19 The J, 1L Y NEWS v , v i?r M. tdlt MiiNOK nuiKiiT, n. c wEUM-miY. novlmul'h 7, 1017. PKICE FIVK CENT I AS.J IKSf -w-Sn MS FROM PASCHENDAELE ITALIANS RETIRE TO A SHORTER LINE-SIR WILFRID LAURIER ISSUES MANIFESTO CANADIANS ARE SUCCESSFUL SIR WILFRID LAURIER HUNS GET THEIR FIRST GREAT HEROISM OF OUTLINES HIS POLICY, AMERICAN PRISONERS RETREATING ITALIANS AT THE PASCHENDAELE RIDGE F1rt Duly to Find Men, Money W j ' ' nnnnWHal Germane Raid Trenches Held by Overwhelmed on Isonzo During a and Resources Necessary to United States Troops and Dense Fog, Italian Troops nTURE ENEMY DEFENCES WHICH THEY WERE TO HOLD AT I support Soldiers. Capture Twelve. Fight Gallantly. ALL COSTS ITALIANS TAKE UP A NEW LINE AND ABANDON PART OF TAOLIAMENTO RIVER RUSSIA Ottawa Sm. S. - In ih Washington, Nov. fl. Ameri. Milan, Nov. 5 Thrilling inci UTMOST TO CARRY ON feslo issnMj liy Mr W,if .1 I 71 DOINQ t rier today delimiti him . I ... can troops of the American expe. dents are narrated of the titanic -Yesterday the ami outlining In- . l ry, I di mnary forces have experienced fight that ragftrt around the Isonzo. wllh ' RED CROSS NOTES lhat In Brut lni u; I hp 'LHp ? ILLLLnLnnnV their first real clash with the Austrian troops have been raked i r Hie operated And the men. m ni re enemy. together for a supreme endeavor, the de- . against rim Ttift 1'MaofM.ra nf War llniiuh : amir-re rH''"i,'i ( fnui' Mi In the early dawn of Saturday with the co-operation of the German i,. l'aclielael nidge.Jof fullest mensun- of support ,tf j: Ule nwJ tmn slly have a Cicrman raiding party swept allies. ..Separate but simul o which I the !at uffuur prisoners under their care. heroic oIi1ht- at Hie fr..ni a ( enable Canada 9cr the parapets of a trench oc-cupied taneous thrusts made by the en . uiiJ remaining In the Parcels nf food lo rarli man cost to dit!i'imi l the very end lo do lirr mrl w by an American company, emy at points between l'lezio 10 month, me Ins divisions Ir Friday sales ll.- foeimy Hollow and St. Gabriele were of hotne-e the war. A ftiitdatnontal ..jei and after a brief hand-to-hand encounter Hiking are now being i -:i in tM to liulil at all favored by dense fog, and the as held for this objeet. retired to their own ln- aitark of the Oana. conscription is that it nuiviiM- sailants managed t o advance As the lied Croes tent on Third haman life that SIR WILFRID LAURIER earthworks. General Pershing's ight up to the barbed-wire de i.... ranch for the Hoche only and it h - ucs f Paseliendaele, Avenue at pfenl being ever.1 not attempt to conrript wealth. Th iai.--iiiaii ' j.nada who Brst despatch announced at the fences before they were dis it ami Goeberg are naaieu a oh ea up properly reeoureen or the eric.- nf aaylDeiee! in constitutional methods war oluce department reported covered. 4 bands, along with a vtuuHawi me winter vteainer, ine;prMNfl (hr than tho hn and in trusting the people. that three Americans were killed, Three converging columns. aie oi nomeooaiog uih five wounded and twelve captured composed exclusively of Germans, wl(lin the limit. , . nuinwer of prisoners. age pr"-' will be held iH the supHT rooms, in the engagement. swooped down upon Caporello seribei by the Military Service', , mil-lit report lhat the u.wiimkkK of the war. The The de and then the same as last week, and will Aet." principal point, war upon Lucio, where, dur- ni are new ver a be In charge of Miss Young and daily provisioning of the familr partment officials say, is that all ng a bloody fray, the village Slop Profiteering. .)- beyond Pasehrn- table ta from day to day becoming MIm Da Vern?t. Germany now knows Americans changed hands eight times over. The manifesto "OneU proceed: morning. mnrr and more alarming prob-of are in the front line trenches a The Italian gunners kept the in French Front. A meeting to diMwM sewing for the hhwI important eonlribu-rw tef, an da,,,,, cf wagi-earn-Uon fact that Germany has been try vaders at bay a couple of hours Pan n 7.- Along lite en. the o444er, in addHftxi to VbiU toward winning1 the war 1s..era and for all iieople of small ing to keep secret. The German and then leaped back Into the front rtt BB(im WtMML vo- Ug. will be held at tlie reeideaee ui put a stop to promeenng ow Snd of even moderate incomes. It attitude 4 indicated by her suc trenches to sustain the battalions ' aniiery action ta rprtl.'or Use Vtee.trs4ettt. Mrs. H. L. war pplles. The government j in no answer to ay that this Is cinct statement lhat "North Americans" which, under overwhelming pres Italian Front 'Me!nloti. Sl Fonrtn Avmim W has detfberalejy encouraged profl- ;a natural ronequence of the war. were prisoners, not speci sure, bad been obliged lo fall back V. 7 -! making a new on TueMsay neat at 3 p.m. AH.ieenwn ior me orm-ui m n iar-lTlM. remedies ar at hand and 1 fying that they were the first cap from the banks of the Isonzo with fiahans have aimmloned lad tea Intereeled in Ibis work will;tisan followers. A flrnt duly f at nc tel down the policy. tures of Pershing's men. heavy losses, liy these tactics neral t'jidorfta has be very wilwmt. mr atimintMrauon wofira ne to Tariff Reforms. Having located some of the the Germans were finally repulsed -nUr line f the vf homecoo4iag last enure to the country, which para "No measure to reduce the cost American forces, officials believ and the guns saved. i" nvef from the vnl- rriar rMIUed the sJ of 179 M. for war supplies, the evees of of living can be effective until the the crown prince, whose army is As on Friday, the Germans HI to the liMd mt the -The joewtars nf the drawings prolUs being reallted hv prott ilarifL is. rsfcnined, and its pres opposite the point where the Sat fallowed na -signs of activity in Sff WTifrni If -a The rltriritetd mtr follows: Mrs. Hart pre- neeary.m ma a t .it-i. s sure removed from tnose com- urday skirmish took place, may that sector. The commanding '.i r and unue. ne TaatTrie nw uesiiat m ...iii... in uhut. ih-. nr. attempt to stage a spectacular at general ordered a strong cajalry s- .n the 2TJt Vene woo Mm. He.ley; Mr. V.T. Uan-Tw l ot e,i I Prol,, hoardings.' and tack in this sector. reconnaissance, he himself following tl) p, of mn eriei. -,. ).jn-iaIl. fnP ).. iiutpcna r in motor line ' in their rear a !o-w dfer.,1,- of . . . . PPlr.oa Suitable government shop i t i it. The enemy is still : m irviauiil 'floern. prke. Of this obvkius fund.i- SOME OF THE ISSUES OF car. Arriving at a suarp ucuu u iiakJerobfe pressure. 'j,, Mek er polatoe. won by1 Sir NVIIfrkl lllere. should be mental reform there is not a word THE COMING ELECTION the road near fdersko. they found turned to tne production oi r jn ,e poverament manifesto. In-materials themselves faced with a swmiy v m the northern pari.uP,. (krnih: Mr. aements ai mountain Wil- at cost prices 4l members of the present lirockville, Nov. 5, That con oncoming corps of German motor regtons re;MWk(H) Mr. ah --sion. eushion won by He declares of the War Times goVerBment have announced that scription was introduced as a cyclists with mitrailleuses affixed Russia Haa lett; Mrs. WilliseroU tueorge-town FJeelion AeL passed lat session. n qM.p,jo0!l rtf tnrifr legislation measure by Premier JJorden to to their machines. The latter Not Quit. Mre. . a laee )k won by that "It is a blot upnn every in- withering Are, Pf mllJkt t relegated to after the disrupt the Liberals in Canada, forthwith opened a s a l Nov. 7. KeenflsVy Mllthrll band-knit Hart; Miss stlnel of Justice, ami noiu ine war. that he is against such wholesale which caused the horses to stam 'i'.ia is still doing her socks vton by Mr. Vanee. Canadian Northern the view that Th inanifewlo deals with the profiteering as has been rampant pede. ' the and arry on war. The thanks of the society are purchase should be adjudicated tariff as being one of the chief throughout the Dominion since Horsemen Regain Lines. to do The sel-Workmen's so. Gowned m to Mr. I'aul Nelson far bis (upon by the new parliament. I.factors in the high cost of living, the war broke out, and that he is The general hardly had ordered -ted Hie I'etrogmd gar-disregard llanlnHi to Ihe supply rooms, and Concrete Proposal. 'which it whuI,1 be the duty of his a follower of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, retirement, when his car was orders to Mrs. Wllliserofl of tieorgetown -me government a recrnnj administration lo reduce. were some of the chief points truck and h e was severely any for ifonU and fanoy work for tne reconstruct ei. trie i nion ioern- Service. enunciated by Arthur C. Hardy, wounded. The few surviving not of by Military approved sale. meni. so-eaiieo. iw u" niramm Liberal candidate for lirockville horsemen, seizing their stricken Sir Wilfrid pledges himself to aril. lo the country for support. ' a a 1. tltl:t, w. .1 A.a iA and Leeds in the forthcoming Do leader, succeeded in regaining Ci. ...nl.Ar. r lt. I.ihMral .suuiilll. tue . unary ri.irc .-n. minion election, at the opening of their lines. Umpire, af the The daughters lhe oul THE alwl lo crr VICTORY LOAN .U' PPP f them rh.se ner- issuing the Liberal Club rooms. It was The Austrian column, will hold a saie Hill CO. hauler wishes of the majority of Ihe na Saturday. December 8. onal friend, have consented to Mr. Hardy's maiden speech on at Tolmino, scaled the summit ol work of on as an enthusiastic become members of the government lion as thus expressed political issues. Gtobocak, but later were dis id in the city hall last II7. 'and the programme uhieh "I would, at the same time, or. lodged by the Fifth liersagllert make arrangements household Coal Is they inlend In follow has already gamce and carry oui a strong HON Q. P. GRAHAM RETIRES Brigade, whose gallantry not only 'arising locally the Vic-It The favorite Phone id, been placed before the public, but anneal for volunteers. It is a FROM SOUTH RENFREW saved the big batteries, but made was finally decided Ladysmlth Wellington.Coal co, n- in this programme not n Irace is fart lhat can not be denied, that possible the orderly evacuation of r McCalTery api"inl a Prince Mupert lo be found that the Liberal members the voluntary system, especially Hrockvillet Nov. 5. Although the Hainsizza tableland. ' lo deal with the mat- For New Wellington Coal and of the government have suc- in Quebec, did not get a fair trial, j)reed by the Liberals of South These sorely-tried troops, after li Lumber of all dimensions.Veedwl iit influencing Iheir cot- and a fair trial would receive from ftenfrew to again oe their candi withstanding a destructive bombardment 'hone 116. leagues to the adoption of measures a generous people a. ready response date. Hon. G. P. Graham has an for more than one hour which they deemed essen which would eliminate nounced his retirement from that and fifty minutes, drove back in WESTHOLME tial not only to win the war but from our poHtieal life one of its constituency, in a letter to the furious counter attack a foe Ave for the welfare of the country at moot harrowing problems as no president of the Liberal Association. imes more numerous, and cap OPERA HOUSE AVIATION CORPS all times hiyal Gnnadinn eon view without J. K. Thompson of Arnprior. turing 700 prisoners. "It was natural to exeet that the greatest apprehension a disunited He has represented the riding for Desoite a dearth of roaus in TONiQHT ONLY The Commission appointed the reconstructed government Canada at this critical a much longer period than that lhat recently occupied region,.all I o recommend wvmld give serious thought to the-liour of our history. anticipated when he replaced Mr. guns were got away safely, and Hlue Itird presents candidates for Ihe Aviation .ii..ii,.n f ih country, which is "To these view it is no answer Tho. Low. the sitting meuiDer, the invaders held in check until RUtH CLIFFORD Corp will meet at admittedly critical. There is nojto say. as is now often aid, that'who so Kenerously retired in his Saturday morning at dawn. RUPERT JULIAN S p. m. Tuesdays and Fridays allusion to it except the vogue we must on ewnsemoo-o favr. The riding is strongly The latest tidings are lar irom in Ihe Mayor's Office. promise of 'effective measure u qwiL This statement ts taismeti ;wleTai at the present time, and reassuring. and EDDIE POLO City Hall, until further prevent excessive profits, to pro-1 by n recent and conclusive ex- (Wl0ever j chosen can easily be 1.1 notice. This Commission liitiit hoardings ami to prciu ample. Australia rejected con- ,-ectejt 1 HE CRADLE "A Kentucky Cinderella" hns Jurisdiction over those combinations for the increase of script im ami Australia did noil applying for flying only. prices, and thus reduce the iiign quit. Australia is still in the fight BIBLE IN SCHOOLS -s-Tlorn to Mr. and Mrs. J, u. Five acts. Applicants who apply as cost of living. tne eeonuunc under the voluntary system." TO BE ISSUE AGAIN Hickey. 445 Fifth Avenue West, mechanics can do so by problems have to be grappled wiin at the Prince Itupert General Hos UNIVERSAL GAZETTE Idler to Ihe lloyul Flying ot once in no sucn vagua.pwieroi Nanaiino. II. C Nov. 0 A pital on November 7, a son. Corps of Canada, Vancouver. terms, but in vigorous and concrete ALL ourt uuestioii of fundamental Import COMEDY II. C. In making application proposals. ance In the educational system of Look your best and be com please state your "The prices of all commodities EveningDresses ltrituh Columbia will be before fortable In a La Camilla corset. technical knowledge. have been steadily rising since the School Trustees' Convention Prices very moderate. Phona nod M. 1. McGAFFF.HY, have got to be cleared out. which opens its sittings here to 4S5, Mr. Demsrs, Stephen Mk. Chairman. e prices reduced to forty cents morrow. Itesolulions are on the Broughton & McNeil NOTI0E on the dollar. Everything is order paper asking for an amendment of Section 3 of the School TELKWA, B.C. going at 25 per cent lens Act. which defines the non.sec- - , , On and after November than oaii be purchaser outside. tarian character ot the provincial "Ter this special price- on 1st, our coal will be sold Hible LONDON CAFE schools, In order to have the '"'sli killed Ilulkley Valley for cash. Please pay In Yourself the schools and to Coma In and Sea for introduced Into Heef: when ordering, AND GRILL lbs office be made a text book fur study. N. t Hleer. side 1Bo Third Avenue or to the teamster upon addition to the resolutions from The man who works hit naip N". 1 SUer. hind 180 Prompt Service of the Best delivery. Goldbloom's boards, the executive puts It at li days a week. N- I Hleer. frout. ... 120 Prlncn llupert Coal Co. there la to eai at all hour. the bead of the list ot subject The freight rale !o llupert e Albert & McCnfrcry, Ltd, Third Avenue. committed to the convention foi Wanted A first-class cook and l 80o per 100 lbs. BOXES FOR LADIES a uu expression ot opinion, Waitress,