N,.yC.M.or H. 1P17. TUB DAILY WKWB r-,;-riw: mwi mwm I II ! eyUl I TTY An exquisite "newness" for all woollens Sotnehovv, with ordinary washing, one always thinks of woollen garments coming out of the wash a little Worse ' off than when they went in. i! DISTRICT DI8TIU0T Far otherwise when you let LUX wash them. They ranoe we. is,. come out of the wash with a soft, fleecy "new" feeling, c umi weiur E. wetter, of In tins commonplace building on Wellington Street in Ottawa ftiniV mnnov l "maila" limn n nw as wella as being absolutely clean quite unshrunken, .,1.. . . occopatloo Maaiitr. where else in Canada. Lant year the American Hank Note Co mo and quite unthickened. , T;r prmitioo Undes ta Iim bond and (t50.000.000 or paper money (Dominion note and charteri-d; bank notes'' ltd latest How is it done? Allow 3 tablesnoonfuls of LUX for , deacribed i: petl pUaled tt Inter-U undertaking was the printing of the Vietory War Loan llonds I6u.iino.oor) wnriti. aW th in each gallon of water, which should be near the boiling 2f n Weler Mark ToataM ru opens in November, there will probably not b.e a houce in panada without one or more of these point. Put the woollens in and stir them about with a Wttl Line pualnt 1.,. .1 .1.. 11.- . .1... ll . ft 1 I If ' a r Then let them soak until the solution is cool Mf 3 k Ltl) and uiiu 'iiiuh me itiKiiuiuren mai inair mem uinainff. stick. , i. Nanuneni ii narueu enough for you to squeeze the woollens with the hands i . wn island, B. t.i tHenee when the dirt will run out. Then rinse in 2 or 3 c (.' i:;o Ocac'Water eosta Mars Tontaa cnaiui. more I'M THE NEW CHANCELLOR Ilraxil. It is reported that only CHRISTMAS MAILS relays of tepid water and hang to dry. auriberly ena wewriy roi LIKED THE BACK STAIRS the strictest military measures All British mJ, hy ; or said Win WtUT Mark making the trKrrt. are movement of any ra90jNSjfyJ Closing Dates for Overseas. ammtttcement, end eoo-tens, Amsterdam. November 0. The trains possible. Lever Brothers Limited tmn or Um. KgypL galoniki and Mediterranean Old Fox" Is the soubriquet by The Toronto WAi T(R E. WALEEn. despatches continue to report 32 which Couut von Hertling is points. November 10th. tU, at (KkMr, HIT. the severest military measures I known in Havana, aeeordinR to against Germans in southern Franee. November 2Uh. WA WILL NOT INJURE THE FILMtfST FABRICS iSU DISTRICT DISTRICT or the Ilerlin Tageblatt. This descriptive Drain where there are large Ureat Hrltairj. December 8th. ranse nvE. Persons making up parcels lor is i name, the newspapers Herman colonies. Details as to say was given to the Count be these measures and general above points should mail them c Uvsi Walur E. Weuer. of conditions before the actual closing dates 10 - cause or the "backstairs" methods Subscribe for The ICU t t$eijr C l eewpeuoa ptrtauuoa Muim.l Iam that have characterized his rive nre withheld by the censorship. avoid any possible delay. Daily News II.. aeecriUd U4ii and a hair years or Bavarian premiership. .il n pMt ptaaiea si w ; ta UM ud Will Uam Lal Little is expected from Von' nu M mii ii wit al fcarUetl l-Jil, Weto ulaad. C . IU Ullk Hertling In the direelion or in-; m. Mr tte mmi Mix totk(rtjr lernal reform, the Tageblatt de cj iufur touois mm nick wurUared ll always opposed par a.. t iuiBi nam www ww liamentarism, although he acted t. : Crtaa UrM(k fa M CfttiM U Mi Um petal of caatfataaonaat later-Hid like a parliamentary minister. Uifc Wir Mtrl af ToafM n Hertling has not felt the Ukbcc mmiUi M ck41M; UM spirit or the new era, the news- . a : ta tim$ht Ha w pout ! iwiiMtr aava. In eanelusian. but "his 4.JO MMI M UM POWI Of COOI- i - ; - laroca M tttum D Lul M philcHHipliical spirit long recognised miMscuMM a4 conuiaiaf Uhu tisli war must end c bi re of otherwise Uian by annexations WAI TEH E. WAULR. j d or ixtuor, it it. and the war indemnities that rdaraclerued small war in the in. .".Ml DISTRICT DISTIUOT or past. lie is permeated by the m CASSIAJL spirit that m to bring about a new order ot things in regard to tin Uwi Walter E. Watttr, or k' l, accvpaUoa Mafr. mutual relations between the nations ' lr pnnUia hi Imm or the world." 4 aeMTU4 luU -jr l patl pUaUd t UM UPRISING OF GERMANS tt K rmt of Ul tn, CMUT IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL bum racs BorUMrtr "A Urtjr Mm j e um tf link W4Ur Nut Nov. 6. A German rwtkx liuenos Ayres, ati k poial a lul RsST 1 - Cnaa torouib a pout uprising is in progress In ' -la of Um I'oUl at cosa- southern Ilraxil. completely paralysing cr ..-rwKU tUl Wid LUM of railway tratllc. according I Uuk, Um&o ! IS coaUm; aad ru wrif. paraUtl la private reports received in rail d K- tai II i B Wikrr Mrk fortUod way circles here. The strikes Inaugurated f :a a thum Dm Wit of in this district are said Mid iwmancvinriit.point 0T COOBUMIKCOMIIt.Uarat oail to be spreading to other parts or -f ItO acres nwr or mm. WALTER E. WALKER. KAVIOABLE WATERS PROTICTIO.l ACT. 41 c; or octottor. I SIT. R. 8. C Cb9t IIS. DISTRICT-CASSIAH. -DISTRICT or TIIE OKAIIAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND CEDAR COMPA.tr UMITEO kartwtUl 1 iwuca Uut II baa undar mcUoo T or um "a: ' Uut Tna Anito-BrllUo Oo Mid Act Opotllad IU Um Mlntiwr 01 c Coaepsay Llmlled. of Via MilH Warka al UIUa and to Um ome 9 1 oceupaUoa SAlmoa CstuMrt, or lb DUlfltt Ratuwar or Ua Land Rf- rp' for pcmaMloa la Imm utrr omea. Duuiet or prtnea Hupsu. a " I deMfllwd UikU VMDrm Hunert. dfacrtSUOO Of UM SIU and ."i l Poll pUoUd tt lll(t pun or sawmill ilruciura and olbar worka Wife tk I'ortUad C4&4L 19 dull Dim propoaad to Da Dulll in iwukiii CANADA - :tuiat or mora Du West of bor al Pert Omenta. B. C In rroot or r Ws urer or Lot SI I. Coiur bu ria 10 nrtatn laduaiTs. aceorOint to L"'-"' Uwnce norUi to ciulai. umjico raftiMrcd pun or Um TownilM of Um One Provide Tlie Class rtuwrtd in Will iwiM. moro or Im. to llifli city or Port CMmanu aforaMId Land Raiitry offica sa Plan No. 4r l-erUuid Cstwl. Uwnco khU- I tiiHy lollowtor Um Um or iots and uka nouca Ual arwr um a- Thousand Men ? ctf' W. , HttK PonutHl Canal to Uto piratlon or 00a moo in rrom um oaM oi One Hundred ' xnmDrnMDl and cooulninr SO iIm onl publlratkoo of laia noUet Um b' ' iir I.. nnhitn uund SDruca and Cedar Company. ''"J ' ' BRITISH COLUMBU PACUSO iimiiMi m ill uiukr SXUon 7 01 ina mw ' av UMITED. WilKr E. Wlkr. AsL Act apply to tna Miniatar or Putlle WorU Jit' H Oty or Octotwr. IS IT. at hia omoa to Um tny of Oiuwa for sp-Drotal X unmanied or widowers without children on July 6th, 1917. or Um Mid SIM and Plan and Tor and 34 were mi um ui romlruct Um Mid worka. i AMD DISTIUCT-CASSIAR, -DISTRIOT Of mud at Princa RuparL B. U, inia uu itiv of ocioDar. A. D. HIT. ' TIIE Oil AHA M ISLAND SFIIUU Alio - . ... 1 I : la 1 k IoUn Uul Wilur E. V4lkr. or CEDAR CO, LTD. the of unmarried men and widowers without children wouia oc3 . B. c, ocupntfi uiunr, 0o. NUkartoo. A rent VirZ'iu:;t mhM. since thevare larzely without depenaenu, wo, ! M ror ucnuKUoo li Im allowance, etc " 1 "mint dicrltwd Undt: OF SSl Canada, through separation SkEENA LAND DISTHICT-CA43IA1U -DISTRICT xuuraciDt SI pott pUnlal si loo ' wii crur or Lot sfl. CMlr wiui. i tu-nca north SO eiuinii lhnc toprodt r- TAkE nolle that lbs Anilo BliUlh Co- 1 chiini. mora or ku, to lllth will be.evcre. not of Van. wiin Mark I'orlUnd Cam); intnea south- lumbla I'acklut Cumiianjr LUulMd. country lion immediateW to -11 ua M,utly foiioin. 111th Wstsr ouer. B. C occupaiion aaunoa uanncri, fitnc. they w,U be placed in S their physical rk lrUlAfl rAn.l Ia mini nf tfifnlnasr ininuii in anoly ror ptrmiMion to kim McSterd - the ilu follow lUf dricrlbvd land: J""" i kl conuinios ISO scrs mors or : of the following categories Coiunifiiclni at a poat punica si liisn one Waur Mark lorUaud Canal, SO cnalna Du WAUKIl E. WAUKIl. liu tllh North and 10 chains, pr mora, Uuo Wtat day or 1917. Oclolxr, or iba North Wit Coroar or Lot Category C if tit lor .ervice in -iiaua u...,. caaaiar DUtrtcli ,Ueucs fiortbariy ana of nature. wriNtly toiioMius .Um xum of ,11 is h vaur Cateaory E- U unfit for military .ervice any .... . a . tfl a. iL. D.. A I'orlUiKl Canal, to ,pumt',lMr an anolicanl will know that ha ia not liable lot immediate aervlce. dui wui ' Harry A. Mitk, II not placed in category A, ths , ..,k.d. k. k. i.ceiTe in due coutaa n cartaficata ol Hartley Can and Wait tin drawubrousb s,point llU so chains .uu norm of IN point pr com LaaSta, tna., OaaaanaMIra niaiKfiucnt lntneta lU said Lo or of Siuala) . VVecen man.who Upuew r.,".'"', by lo ltl. ,UlI.f ol the duliict, .l tn. llifb Water Mark; Ibauca West IP cbatna ep i uKaiti nil. a . UeiL or LANSOOWNS OOTTSLL lUrur southerly aud cuurly psraUd with Irom the poatmailer. ima.w,r'" "HV.the 7.Umo sua PUc lor tka coiuidarstion ol hie application by tha EaerapDoa Board. Wormed by wiU be I'uptu Tii,o for lb Mid Uim or lllth .Waur lUtk, ,Port applicant Usued By VIOLIN, fiANU, VIOUNCKLLO ami uud caiul, to a point 30 chalni bus Wt lUhMONV puiut uf cuuiufncmni. I bene The Military Service CouneiL EXAMINATIONS can SO chain w Mid poiui or conuuenc 'U trprd far EiamlnalUa uiant and runUlniuf so serat mor or MtUlM Baars", VaaSauiar, Oanlaf tea uf lbs Bed uu ,oribor of Portland "sl Callm af atyila. Laaaaa. Ens- '.iiiai TIIE AMILO UIUTI9H COUIMUIA PACkIN TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 UtlMI'ANV LIMITED. Waller E WSlker All Dale I tin day of October. ISIT