member S 1917 THE DAILY NEWS wrinn TO DIVIDE THE BLAME BUT KEEP THE JOBS S EVfcn TtAKo tiUiiittiiued from 1'axe two,, TORTURE pound, ami llie. Food Controller a he can do nothing about it. CITY OF PHINCE RUPERT The Food Controller li quite TIMBER SALE X 1077. it I..J Hl Uotil Ho TaV right. He can t do anything about s4 tfixltrs fr lb Darrhus of l ill because Hlr Joseph owns the '-'" -t tMt Twtnif-ibret ill;, TwMiiy leiled lenders will be rerelred bf the llorden fwr f, nd Twtsijrflrs (II). Block Mlnliler i.f Loods fKjl liter Insa imofl on Ooteriuiienl. and how can RfVnlern 11 1, Bftllon Oos (I), la tbs I be teih dijr of ftntrmber, HIT, for tb Pood Controller be more inde-pendent f frtncs HUPrl. will tx rtrclrcd purr hi u of Lletnes X lTT, lo Cut ,S0 than the Government by Um Minuter of Undi st Vlelorli. . C Tile ,.f lltnl,irk Jirknln. Sorura end aaEfasaVsCIL 'HMbBBBH .that appointed hlmf The answer up la If o'clotk noon ui Mondsy, tb Cedir on in sres '!lusted oo Hsrdtersbbls, i. il.i i . .a MMiersib dy r ftevemlMr, A. D. It 17. Crsrk, Skeens Hirer, Binre S. Costt Dlt-irlrt. ii nisi ne can i, ror the simple Tendtra msr eor oo or uwrs lots; reason that the part cannot be T'rro or Usm ta (0 yeirs. On (I) ynr will be illowed for rs IgraaUr than the whole. Food 'rwied clisqus cotmIdc sit S) nauattis' iiKrttl of tiutber. (Controller 1 1 a una doesn't have to rrnui mull icctinipu))' rich ttudtr, further psrlletiUrs of tbs Chief roreiler, IkIu or ntMcccitrsl (go lo Ivuclid to reel that that in itivmrd immrdliuljr. tnrers to tx Ulorlt, B. C, or Dittrlci Poreiter, Prtnts Rupert. B. C. T. fit hi unfortunate position. TM Ilf(il or sny tndr not nmaurllr Kir Joseph snaps his lingers at ecepid. LUX ( TtBdrtrs mum Mu tb LuiIiki ttwy the llorden Government in j other if rnsittd la sod mull dutrnti clesrly vt aaaaaaaaaaaaafl For instance he refuses JM h4t in tbey lattod ts tusks of Ihn kIBB9Bvf.aaaaaYaral 1BBBBBBBBb'avaaaaaaaaaaaraai to resign his job as ctiairman of Mt aftlird tor. i(he Imperial Munitions Hoard, to Milimnif hrot tUtltV in idtsocc ptjtbW la autrterlr Tfti.Id- An exquisite "newness" .which he wan appointed on the for all woollens 4LBIAT VA-.WI -iuiiiuiciiuHiiuii 01 (iis menu ana D'puir MiBittr or uodt. VseatJ.1iV protegee. r Thomas White, TIMBER SALE X 1084. it .ItVIOtBLC WATtllS POTECT!0M ACT. Somehow, with ordinary washing, one always thinks ot r Ki . rsi-s. I sartd UrHMr backed by the O. K. of the Horde.1 n. s. c. ciiapier ill. woollen tfarmenti coming out of the wash a little worse .tr,..aun"Jit'i' Government. On the Horden Gov Setled tenders will tM rtcelted by Um to a si off than when they went in. " . ernment's recommendation. Sir THE GH AH AM I8LA.1D IPIIL'CE A5D Mloiiier of Lirvd not liter tosa aooa on it ' sris Joseph rould be removed Just as CtliAH COMPAMT LIMITED kt re with 1ts l be isth dir of 0Tember, 7 for Um Far otherwise when you let LUX wash them. They notlf tail It kai andar prrbi of Ureses X toil, to cat 70,00t ' settles T f tb come out of the wash with a soft, fleecy new" feeling, L,, n;rfusf.alstUesIusd expeditiously as he was appointed. it Id Art dpwllcd wlUi Um Mlnliler or spmee and Itrk P1m Ues on so srs Id-jaiMar clean unshrunken, quite tluK.aJ f fcdehreU but so far the Horden Government roblK Works tt Ottsvs sod la Um mts Lot fill oo Eadtko niter aesr as well as being absolutely is I at ta stttf sJ doctors has failed to make the recemmen r tbe bitirict Reruutr of lbs Lsod ht- Barnes Like, Rises I. Colli Dlftrict. and quite unthickened. ,Bi uxtt Offlra. Dlttrut of rrioco Rupert, tt On yesr sill be illowed for rs-aKrl tablespoonfuls of LUX for Im.1 3 Bostoa done? Allow ii:iui tossuMst U elation. The reason it has failed How is It Print t timber. Mpert, of ud detcrtptloa Um siu sod I trisdsBSsr remedies is because .Sir each aIIon of water, which should be near the boiling , sI Joseph won't let piss r tiMil itntxut tod other works 'further pirtieslirs of Um Chief former, U E .r 44 T-4r. it until he is good and ready. Sir pmpoted lo tie built Is Qveeiulowv llir-tmr Vi'torn, B. C, or Piitrltl Foretter, Prlnte point. Put the woollens in and stir them about with a fnttft " Trait-a-tltes". 1 tok Jeph may resign, but it will b it Port :temeou, B. C. la front bf ruipert. B. C fS stick. Then let them soak until the solution is cool ssdlt basils lots n to nrtees lotlutlre. sceordlor to the woollens with the hands ' ssedietst enough for to squeeze . 1 his you In good lime and his tVifse own in refUtered pUn of Um To at I u of tbe lsUl Tralt-a-t,rt TIMBER SALE X 1066. h,n the dirt will run out. Then rinse in 2 or 3 ,,U u. own way. He may resign before my or Port Omenu rtntiervd IB toe U 1m sal!-r4Ufcy" of tepid water and hang to dry. iij M tsryss a general election which will be ilareMld Ls4 rUrutry omr u Pisa So. relays laCostUpaUos ssd Isdl. too lale lo save the Government's IS7S sod Ukt notice tost ifler tbs ei- Sealed taaders will be recelred by Um Ill J Kritl.k mJi. I 9 W QWTT.SMWWl ssd B4 Ush, I ssy tsle Wriltoo of tM Booata ritaa Um dit of MMiMer of Lsods sot titer Una aooa oo I JaW WOOLLENS I .Ht.M d wUI it "'. bacon but his resigning won't I be ftnt poMititioa of thit oolica tbe tbe tttn diy or Xetrmtxr, HIT, for tbs Lever Brothers Limited al Frwvt -' do the people of Canada much Gnosis lilind Sprvre iod CXlir Compear, psrrtute of Ueesee X 1664. to cut llt.OSS ALBERT VaRNEK. OfWui II mnn'l viva Panaris liarb Limited, win aoder SXtloa t of tbe ssld feel of llrmlairk. eprure sod Baltim, and Toronto 33 WF ruki. I fee fJJO, VUl til, ?. I,. ,., i,- I,.. f.-l,..t .1, Art spplr Um Misiiier of Public Works Lloeil fret of rotes rrom sa sres it bit umn to um city of Oiub i for p- siiaiied an niitb Mtuus. Rinr t, Cosit WILL NOT INJURE TM ."ui. i't pcetit of tbe tid Site tad Plia so4 for IMMrtrL r 1 .VtFrsllo Urn LiiUd,i OtUaa. I, . , ,. . . letie to eoatlnict Um ssld works. ooe Hi yetr will be illowed for rs-ifxitl Piled st Prtats Bnpert, B. C, Ikls Ilia of timber. through his face. The five hun diy of October. A. D. HIT .111. LAND LEASE KOTICEi dred thousand women who are THE GRAHAM ML AMD SPRUCE AJtD farther pirtlraltri of the Chief Foretter. The News Viewiii, B. :., or niMrtet foretur. Prtnco Subscribefor Daily given the vote most of them tLDAft CO.. LTD. Mvprrt B. C WSTWCT OF ATi) s,UTWCT Geo. 5lckeroa, Areat nil well ask ' R150C mt poor women may why hlr Joseph, the Horden Govern- .. .a a a. a aa aa wtHtr c wuf, on mem a menu, iooks so ruuay. ue l m&w spp-sr lo be full uf blood. He is your blood, my blood, our SI llf- blood, the blood of the soldiers at JUM "i II I Sji f uc ;f :S I r- the front, who hard-earned dollar 1 a 04 Si Kl SM Wl UM tU he has made worth forty cents 3tk -" a si asrUsit by hit infamous manipulation of UwajCS MM Wtkt UISW1 S The women folk of five aib umn .w v tatiat, ssors price. ait t ttn Wlf t ! Ps-Hit hundred thousand soldiers, who its-.- aerUwriy saii nrty M- have handed every dollar of sepa UM f U4 Milk WSMC Mart ration allowance and patriotic s4 St i fiisiiisrwusi, tt , J r SWXt at lM. fund ever to Sir Joseph and bis WAlTta t W4UU. tribe for the necessaries of life, . d - ctur. mi. are free lo winder if the vole the ami wstsjci district r Horden Government gives them is my compensation for the way : 23 the Horden Government's friends. flll - i lut W tiwr t. Wstktr, t I including Hlr Joseph, have fleeced at l;: x af ...' seecptuaw Mrouuuw MMfr,M VtSM them. They asked for bread and i I Mrrtb4 UadSi Premier Horden gave Ihem a s post Stnled si tb scorpion -mat is 10 ssy .mrj 1.- Itll.- gnu i sa rti sad WmI U ana ne asked for cheaper food umn tvt KoMtBsrai si asrUstt gave them votes. After all a vole . A '" a. v-3aal sit ut KMf. itataea sowiarrty i. .Mirninn the women can Kim W4 HCK J mi4 Hittt Wur stint- with it. They certainly win t ir tun a jioria tod sU and flfty-six not vote for Horden UH C HI um a . j eocBttMSt tir cent bacon. H. Oadsby. .v'at HVi I f wtMr sure r Toatsss t stfe IS castas) UMOCS HL'Y your new V ault now s ttrsitat Usui petal -j Weil f I be pots I of cess- vliil it is cheap, lour pics, oi ' IfS tt CbllSI Ds tii oi anr suit in our store at sale jr. kc ,i 3BMaMit md roauuuof 258. price. t e t or lets. tAlTtR L WAlktJL in a i: s October. HIT. The Daily Kewa dsliverea by DUIIUCT DISTRICT or .arrif r. 50 cents per month. CASttAK Of SltOA LAD DISTRICT-DISTRICT CAS SI An. Oil Wilier K. Wsiker, of VltX T a . occult) MiBiftr, If;Jj--, tut psnaittioo to let tile Bwiir ual Tbs Aatto-Brtusb Co k -j i ClKrtbad tSBdt: H.ibU P4cklns Comtof Uttlted. of Via L.... ' 84UBOB CidjmM, for Employers urrucilloo Directions t si s oost Dilated si Um """" ------ ' --3 . - . . . .a a riitur ... rnii, lor - rr v Ml irairiN. - lit- i aortbtrty tad i4ienjiitM loikmi ..... tx:... M.rkl .MU II I DOM MHtd St SS cbstot Dus Who Purpose Claiming Exemption C4iuL x . . s Dotal bers sa tut Wsur M4rk PottUod 4M W drswa taroufb s potot IS .tona sod is rmim. or J" of Lot One Men I hen- Umploy Class in tt of UM Potst of f tbe Sortb West Comer for Sac umttt iu Mid uas oi,i,...r uuimi; .Ttx-IiY, Wit M4fk. tbeaco et IS cbiun. I e.terly follotos taa u following course is recommended for j? ... . . i-. IaIu.... canal. IO I puiui . .. . ana tiiMf - without u..b .-... u..k trtl.nd I ..i Weil LIDO dfiB laTOUSB P"1 THE and widowers .ffaTlsI IsT? who propose claiming .. and whose 34 th birthday y 4ttl a,a. a. oH... U'a0ll WkW a.aa akalnS I S4ASS IB III IN law Kaaa. . 1917. Nationai interest: 4 l 'I- 99 mUU UM rs - i4Ni ... , -f A, , vmiueatemeal; ibeore ssit uamS Sat lataa.aa IB TSltBS MSa mmummw - exempt for 'any of the men. to inueinr class One men In romnvencemenl. ,..k u-.i.r Mark: .banco 44td potni of ttl ;T t Its icret mors or wis. Ibeix soulberiy sna enwnjr -.--- ---..l.i yoteS oT for immedte Ksrk. rl WALTER E. WALKER. line of nub Wiier Wit V of Oflober. ISIT. land coil, to s point IS ebsmi !cdctm ... or roninK oce nwnti tbeaea -DISTRICT Of ...i a rhatos t ssld point of eonuueoeo attach their medical report to uicu aui ; r 4tut ewnUlnlnt Its screi mora v. meni k of tte Bed 4d rorboro of rorllsnd EmDlover's Statement and Schedule ill s ton wslisr E. Wslksr. t Caiul. . a a 1 grouping them according to their c. occuBsUoa wunrltm 4M.IO bUITISM COLLMBU PACAIO nd. oreoare a full statement of the total num . uijuu. u , Tnilirate tne DOSSlDUlty ur "" W I a ilesn SPPH tor xnulllluo to I.S4S CJl-AMTUilTEU,VV41ierc. ..r. it demibsd Undt - l4e tllH d4f of Otiobar. HIT. s pott piloted 41 ins " i i.omer of Lot !. C444isr SKI KM LANU UISTKICT-CASSUR. -MiTRICT Of I ....a. a.A ,b a I SV IhatlaCol IMH IB 01 SS ' fit biLni nafiM or Ult. 10 lUftl 4tr. 4i-li forUtod Ctuh tbtnc foulft' n..n. i hit TM Anilo BrllHh Co mtemmt .c'SSwmil,ed. the mrfict Ctory in which Pirklni Compinr Umlted. Of V4D culm S.rk SXS"." iTiUrwl S'ana a- I S in V Bwtlrvl VViMS if MtnifUClM ........ h ' oreuDiituu S4lutoa Csooers, ptou. sua rooutaine iso irres mors or k-M, inteudi In 4ppiy ror the man. . . whether such exemption should be con- . .w. t..II..mine Uetcriueu , , , .huM his opinion Hlr WALTER E. WALkER, Cutiauenclnt 41 s post pUnled St Ills" -ib diy of October, HIT. wsier Mstk. PoriUnd C4imI, St ch4ln4 Dus ditic Karlh and t th4lB4 OT UWrt PUS Wttl Clf preyed for each man for whom the employer 1. apply- foZZTnZiZ"l Um Mori WM U'ruer of Lot ttt, Cst4r Harry A. Harvey tii.triri thenea norih W rb4lni tbetira wtl to rb4int, mors or teti, 10 nun ing for exemption. Forms for Exemption LaaSia, Ba, OeaiaftiVelei Witer Mirk porllind Cinilj tbsncs south' who will transmit the Conns when filled f auyil trly sod enlerly folio iuf lbs Una of These form, may be obtained on request from any Post Master, Plt. O LANSOOWNI OOTTSLL lllllt Wiier M4ik PoriUnd C411.I W tbs PODlli Taken t lioinl or conunecceiMnt snd coouinlnt SO " mu.t U mad. not Ut.r than November ICKh. V"JM. rUMO, VIOUMCILLO 4o4 icret luors or le44, exemption HARMONY THE AX1L0 BHITIS1I COLUMSIA PACEIMO Tht MUttarf Sons Commit rtlMfAMV LIMITED. Wtller E WtUer. L 'Sli EZAMIMATIONS P4t niih dy of Ottuber. tilt- tn PrMrS for tiaailoolloo tala4 Bae.S, Viaaaviee. Otatse 4l Oollao of Slusls, La4. S- ADVERTISE IN i TKRMs PHONE BLUE 17 Tnr? fiin v Mr-tlC -r..l..,..JJJJJJ..,,,,..trrr.1 I tlCi LV1L. X E YTJ