November 6, 1011 THE DAILT NEWS iOJlMDICIiiE THAT WED IB 'FruH-a-t!res Again Proves lis Extraordinary Powers Jr;' , for years from Rkmlitm ". 0i,uiMMe without result. 1 that tr did"-good, isa ? i tHlr well-the Itheu-1 fe oi'rtrt. utff from ,uch hi" down l look like thai an into-.-.. ,(l, i urc and y. i b. land Um.h- barred windows is where tu ISAIB nociios. Canada, triildon upon mill.ons ..f ,jilar. ar .tored. Tlii. is wher- the enorinou deposits of the An exquisite "newness" insuranre companies and banks ar kept by the Oov-rnment and this is where Canada's Victory i tu-fi or r'P111 bX 1 rtt,u War Loan Ikinds are stored pending thr uue This ts the richet arre .f ground in Canada. for all woollens Limited. Otaw. verdict and permit Cow Hay to be Somehow, with ordinary washing", one always thinks of LAND LEASE NOTICES IN THE LETTER BOX closed, no matter what decision woollen garments coming out of the wash a little worse the city eouneil may arrive at. off than when they went in. .UC.U UA" DIITWCT-DUTRICT Of Dear Bir. The following are, riespeclfully, Far otherwise when you let LUX wash them. They AIT HANOI FIVE. in my opinion, good and sufficient 11. B. MYHHB. come out of the wash with a soft, fleecy "new" feeling", well being absolutely clean quite unshrunken, , thai waller t walker, of reasons whr the city council as as .t J.'"i it .. . oceopatK Hwwttr, should refute to accept the offer TIMBER SALE X1084. and quite unthickened. 'I a.- apply for prrio w of Cow Hay walerfrontage for How is it done? Allow 3 tablespoonfuls of LUX for XT,., ai oeatribed udt l0Uf- Cow liar itself: f iealed tmdert will tw recelred by th each gallon of water which should be near the boiling x II P ! IIECAUKE, tlit eonslderallou Miaittrr of Landt not later than mod oo point. Put the woollens in and stir them about with a ijhg th day of Notemfcer, HIT, for the soak until the solution is cool Z w'u u:tMitot offered the stick. Then let them by railway f-orrtpauy m irarcaoM at uteoee X till, to col 70,000 Mwvtat at ntrUeii mid Jk Hoe enough for you to squeeze the woollens with the hands ' through the Provincial Govern pra or tlel on aa arts ad-fitaiar ViifJ Uitnd, B. C.: thence M TIMBER SALE X1077. Lot fill on Eodtko furer near when the dirt will run out, Then rinse in 2 or 3 "ina tsciif oDih efcaiot. laoea ment is totally inadequate in point Baraea Lako. RaireS, Coait DUUIcL relays of tepid water and hang to dry. of value, and therefore tiol strict oe year wlU be allowed for re-hisval tad wetierly tel. SiM trndrrt will m rttnted by the V- b rtberly ly legal. of Umber. . Alt fW rrerm. Brttitk msj. s M" wr "Mk MhMMrr f Ltadl not liter l tun noon on I i.J- rantier paruealan or the Chief roretter. awneoteoieot, and turn-mat. IJKCAUSH, the railway eompany the tsib dtr of ftoTtmbrr. HIT. for th Lever Brothers Limited e r--' Vtetorta, B. C, or Dtatrtst rare iter, prince t iij crr. more or ku. did once steal Cow JJay from the (wrraaw or Lwroeo x ISTT. to cut ll.ol Mpert, B. C fill WAITER B- WALIER. city but was forced by the peremptory TIES or llrmlork, Jtrkptse, Bprutt and Toronto 32 Odir i aa area attsitod a ntrdtertbble ta xf. orders of the Hallway Crrrk. Skreaa RUrr, lUDft I. Ootit DU-UlcL The Daily News delivered by WILL NOT 1NIURE THE FILMIEST FABRICS DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Uuministion of Canada to return arnrr. 50 ct-nls per month. iu A the goods. om 1 1 rear will tx atlowed for removal UT M.10I five. MiCAUSi; Cow Day is invalu of timber ADVERTISE IN rsrtlier parUmlart of Vbt Chief Foretter, rill set Uut Waller C. Wltttr. Of able to the eity as the o,nlr check letoru. B c or DUtrlct roretier, Subscriberfor The News Daily, Muurtr, Xt The Daily News p4Uoa it lias upon all railway schemes. Rupert. B t to ! ' r pnBikitl t liKGAUgE. the railway has al- xawacaf it P pUld tl Mm ready grabbed up Morse Creek cwicifc ' u Uil Ml WMI Lto with its traeks and Hays Creek with the drydock, and Cuw Hay to ttsu4 Hit wur r Mirt situ tomlbrtij nuw the only bay on the island. MXaUSK, Cow Itay affords the tittt t t J W 9rtt 4 Soittk only water runneetion with a nly i. tfra IfJ ul I p-M b4ln DM thoroughfare, the railway having Ul ct Mm n cm iwmI ur-: u MI4 M)b W iff Mirk of Tiui so skillfully platted the townsiic tutr IV are K.ui i ck4tM( Uxc that i mi street should format L t tltrlf to iimtM M U UI with the waterfront direct. Kim Mm of uw tMI of torn-t: lleoause, they overlooked Cow r-i Ibrac I cMM DM I At I el Ot ( ronartoMM aad cosuiatai llay in thta respect and how hard i;s; t "r mr'rt or (ma. they are striviHg to repair their Wl Tl t WALltll. m . r ut iMUter. hit. error. HKCAl'gK, the exchange offered tt-'M AM) WITWCT OISTMOT Or is etttftfl-swept, current- wept, AtlUH untsfr and affords bo protection vessels. .1;. C - uut wtiir l war, i IIIXt8 Cow liay is the only c s MNpiUN Nuurtr, safe place when Ashing and small j9- if drrrtt4 Uadl: boats can tie tip in safety, now- m-my ur tl pott pUaUl tl UM thai the larger part of teal Cove hns w -nr of Ul (tl, CtiUtr is taken up. and the fishing being bamr t aoruwrtr to4 tturtjr Mnai m of Hi tb Wtlr Mtrk our only indutlry should be pro TtrUxl aat) k t pottl brr ta tut teeled And encouraged. u4 it . a flrt ttfMit t poUl It HKCAUSK. it is the only place J of Uw tolDl f torn-fzzz. itkor mall flihinK vessels can M ieU ltt MI4 UM of t-rt Vttti- tj Ux( Ml tS CktlBI; be built or lie up for repairs. ; tkd ttiurtr. ptrUl W IIJUIAL'SK. if the exchange be t -st Uii Wtur Mtrk l-ortitad made and the railway fills in Cow I I :i II CU1M tM WmI of llay and lays sixteen separate xoBtDral; Uwst roil ttd t: H i putDi of MMwmH lines of track there as proposed, M -ct lis tcrvt nor or Irtt. how would teams reach the city a WALTtK K. WIUU. uniorfmnt Ihrouith the mass of to 3lt; of Otto6r. t. 9 shunlinff freight cars? IUXAUSK. no matter what tne bISTMCT D1STMCT Of 'AS it AH railway may promise to a o to Mtr urh daring defects of U 6 : . lb! ip, ASltO-SnUlll O- the scheme, it must be remember tei4 ' tfiiuf i gmoMj Umnd, of Von-B mi that the railway has notorious '' - 'ui-tllMi stimon CMMrt, broken all promises made wiin ' i i ijr for prrmittkm w y at drMTtb4 Uftdt. the cily; that it has never done Directions for Employers M , ut Dltnl4 It HUH anything for the city except screw- Xtrt, i orutod Caatl. IS tiulul DM the taxes upon Its city prop a ttj i .ktuit of tuoro Dm Wett of down ridiculously low and un Who Purpose Clcuming Exemption -i. :i w. i . .vror of Lot Its. cttntr erty to a J Hit . north It ctMinti tbrnt Just figure. r for Class One Men in Their Employ - it-M. inort or Irtt. to Win 1IKCAUSK. if Cow Hay were -t?tw tiUrly i .mitad roUovmc Ctuh Uwnc lb Um toulh of dredged at ellght cost scows could foHowing is recommended for employers who have to 1 their eraploy-any ti Mtrk rortUiMl Ctiul to tt bring coal direct to Third Avenue wSc without.chUdrcn (net otherwue md); J?S 3S2l ctimml ' aunrorriMBt in4 cooUininc II thus reducing the cost to the con THE 34th birday - ' c ' Irtt. 1917,andwr : BHITISIt COLUMBIA PACll.tO sumer.IliXAUSK. the railway knows conptfan for .y 01 . -- or5ibiul, If yd totruct CU One mm In M LIMITED) WtlKf C Wtlktr. Alt ' otr of octuiwr, ttlT. that if this deal falls they will be ' forced to widen the opening ana your who medical examination are puceo ' Onlv Class One men, upon ... if thev Hln IA.HD DISThlCT tMSTMCT 01' nut in a swinR bridge. service under the Act. Class One men placed in Categories u, v. or r. 1 " CASSUR. lllXAUSi:. It l very impronauie attach their medical report to their claim for exemption. that the Hallway Cominisssion of tif thti wtiur c wtiitr. of Employer's Statement and Schedule . t a. c, ocrupttton Mtntrrr. Canada will reverse its former 'M- i.. t(1y fof pfnnuiion to Irttt Second, prepare a full' '--t of ' 'wiiti' ' drurltwd it t potl Undt:pltnt4 it SWItNV LA.1D DISTRICT-CASSIAH. -DISTIUCT respectiire occupations and 7"XmwiS hebourf thoivailable for military service, ;. :ror of tot its. Ctttitr otherwise of replacins the labour of men In the statutory class 1" litrnro north 10 cbtlai; thrnco TAkE aollco Uut Tbo Antlo-BHUlh Co- r?d1dfiM SSffiK&S onof U, bucss i, intheNaUonal Mtrk'taint,furiUiul mora Ctotli or Utt.tbrnro W toulh-kilk"" IHin luiubll MHiter. I'trktoc B. C. oecupttloA Company Urn Bilmoo I'M. caiwert.of Van- K?mt. a?d SSer facts and circumstances a. rr Jgto l, ages and occupation, of all '' folUtnt M'h Wltrr lAi.uU in at'Dlr for penulttloa to letie I Append to thU seneral 'J " Iho fullotn drtcrlbed landt: tna ruaitinlot 110 trrri ruort or coiiuncnclnc it a twit pitntea at mini ryha?e wiur Mtrk l-ortland Canal. IS chttnt Due tsu WALTER t WALkEIL North and 10 rhamt, or tuure, Duo Weill the man. . tflte ooinlon whether such exemption should be con- dty of Oclubtr, ttT. or the .Korio Weil Corner or Lot III.I -...i.r Diicrtcli theoca northerly and wrtierir foliowlnr the Line of lllfb VVttei Mtrk, I'oriltna canal, to point where an mJSSSSSlSS&S&Sror um. b.h A. okr W-InjforciempUon. Harry A. Harvey r til and Writ Line dnan tbrouth 1 point I (Ule 0 rbeiui Duo North of the point of com Forms for Exemption Lontoa, tf OootorvtUIrt mrurriixiit Intertertt with laid Una of I Med ho wffl tmwnlt.thc form. wh or stwtie) lliih Witer Mtrk; thence Weil SO chains; be obutorf on rqucrt nn P" Ma.wr, eweiu or lansoownk oottsll thrnre toutberly and eaiterly perilled wlibl Thc form, ro.y ' "unit Ttkea for the said Una of lllfh Wtur Mirk, fori W thb. November lOth 'I0UJI. PIANO, VIOUnCXIXO and land Cant I, to l point It chains Due. Weil I 'Ch&r cxemptioa mu.t b. mad. not hb H4RMONY. of the point ot rutuutrncrnteoli I hence - EXAMINATIONS rut to chtlnt to itld point of rommenca- Th MiMary Service CoancH eWl frtsartS for iaalaHt mrnl and eoutalnlnt ttO ttret mora or I "allied Botrd, Vaooewitr, C-tott' lett of IN Bed ind I'oretboN of fortltnd "nil Collt sf Mwtle, t-oodoa. !! :iatL TIIK ANOLO blllTISII COLUMBIA rACEINU TCRNI3 - PHONE BLUE 278 COMPANY LIMITED, Wilier E. Wltktr. AIL title tllft dty of OcUiber. HIT.