The Daily News TT". M. PRINCE nUlKflT. MA FlUtliXOVKMll!l 9, 1017. fWgQjj ' rcinuuKAU BKinii dUUJfcSSFUL IN MESOPOTAMIA KERENSKY OVERTHROWN BY IMPORTANT SUCCESS GERMAN SHIPS IN ! MESOPOTAMIA ANOTHER UPHEAVAL IN RUSSIA ARE MENACING Turks Hurriedly Retreat Northwest TO-MORROW! of Bagdad Before HXIALIST3 OBTAIN CONTROL OF PETROORAD WITHOUT General Maude. HELSINGFORS BLOODSHED HittsT ur Kk.nE.nsKT ORDERED, WHO HAS FLED FROM THE CITY IMMEDIATE (Speeui to Ttw Dny jin. PEACE IS NOW PROPOSED Ixndon, Nov. 9. The TlritUh French and British Engage In forces under General Maude have Local Attacks on Western IM DHy Mewl., pushed forward on both banks ofj Front Italy Loses is the last day .. . irmt-imcial tne river Tigris from Sainarra and Many Prisoners. aHWuneed thai haia. i nl ...I IIia ...... n T". f ..i III? mkii t.piuiru uj t CftriaJ with the- atsisl-. IMPORTANT WAR NEWS The enemy troops did not stay tfl (SperUl to Tbe Daily Hewn. to report for fight, but retired hurriedly after Iimlon, Nov. 9. Welsh troops tH J'strograd i rino The gigantic wheels of the capture of the town, and are made a daring raid upon the Ger i i iit i -! f the oily, the world's Class One Men commerce now In full flight towards Mosul. man positions and brought back i.lieO A prtrtlama-i would instantly come to an which lies one hundred and twenty!prisoners, very heavy losses were .-U wbhh de- absolute standstill; indescribable miles north. inflicted upon the enemy during gevernmem misery would In Palestine. this raid, which was in the neigh. ion T proposing an suddenly seize upon the London, Nov. 9. The British borhood of Armenlieres. . a iili the Central entire civilized world, and forces French Front. are now pushing on towards p u ma I ton has man Mould rapidly lapse Jerusalem today by both Paris. .Nov. 9. During the nighl See Page Three i ..hi the II u- into the throes of liun barbarism, the coast route from Gaza and 'w made two surprise attacks .'ii' - wirelots ta- if this ar is not through the valley from Ileer-sheba. upon the enemy trenches. One i the garrison won for the allied eauie. There is every indication attaek was made to the east of (ai of Peiregrad Our soldiers give their ;of a general retirement of the llheims and the other in the tt hTfLjr gOV- liven, urely you can lend I Turin northward in Palestine. Woeuvre, east of Mouilly. Prisoners your money t And preserve were captured in both cases. .. -lh9l Of for the world liberty and The German Navy. nlefed Ihe freedom. What it the ute 'GERMAN SUBMARINES Stockholm. Nov. 0. A large i-ii i.u has fled of your mosey without it? CUTII IHTUDnATC." squadron of warships is Liberal Meeting ( present Huy a Vietory War Itond UUUUL. ulluunitjoff the Finnish naval station at r nki.,. The a evidence of having done i . lllelsingfors. Germany apparenl-. tu 111 I UtU I J i 'li-men! "'iiiirt the your bit. nun iihi un mw myu 9aa,ijr mienas io coniinue uep navai f fttan Continue no Regard for operations in the Iiallie. A meeting will be held in the Committee Rooms on 2nd " fwtali! Lives of Sailors. Per Berlin Wireless. Avenue on Monday night, November 12th. at 8 o'clock. C.snomlo Reorganization. Ilerlin. Nov. 9. The Austro. i o. t. ftuiattn n Atlantic PorL Nov. 7. A German naval forces in north- ' awlaw poirtieal ONE GENERAL STAFF German submarine lorpeded anojwestern Italy have crossed the FRED -STORK 'lo'wiavg- upwi the sank Ihe Uritisb steamship fUshUeiVih'It"W.' 2eVente; thotf. FOR ALL THE ALLIES "v. rwHefli and Ihe Wales, of 1,321 tons gross, off sand Italian troops were rut off The Liberal Candidate, and others will address the meeting. ! iU minis tar ' Queenslown on October J I, ac- 'from the Tagliatnento river and ne touiK-il of the) cording Jo a survivor who arrive were taken prisoner. The tola! Vitt kirieH a CeUnafl.i Iindoo, Nov. W. The Allies u'r' l,Hl- One of two U-boats number of prisoner taken by the All supporters or Sir Wilfrid LauWer and tbe Liberal Party ws arrornpttilud'My ekt a general staff to taaveih,c look ',rl in the tUck Austro-(8ermans is now over two are Invited to attend. isnelieu uie nieuoais anu nunoreu and uiiy inousanu, to- henl and lh ei(y siewpre(e control of the war. as open rits !eing palrell. the uniteation of eommand cf four of Ihe crew perished and fie gether with twenty-three hundred and guarded br the eonsidere.1 essential. With the olhM',, wer' wunuea. guns. The survivor a passenger on Ships Lost. .rkie. cctralRn of resources for one ! r the situa. -.-l. fm, ,.,i ... ia British steamship, is George . London. Nov. 9. A new low In chief is not Flnneg.n of Italtimore the port evel ha. been establihe,i ,n th Workmen's Compensation Board L.,idered ' Ihe r.t W.lea ..IIH l-sw of ships by German sub- i tday. whtath ses praetleable. The need h,eh, What is it? Why is tt? How does it operate? 'is la Mk an tHi. af a rollectielr considered war HIT a I p.I It 1 1 U WW liiuii a auu v uiai ziic tatiM siv j. He at the Empress Theatre Saturday. November 10. and veesel had discharged its vessels of all tonnages were sunk The bjhI alsa the o-niutttuii i IMll-"'Ltf. ia- MlinllkaillMl-"t . hear everything explained by Mr Wynn, Chairman Of the at Southampton and was on last week. anl dis-) The Allied Conference. Ik cargo , f"k.. n.l....-n 1. I. n I I Hoard, and Mr. Parker Williams, a fellow member. propeletimil lail Several commissioner to i, ner j " wumiHii "". EFFORTS LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED txls. allied conference arrhed in Lon 0:JU a.m. a SUOIIiarinr. iirutim uinman Meeting starts at 8:30 sharp. have been the one which nail! TOWARDS PEACE don last night, headed by Colonel to EMPRESS THEATRE 2nd Ave. and 6th Sts. been observed the night before "WKINQ House, who ranks special OF GREECE as Nov. 8. Germany sinking a freighter, approached Washington, IS FOR THE ALLIES American ambassador. unexpectedly. and Austria are making strong On the Kast Wales were tlfly-one efforts to further the pacifist con-ference . NvnHber 7. De-iii BRAZIL WILL ACT men. The U-boat's third shell to be held at Kerne, Nov Special Meeting of Skeena Athim t o the AGAINST GERMANS carried away the wireless and 12 to discuss a basis for an hon Lodge No. 45. NOTICE ii Unlay told of a " 'wounded the operator. Steering orable peace, according to an of KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 'g Alexamler to the II to Janeiro. Nov. 8. Popular pear BIj bridge were destroyed ficial cablegram received here to e AI) members o f this On and after November terday to wilnoss Miuiiifrslatton against German J anj crw inen took to small day from Zurich, Switzerland lodge and visiting Knights 1st. our coal will be sold 1 into fHroaal touch business houses in this city "-'boats. A second submarine Join-eunied Even the Swiss, tin despatch saiil are reauested to attend a for cash. Please pay in iiers tratsttag U Join a violent character Sun-Ifj in t,e .helling and a shot de. regard this solicitude of the Central special meeting on Satur- the olllce when ordering. at the fnnl. In a day. The damage was heavy, 'capitated one man in a small boat Powers as in strange contrast day. 10th inst, at 7:30 p. or to tbe teamster upon i'- officers the King Anti-German outbreaks also are v died two others and wounded to their recent declarations in. to meet Past Grand . fs delivery. reported from Curityba und Sao fur. Hritish patrol vessels hove that Ihey were entirely 'satisfied Chancellor E. S. II. Winn. Prince Rupert Coal Co. ' happy realizing that Paulo. The guard detachments i in isi,L but the Fast Wales was with their military statu. J. KNIGHT. C.C. Albert & McCaffery. Ltd. king hard. I wttnt to over Ihe Central Hallway of Uratfl fc.nt to the bottom with two tor- Germany will be represented at II. M. DAGGKTT, K.R.S. i you to 1m all heart have been doubled, all umcers ijiedo: before the submaHnes fled. the conference by Or. llernhardt wrvln- and to keep have been recalled to their gar escaping the patrols. Dernberg. expelled from the United 1 olities. You must risons and furloughs suspended. States for spreading German "king nwre ami nwre, In response to the demand for reprisals STATE CONTROL OF oronaKanda: Pastor Frederick WANTED LOGGERS v' hav to bo ready Ihe against Grrman aggres. SCOTCH WHISKEY i.Neumann, director of the Iteview m Swamper, Chokerman, ytfESTHOLME ! hi. iiioira nn.. . nt lhA ildfemlers Sniper. ienl passible so as to ions the President has sent to ; f' 1 1 II II, 'I V " - - ' in (his war(with our Congress a message containing London Nov. 7. The Hritish f the ambitious "Middle Kurope" J. R. MORGAN, LTD. OPERA HOUSE y to brMik down our the following recommendations: ...mernment. according to the German expansion doctrine; vv ai- TONIGHT ONLY First, anuullmenl of contracts Dally Kxpress, is considering.ter Itathenau, director of the Al Apply for public works entered into with making its first experiment ia legmelne Klecktriftath Vessel, ana Williams Manson THEDA l.i BARA DOMESTIC FIRES ARE Germany; second, prohibition of stale control of the liquor trade Ir. Fresiner. director or tne Al-UVmeine HER DOUBLE LIFE VERY FEW IN BERLIN new land concessions to German by assuming control or the manufacture Kleclriiitats Gessel Six acts. banks and eventual onnullinent and supply In Scotland. Chaft. ''agen, Nov. 7. Aeeord-Yorwnerls of their licenses; the extension of On the success of the lest wouhl LONDON CAFE PaTHI QAZCTTK of Ilerlin, these measures to German commercial depend the extension or control U. S. STEAMER ROCHESTER AND GRILL SUBMARINE! An sdJrtst will txe ytTta by SUNK BY "iiienu of that city arc linns; fourth, prohibition to England, Ireland and Wales. Third Avenua Judy Youoy of the trausfer of ownership of "i uiiheoted homes, ow ' Service of the Best ""ir inability to oh(aln German property; firth, the in. GERMANY'S LAST HOPE Washington. November 9. -The Prompt '" seuiity nllovuii(H of a (eminent of German suspects. United States vessel Rochester , there Is to eat at all hours. Tb D4Uy 5w. has been sunk by a uerman suo- "f u ton uf ooal room. Various measures wero presented (SwfUl per i-iivtry vvus promise! by in the Chamber, one of iAindon. Nov. v. Germany is marine, r our ... BOXES FOR LADIES & McNeil I. but the only hope which proposes that the crews of now calling out her last reserves jbeen killed and fourteen are still Broughton i that it may bo alt t the inerclmnl marine he utilised All men. who have been previously ,missing. TELKWA, B. 0. by tliH H..VV vur. Lines i the war. the Chamber adopted l,ina reetsmiimll When the Germans insliliiteti 1 "ns waiting to purchase vote of 97 to 17. a motiiui for and large numbers have beV their alleged bloekad of the allied Offer this special price on " now a regular feature of lh inclusion in the order of the hurried to the training centres. coasts, me nocnesier " fresh killed Hulkley Valley " rtlii. lluyers are eom-(l day of nil projects of a military American vessel io pn iiii"iM" Heef: I-! !, Und in line ull day to nature. For New Wellington Coal and the dangerous mne on her voyage No. 1 Steer, side 15o 'Ill 111 few seiHipruls, which le Lumbar of all dimensions Io France. No. 1 Steer, hlud 1So II,,., lime to sMirry Iiuiiih theiil- WANTED hone 118. I The man who works his help No. 1 Hteer. front, ... 12fco ' To the Mnutily-i'lsil ami Look your best and be comfortable six days a weak. The freight rale to Rupert 'HI v,., tl-hud women and ehlld-' Tle.makers. All winter's work. The favorlta household Coal Is In a La Camilla Corset. is 86o per 100 lbs. Ill, Phone Red Wanted A first-class cook and Hie MMir this is a severe pply Dybhavn & Hanson, or Ladvsmllh Wellington, Phona 16. Prices very moderate. Ooal Co. Mrs. Demare, Stephens Blk. Waitress. Hanson's tlo camp, Blioraton, Prlrea Rupert lf.;4SS,