The daily News vol. VIII NO 26(' I'lllNCK ItUI'l'HT. II. C, MO NDAY. NOVKMHKIl 5, 1017 f HICK FIVE CENT EE1TISS I THE CA TAGLIAMENTO RIVER STOPS HUNS IN ITALY - GERMANS RETIRING IN FRANCE BRITISH NAVAL FORCES GET TO DIVIDE THE BLAME WKMANS JUBILANT BUT KEEP THE JOBS AT ITALIAN RET1RAL GERMAN RAIDER IN CAHEG AT if the Borden Government Were Shout of Triumph from German Sincere It Would Not Dispense Press School Holiday vrMEL OF THOUSAND TONS AHMED WITH 8IX-INCH GUNS 18 Tory Patronage. Proclaimed. IUNK IN ENTRANCE TO BALTIC TEN GERMAN PATROL ALSO SUNK ON WEST FRONT HUNS VESSELS Ottawa, Oct. 30, Cynics who Amsterdam, Nov. 2, The battle CLAIM AMERICAN PRISONERS regard politics as a game pure on the Isonzo evoked shouts of S, v. 5.-Brlllih naval and simple are agreed that it is triumph in the German and Austrian P' a!uig in the Cattfgal MORALE OF GERMANS i V 8WWW a game which the Dorden Govern. Dress, narticularlv the lat rri an armed German REMAINS UNBROKEN ment plays anything but purely ter. According to a dispatch from i they unk. Ten arm. and sirnoly. So far from beinsr Vienna the rremdenblatt goes so -OA atrxi craft were alio Han Francisco. Nov. 3. The ; contented with fair play the Dorden far as to declare that Italy will j B.i l unk. Sixty-four or Herman people are not Marvin Government goes into the go the same way as Roumania, were rescued. Tlie and have everything they need.1 general election with the cards Serbia and Russia, paying "a ter itiC- . us-: armeu a ill.hh 1!-. except butter fata, Edward F. 1 stacked. They have rung in a rible oriee fo lhe mill of- her jT s IJntish loe are re- Tref, personal representative off cold deck In the shape of a pro unscrupulous treachery and rapacious Food A(imlnlstralor Hoover. said j statesmen." vision by which they can apply Eltlnorc. here last night tn reference to an nflA0n lrtrt vnf a. ft The Seuts Wrener Tazehlatt landed at Investigation made by him re. AUSTRALIA'S TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAY talks of the "Sudden destruction . N . 5. The wounded tfie weak spots all over Canada j, eenlly In Europe. The completion of the new line mark an Important event in f the Entente last hope h iunken German which is bad enough. But what s on t the history of the Commonwealth The eectmn" just completed is landed here. The "There la not going to be any is worse they hold certain cards uropean battlefields." J: rc f i.h-b raider n waa "Croco- revolution In Oertnany. he con. 1.060 miles long and the rail distance t across the island continent out in the shape of a disfran Karl and Willie MeeL tlnued. "The German morale I is 3.107 miles. chisement clause which deprives Lnndftn. Nov. 3A aehrwil linll- f tiily a thousand lorn. I dalrewofnehundrednbIrok'n- fifty thousand law-abiding citizens day has been proclaimed through. Sir 3! out that Germany DIDN'T KNOW THE GERMANS ANGRY AT of their votes. out Germany in celebration of the ccn waa the Aral country to put it U. 8. WAS AT WAR LOSS OF ZEPPELINS That their friends do not think Austro-German victories against Sunk off Belgium. opu n a war food basis ana I Hp ran win even with the stack Italy, and the display of flags has British :. , . . , ..T I. n.!,,n me question oi suppiym me llaker. Ore- Nov. 3. Fate Wil Toronto. Nov. 3. A Mail and ed cards is amply provided by the been ordered, the Amsterdam cor r.l p...i "periling off fftM wai of vlu, ,m. '.wild for safe Government respondent of the Exchange Tele. a . Ik..!...... kkha alaa-ltHaValB-ii son, aged 25. a sheepberder, ar F.niplre cable from London dated scurry Sl v' the which cabinet ministers gropli Company cables. Emperor In determining jobs in '"7r porlanee .,or. ..any , h war retted at Fossil, Ore., as n draft lTueday. says: 'The Daily News and Conservative M. P'a who con William and Emperor Charles arN I bcal. vibich marked theni, evader yesterday, did not know teorre'pondenl at Rotterdam says sifter their seals as good as lost, expected lo meet on the Isonzo r'L I r"'8M ARRIVALS the United States was at war, or that with a view to counteracting are takinsr Dart. That the Borden front in a few days. Otrmana Rttlra on AUna. I anything about the registration the depression caused in Germany Government does not believe -that How Germany Deludes Austria. far i N v 5. The eemy are f Paturday ,he A,0,tro,, had law. according to his story by the destruction of the Zeppelin union government will save them Zurich, Nov. 3 Austrian hopes arrived with 18.000 lb, halibut; Deputy United Statea Marshal fleet, the German Government has is proved by the pains they take of a "speedy and honorable peace." 1 3rtb .....of the Alane. .They i mia. v.iu. i nnn IK. Kitchener, who made the arres in nrnvide certain of their faith have been raised by the Austro-German IBIIVIIia. .'Cliir, ,'iv to in the Lokal An- "d re i 1 1 . r t,. 1.-,1 l...t. -( paused appear ful but timid supporter with Jife successes on. the Italian Vm,w, AUmfdt brojhtj, II MIU ug II avj irrsu nv. - "' I tin. whole eountry aide 0M b . g-turn s.oo fh sheep In the hills twenty months. J eitraordinary outnursl jobs before union government oe- front, the president of the Iteicbs- ,re front. Jflnee the rat said in an address to the mmJ lhe KH nng lo gins to get its work in. If the i i tber. we have taken the .. ld Porare Company had saved 11200. which he desires to fwl. by the German air forces, Il4ifden Government were really Deputies, as quoted in Vienna do trench mortar. . h Th- Mee rea invest in Liberty bonds. He told Inslane ng raids on Karlsruhe and sincere about union government, spatches. He admitted there had T .a, 1 or fun, iielween lhe:. . . .... i. t Kitchener he wanted to Join the o'"" P1"'- " "P'"" iL would not be dispensing Tory been great anxiety In regrard to i l 1st twenty.three enemy I . ..i..vii (.. innnn II. ttin h- Isken to PorU t whh Sat prominence is nalrohaw while the union kov- TriesL which had now been re have bern brought I..' rr." " k- t-tt given, continues ernment negotiations were going moved. 'Do the French really serious. The renorls of the proceedings Ruttlan Fratemlie Mnt of these boats are capable authorities. ly believe it is their defences on It looks as if union government in Parliament adds that the Ger of earrytn thousand of pound which keep back our Myers from man and Polish Deputies arose re: fta -vov. 3. ine iiu.i ,,t,t ..i.hM a SIR WILFRID ISSUES were a scheme lo coax certain -r tha heart of the French powert and cheered the Emperor and the ilia 4 - o lhe VUhnel aector I i"i..u-iirt r ih w-th. MANIFESTO TODAY weak-kneed, Vicar-of Dray-Liberals ' Let France not deceive nerseir. Govern nrmv. imnlvintr that the Czechs e again ye.terday tol to help the Borden oul,ide. did not join in the demonstration. i- w.lh the German " " Ottawa. Nov. 3. Sir Wilfrid " ment out of a hole, rather than , The safety of Triest seems to which Liberals Italian FronL REV. DR. GRANT RECEIVES Laurier. will Issue. hi. manifesto r a I II. wliich" bombs are dropped by the a flfty-flfty would hereafter plan by get half the be the chief cause of rejoicing in A CALL TO CHILLIWACK nn Mitmiar morning, ine .'- French in peaceful German towns, words Union Austria. The Nieue Freie Presse X v. 5. The nnemy cral leader will speak in Winni offices. In other a whole street In the fortress of Borden Government's Vienna says that ever since " Government is the -as more noticeable At the service In the Presby- peg on November 15. but will noi Paris shall sink into ruins. France Dlan to divide the blame Italy declared war the monarchy the left wins of our It-rinn r.htireh last evening me isit other western points. mut herself determine her own has not ceased to be anxious lor ' C-'t Wna lhi lino nr Ihel .u- n.. WinnineR. Nov. 3. The Free with the Liberals, but keep all me was maue mo :. " It speculates as to I Intimation vj fate. that city. Tories. It reminds Jobf for the 'V- ct On several!.. . river. nr. flranl that he had received Press Ottawa correspondent says: whether British and French in-. of the Indian and the while CT'U . one .h allemnled to enemy call from Cook'a Church, unuu-wack. Sir Wilfrid Laurier contem NEW SEAM OF COAL and fluence will prove strong enough, i had shot six crows ' 5 shi bank of the river. Dr. Grant has not yet ac plate visiting the west in about STRUCK AT NANAIMO man who ducks. When It came lb lo prevent the collapse ox Italy a r2 ') ' me he waa repulsed cepted this call, the matter being fortnight's lime and prooaniy six while war policy, or whether the mass. Bharine the basr the man Pr BsHIn Wlralasa. at. present in the hand oi me will speak at aome of the most Nanaimo. Nov. 3. Coal was "You take the of the population, recognizing tne the Indian. aid to I' v l. Tli I nl n I n..II.III- w w a -- important points. Colller-! of the silualton, win seriousness Presbytery. struck today by Canadian ernw and 111 take the ducks." the t! ners taken on i in the new mine being opened A almilar element of generosity become convinced peace i peces- ' iMtala nearly 200.000 The Tims. Kelly, the Cold Stor THE POLICE COURT bv them at South Wellington. foup to characterize the union sary. flKhting appears 3. no unnortant doing some a?a nnhintr boaL was TPserday. ..!, ir uurk nn her last trip up llefore Magistrate Carss at the . . . . . ,n f. government negotiations Government as con. CHRISTMAS MAILS .lnrte.l bv the Borden American Prlaonars. From the particulars police court th s monung. h. Mc- and develop. A: north. from the surfafc Sr far the union Bovernment 'Urn. Nov. 5. Hcrlln available, it appears that she met Oeer was fined $50 for creating ..... faed wil,, a,, have drawn no big Closing Date for Overseas. ; he German force have ih tuir Commodore towing disturbance. on the puouc I .Ma mntfkl, n ls .nticinated negotiations is Kirvnt. Salonikf and .Mediter. s ii'vvu.iv a" " cards. Mr. C c. uananiyne s Ainerlean nrlsoners barge laden with ore. The tug treets, lie nau com. iru... . nNinA.,. .ii goon at face card, but if ranean points, November 1 0th. "v" -.". ..,a:n nf as a ''3 the western frcinl on the Hmnliv and l..I nllil una an.P"" November 21th. nronellor blades and ----- tons France, her IU0 O of 1000 faces. lain a daily output is card with two he a 1111 ha is Mare France, feeiinir Rood. He tried Britain, December 8th. Canal In Great wn Incapable of making progress. and will bo marketed by way of front and back, The last lime nis for her in tow unui full Willi a police consinnic-. uui it was Persons making up parcels The Kelly took Ladysmith. -- noticeable face was anyway THE CRADLE n.Hnff Kntatuk. her coal supply 1 1.a rnnxtnhle manaRcil to pring against reciprocity, air. nhov nnints should mail them iivhi n v - to the station. The fine turned before the actual closing dates to!! tn cive out. The hit man LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS Guthrie since carua are IW Mr nn.l Mn Jiihll T. llll ai r- Hugh possible delay. avoid any Kelly had to leave the Commodore waa paid. the metaphor" may be regarueu . tost Avenue, at the Pi Yakatut with tne in hereby notified whatever " .,.i nut inin Mariners are the Joker. He will be pen 'ipneral Hospital on Nov whereabouts Tha favorite household Coal la the buoy off as ? rnrniiiiinn of her that the light on the hand demands. Premier Bor ttt'iBhler. The Kelly only arrived in Prince i .H..mith Walllniton. Prion it. llosespit. Queen Charlotte Islands, den is having a hard time masing Broughton & McNeil Hupert on Satruuay nigni. Prlnea Rupert Coal Co. i. is reported not burning. a trumn hand out of the discards The liRht on Copper Islands. and the two spot. The general TELKWA, B.C. WESTHOLME iiirrAll. CI.KIIKS .VII member a Charlotte Islands, Is also cant do it ""' " . . , Queen opinion is that he attend tonight In the uarpeiuera AVIATION COnPS reported not burning. even with a cold deck and a campaign Offer this special price on OPERA HOUSE Hall H o'clock. " lloth will be attended lo as soon fund snitched from the fresh killed Bulkley Valley w. TONIGHT ONLY Commission np- possible. of lhe CN.It. Beef: For New Wellington Coal and The ns prospective proflta pointcd to recommend a F. T. SAUMH-KS, tUO- .vrcih. whun the Borden Govern No. 1 Steer, aide, ..... 1&o Lumber of all dimanaiona ir. KATHLYN WILLIAMS candidates for the Aviation ment comes to cash in ita chip No, 1 Steer, hind 18o nd hona 118. Corp will meet at Look your best and be com-frrUblo ni n cnneral election II wm unu No. t Steer, front, ... 12ftc HOUSE PETERS 3 p. m. Tuesday and Friday In a La Camilla Corset. ihni a ramnaien fund is about as The freight rate to llupert "THE HfQHWAY OF HOPE" VIOTOHT uuan In the Mayor' OlUce, d-I... v-rtf moderate. Phona Red ninrli use as a doughnut to re- is 86o per 100 lbs. City Hall, until further 485, Mra. Pmr. Stephana Blk. .Ut n landslido of public opinion. TOPICAL BUDGET A meeting of nil citliens notice. This Commission One observes that a group of COMEDY of Prince Hupert will be has Jurisdiction over those Toronto looters some of mem held ut the City Hall on applying for yln ,m'y' NOTIOE liimir.nvers from the noble eigh Tuesday, November 0th, Applicants who apply aa i leen who knifed tho Liberal party 1U17. at H o'clock p. m. for mechanic can do u by On and after November at in tii hark in 10 It. and some of London cafe the purpose of organizing a letter to the lloyal Flying 1st, our coal will be aold them member of the Flavelle plans to assist the Victory a Corp of Canada, Vancouver, for cash. Please pay In group of pious pirates are very H. 0. In making application v,;.Ti,im union.. Kovernment. Thl AND GRILL Loan, livery person will the olllce when ordering, ..... ..... , a I help wno worn nia man Third Avonuo bo welcome. The object is please stale your the teamster upon group Is tnieresteu in auouv mur n ' or to weak. technical knowledge.! mil Ion dollars worth oil aU days a to form a strong working a rompt Ssrvlca of tha Beat delivery. committee. a ' M. P. McGAFFKHY, iii Coal Co. munition and supply , contract, ihsra la Prince llupert nwUcUw cook and to eat at all houre. Wnted-A Chairman . M. P, McCAFFF.UY. Aibvit A MeCafTery. Ud. and naturally wants a union gov. waitress. Continued on Page Two) Chairman. BOXES FOR LADIES . .......aa