TUB DAILY NKWfl Tlnir.ii,o, N,,v,., f The Daily News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Dally and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation HEAD OFFICE: . Canada Needs Dally New Bulldinff, Third Avenue, Trinco Uupert,,ll.C. Tel. 93. Why TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - GO(ccntsper Inch Contract Rates on application. i" v DAILY EDITIOH Thursday, Nov. 8( 1017. More Money UNION GOVERNMENT the direction of Its political interests Among the Liberal newspapers in liritiali Columbia and to divorce itself wholly from in Drltlsh Columbia advocating these associations which had date the has cost Canada about $700,000,000. which liavo been strongly brought the previous administration TTP to war for a Union Government, into disrepute here. If Canada has spent in Canada over $400,000,000 on her own account-Canada the Victoria Times has taken this is not done the Union Government a first place. That already the as far as llrilish Columbia has spent in Canada on behalf of Great Britain over $300,000,000. doings of this alleged Union in prestige is concerned and influence;will suffer and What Canada spends for Great Britain is really loaned to Great Britain Government does not eavrjr loo it will suffer at the polls in and will.be repaid or credited to Canada later on. of the in the nostrils sweetly spite of all Its advantages. Mr. Times is evidenced editorially Ilrcw8lervs warning is timely in the last issue to reach here and should be acted upon, pub Commenting upon the state-ment lie opinion will not tolerate any o f Premier Urewster lopsided, cut - and - dried ar which was recently published, rangement by n disguised po Great Britain needs so much ready for rent, materials, etc. They must Iks paid in which he stales his position litical machine which outrages at in cash, or its equivalent. finance her own expenditures cash to with regard to the coming elec the spirit of that unity the lion, and upon the other prom country so urgently desires. home for herself and for our Allies that she So Canada says to Great Britain? "I inent Liberals who have joined must buy on credit from Canada, and from will lend you the money so that you can Times the Union says; Government, the WASHINGTON,NOW IN D.THE C, DRY 18 BELT every other country where she can get pay cash to Canada's producers for what It is very hard for these men credit. you want. to break with the chieftain Washington, October 31. Tho Of course Great Britain's credit is so "I will borrow this rnoncy from our they honor so much and of lid was clamped down tight on the borrow from whose distinguished record .National Capital tonight at the good that other countries,in order to get her own people just as you money they are Justly proud, but in stroke of twelve, when the Shep trade, are quite as willing to give her credit your people. from the I will also borrow people of Justice to their consciences and pard law, passed by Congress last in Canada. as we arc their conceptions of the needs winter, went into effect. After to Canada money to pay cash for all the products of the country in its gravest night there will bo no more flaunt Canada wants to help Great Britain tliat Canada, as well as Great Britain, emergency they could not ing of sparkling champagne, cocktails not only because Canada wants Britain's r?tds in Canada." adopt any other course. Had nr highballs in the Capital. trade but because we arc Canada and she is Tliat is Canada's practical, patriotic been they political opportunists That goes into the dead past. merely they would have hedged After more than 100 years of Great Britain both members of the same part in helping to win the war. and set their sails for the air openness, Washington became at great .Empire, kin of our kin, our motherland. Without this credit the Canadian producer waves of publio sentiment. Instead, midnight a "dry" city, and who could not sell to Great Britain, and they have played the ever gets his "nin" after today better part. They have shown Jdoes it in his own way. Washing- For Canada it is both a filial and without these Canadian products the war their willingness to put their ton will not be "bone dry," for the patriotic duty to supply Great Britain's would be prolonged. country make sacrifices above partisanship;for the sake of to wet Sheppard goods law Into allows the town.the entry It may of war needs and remember, her needs are our So it is necessary lor Canada to give national unity. be done by import from neighbor needs. Also it is in Canada's self-interest to Great Britain the credit in order that The readiness of prominent hood communities, accompanied to supply those needs and thus keep open Canada's own producers,who need a market, Liberals to put country above bab affidavit that the liquor is a market for our products. will have one; and in order that Great partisanship and to give (the not to be used for an illegal pur Union Government a trial, however, pose, or It may have already been Britain which needs the products to win the imposes upon Sir Robert provfded by provision that, has war, will yet them. llorden and his colleagues the given a supply to underground Now, Britain needs our wheat, our obligation of showing a similar cellar. cheese, cattle, hogs, and many manufactured1 f -ntlon of political unity, r"iil. being done in 3AY8 PROFITS PUT articles. Now how does Canada get the money -...n 1.1,1 tjia. m Um J'rov BEFORE PATRIOTISM Canada also needs many of these things which both Canada and Britain by can ince political manipulation is pay between the two it amounts to more going' on which represents any Montreal, .Nov. 5. President J. cash for Canada's products? thing but real unity. C than a million dollars a day in cosh. -What Walters, af the Dominion By borrowing it from the people of sort of unity is denoted by an Trades Congress, in an address And the producers must be paid in Canada through the sale of Canada's arrangement dictated by H. F tonight before the Montreal Green, under which eight Con Trades and Labor Council, assert cash. Victor' Bonds to be offered in November. servatives, four Liberals and ed, lhat Iheunion government's Neither Canada nor Great Britain Tliat is why Canada's Victory Bonds one Independent are to be patriotism is to be measured in could to Canadian farmer and go a buy ore offered to the raise anointed of Ottawa? It n.i in dollars and cents. According to people to money this manoeuvring that 3Ir.fhI s view it is difficult to find a his wheat or his cattle on credit. to help to finish the war. Iirewstcr alluded when he urged!real patriot outside of the rnnks The farmer and all other producers "Canada must keep her shoulder to the the Union Government to re- of labor. To a large proportion night be ever so willing to give their fleet the true spirit of unity in of the employers the wnr was a wheel even though it be a chariot of fire," country credit but they could not do it and the way for Canada to keep her because they have to pay cash for wages. shoulder to the wheel is by buying S. S. PRINCE RUPERT WEDNESDAY mldalrnt for Anyox. THURSDAY Mldolcbt for Swtnion Bay, Ocean raU. Vancouver, Victoria and Sttlc. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Canada s Victory Bonds i u huh t anniioi lor Anyox. mohday t a.m. for Swanaon Bay, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. 9. 8. PRINCE JOHN rot uuren Charlotte Island, .p.m. November Ttb and tlsi rr KetcbUaa. WranreU. Juneau and Saaiway. November 14 th and tltn. TRAIN SERVICE jj Keit week Uve tpace will Utl why Canada raise mosey Paeecnrer Header, Wedaeeday and Saturday at lltSO a.m. for 8 ml then, by twHinf Canada's Victory Bond Prince Oeorre, Edmonton and W'lnnlper, tnaktnr direct connection for all point eatt and south. t kr Ceaeae.' Vktery lea Ci enbfe Agonoy All Ocean Steamship Lines. trestiea eitk the m-i--.- , For information and reservations apply to el the nil.4Msel TTnili. 1 City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 dollar mid cents alTair, lie aid.) wuue uie woraera wer anilli,i! An Our A. TyrreU, M.U. U now belnr on Ibe I titt day or October n.cir ii uiea i.i.UIOOU. at....(He JNllll.. . As" Army of liou and eipUlnrd at Cyril II, Orm' A eepy of tltu MUM ao' )T to the lrur smre. tor 3rd Avtnue and u SL. Puruanl I tie re lu aod b W .a. muklm? of alien Interna Prlaea lluuert. ItU. will be Died la l "- CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY matter of -patriotism- nn-.- tl .,..1-- . Bathers Tbere aU mar be obulned free on re- Water Itetonter al Prloce Ituperl. t ot uie manufacturers, Mr Walter que I. "Whv Man or Todav la Onlv la Tbe date or Ibe Brt rpff( " w Ortr half I'er Cent. CmclenL" a luul im.ra.im. oullre in toe kxal nP.'r "tloaa Lowest Rates to aUEattern Points said if it.had not Lamm rim ft I a mim k.i,i t. Ue Caaadiaa buualei on the ub)eel. ir you prefer. flrd.day oT October, lit:. " via Steamer to Vancouver and tfie ahle the men at the front hiIkIiI . luierrui and Aaierieaaa aare fouad riu to nr. CUe. A. Tyrrell, ui Collere Ba be filed wllb Ibe r'HeT"1 w CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY have rolled before the manufacturer -.u ueiuf tuuuo,luan tuuraai tufe eaaenlMl Oiiiu. to ireeL Tu run lo. ror mom. Water Herorder wllbln lal-'1 " Meal and Berth Included on Staametr would have made them. Have round ttut i,i.n .. Ibe aald dale. There was no reainn. h. .-v mi in aiffertnl people Um WATER NOTICE llOLLY VAHIlttN Ml.ie 'Hr.luA Prlneees May fer Granby ay and Alloe Arm 11.p.m. Friday why every worker should not'nail nroJaf, no mure or tnat blllou. . fi. McUlnnl. Aient, per E a. J!, ' ,Mn coliM,,bul, tMftaf TALK Nnrirr thai ilii i'. .i.n u,-. Princess by May southbound via Ocean Falls 8 p.m..Sunday -maeo loroe the.Hovermiient to . "ior. tnucrpue warm Onripniy vIunm adilret I Alice Ana, 8. Prlnoesa Sophia for the south 8a4urday, November-3rd. tako the money out .of lii ......n . " r' r''1rc PHkimji wait C. 1.111 afinlv f... . UmmnmM La l.k. .n.f Prlnooss Sophia for AUaJta Friday, "November Sth. t?cn and pay the men at the front .ITT '"tutim, UMjr atke um ten cubic feet uf Mater per aecvua STEEN & LONGWILi iu it MwrvuiaiT rerre.iuHt h i .i lull flf YniUI rM-k . 1 r 1 1..1 1 a nl 111. uay insieaiJ of ft,10 IUi all UMlr in7.C. ..rJTV'T?'' J, I. PETERS, General Asent aaull filter fluailne Inla Allr. Arm. CAA. Ur DUlrlcl. Tbe water will be diverted HEATING Ce ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND.ACT eonndeni, rarer aud capable for tbe dull. at Ibe beail or lue falu on tbe Bllcer SANITARY AND Ci lae dar. 11,1. llllk.r.1 ,1.1m I nl .AJ ttei ulll ENGINEERS .. .... bUMMr CHir n - be ued rr power purpuei on Ibe Welf umna Land If. Cba a distinct distinct or nd Polly Virden Oroup of Mineral COAST, RANCJE I. inar Doctor. , b ,,, Jmir n.ltn. L.IH. IaII ...1 ,a . U.l.1,1.. Agenla for V L. Ca.Mrfa' ... . .ml tjttA ilea in lie in.i.m.a .,.1 ini FURNACES Dm'I .merely smother cough hw.,i.. pail wree WoOLARY your Tti noilee thai l. it. r.in.n ... TL laniaea m atrt .i ced. .. thai II...U 1 14. tUr Ml If It I tWD"ne Afnllr.ll,kn H.III. . .....1 Ik. Ivar, deahoe . metaoa or "V,.""' ."-". " " aw IMW i VI ,aaw Wtnr Ift Hathien's Bjrap of Tar a ad Cod Uvtr OU ruoajy eceupallen Dairoiinan rlfhl lo Hoi 110 trt fetl la Mnl Trout PLUMBINQ .... .... I.UK 1 pnropUy errata coupling, but thanke to tte took aad PPlr fur Dertnllllon Ln n..h.. Uk tivl Mao irrt ftl la Scon4f THIrd and V'J etreoftlitnloi; xoxit.It belpe tbairetena to throw of owlni deitru Undi.Coaiinenciof u rnM.i. .. r " Ue awonr tnf ml I'uurlli Truul lkaiA Tlaaa ta.ata.P terlll flbaeold aod thus etTecta a permanent car. It U thU quality vfcka baa wen tee 01 Planted ui Dliumm,, 1,1.1 tm tUrtii ia rm Trout lai tijr IIm eua SHEET WeTAU WORKS fees In eat sal tt inj cuvh and cold iriuedr la Can a.la. ail Br,- or mile htlnm" it.- am v.uutrj , mm hi iu merit. iirurifawn of U4ui ai in vuutt tua in 0. 3t Heooud Avnu. Ue; Phone Ibeora aUa t9 th4llll lktnu WM iwif kiAae,Jlj1 Thktti Altai affilirlrl TtH.Ilt I alkalA liV JJ. eX eWtlrt, tmtywJmtti, rry truly, (Dam, taenca norLk is rh.in. ik lh tvtitirutiiot. of dm t IN oulUI N,Kht vuom t10 .JL I-atATHaXJ CO, rraav, mui lo Mat of aeuoMaeriiMSL jiue V mw nmmv, sew ayaj iiiaisjaaFM llltlS Inlaa IA .. .... eirt more or iei. IMI turn . rlflhl the r auoui MU rPIUI7 fffet VI eie sw srw Baa.vjejr4i ajf f llfl IIVHI i .a.. l .i MAXWELL COLUIOH, ItBW.ue Liie I 17 acre aud al eruud, Tbfrd iwl rne r.Bn ":- , nH9e. run titt, hit, ', Piiaucr J,,'Uir. ILsl Cirlllnal" ai.a wi Iial eay art ruurtu iruui M..e ia iweuiy aeree i time, aptf ,bi tna r""" ;r-. ,w purpoae, Bianuraciured toy TBI If)1 1 re HMieu on ine srvunu