THE DAILY KVft in..- ! -y ally " I!"-" Countless Women ,'. unlr Ci4. and their r-sperl for the . The Daily News la of the land. I THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA find- Horden It gvrnHeflt having fafhWJett of Sir Hb efjain Fubllerioci Dally And Weoklr HervKe the MltlUry f Guaranteed Largest Clmilat'cn that when suffering from cr.tMltsn Art. the next step should be, as sick headache, nervousness, Thomas ShaHgiinessy sk-s:eu. HEAD OFFICE: dizzy spells and ailments H,r to prevent "frothy JlttRS Dally News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. UJX Tot . peculiar to their sex-nothing .is from attamptlng to stir ap TJlAKSIENr DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 00 cenw per Inch. affonte such prompt ir..uWe la the country by unfair relief, as will , misehlerows reference to any Con tract Rates on application. and welcome r of it. uh as is the follow a few doses of ue section k.ku r He of our Canadian DAILY EDiTlON 1 turtlay. I. 1817- patriots ?' when speaking about BEHHAM'S Quebec and Laurier. If there is IN ASIA 'minded, moderate, paLrieti n thing more man aiunner three mat The continued success of the French leader, wejyM hae had a i-.ulinued oa page forces of Genera! Maude in the Hourassa element that might PILLS operations of the Anglo-Indian easily hare brought about a en CHRISTMAS MAILS forces in Mesopotamia are eon- luiion not ooiy m veec. out tlnulnr. From the latest dla- probably within the Canadian A proven women's remedy, Closing Dates for Overseas. patches received from this Parliament. which assists in regulating the KsTtn. Salontkl ami Mediter thslre of the war, there now I tot not for a momeat dW Sir organs, and re-establishing ranean points. November loth. seems to be little standing ia,ilr Wilfrid lose his bold upon bis healthy conditions. Beechama r ranee. November run the way of the Dritisb troops 'yuebee followers, though he has Pills contain no habit-forming rireat llrttatn. December th In their march to Mosul. Tnls lot the support of many of his drug leave no disagreeable Persons making up parcels for important Eastern city Is the old-time English-speaking colleagues, after-effects. They are abm noinls should mail them terminus at present of the famous every one of whom, while before the actual elnslng dates to projected Berlin to IJag-' they may differ with his pelfey, 1 Nature's aid avoid any possible delay. dad railway, which was the at the same time bear testimony a luiury within the feach of everyone a hair, dream of the Kaiser's. From to the personal patriotism and to better Health i HERE'S In the vhippcJ-crramliYe lather that LVX Mosul, the railway line runs 'lofty character of the leader from i in hot water. Your hair tales on a soft iurm almost due east to Aleppo, whom they have parted. i nous silken quality that makes it a crown of beauty indeed. which Dostiblr is the most Im-1 And we believe that every Can mi The scalp is stimulated, your head refreshed porlant Turkish city east of jadian has reason to feel grateful -. LUX male water aoft aa ewenmer rain. TVeea Constantinople still in the to Sir Wilfrid for the part he has is welcome to a large section SaVea I tKa tmreet eeeaco o4 aoapdiaaolvo abaoiotely n eetia-eataeta..a h t hands of the Turks. The Brit-' played. Any other course than of the loyal Canadian people who ao tkat not tKa tiaieat particle oi aoap caa remain to clof tka patea.Htt ish forces are already well to!that which be took would have a few months ago had their mis- CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Try it to-oif Vt the north of the armies oper-; meant his passing from a politi givings as to the outcome. This of Um arthM Scaled tender far aling In Palestine and the 'cal field in which just such a man eondttion of affairs is undoubted LttHi of Lots Tweaty tare ill . Tweaty threatening of Aleppo by eithei as he is sorely needed today, and ly due, in a very large measure. rear ti sod Tweaty ill), Biota General Maude from Mesopo- at the same time it would have to the personal influence or sir Serralree (IT). SecUoa Om il). la Um lamia, or by General Allenby in meant that the entire province of Wilfrid Laurier, who. through the air of rnaes in, tn u mird Um Mtmlttrr or laU l VMUrU. . C Palestine, would be a serious Quebec would have been thrown confidence reposed in him by his J W It 'ctoc sou M Medr. UM menace either of the Turkish into the Nationalist fold, and, un French-Canadian compatriots.bas ialia dr ot SinaVf, A. D. HIT. force east or south of that der the fiery and irrational lead been able to hold the impulsive Tredcrt b7 rtntr mm sr saors ten. point. ership of Ilourassa and Lavergne. ones in cneca and nas nrougm Trna of Inn Un (II) yrsrs. GertUWd (W cstcrtaf At (II skmUm' Whatever may happen U5! it would ere this have become out of a threatened chaos an or- rraul matt scceotpsay tfe trader. aasssaa Germany or Austria-Hungary hotbed of disorder and defiance of Herliness and a respect for the t areata of Mttitl tradems to as the outcome of the peace the law. law that, on the part or tne rrlarard liwitl ttotf. tradtr aot xciMtrtty of land lo be sVaeded al nrtt Trawt MAVMtSiX WiTCK- Tk hirbrsi r say area i i negotiations, when they do ma. The result today is the very reverse, French-Canadians, could not have n- tccrpKd. Lake M it aere aad at Sinaid. Tatrd aad a. a. c i terialize which may possibly however. While Sir Wil- been conceited by English-speak Troderers SMI lUls Um blntl wr rworut Trvnl Lake II laraty acres. to; take place some day there f rid and bis followers in I'arlia-seems ing people in these western provinces srt eenred ra sad ami 01 rntu cVtrfy Tata aauee waa petr4 oa Um rrooad THI BllUiy hum r. m to be little doubt that the1 men t opposed the Military Service three months ago. jatt tMl km UrT tatettd Is mtkt f Um oa Mm lit day of Oetatwr. ItlT Icuita caavrAAV u-i;i teu sfpited lr. A eaay of laic aoeieo and aa apptstaa Turk will no!Act on the ground that, far-longer Not only has the aged French unspeakable a aw aaat n aae aa)rr ,& Heat ttuU I fsiAM la arurtr ia- pweaaaaa taerab aad le Um Water As. be to misrule I reaching involved leader refused to listen to the de aaaj Aas deaaaelad w ' e B'uie permitted principle being ulnwau la sdtsac. Tlli. Hi I. w be awd la Um c9e a Um t over any other subject nations.'through the most drastic piece of mands of some of his followers O. R. Wile hvewrdrf at Prtoea kepert. B C of raasat t Patirte Warta at Mftatra?otuaa l q at ea With and the rich-; that the Military Drptr MtatfUr ! Lsads. Tb date of Ibe Bnl apperaae of UU tk jtd be the greatest legislation ever placed on the from Quebec eery oawa. Baatnct -r . s trr a ta the loral Um aotteo aawepaper was est of his 'Canadian statute Service Act be repealed if he Is riawe Staport. deaent of u- parts provinces gone, books, a vote WATER NOTICE tlrd day ml Oenktr. HIT. aad abieuaea a Ox ca at and no place left for him in the people should have been taken returned to power, but be has aaay be asd wiui um aawflrasur or ptee of MaaaSB tVwri. e I need lo be baatt . M Europe, the Turkish empire , before it went into force, it is counseled the utmost loyalty to TAKE MOTICI thai DoUy Tardea Mine a Wtarr Weaasdee wea bVSrtf days after al foel Oteaeau B .-niLfi a t tr a win ue a ining oi me pasi.jneverineiess a raei Ibal not a the government of Canada in the eeaapaay waaaa addreaa la Attn Ana. B. Um aaed dale a . acrat k DOUt VARAIfl II.U4 COWr.VT. Which Is one thing that will single one of Sir Wilfrid's re- words: "Obey the Military Service C-. wifl apply for a liceaao to take aad R. B. MrOaaatl. Ateal. per t A. 9reUa4. It ffVfatVWat falsaaWj 90 the rsj at Law." And that his people m tea tabtc feel r water pee siatl Tj3r:j D Si cause few regrets in almost any j sponsible Quebec followers have are at of Treat Crack, a trtbatarp af All-Mall 4safHaa LeaSaMl acii') At U"h. other country. 'Offered an unfair or irrational obeying that law is the most out Rirer Bowtar lata ABca Ana, Caa-alar LA.ID ACT test aad Uke aU' t a t a criticism of it, and no attempt standing tribute that any Cana OHUSrt. Taa water wW be dtveeud lasiaaa af aa awaair : aa b SIR WILFRID LAURIER has been made by his party to in- dtan ean have today aa to his II Um bead of tba raBe oa Um SHree tttZ.Vt LA.1B B4ITKICT BIITSJCT tr saw area itsmt . 3 k THE SAVIOR OF QUEBEC flame the people of bis province worth to his country at this eriti Marda Mlaeral (Uua, Lot last, aad U1 COAST. Bt.lCX . aeakaaa lelaad Spew.- a 'm jaar be aaed for power prpoaea oa Um Waf ' ;against it. Virtually all disorder- cal time. ad Ooely Vardea Oiyope t Mineral Aas appay ta Um Mi--- -a sea (Continued From Pare One. jfy hostility has come from the Whether or not we agree with CUimi betar Lots I7l to HIT hxtuitTe. Take nouet Ibal 1. M. CoBlaoe, af itaaa ;at aae eAee la the (. aea a 'ranks of Hourassa and his Xa-revolutioa" either the past or the present aad Lata Jlf to isy taclsstte aad Lot Over, aeeapattaa patrobwaa, teiewde to Bswaaj of UM Mat " i a t. u llll. CateUr MatrtcL poly far peraateaioa lo porta the fal-owtar keaee ta aaailwrt the sx spoken of by Sir L'has. jtionalistic group the same group policies of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, no AppMrataaa wlU be eoaae alas for tba deeertbad laada. Owaeae artas al a based al Petar ar- r. ok 'a Hibbert Tupper. Had Laurier that have Laurier for the well-wisher of Canada can gain opposed . mat to flare Its acre feet la ruei Trout oat planted oa Obaereatory lalei al Sirm ;ay af Ootabef. A l . i adopted any other course than past ten years and helped, in 101 1, say his value to this Dominion at Late aad t.tS acre feet la Secoed. Third aakl Bay. ee aalle below Um aid eaaaery Tela WIHAM l: that these sixty-five Quebec seats, to place in power Sir Ilobert Uor-whlch moment when anything might aad rewna Troal Lake. Taa water wUI lite, tbrora aoajUi IS rbalaa. thence weal ctma e , I T: Sir Hibbert so greatly fears, ?den. have happened had it not been for be atored la rtrtl Troal Uke by toe coa-trweuoa It rbataa. taeaeo aorta It rbalaa. the Aral of a dan at Its oauel aad la rail It cbaiaa to petal af eiewaww ex at. would have been turned over in! Instead of the rioting and dis-their his great influence over his own frerottd. Third and roartb Troal Lakes by oauiaiBf St acrea more or tree. entirety to Dourassa and order expected in Quebec follow. people, who have since demon the coaitraciKiS) of a dam at um oatlet I, MAXWELL COLUSO.V. arrle. St) eeats i Lavergne, and the next Parliament ing the passage o f the Act. we strated possibly to the disap af Second Troal Lake. Tat rtuoMled mat ttlh. ISIT 5.11. The Daily News -fj IT instead of having a French, have today a quiet and order that pointment of some few extremists Canadian force under a high- is. to say the least, as surprising in Eastern Canada who have done their utmost to spread dissension CLEANSE THE S. S. PRINCE RUPERT LARGE INTESTINE WED.1CSD4T mldnlrbl for Anyoi. THURSDAY Mldatrbl tot Iwuuo Bay, Oeeaa ram. Present War Cry of Advanced Vancouver, TlelorU sod Seattle. Physicians. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE SATURDAY MldalrM for ABfOI. MONDAY s . n. tor wanton Bey. Sana of Um kadlor sartMios of Um TucMitr, Victor and Seattle. world bat rM so far rccaattjr lo re- dmyc aari or um urra lamuaa la caa OBEY THE LAW! 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN aa aeriouft aa that of TatmlAAia .u.A for Oaeea Charlotte lelaada, S p. m. Jto 7 Ik u4 t UL. wrd Um txUcat to ptrfect bastui by so for totrhikaa. WraareU, Jeneaa aad Skarwey, Jtoteouber lit sod tlUi. ocaor- TRAIN SERVICE TIm New York Amartcaa bat rcctaUy PtMor arfir, weoaeeee sod Muftt it 1 1 is i. m. tor Bmiurs, tld; Report at once for Service "Kurior Prlorc Georre, Edmonton sad Wlaolpcr, anaklns direct coaaeetlocis tot all Cooiitpatlon Um poltons la Um Larsa lauiuna often beconM so trcsl prists etn aad soma. a w rrm s acrtoni iseiuce lo brtltb and area to life. Throofb Um walla of Um or Claim Exemption Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. ibmiiiim iny enur Ui blood tad eoo- For Information and reservations apply to ;vuiuv iim uraiuij uraoq CCIM, UUporeniD' City Ticket Office, 529 Third Avenue. PHONC 260 !IDS Um blood, and ir tnla nnMii la Under the Service Military Act. all One llaued lour eooorb aa tcuu polsonlnr It men in Class Krodocad."It H latpoatibU undr our prtwDi-day are soldiers today, absent with leave and without pay. wjaa or uriof i,r um lauillna to rid It. Mir t til waila. and II u uiifv Failure to obey the law amounts to DESERTION tlal lb re ia an accnnuuilon, no mtittr now rrruiar wa arc. and can be punished such. CANADIAN PACIFIC as RAILWAY Prutf. If taken rcrularlr. form a tuhtt but laicrnal Balblar by mtaa of um i. o. l. caarade" tb-antet Um Lower Class One includes bachelors Lowest and widowers without Rates to all Eastern Points luteiuiM lit entlrs Uofto wltb pnrt warm via Steamer to Vancouver and the water ana nukes it clean, iweel and children (not otherwise CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY iwaiioy. excepted) who were 20 years MsaU and Barth Included on Staamar At and ttia makes ima urns one feel It reruUtea that etery Um funs'iya-lent old on the 13th October, 1917, and whose 34th Princess May far Qranby ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday and.Hon la Indeed,working tola imooibly la so. and naturally birthday did not occur before January 1st, 1917, Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday Tnla teller will convey a meaaats of Princess Sophia for the aouth Saturday, November 3rd. rood cheer lo many: Prlnoess Sophia for Alaska Friday, November 9th. Or. Cbaa. A. Tyrrell,Welland. Ontario. DO IT TODAY! 1st Collate Stmt, Toronto, Odu : J , I. PETERS, Genera! Aeent Dear air. Wa heartily endoraa tb J Co ner Fourth Straat and Third Atanua, Prlnca Rupart. n.C B.lhat L.a leaded Caacade.colon aa wa meana nnd a In oar work The rush in the last few days may be such that in the hurry and Irm, iucb, in turn, meana praaouad litaroeniuua aya stress a number of men may fail to comply with the requirements eooiraftion whlrh our work of tba la apinal directed.innaelea, aralnat under the Act. That will not be recognized as an excuse, as Doi't Merely smother Anytblni we eontlder heipint a boon,ua In both tainlnf lo ouraettea rtlaia-lion every man is being given ample time to report for service, or cough your and our patienu. claim exemption. 4 mmm" mm S Moat alncerely, aPITTll1 W Matiilca's Bymp of Tsr sad Cod Um Oil not oaly Dra. lleiley and Oarlaud. GO for I lllir, I I prompUy arrwU cooghlaf, bot thaaks to iU tonic aad or are hundred loouaand are now en-lh.iMi.iuc TO YOUR POST OFFICE TODAY and ask for a form VVaTaU a rtrtngthenlDf (opcrtl It hla tb jatem to throw of uttra of tha -t, , u. Uieude " Understand, it sad taes eflccU a ptnsaacst cmra. It U this qoallt vfckb has woa lar hnh ! now bainr mn reporting for service or for claiming exemption. KooU sale ol aay ceogfe sad cold rtmcdy la Csnada. si eua ri and. ornM-a lib Drur llora. cr. ird is a matter of LAW that all the men in Class One must report for jtffc Urg iettln, rprrymJUrt, Aak r wrlla II.. l-yiots llupert. service claim later than November 10th, 191 . now, walla you. ..inink of it or exemption not A ft. atATaoas ctv. r. lu I'll.. 1 t...l k. -..I "".. im usiifts Ureal .--T.I for fraa and lni....iin, i.i.... luucJ hy If Miliary Stnkt Council tit e