackpiiM, Sprtiea tod WE must unite aa ft Nation to SERVE TO LAST a garden small or large. Lovrat Rata to ail Eastern PoinU Odar on aa arra tltutiad on Ktrdatrabbla toSAVEand Crvak, Skraaa FUnt , to PRODUCE. Men, your own imck yard, v,uitrvaie w is Steamer to Vancouver and the BUrr, CaaM DU CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY . I trl tl. women and children; the young,the middle vacant lota. Make than all yield food MaaJ-avi Bestfe Includad.wia Staamar men!Oaa of(I)timber.yaar mm ta aUoaad for ra- ffd and the old all can help in the rartbtr particuUr of taa Cntaf PorMUr, Nation's Army of Production. 'Moy foefiranby ay and Allc Ina 11 pjn. Friday Icuta. B.C, or D U trie t romiar. Prlnea WOMEN of towns can find no better Wtmf aovthbound vlavOeaan Falls Koscrt, B. C. t. Ntt EVERY pound of FOOD raised, helps important outlet for theif Prinoeee Alio fo tha south.Saturday, October 27th. tha cost at IWnf and adds to energies than in cultivating a vegetabk Prlnana Sophia for the north. Monday,, October 2vtb. thti Fend Supply for Overseas. garden. J. I. PETERS, General Ajzant Ca iter Feurth Straat and TtdtaV-Atmim. Prinoa Ruoart. D.C Hi j r aVomarirw m aVf fonVy Be patriotic in act as j HtW aWM mi Canan. mUt: well as in thought. 11 wSavaawahaS.kaa aaw)amwf am a vam as a a TIMBER SALE X 1054. telLsMrdy mrtbtrywxr t el Araeultwre cough Use available-Overlook weans Saalad tender will ta ratal t1 tj ua OTTAWA every Vf rnfi Ml UatWaVt arras ai Tar a4 Co. Ura OO mafemr MiAiitr of Uoa sot bur lUa twa oo nothing I .1 IK I. II protajlr arraava nm&iag, bet thaaka U tatoak mi Um to Ik dtrf nafamtMr, HIT for Uw WamJ.AaV rctMa4ag ipirika hbripath7Uaa totfcaawatl Durtbata of Ueuu, Itli, to tit T.4 flat aaiaad! atTacta a pcraaaaaal cm. U i utk qaaltty waicfc has waavsar Sprar and Jark Tum tlei oa aa area ad ioiBios Ut 4i oa tndtko kirtr sear Dostiinion Department of Agriculture Burn Uka. Hurt I, Cosit Dliirlct rKr.ll .n. jrM baa tar wui u aUawed for re-noU of umtar. OTTAWA, CANADA. ruriber trueuirt ef tba Cblaf roreiur Vktorta. B.C, or Dtiirtci forettar. rnu. RON. MAMSjf BimnMf , Miokter. Rupert. B.C. Nil