Monday. N.,v The Daily News . THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Publlahod Dally and Waakly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE: When the Germans Daily News Bulldinjr, Third Arenue. Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Tel. 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - CO centa per Inch. JgBContract Rates on application. Occupied Paris in 1871 DAILY EDITION Monday, Nov. 5, 1917. A PAR. FAR BETTER THING w as the Conservatives w ho were Now that the date of the doing the most of the fighting, election is fixed for December too. 17, the electorate have just six Knowing that the name Con Paris in the Germans occupied weeks In which to consider the servative was not going to get political situation, before re them anywhere, that has been WHEN demanded and collected an cording their opinions at the changed to Horden Unionist. they polls. Six years ago, a section Any other kind of Unionist of thousand million of this community stood in the would not. shall not do. It indemnity one streets with bared heads and must be Borden Unionist. This Hundreds of thousands of French reverently (?) sang "God Save coupled with the fact that the dollars. Ibe King." The reason for this Conservative Association are and industrial workers trudged their rendition of the words the all Borden Unionists now, and peasants prophet Samuel Instructed the no longer Conservative makes into Paris and, with the citizens of Paris, people of Israel to cry at the one wonder Just what is the way coronation of King Saul was on difference between a straight offered their savings to the Government of this occasion, because Sir Rob Conservative and a Borden ert Borden bad been returned YVin-the-YVar Unionist. Appar France, so that their beloved country might to power at Ottawa with a par ently there is none. With the liamentary majority, and the Conservative party machine out be freed from the presence of the Hun. wicked Grits, who wanted to working for the Borden Union "trade with the Yankees" had ist the difference is all the been ousted. Canada, which harder to distinguish Suppose, for example, that two or three Huns with the introduction of reci It is hoped by these methods procity, was alleged to be in to disguise the same old party were quartered upon you right in your home. danger of being -annexed pre under a new name, so that the tumably by the United States, electorate will not recognise snd lost to the Empire, by the the Tory underneath. Try then to imagine what you would do, give, return of the Conservative The electors' were fooled in party was saved. 1911, but all the people can't pay, or lend to free Canada from the Hun. On that occasion six years be fooled all the time. ago, the issues of the day were Recall the that have happened in Belgium things so misrepresented to the electorate, TO DIVIDE THE BLAME that these issues were BUT KEEP THE JOBS brought down to a matter of and France and conceive if you can which flag shall fly in Canada. (Continued From Page One.) what would in to prevent Vote for a Liberal and reci you pay money procity and the Stars and ernmenl with the Borden Govern them happening in Canada. Stripes, or vole for a Conservative ment on top so that their graft and a high tarriff and the will not be disturbed. They are Union Jack. That was what in favor of union government or Well, then, you who stay at home women as was finally put up to the people. any other old government that will On the present occasion, the leave them with their feet in the well as men are asked to lend your money Conservative party has raised trough. They are willing to yell to Canada NOW to just that, and prevent such a howl throughout the win-the-war or anything else that country by their mismanage will divert the public mind from other things. ment of the national affairs their profiteering transactions. that as plain Conservatives Their idea is that if they talk they have their fears of win rapidly about patriotism the peo And so surely as the Allies' Soldiers in the nlng the election again. In pie will not notice them getting fact they know it to be impos away with the money. Sir Joseph Front line trenches are fighting for Freedom, sible, as plain Conservatives Flavelle had the same idea when Hence the "win the war" cry. he said "to hell with profits" and so in a lesser degree do they fight who lend The Conservative party is that watered the Ottawa Canadian Club their money to support Canada's armies in the wth his tears. parly which is out to win the warJ A statement of this kind Sir Joseph, by the way, treats field. is one which leaves the infer the Borden Government or any ence that there are Canadians union government that the Bor who do not want to win the war. den Government may form with Money fights to-day, and it is the bounden duty Which is absurd. Arrogating fine disdain. The appointment of to itself and denying it to Food Controller has no effect of every Canadian to back Canada's part in the others, the virtue of wishing to on him, save to cause him to raise war by investing his or her savings in Canada's ' win the war is quite in keeping the price of bacon agair. Bacon with the statement of that n Sir Joseph's home town of Victory Bonds. Ontario Conservative who had Toronto ia now flfty-slx cents a the hardihood to state that it (Continued on page three.) Be One of the First to subscribe when Canadajs Victory Bonds are offered. ir S. S. PRINCE RUPERT WEDNESDAY mldDlfbl for Anyoi, THURSDAY N Idol tit for S wanton Bay, Oeeau faUa. S.S.Vancoutar.PRINCR Victoria and r.RORfiF.Stattla. Make Your Money Fight SATURDAY Mldnliht tor Anyo. MONDAY a.m. f0r S wanton Bay. Vancouver, Vletorla and Saattla. 8. t. PRINCE JOHN the German Menace For Quean Charlotte lalaoda S p.m. Octobar torn and sua For Ketchikan. WranteU, Juneau and Ikatway. at noon Oct. S. T and SI. TRAIN SERVICE Faaaenver Monday, Wedneeaay and aaturSay at tliSS a.m. for SmJihars. .Issued Carudas rrtnea by Victory Loan Committee Oeorrt. Edmonton and Winnipeg maklor dlreet connection for air points eait and aouta. in co-operation with the .Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. Agency All Ocean Steamship Line. For Information and reservations apply to Olty Ticket Office, EM Third Avenue. PHONE MO SIR WILFRID LAURIER MAY RUN IN An Cbarlrt A. TrrrU, M. la at balnr m lb tub day or OtnA ,,f TORONTO of Army atiua and ttplainvd at Cjrll M. Oruft rvpy or tbia sotiea M n PlK,"r lnig Hurt. rvr. lrd jttruu and aia at puranaal ibarato and to ' Ottawa, .Nov. 2. The capital Internal rrlnrr liu.rt. till, will ba BUd la UM fi" CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY may see a tiolltical batti Pnvni Bathers nilgai Ittrrr Ntl'ku alM 11 U uy. t...otilalord i trr. n un. . r - Wltar Haeorder at frn.- -trt J Tba data or Iba Sral app!','r with the two leaders as candidates M Oter hair lr OnL," a moai iaiaraatins flirt- in iha kxtl saip: ' Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points sir Holier! liorden and Hir 1. Canadian,a million and brlibl, keen up-to-Id4 . . tM-kiri iMi ii ui.jct. "Jr you prtrr. lint day or Ortobtr. in- ' 'wVr via Steamer to Vancouver and the frld Laurier. There Is trouble in ibal tuumal Saibior l mora raantlal to rllr la lir Chaa. A. Ttrr.ll lai riu.. may b lilad with Iba M CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY , the Win.the.War mnka in nt i airri, Turunio. for lama. Waiee Hed.e wiibts lb!r' Meala and Berth Included on Steamar tawa over the nomination ,r a IU fuund Ihal. tak.n r..i,.iiw .. 11 aald da la. Whl, itvy rt.l una IKILI.r VAMit.M MIMtS Ml'A"' . dlfftrint WATER .. paopla tua NOTICE rripp and Dv Chabot. the . .. ,...,, latalaaa. , I Princess May far Qranby -ay and Alice Arm 11 iDora or nm bilioua. MrOlnnla, Altai, ft p.m. Prlday mernners or tim laat iim.. u urtd, twt&ut Princess May southbound via Ocean Palls p.m. Sunday claimed they were nominated laluraa own rUanar.eowliuofr-bui, hains. by TAaK KOTICE thai noil Vri.n ui.... and ikw atitiraaa ia aura Arm a Prlncesa Sophia for the south Saturday, November 3rd. no attempt was made to Invite ir. rrmovra all iha rx.l,oou. waaia C. '.U apply for a llftoaa la lakt and Princess Sophia for Alaska Prlday, November tth. Win.the.War Llberala A uaa Un ruble rrcl r alar par avcosd STEEN& LONG WILL uil or Trvtil Cnttt, a inbalary or all-fault jult there t an agitation un an lltrlr .... runriim. J. I. PETERS, General Agent on foot lUttr fiuwlni Id to AUfa Arm. Caa. Kir 'or itobert in run na il.. -- w w. ay i laui. nsnnv ai.aa i..-.a alar Muriel. Tb air ill U dinJ Co ner Fourth Straat and Third Avonuo, Prlnea Rupart. B.C. KngUh.speaklnir candidate for or ronndeni th. d.r,ttt-p aiu .r..i- 9VW... lum al lb r.ii. iii aii. SANITARY AND HtV Ottawa as well s In a Xova Scotia CiDttr Cliff rina u . a... Kuril Mlrwral elauu. Lot list, iiui will INQINIinS Meat. la. ... ' nu fa If If, Im umiI for puwer purpoaaa a iba Woir It Is said llmi now ir it.i. nd iHillV V.rdan flr..ufk. ..r Uinaral it done by the Unionists the Lau. M, Uta.... Uil)f. Claiina Ulut Uia ltS4 to I7IT loeluaU. Agonta for Dwit swifter ner men will nominate Sir Wilfrid. L. Catii1 ' i. iwai lur.a and Ula Slit lu HIT loclualu and Lot rvnnkcit Merely your cough iiKnitna, ao4 tu,.., ,. ... in MeCLARY So far nn r.ihsrni ... a, (uataiar Mairlct, AiplcaiiHi lll pa mada ilao for iba UtaWm's Bjmaj of Tar a4 CU Uvea- Oil not oar uon nas ieen called. In lt0, u.. L.7"" V'Poe IhM ha. t.r rlsbl tu alora lie aero real In riral Trout PLUMBINO CURE IT- promptly ejraaU tmiahUf, kmt taaaka to ttatoaW aoi when there waa imni.u i n. Laka and . arr. li in Third and titnjtbeaiag paaoarlUa it balpe tba arateaa to throw of Liberal ranks In Ottawa, Sir W- iui fiMjrtli Trout Lakae. Tba altr will ftesl4 and tas aaracis a perauaeat rmra. It ia Ifci aullry inu was the ba abirrd la HH Trout Lata by iba eon SHEET METAL WOMKI candidate. w.vr,;:rr!r,,,,,u, salt of say coo aa4 tU rwoosy to Caa4a7 llrurllon of a dam .1 In auiiui .n.i in Avenue. Phone S, 834 Second 'Voura try truly. Secwid, Third and lourib Trout l.akaa by Salvation Army, Ilia enilrueil4Mi or a daw at Iba oullal NlKht phons. .t.aui i'ubllu intfetlnira Tn. r Srrond Trout Laka. Tba tllliMlad 7fl Thursdays .T ,u"l, ,w rspwiy- ara or laud to ba Oowdtd it flrat Trout and iraaia. ' Saturdays p! at 8 w.rfc. J" The rlihl Laka la IT irrta and at s.rimd third and ouuuars si 7;in n tn pnan wada." ih. ... .... lour lb Trout tak.a la iwaniy aeraa, " ,h" rToaa, maDufatluwd br Tail iiouca aaa poaiaa on ina i round