IhK DAILY NEW I WESTHOLME THEATRE HEALTHIEST ONE MAIL SCHEDULE MADE IN Tt- Hiliut Partner lo Im ri.i !i r.11 ateihe Wewtliwilere Theatre Tor the Ea sU CANADA tonight ! a WweWii!ilraitM whle4 eaowa ana B(N Monday?. Wednesdays and al lo.n iie the great lexNutn wf Ityatty trtauiVy N THE FAMILY rday at 9:30 a. tn. n buHinea. It louehee Hie tally OR. 4. t B-OWl ie of every one of us. ami tatitt From the East. snows the reward which t rspd OSt.l Satva SH,, n . Of AjJ KW..r Trc-U. . tU Sit DrpT Fa.. Sunday. 5:30 p. m.; Tuesday 'y a loyal aletKigraprier. who la a ,Tali TRUTT-A-TIVts- :30 p.m.; Thursday. 5:30 p.m billing to risk every cent she has save the furtuifes of lr tn- For Vancouver. pl'-yer. Not even the ro pert f 7 Bb J I I- I J fiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjeajJJjsfcsJsJJpBJ will Monday loaing her owt money swerve PAC1HC Tuesdays ........... .5 p. tin girl from her purpose of protecting CARTAGEJH Thursday 10 p. MORE CONCRETE SHIPS her eHiplejer against hi Saturdays 4 P on partner. The tery tji Hi. Local News Notes t.MBhaKen. Nov. J. A com. tensely dramatic in it conception General Teaming From Vancouver. Ui and grips the attention from the here for formed Sunday 10 p. m pasy i being beginning. In addition, there DOMCmr Mondays 9 a. m When you Ihlnk of shoe think construction ships. IL or I retnioreeu beJleved the con-crete In-dtry be a travelogue and a gosd (mm. BLACKSMITH C0L Wednesdays 10:30 a. m 24 edy. Careful of Wallace . Scan- Attention Fridays 8 p. tn ll have a future in to Piin, dm.via owisg 1 the rapidity witn and rurnltura Rtm0t, Saturday 10:30 a. m Tk safest investment in the UonJ. whieh ausli tsnnage eaa be pro- If you are too old to eMlttf you War worM is Vietwry able is lflel; there- PHOfvE 9 J, MTTIC W"CW For Anyoi. ihteed. Norway already has let are belief; Port Robinson.Out .Joly 8th, 1915. Sunday 10 p. m. Mrs. D Uex arrived hack in the the eoetrael for its first concrete fore, tnir victory war Hsnu. MWe Kara ucJ "Fruit-atives" In Wednesday 10 p. m city this nierniHg after a trip to ship. oar hoose foroTrr thrr n J bare Fridays 8 p. m. the south. aJwars foand them fowl medicine. Saturday 10 p. m. WANTED Our lUtUrirt.Haiti.srwt trvubltdwitk "Costard" (front lace), "Amtr A'idnty Di$u. Tbe Doctor saia sne ' and "Parisian Corset winter's work From Anyoxl lean Lady" Tt-makrs. All thrratrnrd with Dropsy. Her limbs Protect Your mad wa bod were all wolleo and we began Sunday, a. m., Mondays, a. m Wallace's. 26 4pp!y Dybhavn & Hanson, or Family Tuesdays, m and Thursdays, tie Sheraton. p. Ilanton's camp. to think ahe could not lire. Finally,we Our boys are fighting; for you decided to try "Fmit-a Utpm. .Sir m. make your money fight for them, Vya t ihow improvement after trr kd Port Simpson A Naas River Points Duy Victory War Bonds. Why delay any longer en the abate of y,,ur , gi im krr afrw Ullttt. In a short time, the swelling had all (rone down and Uer For Sundays, 10 p. m. has arrived makes you cau get Mr. A. K. Oakley Pacific Milk a Crh began to look more natural. Now From Tuesdays, p. m. in the citr from Surf Inlet and DOMESTIC BREAD she U the AeatlAisiI one in tkeamtlj here. is visiting with friends and lias do aiyns of the old ailment. Queen Charlotte Islands. a (CSi t)anrt ntclirA Sweet. Oitp awl Wholesome. Vi'c can not ii too much for"Frmta-tires Mails Close Oct. 10 and 21. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist and would never be nit boat ov. 7th and 21sL, Dec. 5th and Church will hold a sale of work iktii 1 r Made by llxperta tn a aanitsry hop them". 9th 10 p. ra. and home-cooking on Saturday, WILLIAM YYARREV. CUSTnD3 ARC nTHE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" Mails from Oct. 14th and 28. December 15th. SOc a bos, 6 for $2-50, trial ite,2Sc fov. 1 1th and"25th, Dec. 9th and Itaaa i QUITE EASY TO Jit all dealers or seat postpaid on 23rd p. m. The Albert arrived early this MAKE AND ARE reeeiptof price by Fruit a-tires Limited, morning and is now discharging VERY NOURISHING. La Casse Bakery Ottawa. Itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp 30O ton of Ladvsmith coal for Point. Ihe Prince Rupert Coal Co. It I in Custards that PACIFIC For Thursdays, 10 p.m. MILK particularly demonstrate From Saturdays, p. m. Provincial Constable liirchell. it goodnes. They are rheaper FOR SALE of Port Essington, returned from to make, richer by far than fresh Alaska and Yukon Territory. the oouth this morning after a milk custard, and better for you A HOT BATH THE For Monday 9 p. m. business visit to Vancouver. Try thl one and see how cheap On Seal Cove Circle From Saturdays, p. m. a good dVert can be made: MINUTE YOU WANT IT Tom Hilversides arrived back 4 pint PACIFIC MILK (add water Lot 30, Block 7, last night by the Princes Sophia to fill pint measure. Yeas are a- on a few day leave. He will have J egg. cetlMg cold Section 7, to report again to Ksqutmall. I tablespoons fu! of sugar, tiAtUty. Tsjiik u A pinch of salt. iBllwalM of t i With Two-Roomed House Mr. I). J. Williams, of tbe Heat the egg slightly add salt WlBAsr sn th v a ilocher de lloule mines, was and sugar tlr until sugar dissolvespour Very Cheap at among the arrivals In town this milk Ints beaten ba TIMBER SALE X10T7. morning by the Prince Rupert. egg put Into cup bake Je to kawJssaa 30 minute. When a knife btade $650 Sal4 tenders win be rtectre by lb Chief Ciammon, of the Prvoln. HOT WATER LIKE HICK Minuter of Laadt not later Una boos en come out clean it i done. eial Police Department, returned the tea Cay of XoTtmber. II H. toe in Hanson perrbate of Licence X IS77. te rat I I.I OS to the city this morning from a PSC1FIO MILK CO LTD. Harry TltS &T Hemlock, iackptoe. Sprvce and trip of inspection down the coast. Uut Water -you H. O. HELQER30N, LTD Factory af Ladnee, B. 0 Cedar on aa area situated on HanUtrttbla this Creek. Skeena River, lUnre I. Coast Dl- CJur aoldie- are giving their inct. PHONE A19 P- 0. BOX live: surely can send them you One I year win te allowed for re moval of umber. your money. Jny victory vvar rurtber particulars or Um Chief famicr. Honda, and help them finish this ales H. aaaas, a a. "Tbe My Hews" Icioria, I.C or District roret ter. r-rtnea wTetcbed war. W B. WOCtSM. B tit Rupert, B. C T. 511 WILLIAMS A MAMSON CLASSIFIED ADS. Mr. E. J. Conway, of the Granby Barristers, gollettors. Eta. Company, accompanied by Mrs. Conway, passed through the city oaav to loam Sat list today on their to WANTED. way Anyox. ateeMI ntoe Sa Kr. B C where they will take up their per WASTED TO REIT rear or fit rood manent residence. borne rkwe tn. Apply r O. Bi 411. Mr. chairman Harry Atkins WASTED Experienced waitress. Apply TIMBER SALE X104. Wynn, of the Workmen's Compensation Hoard, Stray Hotel. SSI. eaaHf Betakee, prlaa Raset. Sealed lenders win be received by lb and Mr. Parker William, a menu WASTED Ctrl to look after son drink Minuter of Lands not later tbaa noon on ber of the Hoard, arrived in the NOTED FOIl Coaster and Orar Stand. Seal Cava b tstb day of Sovember. 117. for tbt city this morning. They will ad. PRIME SAUSAGE Pool Rouoa. fbone III. til perrbaae of Llcenea X Its I, to col 71,10 cirea a meeting tonight jn the Sfewca and Jack Kin Uea on aa area aa- WASTED Bf bookkeeper, small act f oinins Lot IISI on Endako Wtr near F.rnpres. Theatre explaining tbe Tomato Sausage a Specialty. books to kev duns spar boon. Barnes Lake, luor t, Coait DUtrtcL duties of the Workmen' Com. Atyply box 1T. Daily Sew Offlca. Owe year wtn be allowed for re-aval peruation Hoard. Phone 574 P. o. Boi VfASTtD Occupation by rettrad saedlcai of timber. ma, eternal or ctckmercUL. 0aliad ranker parUcaUrs of tb Cblef rareaur. A party of twenty-four Serbians tiptrl tn norucaltera and poultry baa. Vlctoru, B. C. or District roreiler. Trtnee baadry. Hltiwat referewcaa. Mann Bspert, B. C StS passed through tbe city this fore, Krar. PrUaea Rapart. B. C, STS noon on their way to Point Kevis Everywhere 1 iSTaXUCKST rtBSOS MINERAL ACT for training before going over-tea. MAT EAKS 111 moatbly comapuadlat for atwa. Twenty.two of them came Prince Rupert Feed Co. SOTICE TO DELIS PARTS ER in papcrst its 10 lie BMntbly in soar QUENT In from Alaska and two from work, study or play time; eiperteace aanccctaary; no eaa To C W. CaUtoaat. ituiut. satjecu mi 1(tiled. Send tor Take nouce, wbtreaa t bare dona and California. They got an enthur PHONE 68 psrtteitltra. StUooal Preal Biirta a Bled 10 be dona ataeeimcnl work on lb siaMie welcome from their count, room J 171. Bafftlo, . T. Midaitbl Traction mineral claim, tl tut led tryiuen on their arrival. ' m tbt lllianee river, aboat fourteen cones 3LEYS FOR SALE. frotn tbt bead of Allea Arm. la tbe S arena TO PREVENT BRIBERY HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS mlninr dlrlalon of Skeeoa OUtrict, attet. TOR SALE funre. Cbetp- til Soiunil meat work for 111. 1111, and Ittt. and and FERTILIZER Tfia Avenue. tr. bare paid for said work and reeordinr Ottawa, Nov. 8. -In etting up Cum of Gumption tame tbe sum of 117.10. Cnlets you pay me machinery for the operation no MISCELLANEOUS me tbs sum of Ii0t.lt. for your share of the Military Service Act. fa a welcome help. or tbe said attettmenl peeial work, loretbtr wita Chicken Feed OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT On rulcaa-IM tbs coat of this advertisement, I aaaO, at care ha been taken to select only a Specialty Flavour or metal pUtea, alto crown and lbs eipiraron of ninety (St) dtyi from official of the most truttwortliy Teeth, breath, appe Lasts bridtework av"X. sr aw w feicaett prieei paid, post tbs dite bereor 10 tbs apply minlnr re-corder criaracter. in tne witboat deUy, catb by return maU. I. at Prince Rupert. B. C, to bars operation of the "all Oret franstlt Allea ta. tite, digestion and Duu lose, 1411 Oeorru SL, Vancouver. your Interetu la tbt Mldnlrbt Prsctlon Act. attempt at bribery are al EilablUatd 17 years. OIS. mineral cUtm vetted In me. In pursuance ways possible, in Canada no lest spirits arc the better of tbe provuions of tbs mineral aeL than in other countries. for it. Dtted at Prute Rupert, B. C tula tOU Attempt to bribe member e. o. m, ?s Tie tt The Weeklaf Maa'a Homa. sy or September, 1117. Dll. any of H. C PHtLUPS. an exemption tribunal or mediral WRICLEVS makes Doaru, or a military repreaenla THE HUB tlve, mean a term of irnnrison the next pipe or ecoad At, belwaaa Slith A BevaaU rnent of not lest than one year JX.HIOCEY cigar taste better. It .o. box aa raiwct aurcar STEEN & LONG WILL and not more than five year. It pleasantly sweetens will be very difficult for BOWLINQ ALLEYS so mcunea to set atide the anyone CONTRACTOR A BUILDER and soothes mouth SANITARY AND HEATINQ regulations POOL and BILLIARDS of the Military Pervlre Art and throat. LUNCH COUNTER ENGINEERS ny corruption. Btore and Ofllce Fixtures, .voi an or the preparations Bath, Door and Moldings. Represenunrt Agents for made to guard Three agaimt Oak Tsylor Allea venality and Uard Woods Ensineertnc Company, and of all McCLARY FURNACES unfalrnest Arm, B. C, T. A. kelUy Loctin k In the kind. Lasting Lumber CA, Ltd, Oueen Ciurlotia 1, n me An ean be made publie. but we cash par CHECKS PLUMBING 11 HMiy e announce! that attempt W SpMlallxs In Hard-wood Flavours Mtka Tbs HUB your headquarters. and to bribe officials in v..u Boat Ribs, Sash, It re your mail sddrested la our ttre. of the eheek. and Dors, t. SHEET METAL WORKS upervltlon Ui he imposed, will be P't Sesletf tight Stpt right Phaae Black B10. M. E. fteaa, Pres. Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. an exceeding. and Shl Glass and tf hazardous WKICUVa basin. Bm sum It's Night phone 57S Qlaxlng. and Ulue 270 coFrar BUBSCAIBE FOR Tb right work, at the right nil k wtn win the war. Turn and 6th 8ta. "After every meal" The Daily News tlm, and at the right price. dollars tab. tuli.-u i.i.v vv.i your PH0NC GREEN" 269 eeeeeeeeeeeee ar Ilflnds. f. O. BOX 443.