1111! DAILY NFWH The Daily News THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA fr-ublLfied Dally and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation m HEAD OFFICE: Canada Needs b'aily.News DuTidiny, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, RC. Tel & Why TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - SO ccntv per Inch. .Contract Rates on application. More Money, DAILY KDITIOH & Friday, Xov. 9, 1 9 IT. THE ELECTION from the grass roots up. Will In view of the coming election, regard to vrar oalrnits, il is there is one thing which impossible to believe that the will weigh largely with the llordeti Goveratnot ami the TTP to date the war has cost Canada about $700,000,000. electors in Ibis paiiiamefttaiT Imperial Munitions Hoard do division in the recording of tot co-operate with rwfcnrti 10 Canada has spent in Canada over $400,000,000 on her own account. their totes. We pat it up to war orders. Britain our readers a few days ago to The Borden Oo eminent lias Canada has spent in Canada on behalf of Great over$300,000,000. consider bow much better of) failed to atUUe the resources What Canada spcrids for Great Britain is really loaned to Great Britain Prince Rupert would hate bee of Prinee Rupert in the effort to bad a Liberal Government been win the war, to the detriment and will be repaid or credited to Canada later on. in power during the past si or Prince Rupert and therefore, years. This is one of the to the Dominion. From an local Issues. The people of eeofteniie standpoint and the Prince Rupert have had the; Government Is always preaeh. erperience for six years of Ing economy--Prince Rupert what to expect from the 1 Jor cannot afford another term in Great Britain needs so much ready for rent, materials, etc They mutt lc pakl dan Government. If the JJor office to the government at Sit cash to finance her own expenditures at in cash, or its equivalent. den Government is returned, Robert Horden. they need expect nothing more home for herself and for our Allies that she So Canada says to Great Britttm:-"I than what has been done during ONE MILLION TONS must buy on credit from Canada, and from will lend you the money so tliat you can that time. OF SHIPS BX. MARCH every other country where she can get pay cash to Canada's producers for what Prince Rupert has the object lesson in front of tblm in the Washington, .Nov. 7, Answer credit. you want shape of an intermittently ing the Allies' call for 0.000.000 Of course Great Britain's credit is so "I will borrow this money from our working drydock. It is only tons 1918,of Chairman new American Hurley,shipping of the iu good that other countries,in order to get her own people just as you borrow money from used when the other drydock on the coast cannot handle United Male Shipping board, to. trade, arc quite as willing to give her credit your people. "I will also borrow from the the will people of day said country's yards only the largest vessels. The in as we arc Canada. largest and best equipped dry. deliver ',500,000 tons. Canada money to pay cash for all the products dock aod shipbuilding plant on The "puneh" was put iulo IhcJ Canada wants to help Great Britain Hint Canada, as well as Great Britain, the coast has been allowed to government's anti submarine not only because Canada wants Britain's needs in Canada." campaign at a meeting today of stand three idle since its completion representatives or all steel ship trade but because we are Canada and she is Tliat is Canada's practical, patriotic years ago. Every attempt to gel it agoing somehow- or building plants on the Altantfo Great Britain both members of the same part in helping to win the war. other has led back to Ottawa, seaboard. Mr. Hurtley called upon great Ktnpirc, kin of our kin, our motherland. Without this credit the Canadian producer and the failure of all these attempts employers and employes to place are on record. the yards on a three-shift night could not sell to Great Britain, and The whole project of the and day basts. For Canada it is both a filial and without these Canadian products the war National Transcontinental Railway, "We have Just begun to fight, patriotic duty to supply Great Britain's would be prolonged. he said. "It is that my hope to-day western with terminus Prince Rupert was evolved as its will establish a milestone in war needs and remember, her needs arc our So it is necessary for Canada to give by the last Liberal Government. America's war progress. Between needs. Also it is in Canada's self-interest to Great Britain the credit in order that It certainly had no intention of now and March I, this country to supply those needs and thus keep open Canada's own producers,who need a market, will turn ul one million tons of tying money up in so a drydock many millions and ship.of ships. In the whole of 1916. we a market for our products. will have one; and in order that Great building plant and then letting turned out little over 7SQ.O00." Britain which needs the products to win the . it stand idle. THE HIQH COST OF LIVING. war, will et them. For these six years past, the IS STILL BEINQ CONSIDERED Now, Britain needs our wheat, our Dorden Government apparently cheese, cattle, hogs, and many manufactured has made no attempt to carry Ottawa. Xov. 3. Gold-storage articles. out the farsighled plans of Sir and the whole question of the rtwl Now how does Canada get the money Wilfrid I.aurier in connection of living are now under considera Canada also needs many of these things which both Canada and Britain with Prince Rupert. Judging lion, it is understood, by a sub. between the two it amounts to more by can pay by experience, has Prince Riy committee of the Cabinet. Im cash for Canada's products? titan a million dollars a day in cash. pert any hope tor anything portant recommendations will By borrowing it from the people of returned better, should again?he be. perchance. statement probably be of made policy,shortly.issued In its a And the producers must be paid in Canada through the sale of Canada's In fact rather than let the couple of weeks ago, the Union Victory Bonds to be offered in November. plant already assembled at Government declared lis belief in Neither Canada nor Great Britain That is why Canada's Victory Bonds Prince Rupert do lis duty in the necessity of "effective mea. could (o a Canadian farmer and buy go offered are to the to raise people the manufacture of munitions sure to prevent excessive nroflls. money ana war material to "win the'to prohibit hoarding, and to prewar" his wheat or his cattle on credit. to help to finish the war. contracts were let to the vent combination for the increase The farmer and all other producers "Canada must keep hcrshouldcnto the southern cities, where ship- of prices, and thus to reduce the be to their might ever so willing give wheel even though it be chariot of yards aryl shops had to be built cost of living." a fire," country credit but they could not do it and the way for Canada to keep her because they have to pay cash for wages, shoulder to the wheel is by buying S. S. PRINCE RUPERT WEDNESDAY mldnlrht for Anvoi THURSDAY MLdnlrtri for Swaiuoa Bay. Ocean FUli. Vancoartr, VleicrU and Scttll. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Canada's Victory Bonds SATURDAY MI4nl(bt IOT AayOI. MONDAY S a.m. for Swanaon Bar, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle 8. S. PRINCE JOHN For Quwi Charlotte Itlandi, S p. m. Sovrniber th and flit. for nelchikan. Wraniell, I aorta and Skasway. Kurt-mber litb aod nth. TRAIN SERVICE Neit rk Ill's spare win tell why CaaeU nl money Pauenrer Monaar, W4.4.r aod seterday al II IS a.m. for Smitten by selling Canada's Victory Hoods Woes Georr. Edmonton aod Wlanip-r, maklnr direct connections for til points east and sooth. Vy Ceaadae Vbtery Leu C Utoe Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. la MeniUi M Ike UUw el H i For information and reservations apply to ei tie l-M.eWC de. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 LAND ACT An hrlr. Tyrrell, M. D., I now Un mo saw isth day IkEE.XA LA.1D DISTRICT Army of h.rtn ami repleisx! al i:yrtl . Orme'i A maty at UM. nif ' ' DISTRICT Of lrf Kir. ror Iptf Aee aM Sin St. 'MiruaM Me ret" eixi t -uast, RAHCK I. Internal I'rtnor Nnfterl. lit. win aim in ne CANADIAN PACIFIC Bathers RAILWAY Tks notice thai i.' w' rv.in.......-vf vi .11,.... Thrr ale may be oManted free a re IWlIrr Narorder H ! irer. occupation w Diinimm, WKHUJ VJ 1e.l "Why Mm ut T.l. m u aa I The de 4r u nm f. Lowest " PPlr for DCnilllelon In. r...h... .... - . Over btiir a ler i1tl inirtral " a ranei tauuu.. nollee tm Mat Inral n i Rates to all Eastern Points v nii,iiu, tile IOI mjiiisan i.svi.,. t. ( owing deierlbed land,. buoklel on a eabjeei. ir tint i ' via Steamer Comwcoeinf it a you prefar. day of Oeenswr. to Vancouver and th Internal rl lo fir. ckae. A. tm1I taa iulm IsMe be mm Wfllb ix H I Jtal Daininr u mors . . CANADIAN eterniUI to ill' PACIFIC RAILWAY !L. " mlu Ul0w " w r ell ,0f than g,UrM, BBfc liwt. Toronto, for aie. H'elrr ktnmli'r wlUi Meele and Berth Included on Steamer tiaffifa aw"..ASfclitN IS !im eii lle round itut t.ir.n .. Iter .aid ileb- WATER NOTICC lU.r VAtrSliN MIM - Princes May fee Oranby ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday ut r.vr.r "i" . ", ,,n,n'- -re af that biiiolu. R. H. VrOtaue, Ateal, ' Princes May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday MAXWELL.i,c. tuure COLUSOK or ie. TAaE HOTICl: Ihk, DaMy Virdrn Mine Prlncesa 8ophla for the south Saturday, November 3rd. uruM ftth. HIT, -p Miipeny nnoee aiMrea I Ansa Arm. B. Prlncesa Sophia for Alaska Friday, November 9th. Mi ' I M jiav C, will ap4y far a Hrnw e uk and uea ten entier feel of water per aeeund STEEN & LONGWILL uUI uT TruMI ieek. a lrlhuUr of all I. "in all thrlr run.ibu ..J J ...i ..- PETERS, General A ecru aull niter nel Into Alice Arm. Ca Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Kupert. B.C GOLD WATCH FREE. ZnL, l'.M' t'-hr.Jed and al liar Ute M.imm.beitl of Tlw IMe water l'U will b Ibe diverted sitter SANITARY AND MtATIN0 llur.le UllMl..I .liii. I... .iu.1 mrnt mill eNOINCCRS " . 7 e be need for power p-pueae on itie Wull I-., LJ'"'"' Toronto. 0U uk inwiy arueo uronp or Ninero l h i 77' . -inc your i:UUim beMs UiM lltl ta ItIT InchiXr. Agsnls for Don't merely smother your cough aitd Ml lilt la till Iaetat ami Lot McCLARY FURNCS9 e ''ix iiiuei . T""Ko U the sis I, iaaiar MMiiri e deal..,..;,: '"flllfle nielhnd of ApuahatSHi will tm ma4e also for U aTITDI? IT Matbleu'e Syrup of Tar aod Cd LWer Oil PLUMBINO noton7 Hflil to ehire Sto airs feel hi lire I Trawl LUKIj 1 1-VVQj rreta coughing, but thank to Ite tonic ae2 Lake and . an feel in s.eoiid. TMiw and strengthening properties It be I Ite to throw of "Ma pa system in..L it . u twnf Mil l.iurili Truul Uli'i Tb weMr will cold and thus effect a permanent It U thU cum. quel It. which has woa lea-no METAL W0HKS U .I' n.l in Ural Truul l.kr Um 6HEET of ny run Urgtet sale an cough and cold remedy la Centra. iioii i.r itnu at iu uilel tmt In 8-iid A"1"" iSt.Urji loitUi, rvtrywktti. Tour. ,. i,. nil tiiiiii a mt yiiurlb TrMii Lakaa by Plums 6. 34 "I. A. Darricn, tlH .ii.iiu. ,,r a Uain al Ibe iinUei Nliflil 9- Jk L. sfATBUBJ CO, rrf. SIOMMn, TJK. 'WhB, kaA II.,. ...'.. f7. i .t ..,.n.l It..ill km 1fe ..tten.LA.fl I)lie Vt a , , ,, mram Wfir." r-..n "r, lju IWi Mpldly-" ire ui Mud lie llMaled it rirel Tronl t work, Th. rloht " 1 e.!Ti. TN "1. nae i. ir arre. twi ai aenMi, Tnim ami 1. 1 .1' wiiinai iixl batl ap- luiirlll Truul llki'. U iwrni) a're. limn, snd at th right pnrpoM, manuraciurrd by Tin. iK'ii'i' polled n the yrotuul