Monday N v. TKK DAILY NEWS ... WESTMOLME TMEATflE Hard to Drop Meat? MAIL SCHEDULE cot The story lol'l t Iloloplay Relieve Your what you Liver FOR SALE All depends on The Highway of Hope, lo bo It is a S'scti substitute. Westholme Theatre o$ n the For the EaaL i...t. ni liver Is out of otrJcr, When your your head, Mondays, Wednesdays and Bat- time to study "food Value." tonlghl is n gripping one. inlo bile and bowels suffer vy h it. Tliat ia why tTuaoS On Seal Cove Circle rdays at 0:30 a. m. You may be eating the of which Ihe has great been out breathed of doora.Ihe spirit II is attack isolten serious. Ward It off with a few dosesoj the foods that foods, From the EasL wrong smashing big atory of the gold Lot 30, Block 7, Sunday, 5:30 p. m.; Tuesday cost most and give the least a...... .inva. when desert spots BEEGHAM'S PILLS Section 7t :30 p.m.; Thursday, 5:30 p.m nutriment. Shreddod bloomed Inlo towns overnight, and Wheat Biscuit contain wiiiiorml between suns. "The With Two-Roomed House For Vancouvar. real, body-building Highway of Hope" leads tho atar which tfently arouse a sluggish Itrer, and rtaew the acuriues so Monday ? a. m more actress from being an ordinary necessary to good health. They never produce sny dlakgrtealt, Vary Cheap at Tuesdays ....6 p. m nutriment, pound for pound, helo in a typical mining town after-cCects. Tbelr protcpt use U beneficial to the rjtlta,sad wfl Thursdays 10 p. nt than meat, eggs or potatoes saloon Inlo being a weallhy wo Saturdays P- m and costs much less. Two Hhn atrtiirales and ilKtltS Prevent Bilious Attacks $650 of these Biscuits with milk wllh death itself for tfia gold Worth a Guinea a Box From Vancouver. and a little fruit make a which she Anally wins, and when Sunday 10 p. m nourishing meal at n cost of the husband whom she has lost H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD Mondays 0 a. m returned to her. one feels she has Wednesdars ...... 10:30 a. m. a few cents. Make Shredded deserved the happiness which is Fridays 6 p. m Wheat your"meat." A satisfying hers. There will also be a Topical Saturdays 10:30 a. m. breakfast on which to lludget and a line comedy. start the day's work. It is "Tfce Daily News" Sundays For Anyox. 10 p. m ready-cooked and rcady-to-cat. and Mr.Mr.J. A.Mulr,H. Ueamer,Mr. A. 8.of Hanna.Bwan- Service Must Precede Profit Wednesdays 10 p. m. Made in Canada. son Hay, have arrived In the city CLASSIFIED ADS. Fridays 8 p. in Saturdays 10 p. m The Prince John arrived from We use the word "SERVICE" In it broad n,s. Alaska at 5:45 a.m. this morning meaning Courtesy. Promplltud. Sufwior QowH. ai-i. WANTED. From Anyox. Local News Notes with a heavy list of passengers. eeived, Sundays, a. tn., Mondays, a. m coming out for Ihe winler. flood Dread has been areeated fat gwaerstx.r.s WA.1TED Olrl to look rir Mtl drink ruesdays, p. m., and Thursdays, a complete and nourishing tmi. whteh is Coaster and Clear SUnd. smI Cot p. rn. . Mr. C. O. McLean, of Smithers. Pool Room. rbocM 141. 161 river last night. arrived from up DOMESTIC BREAD WA.1TID To rent. Uadtra roar-roomed Port Simpson A Naas River Pol nta boat .wlUi tardea. SUM pirUcultrs. Mrs HircheU. of I'ort Eating- DSnsI Womeil Know For Sundays, 10 m. ox lii Dally News. 7 p. ton, left for Vancouver this morning. -THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" From Tuesdays, p. in. a si t i WA.1TED Tonnr wooun si kilcJkrnmald. more i nan apply to Matron. Print Rupert Oeaeral HoicluL tf. Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. 11. W Smith, of Hulkley tfleocieuiiiic La Casse Mails Close Oct. 10 and 24. Canyon, arrived in town last Bakery WANTED oeeupatloo by rt tired medical tun, clerical or commercial. OvaJUed ov. 7th and 21st., Dec. 5th and evening. Men eiperf la bcrileultare aad poultry nu-barj. 9th 10 p. m. Illrtxit reference. Mirtln Mails from Oct. 14th and 28. Mr. Kd. Colton, of C. L. Peter PACIFIC. MILK Is the cheapest Kroerer. Prince Rupert. B. C, I TO Jov. 11th and 25th. Dec. Olh and sen & Co left this mornfng for milk there is to be used in cook. n txTaujottr pinson mat avail 23 rd p. m, Vancouver. inging. its been proved. II SO monthly correipomllat for newt First scientists tested It. You papers lis to 110 monthly tn spare Stewart, Maple Bay "and Swamp Mr. C. F. Evans, of Fort George know how they do things. They A HOT BATH THE no ean-vaastas; X3mt; experience unnecessary; Hie arrivals in the sunjeets savrested. Scad for Point. was among proved fl to be unusually rich and particulars. nsUootl Prcas Bureau For Thursdays, 10 p.m. ity last night. absolutely pure. MINUTE YOU WANT IT room 1174, Buffalo, n. T. Front Saturdays, p. m. Scientific cooks took It in hand Mr. and Mrs. II Crawford, of and You . are aerusl .rf and tried it in Uitir ways, sent t FOR BALE. Alaska and Yukon Territory. Alice Arm, have arrived in Prince in the results in glowing but gettlstg eold wit-- ta roil sale funr. Cfceip til Summit For Mondays 9 p. m. Hupert on a visit. scientific terms. They proved sbtntly. Think lat izl AtU. Uj that If measured correctly and (sfastien of get t g n i From Saturdays, p.m. Captain Groves, of the Pacific else weighed It Water hi the ssn,. everything was T MISCELLANEOUS Stevedoring Co., left for Vancou- WANTED er this morning. very inexpensive as compared with abundaaee. reita e-i wllh the other Imw rnueh has tr- OLD FALSE TEXT II BOU0HT On TUlcan- fresh milk or all usa. It or maul pUies, Jo crown and Tie-makers. All winter's work. A house on First Avenue is tn samples submitted. Mfere. fcrMcework itnesi prices paid, pott dd1? Drbhavn & Hanson, or be seen lying on its side as a re. Hut it remained for our young MOT WATER LIKE MAGIC without delay, cain by return mall. J Btaastooe, Kit Oeorru SL. Vancouver. Hanson's tie camp, Sheraton. Mil of the high winds. lady "investigators" lo find out ElUbllsned 97 run. OI that the women themselves had Harry Hanson LAND ACT Mr V. Casley was among th put all the scientific demonstrations Tm 3SSII - Hot Water Sem passengers leaving for the south In the shade as far as knowing trait I 'J I . . Ir-t you this t'v.-PHONE on this morning's steamer. how to use it in cooking so UEE.1A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Harry Atkins COAST, RCtCE k as to make good cakes and thinK 4S9 P. O, BOX MS Mr. W. O. Powell, G. T. P. agent for little eamSy BuUmtr, mm KmmtV Take mUm Uul J. M. Colli too, of Hsas very money. Jtsr, occupation patrolman, latndj to at Skagway, accompanied by Mrs. Have you tried PACIFIC MILK tn NOTED FOR PP'T Tor permission to purchase Um rol Powell, was in town this morning. your cooklngt PRIME SAUSAGE oiar described unds. commeacuf st slThey were on their way south. ost planted on ODterraury IkKt tt Nsrs PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. tBBBBr3gLK,asElX.LLi' VlLUV IZf l irvimjl saki Biy, on mile below toe old eaoary Mrs. John W. Collier and Tomato Sausage a Specialty. site; Uieocs sostk 40 ctialas. tkeaco wtst 332 Drake Street, Vancouver, B. C. daughter Pearl left this morning ekains. tkeoee aortti 40 chains, tfcenco put 40 cbaliis to potat or commcocement. on board the Prince George on an Phone 674 P. O. Box 10 lss. extended visit the oouiainr kri moro or to south. ;. MAXWELL COLUSO.t, trait ttta. HIT. fi.ll. Mr. Theo Dorrell, of the Empire ties kt. Maaaoo. IX W. X. WUliaats. BJl, U.I Ilaths left this morning for MINERAL ACT Aberdeen, Wash. Mr. Dorrell is WILLIAMS A MAN30N NOTICE TO DtUXQUE-fT PART.ttR on his way back to his old home Barrister, Solicitor, Eto. Stuart J. Martin To C W. Calboaa: in Missouri. SSOwSV TO LOAN Take notice, vaercas I bar dona and oi IISI aatod to t doM assessment work on the Mr. Arthur gilversides has re Mettoreoa Sleek pnoe RspeM. m. C ASSAY Lit Mldnirtt rractlon mineral claim, situated ceived word from his brother on Um nuance mtr, about foartecn miles Tom, who had Just arrived in rrom the bead r AUca Arm. tn Um Skeena HAZSLTON B. C. mtiilas; dtniloo ct Skeena district, assess Halifax. Tom has been invalided DENTISTRY meat work for ttt, tots, and Hit. and since the battle of Vimy Ilidge na paid for said 'work and rccordinf He hopee lo get back to Pfince oaowsi amo aiD wosi The oldest established Assay samo the sua or f I0T.S0. Unless yon pay tmm Um stun or tlOX.tO, for yoar share Rupert in the near future. a sjecciaLrv Offlss In the North. or tae said assessment work, totttner with DR. J. 8. BROWN um cost or una a4rerusemeat. t saau. ai Owing to the high waters hav Um eiptrarum or ninety (t0 dsys rrosn ing loosened the plllnir of the oturrtsT um diu kereor apply to the minus ro- Bnteei aieea. Tkieo A,Ms. railroad bridge the Kltsum eoroer st Prince Rupert. 8. C, to nsvs over yoar tauresu tn um Midnirht rractlon kaluni river, the train last night TM Mfeealca Man's MM. mineral claim veiled tn me. In pnrsdaaeo was delayed in arriving. It did ot tne prvtstoos or Um mineral act. Tio Gum of not get in until after ten o'clock Gumption THE HUB Daied tt Priseo Rupert. B. c, this nth sy or September, it 17. nil rrns morning's train was ptjt Prince Rupert Feed Co. tMcoad At, aetweea Slit A SlfMUl 11. C PHILLIPS. back from 11:30 till 1 p.m. Cleanses the teeth sweetens the P.O. BOX 228 PRINCE RUPERT The Are department had a call PHONE 58 mouth ullays thirst and fatigue. BOkVLMa ALLEYS PACIP1C CARTAGE, LTD. this morning at a quarter to ism POOL and BILLIARDS from the Cold Storage. On arrival The Forces it in a LUNCH COUNTER there it was found that the blaze Europe are finding HAY, QRAIN, FEED, SEEDS General was confined to the smok housn great comfort. ftepresestrsr; Teasing and had been brought well under and FERTILIZER Tsjrtor Eartaeertnr Company, Alice control by the local staff. The Arm, B. C. T. A. Kelley LotPnr 4. DOMESTIC inside fillings of the smoke liousn It gives them vim Sf ABC IN Lumber Go., ltd.. Queen Cfcarlotte I. BLACKSMITH COAL CAM AO were destroyed. Chicken Feed and staying WE CASH PAY CMtXftS a Specialty power. Careful Attention to Piano Mik Tin HUB yoar nesdqasrtert. Mr. Herb, Isrs your mall addressed In and furniture Removals. )oung returned to pur cars. It is ML the city on Saturday off the Prln. Mall Orer, Promptly AtleaSsd I. refreshing Pkoss Block S10. H. E. Rom, prop. PHONE 83. cess Sophia from the north. Mr to workers Young is an old timer of Prlnm Hupert. having been here year everywhere. MZ. WRIGLEYS V O. Bea SSI. Ooa TMrs) Ate. -nr' - ago. wiiere he ws engaged in tht e government service. II e was 'i lii,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rfsfT.fliai transferred to Allin and has now Smokers will tna fEWFECT OUMF FRED STORK'S HARDWARE been relrnnsferred to Prince Kit m pert. J.L.H1CKEY find It HoatMna acaLtu Ticiirmrr muiir antl coo'Hnu FOR OANNERYMEN LAND ACT , CONTRAOTOW A BUILDER We have added to our slock of valves ami pjpea a complete line of Hubber Helling at right prices. SKIE.1A LAJIO DISTRICTDISTRICT OP 8tor CASSUR. and OOlce Futures, FOR FISHERMEN Tske. notice that onnk, r..n... Chew M -' Sasb, A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for Mlnlnr. Smellier It Power Company,WIMVIIUIWII Ltd. Door and Moldings. trolling 8prlng Drass, 8ilver and lirome. f Vancouver, occupation mining- and smelt-' Oak and Hard Woods of all .. after In. Intends to anni r FOR THE WATERFRONT ' lb foilowior dsierttrsd Unas: kinds. tAirafar! CVC The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnlihes Special boat uniuueoaar si a post planted at Um W Specialize In Hard, :l iffrilUa.t.1 a. paint "FLOaLAZF." A outhwest corner of lyi r...... .... complete line of Ship Chandlery. tflfl. theoca norih t .k.i.. ,.. . wood Boat Ribs, Sash, every FOR EVERYONE Wsli-usier tosrk lo tho ft.W. corner or Ul Doors, u. J iC-MfcWiNO OUf A line stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxford Htoves, Oil; theoc well three eUlns to low-aier P,tU meal mark; tkenco Bhset Glass 'and sooth and west It Ws Sell Nothing But The Best. Chains follow iDf low.Wtr mark. Glazing. rne Finvtwu maia ur tnstni, to Um place of basin- C-rLFraMr jgsjSjSBBMl , .yvHwiaior a.t acres. ,ng ch FRED STORK'S HARDWARE OltA.SSY UaIOUUATEO hll.tlNO. IMILT nu ruwEH COMPANY, LTD. PHONE GflEEN 260 lists, autust lib, my, ' ociis P. 0. BOX 44S. Advertise In The Daily News