1 l7tH Da il y News r gflt- i ; ... I'lllNCl: RUPERT. II. C 8AT UIlDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1917. THICK FIVE r.YSlt ALLIES FORI IEW I no V7 ART COII 44 di I L3 r WILL CO-ORDINATE ALL MILITARY OPERATIONS - TURKS RETREAT IN SYRIA WEST I SIR WILFRID LAURIER CAPT. BARNEY JOHNSON ALLIES IN IS AWARDED THE D. 8. O. Kee first that m.LiUHu iiUFT the deiilgn : THE SAVIOR OF QUEBEC IMPORTANT WAR NEWS ii wise and just! That at. HAVE CENTRAL eertained, pursue It reso. Tlfft IHtingullied Service Order The gigantic wheels of IN POWER IN lulely! I)o not forego the The One Man Who Can Unify the has ben awarded to Captain the world's commerce purpose that you resolved Discording Elements In Harney Johnson, lale of the O. T. would instantly come to an GENERAL STAFF: to effect. the Dominion. I. Hieamer Prince Ruperh Those absolute standstill; indescribable PETROGRAD Our design Is Democracy. in Prince Ilupert who knew Capt. misery would Freedom and Liberty! Coming front a writer who has Itarney have been expecting ome- suddenly seize upon the Command of Allied War Opera- our purpose Is Justice to "never given the great Canadian i entire civilized world, and Belief that Coup in Russia was thing of this kind ever since he MM lio One Per- all men; sympathy for the man would rapidly lapse Concerted Plan of Berlin and llon, j statesman a vote during all I lie went Johnson weak! Resolve, therefore, overseas. Captain into the throes of Hun barbarism, the Bolshevlkl North tary Committee. lu prosecute our eaue to hig years that be has been a was skipper of a submarine, lie if this war is not Army Joins. the last man and last political leader in Canada," the; made a voyage in his underwater won for the allied cause. dollar, that the effect following article culled from the (Special to Tin Dillj ntmiu Diny 5wt. maybe Our soldiers give their i Tin j craft across the Atlantic and has editorial columns of the the extermination of Calgary Ijndon, Nov. 10, The pro. lend . 10. The confer-j News-AdvertUer been in the war zone since then. lives, surely you can is significant. It German Lenlne Autocracy and a lasting And is now firmly in British. Itnllan and! No detail have been received your nioneyl preserve Is significant of the deep impression world's peace. for the world liberty and power in 1'etrograd. Ex-Premier sentative has ro--reatlng which the stand the Liberal a for what particular action this , Meet our boys triumphant freedom. What is the use Kerensky is now en route to .Mos of a per-allied return wllh the confident chief has taken at this present distinction was conferred, as Capt. of without ilf cow. The recent Teuton naval your money juncture in a inol critical period Johnson has had many experi Htllllary corn- assurance that you Huy a Victory War Hond operations in the Gulf of Finland in the history of the Dominion, ence. On one occasion, his sub. of the have done your part. Huy as evidence of having done fosters the belief that the coup V leadership Victory War Uond. has made not only among hi own marine bit a mine while sub biL a a concerted plan made be .v prortded fr. Oen. merged on the Herman coast but your followers, but even among those tween Berlin and the Bolsbeviki. : . . n appointed fir I in who heretofore have been of a be managed to make the surface It is feared that there is a plot to ., , t, oeal Badoglloz different political faith: and bring the damaged vessel to open the way to the Germans to :, .j lieneral Gradlna MANY ARC REPORTING Sir Charles Hibberl Tupper. of port safely. II in many friends ALDERMAN McCLYMONT wards Pelrograd. A telegram id Foeh, chief of FOR SERVICE IN QUEBEC Vancouver, once a member of a will be pleased to know of this LECTURES BEFORE THE from Amsterdam says that the . neb War Ministry. honor being bestowed him. i Conervative Iominion government, upon ST. ANDREWS SOCIETY Russian army on the northern Wilson, sub-cblef of Spcil le TIM Dillj ). but of late years a su.pi front has joined the Maximalists i iff will ene on the Montreal. Nov. to. The eligi- porter of the Liberal party In RIO IS CLOSED and is now marching upon Pelro the St. An i ...iniHitte Hh jbles In Quebec under the Military British Columbia, makes the Last evening in grad. - . L a is.iwa Oeneral Dial Hen ice Aet are rushing to file application. statement that Sir Wilfrid Lau-rier prfll to Tbe DUr .lews.) jdrew's rooms, there was a large Women Fight. ' as the ablest of Seventy thousand are will carry practically all of Rio de Janeiro. Nov. 10. The turn out of the society to hear The Women Battalions of Death. ' jhan military leader. sIHI to hear from. From now on. the sixty-five seats In the province port of IUu de Janeiro has been Alderman McClymonl discuss (be fought valiantly until they wrre Wsttern Frent, flat feet may not be considered a of Quebec at the forthcoming closed by the order of the Brazil- monetary question. Alderman Mc overwhelmed by the revolting ndon. Nov. Iff. British and bar to service. election, and he therefore warns ' lL'l IClymont spoke for three-quarters troops who were aided by the b rro.ip ar- in.'v nf Id the other parts of Canada, particu guns of the warships. The Maxi fri.nl. Prmin-r Lloyd VENICE IN DANGER larly the WeL against casting a the events of the past few months of an hour particularly with ref malists have decided to imprison c and other Entente leaden OF HUN ARTILLERY vote the same way as the people in Canada, we can arrive at no erence to Canadian finance, and and try Kornlloff. J Miih the Km in Rome of Quebec are expected to cast other conclusion than that Sir his remarks were of a most in Expecting News. Av The British troop Amsterdam. Nov. 7. Commenting theirs. The Vancouver fnanpro Wilfrid Laurier saved Quebec to istructive nature. Very great in Charles A. Hanson, inaugurated ---.. atti mH ( IIm eal oa the Auslro-Oerman fesses to see in this Quebec vole Canada. terest was taken in the views yelerJay as the new Lord Mayor irt Isit nlghl. The daioe in the direction of.Venice a grave danger lo-Canada Jutal Thre monthftago, because of wnfcti were piacea Deiore ine o f London,-ccxpecls to hear XT0"1 Hry la acttve'ln the (be semi-official Berlin news this time, and fears that, as a the llourassa propaganda, which metliag General KorniXotT. II is befiefed j of Pascbcndaele. agency prepares the public for an resulL "Canada may be convulsed was oegun in me nrsi ""lance Hemark. were also made by Mr. here that the Soviet will not be iiere 1 twltitotg atUrk r the famous art centre in a terrific revolution lor Hie purpoe oi aeieaiuiK ?ir Fred Stork, the Iter. Dr. flranL able to hold power long. Some rn frewt. It contend that Venice has de The outlook for the country, it Wilfrid and of helping the Borden and Mr McNeish, late mayor of believe that Kerensky is now pay- In PalesUne. v el oped into an important centre,mu,t )t confessed, is certainly party in Quebec, and which has North Vancouver, and the even inK the price for his weakness, e Turaun army In of war industries. The city nas not promising one, if Sir Hlb been permitted to continue, al. ing was enlightened with music, although it is realized that it is toward! several most without interruption, by the Pelrograd, and not all Russia, Pt!; retreating already been visited on bert's predictions should come . , . ... i the outbreak that has fallen. With the lines . . .... Prime Minister since ...!.lit-,,11. miaii'i.I I are I occasions liy Teuton aviators out true Hut we are not prepared t GRAIN MUST NOT BE the retiring Turks no damage to aneient buildings accept any such gloomy picture of the war, the whole Canadian USED FOR DISTILLING controlled, it is difficult to get unbiased of what has actu structure was news Confederation s them. Forty Turk- ami monuments has been report-U he painted raptured. The Hrit-h ed. The Hermans are already rar It is possibly true that Quebec threatened when the Military Ottawa, Nov. 9. No grain of ally taken place. A dispatch from naval force are into the Province of Venella and is likely to give Pir Wilfrid Lau-rier Service Act was Introduced in any kind and no substance that Stockholm says that Kerensky has 3 with lb - troop If they reach the Piave line will an almost solid support at Parliament. Sir Wilfrid was menaced, can be used for food shall be used been arrested. t:-. Turkish cotr.munlra-hr h almost within cannon shot of the coming election; yet we look on the one hand, by the in Canada after November 30 for Will Stop Funds. Nov. 10: The Mediterranean, Venice. for no "terrific revolution." not Hourassa-Lavergne Nationalists, distillation of potable liquors. An Washington. the other, by the ex balance of the loans authorized rtt German Wireless. even if Sir Wilfrid should win not and, upon Order-in-Council to this effect Nov. 10. The AuMro- THRILLING FEAT OF only every seat in Quebec, but in treme elements from the Province has been passed upon the recom for Husia, amounting to Itll.- of Ontario. ."o otner i.anaaian. ,,,, Vnrui Controller. 100.000, may not be turned over the CANADIAN AVIATOR the whole of Canada. c have crossed in me .. ... , by the United States Government, The News-Telegram holds no public man was ever piacea forPB -until the overcoming and of the are Italian rear Toronto. Nov. The tackling tir(Pr for Sir Wilfrid Laurier. We same dangerous position as lh.a 1 oovernor-General-in-Council has if the Lenine-TroUky peace fac-. and vote dur- in which Laurier touna nimseu , declared that the present lion gain complete control ot are advancing cease- of nine Oothas single-handed have never given him a I - a-.. i l annn llftd ,b rder a mm. Russia. crashing down that he has anu pernaps no wm ' abnormal conditions have ceasea. mountain roads and the sending of two jng au the long year thrilling ngnt leader In Canada, the same realization of the grav The penalty for violation of the n it driving snow and Into the sea after a teen a political Laurier. For New Wellington Coal and j ns towards the I'lave at a height of 12.000 feet was the uut we desire to do Justice to ity of the situation as had his regulation Is a fine of fa.ooo or Ir Lumber of all dimensions, gallant deed for which Squadron fVery Canadian, especially at this One false step on part imprisonment of a term not ex 116. Commander Oerald Hervey. of the time, and we think that the peo-II. would not only have destroyed ceeding six months or both fine 'hone f -.. awarded the of the influence and the usefulness imprisonment N. A. 8 has been 0f Canada, irrespective and I. 8. O. Commander Heney was crrd or race, should do Justice of Sir Wilfrid Laurier among his I'nder an Order-in-Council of WANTED LOGGERS Lodge No. 45. horn in Stratford. Ont. Mr. and to every Canadian public man in own people, at the most critical August 0th the use of wheat for Swamper, Chokerman, KNIQHTS OF PYTHIAS u i n ii Herver. bis Darenl.lttif. lrvinir limes, and that Sir moment in the history of Canada, distillation o r manufacture Sniper. " members of this resldn in tialgary. Commander lyvilf rid should be no exception to but it would, in all probability alcohol was prohibited, except J. R. MORGAN, LTD. of the have brought about that "terriflo the Food Controller may V and visllliiK Knights Hervey was In the employ ultt ruie. that a rqueslcd to Attend a It.nk of Montreal al High tliver As a matter of facL a we view ntinied on I'npe Two' license the use of wheat for distillation Apply al meeting on Satur. n.l (Ulanrv before his enlist- of alcohol for manufac-( Williams A Manson 10th InsU at 7:3 P- mcnl. luring or munitions purpose. Orand The new order will save for meet Past Board ellor E. 8. II. Winn. GERMANS FINE EAST Workmen s Compensation food Durooses considerable quan KNIOHT. C.C. FLANDERS $10,000,000 tities of barley, corn and rye, al FOR RENT What la It? Why is iit no in- though for months the distillers m. nAnnirrr. K.n.8. November 10. and n at the Empress Theatre Saturday. these grains In to have been using London. Nov. . A dUpalch Wynn Chairman oi the bear everything explained by Mr. of Industrial alcohol irom the manufacture with a the Exchange Telegraph WHIMii. a Mlo member. Comfortable Cottage and Mr. I'arker Amsterdam iaya that according to Hoard, LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED only. fine Garden $12.50 a frontier correspondent the Ger Meeting starts ot 8 30 sharp. ATTENTION I Six-roomed Huse o n the WESTHOLME man authorities in Belgium have EMPRESS THEATRE 2nd Ave. and 6th Sta. VOTERS, Sewer $20.00 mposed a fine of ten million i - - - - ' This u the Ul month for rrltr0on OrtRA HOUSE francs on the province oi isi Voters Holder m the City of Arrmnt MORTIMER TONIGHT ONLY Flanders because It failed to place UL You ri rrttr if rou bold n E. H. forty thousand laborer at the 1 trrrfiurnt J r d, bthr lh AGENT BLANCHE SWEET diponl of the Germans by Nov. u sre paid or not. --mil ratn rETtns. city THOMAS MEIOHEN 1st. Liberal Meeting I.l Look your best and be com THE SILENT PARTNER" THE POLICE COURT CorseL fortable In a La Camilla Prices very moderate. Phone Red Broughton & McNeil TRAVELOGUE Before Magistrate Cars at the 2nd A meeting will b held In the Committee Rooms on 4SS, Mr. Demera, Stephen Blk nolire court tills morning, loin TELKWA, B. C. COMEDY Llolpoulols was charged with be Avenue on Monday night. November 12th. at 8 o'clock. ing in the possession of intoxi Offer this special price on cating liquor in a place oilier fresh killed Bulkley Volley LONDON CAFE than specified in the Art. He was FRED STORK SW'S Beef: fined $50.50. No. t Steer, aide 1Bo AND GRILL A similar charge was preferred The Liberal Candidate, and other will oddrese the meeting. No. I 8leer. hind 18o Third Avenue uuainst Nick llodis. which case No. 1 8'eer, front, . . . 12KaO Prompt Service of the Beat was adjourned until Monday. the Liberal Party STAND BEHIND THE MEN The freight rate to Ilupert and thsre U to eat at all hours. All supporter of Sir Wilfrid LaurUr BEHIND THE GUNS is 80o per 100 lbs. The favorite household Coal U re Invited to attend. 16. BUY VIOTOAY BONDS. BOXES FOR LADIES Ladtsmlth Wellington. Phone Prince Rupert Goal Go. IL