"I I Watch Your Sneeze 1 MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News It may be the forerunner ox THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA hronchitis or n bad cold. It For the East. Published Dsllf and VSkf is nature's warning that your Monda)s. Wednesdays and BaL Guarantee! Largest Circulation e body is in n receptive con rtlays t 9:30 a. m. dition for germs. The way HEAD OFFICE: to fortify yourself against From the East. Daily News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 93. cold is to increase warmth Sunday. 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CO cents per inch. and vitality by eating :30 p.m.; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. tract Rates application. Shredded Wheat, a food .JHfCon on For Vancouver. that builds healthy muscle Monday ? n. DAILY EDITION Friday, N6v. S. 1917. and red blood. For breakfast Tuesdays , 5 p. m. with milk or cream, or Thursdays 10 p. m, any meal with fresh fruits. Saturdays p. m. DO NT GET DOWNHEARTED months in attaining, and even The reverie which the Italian more, that Italy is down and From Vancouver. arms have suffered at the hands ..ut. Neither on the other hand Sunday 10 p. m. wIlGLEY'S of Mackemen, while serious is there much use in overestimating Mondays 9 a. m. enough to Italy, is hardly likely the resources of the Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. In any way to make any great Central Empires, The German Fridays 6 p. ni. difference in the ultimate end-. High Command only lal week Saturdays 10:30 a. m, Ing of the war. The Italian saw fit to make a large withdrawal Titf Gum of Gumption armies have been occupying on the Htga front. The For Any ok. what may be termed and rightly German lines were shortened. Sundays 10 p. m so, the right wing of the west This released a large number Made in Canada. Wednesdays 10 p. m. Clcnnses the teeth sweetens the ern front. They have been of troops. In any case, the Fridays ............. 8 p. m. mouth allays thirst and fatigue. compelled t o give ground, Russian line apparently re Saturdays to p. m. through their line being broken quires to be held but lightly Canadians have been given the at the weakest point, thus giv Hy stripping her eastern front, job of clearing out the Paschen-daele From Anyoi. The Forces in Europe are finding it a ing the uermans an oppor and by Austria withdrawing ridge, which is the last Sundays, a. m.. Mondays, a. m comiorc. tunity for their favorite tae her trtrops from ftoumania, predominating position left In fuesdays, p. m, and Thursdays, great tics in outflanking. This has ilackenten was enabled to the Ypres region in the hands compelled the Italians to retire make this great concentration of the Germans. Lens is ap. p. m. eF It gives them vim matin from all the to attack th wail little longer. to dearly.won Italy. Pursuing parently a Port Simpson A Naas River Points and staying C A404 territory they have taken from same tactics, which were sue There seems to be no cause power. the Auslrians since the beginning cessful up to a point in Augus for apprehension. For Sundays, 10 p. m. of the war. Out notwithstanding 1914, in France, by striking an 'From Tuesdays, p. m. It is refreshing ML their losses, the overwhelming blow and a series NOTES AND COMMENTS workers Charlotte Islands. to Italians are still fighting the of them, and following up each Queen Germans. victory swiftly before the bro Mails Close Oct. 10 and 21. everywhere. The president of the Winnipeg With their backs to the ken elements of the retiring .ov. 7lh and 21st, Dec. Slh and Conservative Association declared swollen rivers, unable to cross, army had time to reform. Mae 9th 10 p. in. 2f? Ihe other day that the "Con sen a thousands of the Italian troops kenzen has been able to over Mails from Oct. 1 4th and 28. re t PFHFFCT r.LM FiUH live longer exists. We had no other alternative than run the northern portion of party no 'or. tlth and 25lh. Dee. Otb and Smokers will are all Unionists." The old same surrender. This Is a loss which venetia. That the German 23rd p. m. find It moaHilnj party with another name. Canada is not irreparable. The loss of. forces will be able to invade anil cootftty wants to gel rid of that same old the guns is a more serious mat. Italy proportionately as they Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp parly whicn has been sucn an ter. Italy has reserve forces did France is unlikely. This Point. expensive luxury to the Dominion of man power of great strength time the allies are ready and For Thursdays, 10 p.m. for the past six If the still, but she has to rely upon are belter supplied than even Conservative party years.machine is to From Saturdays, p. m. Chew M her allies for her further supplies the Germans at the present dominate the affairs of the Union of artillery and munitions. with munitions, men and guns Alaska and Yukon Territory. sites- ists. what belter off will Canada" British batteries of guns But on the other hand, the bet For Mondays 9 p. m. have been operating with the morale of the German troops From Saturdays, p. m. .wrm rr lit i a- t -a Italian forces for months past, and of the people at home, will How much better off would and in the retreat from the be strengthened by this further Salvation Army. Prince It u pert be with four alder. CHEWING GL H Isonzo, it is specifically mentioned proof of the invincibility of the men instead of eight? meal r in dispatches that these German arms, although at the Public meetings. Tuesdays, British gun crews have been same time, every time Haig or How much better off will Prince Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. rwr riMvvuu iamib- a able to save their guns from Petain Ihe word in Flanders rmmw9miMrttv -w- " say Rupert be with four hundred and n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. rTI capture. The British guns do and France, the Germans have sixty feet of waterfront instead not number among the hun to let go their hold of Just so of about a thousand feel of mud dreds which the German War much more territory. flat at low tide in Cow Bay? Office stale were captured. On the western front, the po Communication between Italy sition is reassuring. The Allies How much better off would and France Is quick and convenient there have got the Huns on the Prince ftupert have been with and it may be taken go. They know that they are Liberal Government at Ottawa Keep up the for granted that the tremendous outmatched, outnumbered and during the lail six years? Th AM assured that reserves which the Allies out-gunned. Man to man, the I do dock might hate been working have at Ihelr disposal In France Hermans could have no hope my people teUl it' all Ihe time since its completion. at the present moment will be even for a drawn bitlle. They Food Supply spond to every call utilized for the assistance of i snow they are beaten. Now the These are three questions to the uc-cess Italy. United Slates troops are in the which the electors will have to necessary .VotwJths landing this reverse. front line trenches, the first of answer in the near future. They of our cause tcith Italy is still an active fighting ten million. As the Americans are matters worthy of considera and Help the same indomitable factor. There is no use In take over more and more of the tion. rushing to the conclusion that line as their present numbers ardour and devotion because General Cadorna has! increase, this will release more Due thinir always to he kept in that have filled me tcith lost In a few days that which, of the French and British mind is that Prince Ituprrt dry. Make Victory pride and gratitude he has spent no many weary troops for other service. The rck and the National Transcon. since the ur began" tincntal Hallway were projects of the last Laurier Ooverntnrnt; Sure Him VUjtrrr Kto Cs not Prince Huprt owes Ha existence to the far slghtedness of Sir Wil S. S. PRINCE RUPERT frid Laurier. What did the Hor. WEDSESDIY mttnlrM for ABjttt. den Oovernment ever do for THURSDAY NMM tor SwtnXMI Bar. Otaa riu. YtaeoaTtr, Yictora 4 SniUe. Prince Itupert anyway? True, they nupht a posl office site. What soldiers must be fed; the people at S.S. OUR PRINCE GEORGE else MTUaOAV Mt4atft tor AnrOI. SSOND4V m tar R. must be fed. And in spite of VwMMvcr. Victoria aa4 sIUe. The idea that by voting for any 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN one particular candidal at in Germany's murderous campaign to ror Qoera Cfaartota ItUad s .m. Ottobar Jiu next election, the wlnninK of the cut off the Allies' for K.tctu Wrtarti. J.aeu aod tUnir it aooTo . ,7 o4 II. war was voing to be assisted, hav. Food supply, by sinking TRAIN SERVICE ing been exploded, together with every ship on the High Seas and Ihe an ample l . fact that the .y a.., st II 11 a. for Sautter. new name for 0rtc EUno.ioa polau and WlaJjr.cut and mtklnr sonta. direct eooaeuoo for U trie kti. .old i Conservative. . party Is now unfailing flow of food to England and noraen unionist" will help to I Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. clarify the situation for the ordi- France must be jnaintained. For information wary oiCr. tvonaer now many and reservations apply to City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenuo. PHONE 260 more camouflages will be put up This is National weiore me election? Service-Not The nrinclnle of Unlnn nm.,n to the Farmer only menl in a time of national stress But to YOU Is riKht and ttroner Tin, ffm nt to everybody . . I a: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY nuiionai aires started Ihree years This appeal is directed ag-o, dui it took a long time for the Ilorden Oovernment to talk Lovrost Rates to all Eastern Points ""Jul ii. a distressingly long I WE must unite as a Nation to SERVE a garden small or large. Utflire via Steamer PLANT to Vancouver and the linini toSAVEandtoPROniirr.' M. CANADIAN . back yard. Cultivate the PACIFIC RAILWAY m women and Maala and B.rth Includtd on Staamar The Hon. Ilobert Itnra i. ..i.i children; the young,the middle vacant lots. Make them all yield food to aged and the oW all have refused the - - -e ijfc nomination Prlncsss May for Oranby ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday unionist candidal in U"innin.as Nation's Army of Production. Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday Hie idea of nt beiiijr able to do WOMEN of towns can find no better Princess Sophls for the south Saturday, November 3rd. miiKs as lie would like apparently P VERY pound of FOOD raised, helps important outlet for their Princess Sophia for Alaska Friday, November 9th. does not commend Itself to the - reduce the CDSt of- ww Ifvfntr w anI WAtMSJ nllaa Wf energies than in cultivating a vegetable . lion. the Food Supply for Overseas. garden. J I. PETERS, General Asenc C ner Fourth Str.at and Third Annua, Prlnc. Kup.rt. B.C. For injotmation on tny subject relating Be patriotic in act as PACIFIC to th Fatm and Qatdtn, writ: CARTAGE, LTD. well as in thought. Ito&'t Merely smother your cough General Department INFORMATION of Agriculture BURXAU Teaming Use means available" every Pf TBI? fT MalhUys Syrsp of Tu a4 Cod lirtt Ofl sot Oay OTTAWA luptlr srrcsui eoarhiav. bat thank. i i.., i DOMESTIC Overlook nothing. BLACKSMITH COAL th Utft SsJs ot as coug-to and cold remedy la Cauda. Careful Attention to Piano Dominion and furniture Hsmovals. Department of Agriculture XL MATSBWI OTTAWA, CANADA. tt PHONE 83. "ON. MARTIN BURR ELL, Minister.