ThZ VkTLX NEWS DOUBLE LIFE" -HER The Workers of the MAIL SCHEDULE World with hand or brain, thriliinit try r woman's DENTISTRY t. i. h tnld by the FOR SALE doors, undo-all (ie'rmsni - OROWR A0 In doors or out l " Wes holme tonight. n. For the EasL all pn-iufPs In and SaL conditions and The tale i a slrlklng one, Mondays, Wednesdays CITY OF PRINCE nUPERT DR. J. 8. Utle role, BROW Shredded the In rdaya at V:30 a. m. dimes, will find in ami Theda Hara On Seal Cove ClrcU Wheat the food that supplies makps It doubly atlraclive. Here Reeled lender fur lb pare bat or OSJsei Sank btTlT Bteo From the EasL are some f the lull' mm m act-ing Lease of Let Twenty thre (III. Twenty n Lot 30, Blck 7, Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, all the material for that Theda Hara has to do In tour (Sit and Twenty Bv till. Bteek Pim. an Section 7, :30 p.m.; Thursday, 5i30 p.m. building healthy tissue and the (liming of lhi photoplay. She Oty Seventeen of rrtne(IT). Rupert,BeeUon will On p ill.received la lb good brain a food that begun the picture by crubbing by Ih Miststcr f lands l VKtorl, B. C . With Two-Roomed House For Vancouver. of floor In a London tenement. Then bo to IS o'clock Boon on Moodsy, um Monday 7 a. m. nourishes every organ i... . fioht with a drunken nineteenth dsy of lUvemter. A. D. 117 PACIFIC Very Cheap at Tuesdays 5 p. m. the body and keeps the bowels t IIC . ik.- aliiina. and----- fliea from Tenders may cover on or ntor leu. CARTAGE. LTn uia" Term of Lese lea (l year. Thursday 10 p. as. healthy and active the h m. I-ater she enlist S w-r orttBed cbequ covertst si i II) months' Saturdays p. m. nurse, and tends the wounded In rental most srtoeoMny est 8 tender, $650 From Vancouver. one universal cereal food that -I l l atl ih tlfaft ll fltalY rbrnues of asaeeesifsl leodertfl 14 be General Teaming " v " ' " A IirKI U""! Sunday 10 p. m. appears on the breakfast 4n the hoapllal while It 1 being returned Th Mrbesi Una or dlslely.any tender not eesarHy DOMESTIC Mondays a. m. table of most Canadian bombarded from me ouisiue. fe aeeepted. H. Q. HELQER30N, LTD Wednesdays 10:30 a. sn. homes day in the lakM the plaee r anotner gin Tenderer snntt UM lb trssmes iney BLACKSMITH COAL Fridays 6 p. m. every and has to live the life of lh are furtred in and mail oetlrntt clearly Careful Attention to It is ready-cooked and ol wbst s they intend I mak ef Um .n, Saturdays 10:30 a. m. year. ..ii.. nniil ihe final disclosure and rurnrturs for. tats arreted Removals, ready-to-eat. For breakfast For variety, this rele Is certainly Real shall be pajstte in Quarterly w- For Anyoi. with milk or cream, for exacting. ubwents in tdvanc. Tf la PHONE S3. "The Daily News" Sundays 10 p. m. any meal with fruits. Made pepniy O. R.Minister RIDE.,of Land. Wednesdays 10 p. m. ueh nartits are still out Fridays 8 p. in. in Canada. of Mr trare lonklnar for some CLASSIFIED ADS. j Saturdays 10 p. m. Cecil Flewln. of Port Simpson, who ha been missing sine Sun From Anyox. Local News Notes day- No Information ha yet been WANTED. Sundays, a. Mondays, a. ra, reeeived In town of any sueees Protect Your Family and Thursdays, WA.1TED Liperteneed waitress. Apply ruesdays, p. in., resulting from the search. Mr or hotel, tel. p. m. When you think of shoes think John Flewin the mllpK man of Wallacea. 26 father. I In town ai present, snu Olrl look after soft drink WAXTED to Port Simpson A Naas River Points Counter sod dtr Stand. Seal Cotc he has the genuine sympathy of Why delay any longer on the rbejlee. of Im For Sundays, 10 p. m. has returned Pool Houm. PbOOO ill. SSI "Ik" Clapperton all who know him. you eaa get From Tuesdays, p. m. to town from Telkwa. r WA.XT1D By bookkeeper, small tet of botki to keep durtar spar hoars. Queen Charlotte Islands. Suierintendent Kilpatrick, of The Court of Kxemptlon. under DOMESTIC BREAD .Ap&ly boi I IT, Duly Wews Offlt. the provisions of the Military Mails Close Oct. 10 and 21. Smithers, arrived in the city last Service AcL Is sitting today in Sweet, Crisp and Wholesome VYAXTED OccvpaUoa by retired medical ov. 7lh and 21 sU Dec. 5th and evening. uu. clerical or cosnaerciaL Qtulifled the court houre. expert la borUcnltort (ad poaluy husbandry. 9th 10 p. m. Made by Kiperts in a sanitary ahi Hirbest reference. Martin Mails from OcL lath and 28. 'Oossard (front lace). -Amer a.. Sirs snso, Kraerer, Prlne Rupert, B. C, t7e iov. 11th and 25th, Dec. Oth and ican Lady" and "Parisian Corsets W. I. WUBssk. 11. Lt-S "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" psaso.f mat eabji 23rd p. m. Wallace's. 201. WILLIAMS A MANSON II 09 monthly correspondinc far aw. paper; lie to lie monthly la spar Itewart, Mapla Bay and Swamp Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Barristers. Solicitors, Eta. La Casse Bakery tune; eijwrtence unnecessary: bo tan-vastier; PolnL of Usk, arrived in the city by last OMIT TO LOAM subject n(rested. Bead for night's train. l HIS particular. Rational Press Bareen For Thursdays, 10 p.m. Belaanoa Blot Prtne BeperL B. room 3171. Buffalo. .1. T. From Saturdays, p.m. Mrs. Max Herman left for the FOR SALE. south last evening, where she will Alaska and Yukon Territory. FOR BILE rUare. Qwtp 111 Summit For Mondays 9 p. m. join Mr. Herman. A HOT BATH THE IT Women Know Avenoc FromSaturdays, p. m. IfLavlFTKi Mrs. William lleveridge mas MISCELLANEOUS among the passengers leaving for More Than MINUTE YOU WANT IT the south last evening. OLD TALSE TEETH BOUOHT On Tulcan Yrm are a lu or meui pUtet, also crown tad The Scientific gatOttg roll : brldrework fclrbest price paid, post Mrs. Lockhart, mother of Mrs. without deUy, cash tj rttara matt. J, Younginan, left latt night for the Men s-lRBtiy. Thn.i. - mi Dsnstooe, till Georgia BL, Vancouver, south by the Prince George. esfaattsM f . i Eiubiuaed 17 Oil Wat th- year. la PACIFIC MILK Is the cheapest Mr. It. O. Moseley. of Hazellon, be fr ssmodaBce TIMBER SALE X1077. milk there is to used In coo arrived in the city last evening. inging. It s been proved. bow ffMseh i - m fHarry Atkins Sealed trader will b received by Um and will be In town for a day or First scientists tested It. You Bekre. Minuter or ldU not later than boos oe two. know how they do things. They HOT WATER LIKE BUCK ram Iff Bute, Princ Raaaet. the feu day or Rovember, 117. for Um . it to be unusually rieh and purchase of Licence X 177, to cat 1 9,60 1 Mr. Harney Keegan and Mr. provea HansoD TICS ot Hemlock aad absolutely Harry .VOTED FOR Jaekpin, Sprue pure. flussell Peden, of Prince Ueorge. Cedar on ao area tltuated on Hsrdscrabble Scientific cooks took It in band PRIME SAUSAQE Water - arrived in town off last night's H.4 S.BSSf Creek, Skeena River, Rant S, Coal I Dls- and (ried it In their ways, and sent trlcL train and left again for the south. yuB la is Tomato Sausage a Specialty. On (I) year will b allowed for re in the results in glowing but PHONE 44S P. 0, BOX JM BMTal of Umber. Xo word has yet been received scientific terms. They proved further particular! of Um Chief Forester. Phone 674 P. O. Box Ictorta. B. C. or District forester, print of Ibe return of the launch which thai if measured correctly and Rupert. B. C T. WIS went out to seek for the three everything else weighed it was Mellakatla men who are missing. very inexpensive a compared with fresh milk or with nil the other The whist drive given at Mrs. samples submitted. Knighthair yesterday for the Hut it remained for our young Stuart J. Martin Seal Cove Ited Cross realized lady "Investigators" to And out $12.50. The prizes went to Mr. that the women themselves had ASSAYEH Davis and to Mrs. Sellg. put alt the scientific demonstrations in the shade as far as know, TIMBER 3ALE X10S4. Word has been received in town ing how to use it In cooking so HAZELTON B. C. from Dr. Lew Kergin. He Is again as to make good cakes and things Sealed tender will be received by tb out in Mesopotamia. He had ar for little very money. Minister of Lands not later tbaa noon on The oldest established Assay the tout day of November, HIT, Tor lb rived at Hussorah and was proceeding Have you tried PACIFIC MILK In purchaser or ueeoe xiih, to cut 7.t up the Kuphrates. your cooking? Ofltea In the North. Sprue aad Jack floe Uea on aa area ad olainx Lot nil on Endako River near Owing Ut the large quantity of Buroes Lake, Haute S, Coast District. PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. On year win b allowed roe re freight moving at present, th 332 Drake Street, Vancouver, B. C. moval or Umber. arrival of the Prince Oeorge from Th Mfaekwa Stan Mam. further particulars or Um Chief forester. Anyox was delayed last jilght. She Victoria. B. C. or District forester. Prise did not gel in till after midnight THE HUB Rapert, B. C. MIS A' SHUi A Bevsath MINERAL ACT ...Kddie Murphy, of .the fire de -a a Everywhere P.O. BOX 22S PftlMCS RUPERT par in inn. unuerweni an opera To flQTICE C. W. Calhoun:TO DELISQl-EnT FARTHER tion for appendicitis at the (ten Prince Rupert Feed Co. BOWLINQ ALLEYS v Take noUcc. w berets I hare don and eral Hospital and is progressing in work, study or piny POOL and BILLIARDS aased to be don assessment work on Um very favorably. His place in the LUNCH COUNTER Mldnirbt fraction mineral claim, situated lire hall is being taken in .the PHONE 58 on Um initac river, about rourteen miles meantime by Sergeant Jim .Neville from lb bead of AUe Arm. la the Skeena Represent!!);: mintor division of Skeena district, assets- , Taylor EnttaeerlDf Company, Alle inent work for till, till, and 111, and Mr. J. B. Andrews, a man HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS WRIGLEYS Ann. B. C, T. A. Kelley Lotclnr a hev paid for said work and racordlnr wide experience in the drygwd toolbar Co, LliL, Queen Cbarloti I. same l he lum of IJ07.I0. Unless you pay business gained in Kngland and and FERTILIZER WE CASH PAV CHECKS om the sum or ( for your (bar Tfto Cunt of Gumption in aiiaila, arrived or Um said assessment lotetber yesterday to Make The HUB your headquarters, work, with Um cost or this ane cnarge of the ilrysrnod tie. Tho tar your mail addressed in our car. advertisement, I shall, at is a welcome help. lb eiptrtfxm of ninety (10) day froca parwneni in tlie etore-fif If. 8. Chicken Feed a Specialty trie date hereof apply to the minlnr re Wallace Co., Ltd. Flavour fhes Black B10. KE. Pre. Raee, corder at Prlne Rupert. B. C. to nsv Teeth, breath, nnne Lasts your Interests In the Mldnirbt fraction mineral claim vested In me. In pursuance The club rooms of the llelunied all Order Prmatl AUsadsd t. titc, digestion and SUBSCRIBE FOR Of Um Provisions of the mineral set. Soldiers on Third Avenue, have bated at Print Rupert, B.C. this 10th oeen wirown open to the sailors spirits arc the better The Daily News sy or September,II. C.117.PHILLIPS. Dtl. irm me visiting cruiser. T for it. cofTVe and cakes will be provided. wininiiuuoiis of that nature from WRIGLEyS makes me cmzi-ns will be thankfnllv ceived. the next pipe or FRED STORK'S HARDWARE J.L.HICKEY cigar taste better. It Would you renounce th pleasantly sweetens you lover If you had gained FOR CANNERYMEN his CONTRACTOR and soothes mouth We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete mmuK.i rraml, and he for- A BUILDER line of llubber Helling at right prices, Kivra you aiir-r the truth nnr..,. and throat. FOR FISHERMEN would you marry hlrnf This is Btore and onice Fiztures, A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for .Thed.t the situation Hara In which Bsb, Door and Moldings. Three trolling 8prlng Ilrass, 8llver and Hronze. six aets. Weslbol"Her Double I.if- Oak and Hard Wood of all FOR THE WATERFRONT only. ' kind. Lasting The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat We,, paint -FLOOLAZir -A complete line of n Hardwood Flavours The Ship Chandlery. . .regular mcriinir ,,r ih. Boat Ribs, a '- HIT Sash, FOR EVERYONE BW'lllUil Isa-anatl t.. as. "M Wit llfiu iun vfU Doom, to. A fine slock of Hardware, Ourney a Oiford Stoves. "K ih the city hall. Th I PUU nd BIJ tight sYopf tlul't We Sell Nothing But The BesL will reiiuwi i,e 9iiy fWnej, u 8ht Glass and Bm murm ll'm IVKICUV8 have, a dlleli dug to drain off the Glazing. -urfaee water which at prese.,1 ,nd Ctn 8U- meal" FRED STORK'S -ornL.F!"!r "Mies4 every HARDWARE ""mI. the basertienl of the Kuig PHONE l -lwanl Hchool. Chamine In u.. GREEN 26S '"inng ta!f were also dUciissed. 1 P. O. BOX 448.