TftK DAILT NEW TtJf :f.,v SAYS JAPAN CAN NOT IHtlllMIIIMIM SEND MEN TO EUROPE MAIL SCHEDULE FOR SALE V Pacific Port or the United Protect Your Family For the East. st Nnv. 3. Karon Tanellnro Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. McRaia. head of tho Japanese tdays at 0:30 a.m. 'i-'manrtal Commission Hint nr-lrll On Seal Cove Circle here yesterday, said last Why delay nny longer oil the eheiee nf yoi,r Lot 30, Block 7, From the East. night thAt it was Imposslblo for you oan gel Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Japan tfj send an army to nid the Section 7, :30 p. til.; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Allies "tin tho liuropean unuie-front. DOMESTIC BREAD With Two-Roomed House ,. For Vancouver. If in the face of physical Impossibility Sweet, Crisp and Whofe,,,,. Monday 7 n. m. Japan should be foolhardy Very Cheap at Mrtdo by Kipcrts In a -miliary Tuesdays 5 p. m. enough to make a superhuman hop. Thursdays 10 p. m.l elTorl to send troops, nnd "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" $650 Saturdays ........... 4 p. m. If sho speedily became exhausted" Local News Notes he said, "who would then protect From Vancouver. the Orient If Germany remained La Casse Bakery Sunday 10 p. m. victorious?" H. Q. HELQER80N, LTD Mondays 9 a. in. Miss M. E. Mason has returned He said that the great distance Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. i0 town after an extended visit to B. ,h- bad condition of the Fridays 0 p. m. her old home in I'eterboio'. Onl. Trans-Siberian llnllrond stood in Saturdays lowua.m. ... of .11 troops to At the county court yesterday, . fn nnP4 lll(ir lh eMU "The Daily News" For Anyoi. there were two applications iur nn. hn -,.nniu,i. j.nan. however Relieve Your Liver Sundays 10 p m.l naturalization papers. n"rr went u. .,, ..,.1 i1Bin.,i nneein . Wednesdays 10 p . aiso tnree cases upon " aHoWin(r her to send the Siberian CLASSIFIED ADS. Fridays 8 p m.l which were not called. to the front. Japan had When your liver Is out of ordervyour head, troops Saturdays . 10 p, m bile and bowels suffer with it "That is why bS .... . .. . kept her pledge to ftuisla In this - attack is often serious. Ward it off with Mr. Alex, iiaiiues, late secunui ,.,,..,, ,,. a few doscaof WANTED. From Anyoi. offlccr or the Prince John, Joined . ' ' C.,.,.l.. - t..,t . . . .. 4II-1-I"'"" ' "t' uumuoo, a. ..... iuuui;, uiiine naval torccs uu mo I i .n n........ ni.....f. WAXTED Olrl to look after soft drink ... '"'I'"" "U..1.M ...,c....r. BEECHAM'S ft....I, r, m .1 Th. l, I... K.t M. PILLS Counter sod Cirar SUnd. Seal Cot. - , iiui ouu;o,i some nine oevi uv una Pool Rooms. Pbone 141. td P. m. g(ep Up and Is now chier " I . ; I.VInrtAf in1 hni lli Aral Cttfri- WAITED To rent. Mod-e. which gently arouse a siuegtah Urer, and renew the scthritles so '"f!? Port Simpson A Naas aiver Points mand. He is on patrol duty. bouse vita iir v bcaJth. tardea, particulars, neonaary to rxxl They nerer produce any dlucrtctUe Box U Dally news. ' m. For Sundays, 10 p. m. fX-nfiri "Omen ivnow alurr-cUccts. Their prompt use U Uatfidat to the sritaa, tad s. From Tuesdays, p. m. Tomorrow Mrs. Oerscheitx 1,1 WAITED dud, clerical Occupation or retired Qualified medical daughter or Air. W. Ooldbloom.Is ft .a more i nan Prevent Bilious Attacks expert in horticulture toil poultry bus- Queen Charlotte Islands leaving on an extended trip to The Scientific bandry. Hlrbest references. Mirtln I Mails Close Oct. 10 and 24 east. She will visit Winnipeg and rtWL-i Worth Guinea Box Kroertr. runce Rupert. B. C. 170 1 ov. 7th and 21st Dec. 5th and therearter proceed to New York rntl mh W TUmi BmIm. Jt. IIAm,l,n.hi.taeW. ImU ww.UwhCui m4 U.L Aiimiii. Iihin tS fT men 1 I.1TLU(1E?IT PERSO.f MAT KARJ1 9lh 10 d. m. on a buying visit, where she will I too moo ihj correipoodinr for mvi-papers; Mails from Oct. Mth and 28. purchase a large and assorted PACIFIC MILK is the cheapest times experience 140 to unnecessary!I0 moaiikl in do spare can- Jov. 11th and 25th, Dec. 0th and stock of the latest goods. Mr. milk Ihere is to bo used in rook vassinr; subjects surrrtted. Send fori 23rd p. m. Ooldbloom has decided that Prince I inging. It's been proved. particulars, national Press Bureau nupert loons good to mm and he I First scientists tested It. You room iH, BufftJo, W. T. I Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp intends staying with the city. He know how they do things. They A HOT BATH THE FOR SALE. Point. has built up a good fur-buying Inroved it to be unuauallr rich nnd For Thursdays, 10 p.m. Dusiness, wnicn na win extend lAhsolutelr nure. MINUTE YOU WANT FOR SALE Rure. Cheap SI I Summit From Saturdays, p, m. and has hopes of making Prince scientific cooks look it In band IT ATenoe. tr. nupert 'the tur market or and tried It In their ways, and sent Yeni are sr. : ti t MISCELLANEOUS Alaska and Yukon Territory. Iirilisn UOlUmDia. 11MM (I.. r-.,,l. (n r t,t I -1 fiUKg cold '"' 13. For Mondays 9 p. m. scientific terms. They proved I las? etetitly. Think ' i iaU OLD FALSE TEETH BOCOHT On vulcan- From Saturdays, p. m. LINCOLN MADE SERVICE that if measured correctly and rafactlofl or K f I 1 lu or metal plates, alao crown and COMPULSORY IN 1863 everything else welshed It was Water In thr ia a; a brldtework hlrbeit prices paid, pott without delay, eaan by return malL J. WANTED very Inexpensive as compared with BR atKindanve. r-g Dunitone, tut Oeorgia SL, Vancouver. It Is a matter of record in fresh milk or with all the other trow imieh has ' EitabUsned 17 years. OIS. Tie-makers. All winter's work. United States history that Presl-1 samples submitted. Sfore. pply Djbhavn & Hanson, or dent Lincoln, after attempting toHut H remained for our young MOT WATER LIKE MaCIC Hanson's tie camp, Sheraton. I prosecute the Civil War w ith vol-1 lady "investigators" to find out Harry Atkins unteer troops, at last, in 1 863.1 that the women themselves had Harry Hanson LAND ACT turned to conscription In order to Put &H the scientific demonslra ram ll Biitctor, Prlaoo Rvporl. necure the necessary forces. I lions In the shade as far as know Hot Water ton ;n you this -. ueexa lamd district district of I since Lincoln is regarded ns ow o use n in owning so NOTED FOIt coast. ra?ice . lone of the greatest statesmen this!as to make good cakes and thing a PHONE 480 P.O. B0XSK PRIME 8AUSAQE Tat nouce that i. u. Couiaoo, or Kia continent has produced, it is in-l"r very little money uver, oecopauon patrolman, intends tolatructive at the present stage orl"ave ou tried PACIFIC MILK In Tomato Savsage a..Specialty. ppit tor innuH io purcnaj u roi-1! rni.lin n hi.i,,n- ln ... h,r I,, rour eonkmirf AwarfttV 1alShtfW. I vk4 a fr wn. w a I . I .v. mM. uuiukiiuui a. I, I. , I . .I . tut Bbiiidl u Mwmbn inbi ii nIn. ural' "c iiruuiriNM mat Phone S74 F. O. Box akl Bay. oto mile below the old cannery Inrose. I PACIFIC MILK CO LTD aite; Uienco tooxh 40 chaUa. thence wett The President wan unrni.l thai 1332 Drake Street. Vancouwap. B. C muc guru iv cuauu. won lr.v. disorders mlshl fnllnw l lie eaat It chain to point of eonunencemeBl.I . onuintnr SO acre more or leia. leniorcrmeni oi ine COntnptlon I, maxwell cotxiso.t. I law. which it was argued, was in unui " n.II.00DO9ltinn In lh rnnalltnlinnol I Met Manaoa. SJL Stuart J. Martin MINERAL ACT ii""11"I n (vll (,.. "u l iiunucs:l.-r u 1 inc 1 wr. I. WUtiavM. I I LLl WILLIAMS A MANSON ASSAYEri I lll.nln I A n L. ,1 . t ponCE TO DEU50CE.1T FARTHER . "" srounu inai Barristers, Solicitors, Etc To c w. caihoun nomocracy means an equal share HAZELTON B. C. Take nouce. whereaa I have done and! in the burdens, as well as In Ihe oaiT TO Loan sea till anaed to be done ataeaamenl work on the Ihlpaalntr- nf. a r.n,..ll .1 . . . . lierece. atort I -1 - m I ,-- .111.4 V mere Resert. S iwuiui rracuon nunera. claim. iitoiia . on the nuance rirer. about foorteen ml lei f We1 on nrm enforcement or The oldest establlthed Assay from the bead of Alice Arm. ta the Skresa the law. All opposition waa firm- Office In the North. mininr divtaioa or Skeena diatrlet. aaaea. y repressed, DENTISTRY ment-work for 1 91 . IS 1 1, and ISIS, and 0n .nt.rlnir Ih hae paid for said work and reeordlni llf .. . c. . " , same the aum of 117.10. Unless yon pay"v " muieu vj past OStOMTM AND BRIMC WMS r me the sum of I lot.10, for rour stare experience and promptly adopted A SFIOIALTT of the said assessment toyether with work, Te Werkta I'e Heme. compulsory service. DR. J. 8. BROWN um ch of uu aoTeruseiuent, i snau, at Now that Canada has adnnted tba exptrarvon of ninety (is) days from ocwTirr THE HUB in date hereof apply to the nuclei- re a similar course she Is In a belter I esJaet Beirtli Bleak. Tk Iiwm WHIGrlEY'S corder at Prince Rupert. B. C to bare posiijon to do her full share? Sa.atid At, Mm Sliik A Seeaatti your laureate in the Mldnlrht rraeUon though opposition Is unlooked for r.O. BOX S2S P1IINOK StUFCNT mineral claim vested In me. In pursuance oi im provisions of the mineral act. repressive measures are provided BOWLING ALLEYS Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this tetb in me Act. Tho Gum of Gumption y or Bepiemtter, !St7. Dtl POOL and BILLIARDS H. C PUILUPS. Prince Rupert Feed Co. LUNCH COUNTER CHRISTMAS MAILS Cleanses the teeth sweetens the ClntrH rt.t 9 t RHONE SS mouth allays thirst and fatigue. RepresenUnr: PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. M m-mvam mr WIW1UI, Tsylor Ensineennf Company, Alice Kgypt, Palonikl and Arm. B. C, T. A. Kelley Lottinr Mediter Lumber Co, Ltd Queen Charlotte I. ranean points, November 1 0th. HAY, The Forces in Europe are finding it a WK CASH par CMtOKS General Teaming France. November Zk th. QRAIN, FEED, SEEDS great comfort. Make The 1IUB your bead quarters, Great Hritain, December 8th. and FERTILIZER lave your mall addressed la our care. DOMESTIC Persons making up parcels ror above points should mail lhim It gives them vim BLACKSMITH COAL Black (10. H. E. Usee, Prep. before the actual closing dales to Chicken Feed a and staying CAMAOA .......... r-rffrfirmjjffjffj Careful Attention to Piano avoid any possible delay. Specialty power. and Turnlture Removals. SUB8CRIK FOR all Orders PremeUy Attend u. It is refreshing ML The Daily News! RHONE 93. to workers . . everywhere. WRIGtLEYS tea SU. OS TMre At. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT SinoUors will J.L.HICKEY find It snoiUnj - kuwii tor in. n.i..ti... -m I . ... .... I VI I SCALUi HICHT TIGHTHIP T iwrniy-wree tf). Twenty and coollnu FOR CANNERYMEN four (tl) and Twenlr-flM CONTRACTOR We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete Brrenteen IT. Secuon One o. In the -i A BUILDER MIS? line of Itubber Ileltlng at right prices. City of rrtace Runert. .in iJ f 1 FOR FISHERMEN 8tore and Office Fixtures, Cheur St HI' vwv. uuod on Hnml.v 1 K complete slock of the best goods that money can buy for , " Jwemier, A. D. hit Sash, Door and Moldings. KM! trollingSpring Urass, 8llver and Uronxe. coftr one or mors lou. Oak and Hard Woods of all "jr.. ' Tmo of FOR Uate ten (10) years. after THE WATERFRONT OrllDed Cheque Corrrlnr .1. . kinds. The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints .. and Varnishes Special boat M.W., IctUDDIBr H t... I We 8pecl. paint "KLOGLAZK'V A complete line of Ship n Mard. Chandlery. wood Boat Ribs, Sash, every FOR EVERYONE The hlyheal I Doors, or any Under nnt i ate. A fine slock " I 1 BT a a rtii a a.i 1 I At sr K of Hardware, Qurney'a Oxford Stoves. uwcifil Plata meal Tenderer! mutt state th. k........ and hM, n, We Sell Nothlna But The Best. are in. ... ,u'l -mi ana ej mtm mint uillll rUd UwaU I Qlsalno. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE lllhiunl.Rest snail be 'r,.r.M. in "" Corner Free.. oi. u avrauce. Till I PHONE QNEEN 203 .,, i Ipuiy 11.Minuter HAD E.I'of Leads. P. 0. BOX 44S. Advertise In The Daily News