il The Daily News m ftM. vAjiij mimci: nunjiA Ymmim o, 10I7. pturE n VR RK)y HONS CROSS RIVER TURN ITAIJAWSl RUSSIANS DEFEAT TURKS IN ASIA MINOR - THE BRITISH ATTACK IN PALESTINE GERMANS FORCE A PASSAGE SHOULD COW BAY BE NOTES FROM THE THE COUNCIL WANTS ANOTHER MUTINY IN OF THE TAGUAMENTO RIVER FILLED IN OR NOT? COUNCIL CHAMBER EIGHT ALDERMEN THE GERMAN NAVY Decision Waterfront Regarding Deferred Accept no of The city council met at eight Bylaw to Reduce the Numbr of Men Object to Being Drafted tor trcMCNOOUS PRESSURE EXERTED UPON NORTHERN WINQ OF Meantime. t o'clock laal evening. There was Municipal Expert to Four Submarine Service THE ITALIAN ARMY RUSSIANS BEAT TURKS BADLY an unusual assembly of citizens Does Not Paas. Fight Officer. NEAR BLACK SEA CAPTURE MUCH BOOTY-HUNS The resolution of whieh Aid gathered together attracted doubt, DONT ADMIT RAIDER SUNK les The bylaw Tor the reducing of London, Nov. 3. Three officers Mcllae had given notice of motion by the business which waa the number of aldermen in the and a number of sailors of the The at last week' council meeting wan expected to turn up. The proceedings city council from eight to four Oerman navy were killed in "another reeded hi totting:8,R WILFRID LAURIER brought up laal evening in lhi opened by the clly clerk was brought up last evening for mutiny" at Kiel early in i tlir Tagllamento ISSUES MANIFESTO city council meeting. Thla reading to the councillors the its second reading at the regular September, according lo a dis "ure against our to the effect that a the tntnut correspondence which had passed meeting of the council. Aid. Dyb patch from Amsterdam to the jiirady great, la in- Yesterday Hir Wilfrid Laurier of lands waa Dreoared in amni in between the city clerk and Mr. liavn moved, seconded by Aid. Daily Express. The outbreak oc issued his manifesto declaring (he city aome four hundred and Casey, that the council resolve curred aboard the battleships Aila Minor, hia position ami the stand he will sixty-five feet of waterfront fn Landry, the Vancouver gentleman llaelf into a committee of the Kron prior and Schleswig liolslein In N.iv. 6V CVcar Ilia lake in the forthcoming election, consideration of the filling fn of who wanta the City council to whole to consider the motion.Aid. and started when the men revolted drove the Turk back Owing to wire trouble, which has!Cow Hay. that the council aeeenl guarantee bonds, and grant a free McClymont presided over the deliberations against being drafted into rat line of defence to been flhronir in Prince Iluperl for Hhia proposition, and that Ihe cityr'J,e 'or a new shipbuilding com. of the committee. Aid. the submarine service. everai aays u haa Nelson wanted to know what advantages The sailors on the Kron their third line In past, been im- ciera communicate with the min- jxinj. air. uanary naa aome prim . posslble to gel Ihe text of his jisler to that effect. pleasing remarks to make regard, the new bylaw- would threw Admiral Schmidt overboard captured great statement in time for publication This motion was seconded by ing Ihe perspicacity of our council. bring to the city. lie said that! and stabbed and threw overboard war material, am-i a...( 11.i J a j a a a a a a. a a There speaking Lieut. with which tt-idj. in m iv ! nopeo 10 nave viu. isyunavn. who at the sanwl will be some further personally, he waa dero-! Raul, the admiral's aide, -lor, fer tomorrow. I time w anted to know what Under3LcorrePndence before the matter ocratic enough to believe thai and another officer. ! very well sup- itaikng would the O. T. I. give comes up again, eight men would represent a A battle on the ship's deck be -OUR DAY" COLLECTION tin connection with Ihe work. -VIJJ A report was 'presented from greater variety of Ihe views of tween the officers and aallors followed. The Hun Raider. TOTALS 1,657.48 iMeltae in apeaking to the motloiT) the city solicitor regarding Ihe the city, while at the same lime, Three o nicer a and a num. s 0 -lief tin aduiiU I explained that there waa no im- litigation pending with the Cana he was conservative enough to her of Bailors were killed. Similar -i' irel (ho slnk-- The total amount collected for, mediate hurry In connection with dian (ieneral Electric Co. Mr. L. slick to the old methods until be acenes occurred on the Schleswig .1 .unitary seheoner the llritish fled Gro on "Our (his matter, as the O. T. P. could V. Patmore, counsel for the de-,cou,d see the advantages of the liolslein. m th CaUlegat, hut Day" on Saturday. October 20tb.lnot do anything until next June, fendanls, had made application to newer ones. Aid. Dybhavn, who Admiral Schmidt waa rescued. n silent regarding the in Ihe Prince Iluperl diitrlat now at which lime certain leases upon the court here for a delay in presenting introduced the bylaw, explained but it was necessary for him to 'H : in. Uer veels and that it would in the first leave Kiel. place total ll.SS7.IH. This amount is Cow Hay property expired. Aa a statement of defence. MPS Iitpairbr received made up as follows: the proposition of the provincial Ills Honor Judge Young had acceded save the city 11,200 per year, AH the surviving mutineers Mpeuiiaeii iiMliaate that lo this request which will Whereupon Aid. Nelson wondered were arrested. Prlnee Iluperl II.13S.6S jgovernment'a waa a verbal one, ' -rnttH-ni intend Ut what about "I The battleship Kronprinz dis Seal Cove he moved that the city clerk be not allow the matter to come up overtime. believe, sailor saved frem the continued "that places 25,293 tons and was built Alice Aran 70.00 iasketf to gel the proposal pul in at the next silling of the court. Aid. Dybhavn, II ft. uliary "Marts" who Port Idling too 175.00 !writing. This led to an mterjec- but may have to be dealt with at four good men were elected, they in 1915. Her complement is 1150 Iviiiiiara will not be a special silting. could just as well manage the men. The Schleswig liolslein was fmllhefii 50.00 ! lion by Aid. Nelson. "ill be treated aa Then Ihe Hydro-Electric Com city's busineas as eight." completed in I90C and measures Telkwa 8040 It was pointed out by Aid. Nef-eon -"u shipu tasked. pany" letters were discussed. Aid. McClymont thought that 13.000 tons. She carries 729 BandtplL Q. C U Ot.tO that the lane at the baeknf The Flrat Line. the electric light abuta The Aral waa a letter from Air. the ratepayer should hare- rth into? The pMle aa usual responded plant upon s , 0 An Italian moil generously, many large sums waterfront in Cow- Hay. He said Palrnore. writing for Mr. Winter, choice of eaying whether they Reported to Reichstag. would prefer four, aix eight Vice-Admiral von Capelle, Ger who represents Ihe bondholders. or that the ay Tag. being received. The captains of that notwithstanding this the laling that the bondholders did aldermen. man minister of marine, an la only the first government did nol provincial and their the different teams Aid. could nounced in the Ueiehtlag on Oct. not consider thai the amount offered Casey aee no reason iWeaae which the helper who were out on a very admit that the city had any rights by the cJty was sufficient for to this bylaw. Four men, be con 9 the discovery of a plot In the with which to with, stormy day. early and late must in thia connection. If this were the Falls river rights. He con tended, were altogether inade German navy. a tie of the Auttro- feel gratified at this result of their o, men ine city in getting ine aidered that the matter ahould be quate o discharge the responsi Dispatches from Amsterdam - in their invasion hard work. 1 65 feet at Ihe mouth of Cow Hay bilities and London reported that the put to arbitration. The second devolving upon the office. X 1 Further in the would be getting something for of the letter waa one from Mr. Winter I hold that eight are rather crews of four battleships rur adorna haa ealab. LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS nothing. Hut on the other hand. him.elf offering to sell lo the many," he said. "We might be German fleet had taken part in a of great natural If the city had any right to the eity the company's property at able to dispense with two alder mutinous outbreak at Wilbelms- Mttth he. will retire Mariners are hereby notified svaterfront adjoining the lane. Port Edward, comprising over ten men, but rather than run ine haven. Three of the ringleaders iagliamenlo position that the light on the buoy off then they had something lo bargain ncres 01 land and IZd reel or number down to four, I would vote ere shot while heavy sentences able. The Queen Charlotte Islands, with. The question the others. enemy llotespll. was, waterfront, buildings and so forth for eight." ere imposed on J himaeir at the is reported not burning. whether the city could eliim thla for 115.000. To Aid. McRae's mind, the city This outbreak was said to have - tii Pintano and la The light on Copper Islands. a waterfront. The third letter was also from ought to have one high priced occurred about six weeks earlier. v.. Italian the Charlotte Islands, is also Aid. Nelson had prepared an about the first of September. army on Uueen Mr. Winter regarding the lease man who could give all his lime to or the river. The Inlaw reported not burning. amendment to the original resolution ovr lite fl. T. P. right-of-way for fthe matter, and he thought thai Admiral von Capelle accused of ammunition brought in by AIC. McUae the transmission line from Falls Ihe large salary would be saved three Radical Socialist deputies f ao many guns aro The favorite houaehold Coal la to the effect lhat the council defer river. It as was suggested, an many times over. He contended f taking part in theidot, but the awbaek Ladramlth Wellington. Phone 16, passing judgment on the mailer German has not taken of the Italian alternative route was undertaken. thai four good men would do just government '. Goal Co. If. until Ihe n. T. P. give full the members Prince. Rupert till would affect the price which as e flic lent work as eight. "If any action against In Palestine. information as lo the carrying out the wanted. there were only one man," Aid. of the Reichstag. 1 For New Wellington Coal and of the works and the agreement company are puraulnic their Increase In Salary. McRae said, "he would do just as lr Lumber of all dlmenalons. between the Government and Ihn -mipalgn against tho Owing lo the increasing high good work as the whole nine of Hiern Palestine and hone 116. O. T. P. were known. After considerable cost of living, eight telephone us. Four men might get together ALL OUR s to keep up n aleady discussion, this wa operators had signed a petition to and slip something over, whleh Dresses i the Gaxaf osllious. carried. the council asking for a twenty Ihe city might have to pay dearly Evening French Front. AVIATION CORPS j It being intimated that n-delo- cent increase in salary taking for. I am in favbr of submitting v 0. Yesterday the I gat ion present wished to be heard effect per aa from December I. This this to the people at the present have got to be cleared out. a strong laurpriso T Ii e Commission appointed uimmi the matter of Cow Hay. the was referred lo the utilities committee. time, and it should be done at the Prices reduced to forty cents arm Heconvaux -which t o recommend (delegation was heard. Mr M. 1. beginning of the year. If this on the dollar. Everything Is t4- sU with very heavy candidates for the Aviation j Myres explained that he had just The request from the Oreal nasses. and eight are elected. I going at 25 per cant , lass : lio will meet at put iu a tender for a location !ti wouiu r-two enemy. Artillery Corp Var Veterans' Association for thlnk four or me eigm than can be purchaser outside. 'ntinulug in a spirited 5 p. m. Tuesdays and Fridays Cow Hay. He had been In the clly burial plots being acceded to. sign." thr Corbeny region. in the Mayor's Office. or Iwo months on this business. a report from tho superintendent Mayor MeCaffery pointed out City Hall, until further and he had the money to go ahea I .,., -.ard,nB the results me aavaniage ui iuur un wib Come In and Seo for Youraelf j notice. Thla Commission with. He was desirous or obtain- . . m .va,.flM-,i councillors. There were no mat- WESTHOLMR haa jurisdiction over thoaa ing a site for boat building, ue The burning question of water- 1 ters. of. very. . weighty imporl.... loom-1 the Goldbloom's applying for Hying only. had located one jul outside r-.,i ,.,,i rvv n then ing ntieau in me near imure aim Of IRA HOUSX Applicants who apply as .railway bridge crosing Cow Haw, . rougM u in discussinK which 'he thought that four was a auffl- Avenue. mechanics .can do ao by .wherein he proposed 10 place iwo AW NeUon uene McRae toicient number. Third TONlQHT ONLY letter lo the lloyal Flying liuuurru iwj ih- "" annther man WllO was accused OI rtiu- .MUiiiBuuicr KATHLVN Corpn of Canada, Yancou. Ing lo start within orlV-eiJ",ln,0vlng amendments lo hia own 'amendment that the word four be WILLIAMS ver. H. C. In making ap- hours of the deal being conaum- !re90utjon9 The new bylaw tojstruck out of the bylaw, thereby HOUSE PETERS plication pleaso state your mated and to continue l'",,,-,Rlreduce the number of Aldermen nullifying It. It was explained by LONDON CAFE I 1.1 technical knowledge. us the business ahould wrra,l,'frt1, etght to four was next con- ;the city clerk that the bylaw once HC HIGHWAY OF HOPE" M. P. McCAFFKftY, for Ihe next len years. aldered and defeated, after a 'passed would have lo be put to AND BMLL Chairman. A special commltleo wa form- lwcar,,ome discussion. The very .the people not sooner than ten Third Avnu TOPICAL BUDQET ed to look into this mailer nnd .,.. nf .iijate on the sub- days hence and not more than Prompt Service of the Bast COMEDY to report hack to the council. Th . ... -..,1 balling tin .twenty-one days, which gave some consisted of Aldermen couucll that tho ther la to eat at all hours. committee , ni..linir oul wi,erB u.-yiof the hopes Casey. McClymont and McMeekln. were again was the finest argument matter would come up again be BOXES FOR LADIES VICTORY LOAN which Ihe council itself foro the next election. So when e A meeting of all cltitens rould put up for a reduction In the vote was taken, the amend- Broughton & McNeil of Prince Iluperl will be t Inminritv. iment to reduce the number to six held nt the City Hall on NOTIOE Th eonneil then nassed on tojdid not pass, while the amend TELKWA, B.O. Tuesday. November dlh. ... '..1 & 1 i .- 1 u.n .......1 discuss the cemetery pyiaw 11-mem w ario uu. mo wu ii IT.i 11)17, at H o'clock p. 111. for On and nfler November lo ten o clock went through, thereby defeating u,,. being this lime near ,pec,a pr,c0 on coal will ho sold . .... the purpose of organising 1st, our .i..i..i....t the bylaw. k"Ul1 and dOUDlieas lliejr uiimui-u u iie,"r'. ,,u'k,,y Va,,,y pinna to assist tho Victory for eash. Please pay In soon, for by this time, their audl-enco Loan. Every person will Hie office when ordering, THE CRADLE 5"- Ht!rr. 16o had gone. I" Ht'er, hind side 18o ho welcome. The object is or lo the teamster upoii The man who works hi help to form a strong working delivery. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram 11 lx day a weak. Hier, (routi , , , 12y,o committee. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Look your baat and be comfortable llw freight In a La Camilla CorseL Fraser. of Port Esslngton. at the rato to Iluperl Albert A MeCaffery. Ltd. M. P. McGAFFKIlY, Wanted A nrat-claas 000k and Oeueral Hospital Had Prince t 8oosper 100 lbs. Prices very moderate. Phone Rupert Chairman. 46, Mr. Darner, Stephens Blk. on November 5th, a son. Waltr.