Money I WtSend -KIM t.ASD 01 ritu T DISTItL.T or I i I 'i i i ii.ii n iiii iinnn hi i nil in a Letter umnn. ' -rill N you send subs- T E1 a ,- tii.u rhi Anrto-Brlllih Co r im. '-.warn inmt .1 i .1 niiif many Limited, of Vn Wcnptionsloniagazincs, i wpauea Hthmn cannerf, ion v. upij r..i rvtmiiilon to kit Vt!!i ! LaX IIH5! or pay small rw a.iir d.--tfbed lindf: at a distance, do not I i o,.ii,. ,,if i poet planted at Wrh 5"". actual in the wal i Hark r .rUMri canal, ft chaina Do tin tint n rheina, or mart. Doe Wttl Thousandsordollar. .f Um Hdrtn Waal Vomer r Let tt I. K every year through aetar- Mi-met; Uwtice northerly and V Iu.iji r iixwinr lb? Una of lntb wir ffankIoney Order., lifarfc. I 'iriumi ceail. to point where an 1 lCiL hank. They are Fai aurt w i Lffte drawn throurb a point STir. Canada .ml the .' " nam. li Sortn of tbe point of com I '" in.-ni mteeeeete wilb laid LI Da of fn.tcu States in any sum up : null Vi.t Mirk; tbeoce Writ 10 ebalnt; 1 1 . ...miw riy lad eaiterly paraded vita ,0S,!,roued-.l.w.llworihlUI ji. a i in or irirn Water Mark, port ! ' mm, t a poMt la chaina Dae Writ vail C-l ' ''' i"mi "t AeromMieement; thence THE BANK OF m,u i' caid poMt of commence ' ' i iiuininr lit aerea mora or Brillsh North America I ' 4111 tit- B-d and roreebere ef Portland I 1 1 K I" Bill I Mil COLUMBIA PACKI50 capital and RtHrUM, tIMl. i imi r.i.. waiter E. Walker, Art. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH 'i iia of xcfjlier. It IT. An exquisite "newness" tV.J.SMITIIERS.Manafjer VVl .VBI WATEHS fllOTECTlO.t ACT. for all woollens ft s. c. Chapter III. LEASE NOTICES Somehow, with ordinary washing, one always thinks of LAND IIIF uHAIIAM IILA.tD SPRUCE A.1D woollen garments coming out of the wash a little worse oak OMrAilY UMITED berevlth tire off than when they went in. , KISTRICT DISTRICT or I n imi i tiat tt baa ander aeetlen T of the . KAHOC rive. a.d ft dpoa(ted with tbe Minuter cf Far otherwise when you let LUX wash them. They v t.ii w ri al Ottawa and la the omce come out of the wash with a soft, fleecy "new" feelini, ii..i WMHr E. Walker, ef - Ok limine! nertatrar of the Land Bea- as well, as being absolutely clean quite unshrunken, oeeaixttoa Metiarer. hirr '.m. onirics of rrtnre Rupert, at and quite unthickened. i.r MnatMiM t leeae 1-nn..- import, deaeHpUoa of tbe alte and !. -rtfe4 lendai pint r tawmiu itraetare and other worka How is it done? Allow i tablespoonfuls of LUX for a feat planted (I Inter-miw apr t i u, be btalt la Queeoatewa Har- each gallon of water, which should be near the boiling Mtrk TbOitii r- THE HEAD OF A BIO CAMPAIGN -r .i i',n riwiniu, b. o, la front of point. Put the woollens in and stir them about with a . i aad Weel Une paaaini rir Tn-maa Mi,, M iii, to nrieen loetaaite, aecordtnr to ..r f ,liail,,.. ,.,., a ... f-fttirrta stick. Then let them soak until the solution is cool BerUett ItaMHBMl el pita f the Townote of the . .Ml. B. Ci ItKIKO ! i.prliu.- x ,-n.g and ,n, ,.i..rhni, i. r.;,.-i .ilii. mr or Port ctmefita retlttered In the enough for you to squeeze the woollens with the hands . aveta it chaina, bkm! campaiRM . mukpi! hi Dim . ..unir the Y,, i.., i...i. . '" lad Ratietrr orace aa pun 5o. when the dirt will run out. Then rinse in 2 or 3 MIMT Mtrk ToOtaM Pee- "I"" M"iJay.,,,b,.r Hih. and whirh .m. ,.. iti aad take aetlee Out after the ei- relays of tepid water and hang to dry. irwtr and weeierly fol I lal Il5o,ooo,oon furih of Canadian,-n of one moan freai I be date of f 4d iflra Water Mark i.A..,, ...rur.t, - Um Mm publirtttoo or thlt oetlce tbe Alt ft (rum. BriHtk mJt, hy IWmSHRMKl mimownxnl. tod too- Mrliir) I..nd --tMtwrn thr-n and Ih- hiIht i.i areaeaa Maad Sprkee aad Cedar Company. WOOLLENS ., awe ef lata. Lianiea, win uader Section T of tbe aald Lever Brothers Limited u i in t walker. Art apply t the Mls4tr tt pabtte Worka Toronto i oetefacr, KIT. pretdfit time were abmiluoia- jr. at tw omce m tbe etty of otuwa for tp- 33 IN THE LETTER BOX rrajular and in pnnral of tae aatd sue and Plan and for my .ipinuin on. Sw-dWILL NOT INJURE THE FILMIEST FADRJCS Khtlfift. M.i to atatairact the aaM or! a worka. amiViTTT.. rum. 1 r-.i rrrfirr r w-. r i-.i,-fni 1;rr.-w; J ,.'f kmtwn iu I'arliamrntary Pro. oaaed at rrtnre Ropert. B. c. thia 11 lb HAJHHC FIVE. So That the People May Know. eeihire. ea or oetMer. A. D. HIT. nit. Itr Mr. lkiitor: Ae Intro- Your oaaMicdat TUB OftAJIAM ISLAND SrRUCE A.1D WftMer c waiktr, oil aervailM, eaajfatfoa Maoartr. (luer of the proixxe-d bjrlaw to JfMIX HYIIHAVX, Altferrmn. - CEDAR Geax CO Nlckeriea,LTO. ArenL Subscribe for The Daily New .i ptBilnica W leaaelrrdurr llie nutntHr of aldermen fitr (tit. rite of Uriua Muturi f imntS Meat uo,Ww It uly fair to aet forU . want at tUfUetilto I lie vfetHore how Ihia kytaw .i a Mieiiira water iwa dfeall whM In coiiimiilee , urn aoninenj i,.f k, ... Hllft Water lll Iff i ' ebalaa bee liitHrtlun In the number of al.Jer- ( . bcel later- Lm fr.m aLski i.. r..r u a.- Wal . . - ht. - L, !t5!il!ir,,,'t,'t,n nixl a ni..ion t. u m m i .m .mi paaiaktl aaid clauee was duly ruaatr uk ef ewa-1 whereupon AW. Mnnte"mry (- f in r SI 'a u. um Laji a4 fered an a mend men I to tnt.- t BC -nan. it i.t aad tea . .r 1. 1. number four out of ihf rlaue. l ' t WALK(ft. whirti in itrlf would annul Ibe f imn, hit. try lav. Il a thua ronlrary to tbe moll..n itot an annMidm.-iH. i llfraj;T mitiuct erl and houl.t have ben r.-j.-rtod. 1 ' ASUH. ir, Huartrr. Ui chairman. Aid. Me- MS ai Walter C. Walker. rCemnl. i-iilerUtned the am.-nd- Meoetcr. I went. Aid. Casey ..n.-red an1 S4a I amendment t.. the aitiettdiiietit to rtLvd laodae tblitut for 4. and this waa a Mtl bUnmi ttl tha Tbia' 1 -1 a Let . Catalan I" oritvr an irn.mjiiw.... ifeuterr tad urtr I laal auteiMuneat wa oted d.iwn uf IHfk Wtter MlIiUl,.n... ,L l..FUi.n n ha r r. -at ' t patet vbere aa Kail . ... . .., ... u.-i ia threuik a patal ie f.J if rail iut Q at Urn IXnl ef teaa- koiimtt aav-oanexi ainen.iHieiu. t it eita aald Uaa r Tw.i vntee were cant in fav..r of uteace eat M eaaiai; U. and in tallin? far the negative aad enurtr, parallel e u ilk- Water Mark rwlUuJ te, two were raat ngnitm It. - J (iuint fee Weil af Ihe other ahlermen not volinft. mtaettreiaeel; Ukraee eail Aid. MontgoHtery took the 1ew i pUil eT eMnnteeeeaieeL. tlml thoee who did not raat their u.u aerea more er leaa. M TCR E. WALkt-R. vole were to he eoniidered as be-intr i Htbr. HIT. Ib favor of hl amendment. and It wa eoniMiuenlly dH-lared I'laTRlCT DISTKICT or carried. ' A I SUIt The rhalrtnaii then proceeded to (Mil the orifrinal inoiKn ana iai The Aaile-Brtuah Co-' ucupaajr Limited, of Vaa- ealletl for the vote in favor or iipetkMt I tltnuo Caaaere, ante. Tww votea wi-re rant. lor pernweaten la Mm I ...,.,., aniiiHe rP ti,e nenatlve 3 " " " uuuik .., i ..41.1 . . ni.n . uirtivme on own"". tuod CasaL la chaina DiaalimHit ileetartnl the motion Inst. CANADA oaiaa or mere Ia Weal ef r That the whole nroreedins in roer el Ui ll. caaaiar I ....cnlled u, ,h., TJH . lb man amendinent wne IrreKular and en Will Class One Provide Tlie rtlaod Canal; tbeooe aoulta-Itirely nut of order I Known li) '.njr tettowiof ibe una oi i .i.,, riowlniT. taken from a Men ? Mark rwtlaod Canal to -.,-,,, . tt.riUmenlarv lrae- One SiuiiiLdred Thousand aaienrrnwit and conlaininf aa I leaa. pacuxoI lire: is in of Canada if the entire quota of 1 00.000 men to be '.d" mini Columbia "The term 'amendment It will be greatly to the advantage of 20 hitlo. Walter Walker. AtL nnnlinnhle only to thone the Military Service At can be secured from the first class ; that is,.from the men between the ages l.t V"HU"ii..l. al a I chnnire- of n nroponition. by and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without children on July 6tn, IV 1 1. vm. .utMrt-m.Ti.iar nt- which it U improved, that 1. ren This is almost self-evident for the following reasons : i'Assiah. diTrnl more ciieciuai lor me pur it is admitted that, between the ages of 20 and 34, the average man is at the height ot tus iione which it ha in view, or innde physical ftrength and is most adaptable to the change of conditions from civilian lite , thai Walter E. Walker. r nxiirean more clwirly and der.- Service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less I'l'ijr ior riBitww " I, . , . SstrSs thin that of most others, since they are largely without dependents. Also, it would m UndJ: iiriiuru in r iith. entail less financial burden for Canada, through separation allowances, etc. '"V at planted al tm r rom llie nnoe it win ne cienr after all examinations have been allowed, Canada should I be able citimale that, proper i 'ikar ef Lai Cattur ,.,, tie nilopled by Aulhorities of the moaiu ta the y the dram man power fit for service, so upon lire norta chalnit tnrnre the majority of Ihe ciuncil Tor to produce Thorn the first class 100,000 men 'iiaina, nwr or le. k lllU will not be severe. thin country '. M 'k furtlaud Canal; thenra aoultt-'atierly the ptirpoi-e of aiinprelnK rllttnr lllfh Water bylaw from Ihe peopl nt Ihe Members of Class One will be well advised to present themselves fo'f".7Yl,'S' - 'land caual le petal of ouniurirce-"" the Medical Board in their diftricL Upon examination as to their physical fitness, "psuiuinr iu arret nwrt or CHRISTMAS MAILS one of the following categories : Cateaorv A if fit for service in overseas fighting unit. WALTLH B. WAtkEII. day of Orlolxr, HIT. Cloalng Datea for Oversea. Category B if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Foreitry Battalion, etc C if fit for service in Canada only. Kvyi't. Hnlonikt niul Meililer- Cateiiorv E if unfit for military service of any nature. rannnu point, November KHIi. A. the applicant will know that he ia r.ot liebU for Immediate eervke,but will go to the Po If nl.ced in eateaorv Harry A. Harvey Fronre, November 2 till, Office and not 1 N Medical Certificate attached,wh.a he will i.c.W. in due cou... . certificate cl Ureal llriluin, December 8th. medical eM eummoned lor eerv ce. -a Ltnetn. Inf Oeaaanalalre eiemption 1 until thoae labia category ..... . . of Muala) I','iki.iih iiutklnit up puroel for Where a man. category A.leela that eiemption anouw be e-uowea. an application iw. -TbuKwhen p"iL OF COTTtll. should them wa be lorwarded by h. potlma.,., to ihe re.U.ta, l."? LANaoOWNt nboM polula innll V.h'l wUlte'Vntrnid TtiSiZ TCW ta. . el to elka. by 1 "Hit Taken lor before the actual cloning dale '"'l-T I'lANO, VIUUMCELLO and avoid any pnHlble delay. Ittued By IIAIIMONY- The Military Service Council tXAMINATIONS "e Prtoarad far tiamlnallana Salvation Army. elaltd Betre, Vtnetr. Oaalor Oelltga af Wutlc. Lewaea. M Public ineetlnRii, 'rueilay. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 I'l huratlayi and Fnturdnya nt 8 V r.. Kumlays at 7:30 v. in.