. rWlnhP 27a 1917. Tlitf t)AfLT Nl.WB gaiur""' i THE CHIEF GHARH In time o f need of mmm Every woman should know the comfort, and experience the reiki of a reliable remedy that can be depended SUn Cn Wllh upon to right conditions which cause headache, . a-oih dlzzlnctt, languor, nausea and conitipation. At such times, nothing Is so &ie, so sure and speedy as HUMAN TANKS TO FACE WACHJNF. GUNS Though modern science has invented terrible weapon, Durlnf the past sixty yean, minion! of women have found them there tin heeii a tendency to uae the ancient moat helpful In toning and strengthening the lytUin, and (or rego appliances in a new form. For instance, var-lou tatlng the stomach, liver and bowels. Theta famous ptlls are entirely eiperlmenls have been tried vulU, different kiruU of body ortnour. and thin photo shows how vegetable and contain no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Uta them the Italian soldier go. forward to attack against the Auatrian a machine guwt. with tours confidence for they came no unpleasant aitcr-cHecU, and PLANS FOR AERIAL WATER. NOTICE I i notice lo ttm local Miipiwr wit the will not fail you lrd day of October, it 17, and objection TRANSIT AFTER WAR -... .. . .. imay t filed with the comptroller or WorUa at GaJnca at Box '.'1' -V """ ,"wn ".Witrr Recorder wltbin thirty dayt after lwJ oalf br T IwU,Si.HeUe.LxMilr.TutUui vui,'aii ngmi it Alice Ann, B. aii laid data. aMfTifhnta m4 U.S.A mrln, lakMM,2lMM. C wUl apply for a llecoa la uk uH HORAM WATBON British Government Maklna Ari tea. eubic tnl ot water pr tecorai DOLLY VARDEJI MINES COMPANY, Toronto. lout or Truol R. B. McOlnnli, A ten I, per E. A. Cleveland. 86 Drayton Are., rangementa for InUr-EmpIre Creek. tributary of ali-J Jfor. 10th, WIS. ! Air Travailing. on niTr no win r into aiic Arm, Cat-tar plex loo Is a handsome Dlitriet. The wtter will be diterled MINERAL ACT beautiful com A tt tb head of th rant on Mm silver vomia'i chief f lory &theenry of her London, Oct. 2t The Daily Horde Mineral claim. Lot 1101, tad win ritiU. Yet a soft, dear b od tor NOTICE TO DELLNQVCfT PARTNER tower Letterheads unfortunate Express aaya thai as soon as the purpotei on tlx Woir braluV-ia only Mr na Doily Vardeo Oroopt or Mineral .tllBlU Enr elopes A jwar ia ended aerial navigation a Stood. claim belnr LOU Tt4 to 1717 IndniM. To C. W. Caibouns u'hrtt rtutfftnrt StaUmenU for considerable 'plana which are being drawn up 104 Lett list to- IT Incloalve and Lot Take notice, whereas I bar don and I iu troubled a by Lord NorthcIifJe'a committee, I lit Catalar DUtrtcL ranted to b done aiaeaimenl work on toe Cards,'Etc Pione 9S tiBi i:h a rcry tirutt,diluting appointed by the Government, will Application will b mad alto for the Mldnltbi rracUon mineral claim, tltnated Utik, v eorerrd- my feces and for be ntht 14 ator 110 acre feet In Pint Tiwrt on tb mianca rtrer, aboot fooneen mile put In operation step by atep, bit JtppllralioniandrYoedie Lake aad f.tOS acr feel In Second. Tnlrf from lb bead of Allc Arm, In tb Bkeen relief. After iialnr "traits-U and the ends of the world will be and rourtb Troal Ukea. Tb wiUr win mininr dlruion ot Skeena dittrlet. titeii-ment r ;at for ob week, the mh is com. brought together by long-distance a tiored la rmi Trout Lake by the con-itruetian work for 1114, till, and HIS, and The News Job Press a airplane service. ot a dam at lit outlet and In bar paid for aald work and recordlny thankful for fsoe I am deeply Second, Third and Fourth Trout Lake by tarn tb aum ot 1107.10. L'nleaa you pay ranJ in tbe future, not b' The Express says it has information in onnairuetioa of a dam at tb outlet bm the aum of llOt.10, tor your lhare Prist iar of All Deta'rptiots Dose rrult-s Urn". that if favorable weather of Second Trotit Lake. The etiimaied r th laid aiieiiment work, toretber wltb NORA II WATSOIf. conditions prevail it is likely that trea of land lo be flooded at rim Trout cott tblt adTertltement, ,1 abalt, at the Atlanlio will be crossed by an Lake It 17 acre aad al Second, Third and "M eiplmlott of ninety (10) dayt from P.O. Bsz 9 i toi 6 for trial site, Ke. Fourth Trout Litre la twenty acret. Um atK bertof apply to tbe mlnlnr ra- Programs aimlanM iiafnr Hi ond nf Ihla A dtaMKOimiwavninTiiiiDi i - - Tbta nolle ti potied on tbe around corder at rrtnc Rupert, b. to nae Catalogs rniiL.utea Limit!, utuwa. uuuiwuu wu on the lltb day of October. ISI7. roar tnurett In tb MldnlrM FracUoa Dodgers )flight will be made by way of the A copy of ibtt notlc and an tMllcOoa' """' 'lm vetted In me, tn purtdtnc Potters, poruant thereto and to tb Watr Act, pt tbe proeUloot of tb mineral act ete.f lAiores, so that the journey may I lilt, win be Sled In tbe ooic of tb' Dated at Prtac Rupert. B.C. tblt totb LEASE NOTICES LAND be broken. Weier Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. :' ay ot September. 1017. Dtl. London to Cape Town, Tbe data ef tb first appearance of tola H. C PHILLIPS. liim LA50 OUST.DISTRICT fU-IGK nva.DISTRICT or The bridging of the Atlantic by alrjtlane, it says, will be only the the aoore tbat Walur Walker, of beginning of things. Plans are I'mcaner , c. occupsuno Manartr, being laid for regular air service, aiMtOt c apply re rmiaai o WM but not only to America, to India, ItM loRovUf otra4 Ian4i: Cumaennar tt a pt ptaated at tawr Houth,Africa, and Australia. If arcuua of Hit Water Mark Tesat rat-Mt thy are iirought within eight and aod aa tut aa4 Weal Uo pattlac jne-half days of London: India 7i ttzrzLrrz zjrz nm d,.. mi caPe twB, f0ur C roawf; taroce aoaia if ruiDt, nora or nve. Tlio be line ui uape tt kaa, la Mlffe Water Mark TataM rat-mm Town would, of course, cross the ttteara anriberty aa4 eaterly fot-u'J Sahara, . but the winds of the uw Lit r Said una water Mark desert raise obstacle to this t tfe pnlal of (naMwaeeBeat( aad cua-itaMaf IIS aerea. Bur ar lea. route, and the rout chosen is by WALTMI C WAUCIL way of Malta. Cairo, Khartoum Mte ttta day oT October. HIT. and Victoria I'sll. The Kxpress sajs that the ma. IUVU LAXD D1ITWCT OHTWCT Or coast. m.hok nvt chine which will be used for these world-Journeys will be of the type TttK aotira thai Walter C W'atr, of developed by llandley Page, will i'kl -jcr S i . orcupaUaai Maaarer. travel 200 miles an hour, will ada M apply for penalaataa to lea to avoid have multiple engines, - rbmlac decrUed laadn "aaiairattas at a poet plaaled St tlw the necessity of descending If one htnwcuua u a Catl aad Weil Uo engine gives out, will carry four Brtatk ;aaicret Maaeet at karUell or fHe passengers, and will be raal, Wtlet Ittaad. S. C wltk Him Water miles in Uit Teaatu raMare: tbearw aovltwriy able to cover about 3,000 M eatterty fallowtaf aald lllrk Water fifteen hours. Two pilots will ft t a petal ber s .lorta and Souta lake turns at the wheel. There XV, uat Ciiaa taroerk a pulat t chalna Due will be comfortable encloied U4 if iw potai of eonuneaKeiaetit later-woa J and the Journey will not quarters, u4 Mif Water Mark of Toorata rMN Uvara mmM IS ctalati Uwttca be more exhausting than a railway MVrrly la a MralfM Una lo a wtal trip of similar duration. &oe Weal of taa poiat of ron- ihenra as taaiaa bua Eatt ot ef cotnnif neemeoi aad coataiaias Tfco Daily News delivered by ara. aaora or ktt. arrier, 60 centa per month. WALTER E. WALLER. ssta day of octaur. uit. SklENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or CASSIAR. DISTRICT DISTRICT or CASSIAR. TAaC noUc tbat Walter C Walker, of Vancouver. B. C occupation aaairr, H aotict that Tm Aotlo-BrlUia Co-"t to le intenda to apply for pcrtuualoa rai Compaay Umlied, of Van-a. IB described landtt Um follow f i . Salmon orrupaUua Canaera, at ta Commeoclnr tt a pott punted U apply for pcrmittUm to leaaa 1 NorU Weal Comer of Lol lis. frfbtf deacrOed laodt. and weaterly Dltlrtcti tbenc oortbcrly CoBAentiof tl , po,! runted at Hi in Water Mark foliowior tb Una of HHk CANADA tier Mark, rotUaad Canal. IS cbaiaa Do wber tn Eaal Portland Canal to a point an tod is chalna or more Due Writ of and Weil Una drama tbroutb a point SO Weal Corner of Lol Stt, Catalar Provide The One Duinf' chalna Du arU) of lb Palsl of coat-mencement Will Class Uieoc Rortb S cbamti tbeoca Inleraecu wltR aald Una of IS caaina, mora or leat, to Hick "Kr Mark fortiand Canal i tbeoc souUt-ad llltb tbenca Water toulberlr Mark aad tbeac cajlarir.wett partUel JS ebalnai to Hundred Thousand Men ? eatterty followint th Iim of One 'ta Wtter Mark Portland Canal to in lb aald Una of llitn Water Mark rorutno rMa Canal to a point IS cbaint Du writ w ar (oaunencenienl and SS eonlalnlnf "aor or leaa. lb Point of Commtacrtaenlt tbenc eaii It will be greatly to the advantage of Canada H the entire quota of 100,000 men to be raised under 'JalAMr AS0U1 BRITISH COLUMBIA rACaXtO and 10 cbalna containint to aald Its point arrva ot uor commencement.or leat. the Military Service Act can be secured from the first class ; that is, from the men between the ae of ZO LIMITED, Walur t Walker, Ait. Ml tub WALTER K, WALkER. and 34 who were unmamea or wiaowcrs wtuioui uuuuai uu wu vh of oelUr. HIT. Date I lib day of October, I9IT. n.!. ; 1 ...If ..J.a f il fnltnwini rjiann . a lus ia auiiiw iciixtiuuii " , - . lax it Dl STRICT-CASSIAR, -DISTRICT Or DISTRICT DISTRICT or it is admitted that, between the ages of 20 and 34, the average man is at the height ot ius Ik UN A LAND CASSIAR. physical Arength and is most adaptable to the change of conditions from civilian Ule ; TU the military Service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less 'arxitff,nour b, that C Walter occuiatkm K. Watter,Mauarer,of TAkE notlc thai Tn Antlo-BrlUab Co distress than that of most others, since they are largely without depenc.nU. Also, it would J'Ml lo tpply for permltiloo to leat lunula Parkior CuiiuitBJr LlrJted. of Van entail less financial burden for Canada, through separation allowances, etc. B. C, occupation Salmon Cannert, eouter, 'UnsfiaIns fuUaatnt dacril)d Mi rwa S lands;ttf ait lha Intenda to apply for pertnltttoo to leat Authorities estimate that, after all proper examinations have been allowed, "K - a aa yum ayaM) a a tb folktwinr OeicrUxd landt: fit for the drain the roan power ol the so upon W,M Corner of Lol tl, CMtltr to produce from the first class 100,000 men service, CouiineBcinr plaowd at mm at a poat uute; ibeora north SO Chain) tbenc will not be severe. I Water Mark Portland Canal, 10 cbaint Du country "r IS Mark chalna,rortland mora Canal or i Utt,tbenc to tomb.llitb North and 40 cbalna, or mar. Dua Wetl Members of Class One will be well advised to present themselves for examination ?m'"cdJaj "j tod rttierly followinr llltb Water of tb North Wetl Corner of Lol lf.aod the Medical Board in their diftricL Upon examinaUon as to their physical fitness, they in Cattlar Dietrtct) tbenc northerly "r roriland Canal to point of cowracne' " of the following categories : wetltrlr followinr tn Lin of HUM Water one "a,"' ao rontainiDi ISO arret inor or Mark, Portland Canal, lo.s polol wber tu Category A if fit for service in overseas fighting units. ... WALTER E. WALKER. Ea and Wetl Lin drawa tbroutb s point Category B if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalion, etc, Itlk day of Otiutxr, ISIT. SO cualna Du orlh of In point of com Category C if fit for service in Canada only. nicncrineni Interaecla a lib aald Lin of llltb Water Mtrki tbenc Watt SO cbaintt Category E if unfit for military service of any nature. tbrnc aoutberly aod aaterlj partlled wltb II In applicant will know that he la not KabU for ramdit irvlc,but wffl go to Ike Pt Harry A, Harvey in aaut Lin ot llltb wtur Nark, port OfEo. and ZaJta I data lot 7ptk hi. Medical C.rtinc.t. at.acned. wh.n he will . io du. cauta a c.rufic.l. al land Canal,, o a polt.1 0 cbaint Du Wetl lempllon until Ihoa la hit medical category are aummoned lor aemc. Mat Loadaa, las-, 0aaratlr of lb point of runucnrcinenti tbrsr who la plCJ In A.Iel thai amption Wd b allowed,an application tons caa be "d r Muelt) eatt SO chataa to aald polot ot commrnr . .kTm.man. TM, loi.wben ElUd InTwiU b lotward.d.by tb poatmaat.r to th. rtfUUar ol the di.tmt. aad the UTIL OT LANSOOMrNK OOTTtXI. lucnt 'and containing HO tcret more or Xt 7 m M t. th. time and place lo. tha ni,lValio ol hit application b, the Ea.mptieet Board. rapiit Ttteu for lett of b Bed and t'orrtbor of PorUand VlOLM, PIANO, VI0UMCELLO Sad CanaL Ittmtd By HARMONY, THk AN a LO-BRITISH COLUMBIA PACI1N0 Th Military Strvh CoumcdL y EXAMINATIONS COMPANY LIMITED, Waller K, Walker, Alt 3"evoek. l frtaarad far Baamlaatloas Dtl Itu rtay st, potutxr, HIT. Vtlttad Boars, Vaaawr, 0ta cook and yitl Oaliata f Hwala. LowSta. tS- ADVERTISE IN f CRMS PHONE BLUE 87S The Daily News