November ,t9iT TUB DAILt HEWS I NOTICES SIR WILFRID LAURIER viewpoint, have a perfect right to do as'argument that can he cited in his faliowa how extremely popular" Mil sectarian ,wc racial tAND LEASE THE SAVIOR OF QUCBEO but or anil wholly thrlr fCnnftdlftn. let It ha not as ft I favor and against the false theory nmontf our own people Is the law solely upon I rencd leader from a hrencn I that he would be unsafe as Prime which Blr Wilfrid opposed In If to do Jus- ril wo are gold; 1 lvl!i i Minister tinder circumstances. Parliament, but to which, once lead Canadian any ,,.,,1. Msue (Continued from I'sks two. iift i. Hlr flooerl Ilordcti or to nrovltire. hut an a fir WilfrW tatirlvr. we will crltl-rue er who. In the years to come, we It Is well, loo, to give some law, he offered no further opposition. tmrtleil as inc little thought ot conditions within It will be strangv very, I In Catinila nt the present them their record as believe, will be known upon B iwrwlMloa K tlriif. II Is National Unity. We tnay Canndiati leader, not bwatise of "Kavinr nf Oiieheo" the man who our own English-speaking provinces very strange If more than 05 per the before "throwing stones" at cent W the young men of, Quebec most at mi n.ivfl our tlinrrencts wild re- UiPir sectional racial likes or saved it for Canada "'. V P'n,,, " ,B,r-u' or The fact that 95 ask for exemption, Ve had belter r s spcct to Kovurnmenl atul the dislike. critical time In our history. And Quebec. per Tommi ii It. W.f policies of that government, hut And when we Kngllsh-speaking the fact that he has heon able to cent of our own men of military examine our own house before "' ' VulOl ! BU.ll they should be crlllrlifd, not from people are crilieiilng Laurler, as save Ouebeo Is about the best age have applied for exemption finding fault with others. 4 ini, B. C.i tl If cl-mt. mart i:n .fh wiur Mr Toot" ru- , " .1 ' w,wr lu,k ' J" cou"ncfmol, tod wo- 0 i mo" or Im. : "yALTtn E. WALKER. . HIT. ..niRT DISTRICT OP I v 1 i- r.vr ..AS. H"" ti . .K.t w.iur E. WHkr, of en til e aivt t..r ptrmiMlon w km ft II f p'"u4 ,M V rn.ttu' t-und, B.Monvmtnt u,tlwBea uul it Will' oulbrlf BtrUM Um Loan Victory Campaign Li i. .ui tT9 S norm a kinii lhanr WNI of wo or luc - " rhilai Du CAtl Ol Mond , jataroumtol tftd toouininf on & n ot km. ay .8 an Ten t WALKER. (jl) of ottotxr. It IT. , tu plSTWCT-OISTWCT or LASSUR. . ., wslur C Wikr. t u r 0 uut, rr, occsptUoa pitaiioo Mnfr,w the most widely organized force of Canadjans ever 7. l IbMl PO laodi:V4 U devoted to a Patriotic purpose will be set in motion. rtwr or ui sis, - Borihtrir sad wet Mr 17 J04 k ao un drtwa it, of potsl inrwifa H wbtrs wsur a Muk tAtt Thousands of workers will, during the next three iurmU at um wim ro4et ld U f tOCO-of weeks, make nearly a million calls, so that every f : .If.i w r,mi ii Wir rhalal nwi Do Wtll rorii4na Of person will have an opportunity to buy Victory Bonds. i i m h j v putat tr f"W eimineil.or " These men will endeavor to visit every home, office u Tia t WAUta. ?1 U) uT iiiTwcr-rjiiTWCT'Klbtitr, ItlT. or and factory in the Dominion. 'AtHik. the Success of this Loan depends A1K Botles lkl Tfc Alfto-BrllUh O- They know that upon '!4 PttkIMM C4DD4af M V U n i . i atxtl. o 'uuu fur WMNIM S4)m ktM Canada's full participation in the War, as well ;- tot l tl ptomfd l Hlfli her Industrial and Agricultural Prosperity. Kirk. PoHUad UuL It CfclM DM as t.j I clMia t wr t of 3 uxi ixwr r Lot cuwi t&rs'D Dor IS M caAlaii wrof raised by this know that fer penny ri-jrai Mn at Ml la Hlrfe They too, every Xtrk rjriuad CumIi Umm miUi. eunr Mtfk FortUad falteviar CsmI Um Ho to UN of Loan will be spent right in Canada for the benefit SJstorrfDral sad coaUlalBf BRITISH COLUMBIA PACMSO of Canadian men and women. MiTtu. wiur c wtur.Ait. ii or ottcMr. it it. know that Money is the Moral and Material ItU" t-vo district oiitrict or They ASSIAR. support that we who stay at home must give to our .1 Um! Wtlur L Wlr. of B c. omiMlM Msarr, ;ptj far pcraiiMhM la Itam Armies in the field. l II I MMl bltOId tl UM t orr ol Lot til, Cur the line boys of our sector eoM burih st rhtuui wroco They know that in every 1 ai. mvn or !. to Hitb t-.- tct rariUnd CaoaI: tbract soul- Canada's massed battalions c srly rklkiBf II i lb Wiur will be waiting to hear what ten isd iul la petal of tDOnc- t J auiniDf S tri oro or of finance have done to support them i -I WALTER E. WALKER - s dy of Octobtr. ItlT. 5i: DISTRICT DISTRICT Of Be ready for the worker who calls upon you. Buy AtSIVR. the limit of ability, so that our itjt i, e Um! T1m Anila-BrlUh Co- Victory Bonds to your J i Umiwd. of '4n" of uxnpAiir i ppir ori-unatloa far ptrmiMlon S4lmoa Cliuirn,la Wo boys will be able to shout it from Flanders to Switzerland a i rrllxsl undii - Inr ! nul nUBttd St lliftl that Canada is putting it overthat tit Kirk rorUnd CaimU If ch4in Du t ? it rlulat, or mar. du s nk Wail Corner of Lot ill. DislMrt: thMira tortbrlr od r 0'iwlof Um Una of IHlli WiKr i iund iiul. la point &r n ! c i vi Ltna dro ibrouth poi i Bonds Going Strong Due IntrrMrtt North of Um lll point ld or Una cum--nl of Victory are Kirn Wti-t Mrk; ineora Writ l ttMirui 3 touibcrly n4 murly prUd wlik ' of nub wiur Mrk. fort- i io point St chilni Dua WmI p'lnl of coronncnini 'HI hiio Vi Mid point of conunrnca-u 1 t: roauinln? 110 icrri mora or 'the Brd ind rortinor or rtnuu Mil r Chairman, Provincial Committee, I . ! fHX 1ULO T UMITED.BrUTISH WUr COLUMBIA E.Wllktr.PACKINO AU "Canada's Yictory Loan" Canada's Victory Loan, Vancouver, B.C. Vi day of OciolMr, ItlT. entitled Canada Kindly send to me a copy of pamphlet Salvation Army, All About It Victory Loan" All About It I Public meetings. Tuesdays, V . r I Thursdays nd Saturdays at p ts the title of a pamphlet that Name. 1 " Sundays al 7:30 p. m. should be In the hands of erery I man and woman In the country. Street or R.R.- Harry A. Harvey Mail This Coupon ?.0 (Uu Litln, Em OoMOMiltlrt runt or lanidowne i Hvili) oottell at oBceindilet your copy Province tupiu Tkn for VI0U.1, PIANO, VIOUNCELLO nd HARMON Y. EXAMINATIONS - tiul bv Canada' Victory Loan Commlttc ell( friparid far Eiamlnatla whh the of Flntnce 10 ager jr... ; AMltla Boart, Vro, OtMir of Dominion RII Oallasa af SImiI. Lal of the TERMS - PHONC BLUE 278