The Daily News PMNCK MJPKllT, II. C., FfUlKiY, NOVKMBKlt 2, 1017. piuck fivk cioti. lis 1 FORCES PROGR N A Mi TALIANS HOLD BACK AUSTRO-GERMAN ADVANCE-ANOTHER LONDON AIR RAID BRITISH TAKE STFAMFR AITAf RCCM !PORT EDWARD SHINGLE SLIDES AND WASHOUTS GERMANS MAKE WRECKED IN ALASKA MILL IS BLOWN DOWN DELAY G.T.P. TRAINS BEERSHEBA IN ANOTHER AIR Ssatlls Steamer Wtnt Ashore in a One or the results of the gale Train Due Last Night not Yet In Blinding Snowstorm YssUr-day which has been sweepfmr over the Anothsr Washout Near PALESTINE Afternoon All Pss-ssngsra Skeena district for the last few j Sockeys at Mile 15. RAID ON LONDON are Safe. days Is the desteJKUon of the shingle mill at Port Edward.' j While little information of a Lnctntratlon of Osrman Troopa Yesterday afternoon about 1:20 What was left of the machinery 'definite' nature can be got regard. Eight Persons Killed and Twenty-One i ... P.schendasle BIlQ Dis the steamer Altai went ashore one Is now at the bottom of the bay ing the state of affairs up the line, Injured Attack Mads by Protests -...I Ik. ...Ill I'llVlA t ' it that the slide at Kwln. persed Norway mile west of Point Augusta, a 1 1'j mr iiiiii iuiiuiiiR nan ierti appears FWo Groups of Enemy to Germany. floating to and fro in the barbae1 itsa has been a more serious one Aeroplane. which lies between Sitka and of Port Edward. Constructed than was at first appareaL Yesterday N 2. The city of Juneau in Alaska. The steamer about four years ago. chiefly upon afternoon it was hoped London, Nov. 2. Another air as been taken by Ue took the ground In a blinding hopes of the future, this mill has that the line would be cleared in raid was made by the Germans r- operating in Pales-Ufty snowstorm, when it wan impossible seen different changes in management, time to let the trains from the upon the city of London last miles southeast and for the pail two yearf. east get in and to permit of tbe night. In this latest raid eight I; the llivrr Gaia and to see two yards ahead. has stood idle. The teredoes have train which left here yestreday persons were killed by lae railing f the bill country, There was a strong northwest been busy on the piling during gel past for the east. However, bombs, and twenty-one were iu- wind blowing, and against this point a fairly heavy this time, and with no one In V? up till 1 p. m. today, the train bad Mured. The German aeroplanes f a protracted nature, sea running. The back of the tendance to repair the ravages of, not pulled into Prince Ilupert. tried to set over London in five vessel was broken In, the fire-room I thai valuable assist-go the weather, etc., the weakened Arrangements were then being groups, bul luelr purpose was and her hull was badly made to boats sent out to the en to the British piling gave way before the gale a get frustrated by the anti-aircraft i but tbe dispatch holed just abaft of the main rigging. few days ago. scene of the block to convey the gunfire, and the efforts of the i ai.y information re-igtii The battering of tbe heavy The strong tides running in passengers to the city. It is said British aviators. On the alarm of tbe enemy. seas have wrecked all her upper Porpoise harbor, together with that there are about forty passen. being given, the streets were French FronL works to pieces, and htr foremast the high winds, have broken up gers on the train for the steamer cleared, and the people, as many. itaidlng parties is standing fifteen feel out all that remained of the mill1 Prince Ilupert. The vessel ought as possible, took shelter in their nave . a of line. The vessel will probably premises and the different part to have sailed last night at mid cellars and basements. ft - peneiraieu become a total loss, unlets sal. night, but she is still here await. Bomb were dropped in the outskirts t ,,at. lines at several of the building are scattered all vage operations are taken in hand ing the arrival of the passengers ot London, and also tn the .::.f,i l ii igi' back many over the harbor at turn watee t . i immediately. -v ' from the east. She will leave Im southeastern district over which r : :crs An aiiac -s oiaur Luckily, there have been no accident mediately the launches arrive some of the raiders succeeded in k rbf Ot rmm-4 northwest of among the passengers or with them. 'ilying fur a few minutes. lli wlin Ii repulsed. THE SCHOOL CONCERT mi crew. The vessel has been left In addition to the slides atf The raiding squadrons were British FronL without any watchman in the Kwinitsa, there Is also another jmade up of about thirty machines :, Nuv 2. -Tl- Germans meantime, but the crew will endeavor In addition to being an artistic washout about fifteen miles from'and this raid is one of the most great roAeentratioU of to return later to salvage success, the concert put on uy Prof. Alex. Graham Bell here. The heavy rains of the past determined that has yet been siy to Pasrbetdarle(pre. the baggage and other freight that the pupils on Wednesday evening The Inventor of tbe telephone,Vwk bve converted the rivulets made. f j aa allaek, British they ean handle. If it Is found at Hie Ilorden Street School has wli.. says some day people may be ,n the mounUjn9 ,nto wouen A few bombs alighted over i'" ted this immediate, passible they will stand by in the also been successful financially. able to see as well as bear over jlorrenl,t nich have done quite a Central London, where Ibey did ur artillery got tbe he total receipts ironfall "ouiretlifoiep.hone w Ire of .naiiiM 4 lUl, lh full exleut sU4ili jdaniageJThree o fJbe u iiiretjr. The euecl ut Uit aama?er,can be ascertained.; vie -lO?.,- expenses io.ih.i umumu ar geared over fi'. a sprrsed tbe enemy in The Altai belongs to the Border leaving 1 1 00.85 net balance, which WORDS HEARD BY MAN viirC rtllUDrDI J.IU that part of tbe city tor an in-slant, indicting severe Line Transport Co- of Seattle. will be expended on the prisoners 8,000 MILES AWAY lUllU J tnrtMDLniUII before they were driven oT. of war and In sending Christmas r;.L.,.,,J TRAMS IN CONTRABAND , ,, Norway Protests. the boys In the MAKE SHORTAGE OF SUGAR cheer to Ilupert GERMANS STILL tias sent a note to I delinking IS REAL Trenches. In a speech last night to the Can SLAVES OF BELGIANS II of Norwegian IN CANADA In the raffling, a sack of pota adian Club here. Dr. Alexander Conjugal Troubles Disclose Secret ,o convoy attacked in Toronto. Nov. 1. Food Con- toes presented by Mrs. H. L. Mcintosh Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, of Storehouse Germany.for Supplying London Heuter's Agency has ' Alex nix; a said: from Belgian official Hea. Hanna declared here today was won by learned a troller Italian FronL silver candlestick from Mr. Bul "If the telephone nas reacneu source that it is now confirmed the shortage In Canada London Fro m Sw itierland that sugar itii extreme limits, whal next! I all the of Bruges De- Nov. 2 The latest ger won by Leonard Sherman; a that men is real and soon will result In I comes hi range new s roncrninm .veiled from Italy are situation doll from Miss Lorna Tile won oy cannol say what nexL but can Chamberlain ween 14 and 61 years of age are the if Wrede, t that the Italian drastic restrictions Myra Harvey; canoe cushion from tell you of something that hap Prince Adolf von compelled to work for the German One evi the King of Bavaria. docs not Improve. to Ilarrie by Leonard pened in Washington about three rich and poor, workmen successfully checked Mr. W. G. won army is the fact it he dence of this shortage fcas Since last winter, appears, of the Auttro.Oer. Sherman; tea from Lynch & Mc-Mkin weeks ago. The telephone and professional men are taken of sugar con- been living in a well-condi- that eleven cars has tMn snnlied to wireless. A man Only seven miles west of I won br George Shaw; without any discrimination. lor Igned to an eastern port Arlington, just across me river oneu iri' - V and are 1 candy from Miss Llta Carroll won in 7, teachers, doctors, priests .hiiimni In :rw rounuianu were talked with his wife, a wealthy Argentine lady boudoir from Washington, .. . cap by Hatlie Adams; T J yesterday and held in ... m n..:. &a h. poanlt nl rnniUEl Ul. 'se Wsllinglon Coal and stopped from Mrs. Nickerson won by Miss man on ine uuei mw m r.n ----- utia organize regular rams vo this country. telephone without wires. Uutiputes she recently d closed ""l their object.The Co mite ir lumber of all dimensions. Tallander; books and picture from by carry out Hons by Mr. Smart: iol all. A man in Honolulu lain ibcis m , d'Alimentation for the 111. of the Mcllae Bros, won There will be a meeting conversation. From.inav ir imuiu i which candy from Miss Lando won by heard the province of West Flanders, from Eastern Fash. Hoard of Trade this evening fruit bowl from Ilnnnlnln In 111 Eiffel Tower 1 TWIlel noiiceo. insv rrw ,ua.i- works in connection wiln the, itiir rooms. Second .wenue. .in Mr. Smart; glass .i,i-.i f 1 1. eir.itities of all kinds of food were ot Helief tor the re- collars, Commission - in blouses, V Allen. by Mary p. II. Baiaar won resl. Wallace? members are specially requeiieu candy from Munro Bros, won uy cumference of the globe. Does it constanl y delivered at the victualling of the population, ha to be present. Tins is import Therber. mean that we can talk from any dence oi me rnnce. The con betMi ordered to reduce Its sUS suits at sale prices at ant. Bishop ThanVl UFA lllll due to MrS. n.,i frtaa v nf ih world----- to another and tlnual going and coming of his by 75 per cent. In order to release laden with paCKing Mr 58, Harv for supplying.w ithout w ires? automobile more men for German require. . -ii- hniiuhald Coal Is I Bay and Mr. ey eases had also been remarked . seUed are ins meuU. The people- anair.V f. i.H..mlih Wslllnoton. Phone io, music Dyer Iloyal Cafe open day and night. Subsequent to the quarrel with sent Immediately to German works WESTHQLME Prince Rupert Coal co. ;f. Glaaw. I Ills wife the Prince left Territet. or to works under German con his aoartmenls were nn.i ttr "3- trol, where they take the place or raided ty the police. It has uow OriRA HOUSE ,,! German laborers, w ho'have been HHWII"Ww"M"lini"inl -" " - that he rented also a I removed elsewhere. TONIGHT ONLY chalet near St. Croix, where an enormous quantity of provisions Look best and be com your FOX Presents Suit Sale has been discovered. It Is stated fortable In a La Camllle corsei. VIRGINIA PEARSON carried on a Li SpeciaiOverstocked it..i ih contraband Prince trade. Besides Prices very moderate. Phone Red regular bik. "A TORTURED HEART" Mrs. Demers, Stephens i.vimr pood from Territet to Ger- ' PATHE GAZETTE many by automobile he had also his vast storehouse In the mountains COMEDY November to draw upon. Br oughton & McNeil muiiiMf'"f f r During the entire month of every An important Item Wrede In the is story be-lieved TELKWA, B. C. is that Prince von in Mens and Boys at our Store will to be the chief In Switzerland.of the German Offer this special price on AVIATION CORPS suit espionage fresh killed Bulkley Valley Becoming alarmed he returned to The Commission np. be on Sale Territet seeking to cross the Beef:No. 1 Steer, aide 15c his motor car. frontier In i iited t o recommend German No. t Steer, hind 1o andidates for the Avla-ti' He failed n- this, and has been No. I Steer, front. ... 1To ii (Utrps will meet al Prices marked down to clear out half of our Suit Stock arrested.other Germans It is Implicated said there In are the The freight rale to Ilupert b p in. Tuesdays and Fridays Is 8Co per 100 lbs. In tho Mayor's Office. affair. lly lull, until further We can Save ou from llubbersl Rubbers!! nubbersUI .' ".lire. .This Commission 1 ..Wallace's. 258. hus jurisdiction over those "I'I'lying for flying only. $5.00 to $15.00 on any Suit you pick Appllcauls who apply a CAFE LONDON iiH-ehaiilcs can do so by Inter to the Iloyal Flying : AND GRILL ' "rps of Canada, Vniicpu-r, Ave. Third Avenue II. t:, in making application Acme Importers, Ltd., 3rd Prompt Service of the. Beat The man who work hit help pleas stale your la days a week. technical knowledge. thsre la to eat at all hour. M. P. McOAFFHHY. : Wanted A firsUclass cook ana LADIES EOXES FOR Chairman, Waitress.