The daily News v tin m 7 I'lllNCK IIUI'KIIT, I. C WKONKHPAY, NOVIvMHKIl 14, 1917 lEEEiSKY EETUEMS TO PEIROGRAD BOISHEVIKI MOVEMENT IS SUPPRESSED GEN. KORNILOFF IS WITH KERENSKY KERENSKY COMES OUT ON TOP FINANCIAL MAGNATES HEAVY BOMBARDMENT HARTLEY DEVYART,K. C, LANDSLIDE WRECKS AND NATIONAL LOANS OF PAIVE RIVER LINE STATES PLAIN TRUTHS CANNERY BUILDINGS IN THE RUSSIAN UPHEAVAL The Peoplo of Canada Alleged to The Utllane are Well Entrenched Toronto Liberal are out Strong Dwelling House and Bunkhouses I be Financing the Bulne Behind the River Germane I for Sir Wilfrid Laurler at Inverness Cannery are KORNILOFF. KALEDINE AND KEF.ENSKY FORM A TRIUMVIRATE of War Profiteers. Slight Gain In North. J Denounce Borden. Carried Away. AND HAVE ALL THE RUSSIAN TROOPS WITH THEM BOLSHEVIKI ARE OVERTHROWN AND IN At lh Trade and Labor Coun-f Home. Nov. 14. There has been i Toronto. Nov 13. A large and During the early hours of this HIDINGI ORDER PREVAILS Leil meeting last evening, Mr. W. la very heavy bombardment of the enthusiastic meeting wa held1 morning.the mountain side which . . . . . i. .i - i i i i ;H. Thompson criticized the inanf lower I'iave river line but no re m uPPri ae canuiua-. lowers auove wie cannery ai in-'. v. . 1 1. It is reported .Iture of Mr. James Hallantyne, the'verness, loosened by the heavy iner in which the big . other interest operations n me new:. . Kerensky's troops MINING NOTES canjitial. mine was!rains of the oast few weeks, start. FROM , . oiitrol of Petrogrod, would profit most by the Victory juauan line, ine uanan army " addressed by Mr. Hartley Dewart. ed movinK downward. The huire , ii.- Nevsky Prospect. STFWART ITRIfTla,,', olnM" ,onn ,,,au h lhe P-nJfnow wel1 entrenched behind the ' K. C M. I, and Mrs. Prenter. mass of muskeg, trees and rock : . .if, the Halshevikl , pie to the flovernmenl of Canada.-river. .Mrs. Hector Prenter was warm, gathered momentum as it moved rrfuge In the Hmoliiy While in no way detracting' Per Berlin Wireless. ly applauded. It was little use, and meeting in its way certain of Tlo" Finnish news-. ine risu ..reek .Mining onw i fn,m tne vaUe f tie Victory' Berlin. Nov. It. (Official In she said, to complain and rail the buildings around the cannery uHrete1npll that pany, under the management of Loan lo those who subscribed for. Northern Italy our troops have against prices and war profiteer-1 took them with it. ki party I definitely Mr. V. II. Tonkin, who is also i it. Mr. Thompson pointed out that Ufcen rongonzo and .Monle bo. ing. "The profiteers just sit back The dwelling house of Mr. A. pre.Went of the company. drove'11 the hi Interests and the and smile." she said. "They've jHailey. the accountant, and the . ? Southern llussla moneyeu classes were in inei Western Front- got their baronetcy and they've mess house, together with the ome four hmMred feet of tunnel. "Y ......v.. . ........ i. their and they don't'bunkhouses, received all the darn-eare. :,. country is in eon- iuri uinuiun 10 tin un iim eh-i got prols. ....aeks, who are fol-. on the difTtyent leads on the prop. vaHlages. The middle classes who nothing new on the western front. The only thing for a peo-age. Luckily, there was only one The Govern- .7 " work. fr. Thompson Calm prevail). pie of brains to ;io is to get ridjman on the premises at the t(me. R. ientky a orders will ami their proven ever U"hl WIMlM onlr b. nl nh. ol them both, them and the Gov-1 Mr. H. G. Johnston, the manager nMhieraMe distances. The ores I .,... . ... ' .. .... A nnn THE CRADLE eminent that made them pos-fof Inverness, arrived in. town last ifiwIUOH M"r ,ll wren, .rTirt nt with are iler-lead. carrying this last loan would leave ft 00,-oOO.OOO sible," (Cheers,i She thought a evening, accompanied by Mrs. ! nod Kaledine sum. gold and copper in veins from two for the big Interests. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Peter union between Labor and Liberal Jhonston and family and although Ieiple to Uiltte l fle feet in width ami copper- This whole $150,000,000 would Herg.' of Smilhers. H at the principles was earnestly to be de- their house was not threateued. gold re up to twety.ftve feet in General sired in the public Interest. they have escaped a rather alarming U.Wt" Mki. It I re be paid to them and from which Prince nupert Hospital i.iolT entered i width. The ore are of good they would derive. large profits. on November 1 1, a daughter. Alluding to an editorial in the experience. Mr. and Mrs. grade. A few men will continue Conservative press stating that Halley left for the south only last ad of Keren- . .. . . which were inadequately taxed. tar i i i u week for few- months, and Sir Wilfrid Laurler was unalterably a as The Haptist Ladies Aid will hold tr. the entire small trial of high- - 1 Mrs. the cannery was closed down for shipment, opposed to conscription. JbIh- because the big interests must a handkerchief and apron sale at ii. r - ! t sailors, will be made. . . statement to the season, there were few men grade ore i i 1 1 i. il.i. the Haptist Church on Wednesday. Prenter declared the nave ioe emu cam mrir iuf l in. The Hush property on Salmon ducts, while to redeem the loan November 28th. be untrue. "He is for conscrip around at the time. Dick Cruse X avrilers n ig 8wHle yiv.P HBiu In H W lll of tion If the people want it. which was the only one in the building made for the paying hat Ktrnif purpose at the time of the slide, and he ull Wil'll force of men on de is different thing, the J i a these big interests cash for their Look your best and be comfortable a very . ve irtory i "and should had a narrow escape. He managed lady declared, we products, the people would have In a La Camilla Corset. i jty. Kr Korntt the heads level, and not be to hack his way through the wttl N continued throughout to be heavily taxed In the years Prices very moderate. Phone Red keep our Katedine In-.- f.irmed A roof and escaped with bad shak-iog.,.. of will carried by all the nonsense a winter. HhipMeats ore go to 485, Mrs. Demers, Stephens Blk. away j!r and all the ffl'iie. that is written."-. . forward lea tbc road now un. , tttiflini with tfmn. Elements. ""Th"e sl'de came", rig hT down to dr eonslruelMtn l completed. Cong rome rate dllin to the the railroad track, blocking It, for pint The Illg Missouri property. Mr. II. II. Dewart, M. P. P., got down wf the ilM-m a distance of between 've and six .-iiiing whleh consists of some fourteen Fads About Victory War Bonds a rousing reception. He paid elo- inents in the new Itus-i hundred feet, and tearing down claim, has Men bonded to the fluent tribute to Mrs. Prenter anu telegraph wires in it m course. ml ili.ii active bos. . -h. np-i"' ftranby Co. The dis4oery of a The train was unable to leave .fi again be take4i up large body of good grde ore near Nearly 500.000 men hae loaned their lives to Canada ifretanon ui lumiuiurmo , .. i ..r i, ,. "Ihiiioh enemy. the Dig Mieennri was made late in for the cause of Liberty and Freedom, but only 40,000 ments falsely name.1 a Union Cow, ... nHhnah lh, .ort nf the summer. It w-as bonded by people hae loaned their money. One in every twenty-three ernment." The Liberal press, be- wJh BRITAIN WILL HAVE Messrs. Martin and Carter, who people in the Old Country loaned their money to the gan Mr. Dewart, a,j fexpedition. AN AIR MINISTRY are operating a proitenj h-j Kmpire, and one in every twenty - seven bought Liberty Iiucri uiru vf tuts ui -.. ..r.. Inldraiilti' i. t V.I" "T I. Kin. Sevem-Mlle. Honds in the United States for which they received only LOAVES AND FISHES N"V. I S. It Is under-the The LakeAiew group of claims 4 pcr cent Interest. The Victory War Hond will pay Interest have it." Mr. Dewart did not LOOK GOOD TO 'BOB" bill for the eslab-f on Ulacler Oreek was bonded early at 5 H percent. If not for patriotism alone, buy think that was fair and just, but the Air Ministry n the summer by the Alice Arm upon the basis of a good business proposition; it is the he believed that Liberalism could Ottawa. Nov. 12. The appoint-well i be Introduced In the Mminir ami Development Co.. Ltd. beet Investment in the world today, and your dollars will afford to join hands withJment of Hon. J. D. Hazen to be Minmons In a few days Two hundred feet or eross-eui help to make Canada the best country In the world, with Labor in the pending truggh cnief jusiice 0f w Brunswick in .tie for the ew-ordi nation tunnel were driven and the work the dawn of Victory, for Democracy will have won for the against the common enemy of a gucce9slon to gir Ezekiel MacLeod eful stages of work will be continued thronghout the elvilizcd world, liberty and freedom, against autocracy and Government of the big interests ipave risie lo COnsideralle"4ufHej and profiteers. Ihere. wa's-t uiaoeirlrtSMfTi at and military air serine winter. militarism. as. It ..... if- rvn-o.i nlln.l...l lo I'romipr ; f i1 Atr Hoard. The The Prince John group of cop The terms of payment are h in the reach of all, gfroo wdl assume oomplele per claim mi lite Hear Illver were ii. i... mi.i Jan. 2nd: 1 10.00 stW 1 0.00 4M arcU 91 rkrdenra;tk6mentybtt4 tlraBby Cmpany 1st;' 1st; I0.00 May lstandjrou owJgkOOj ediineernmeMAWBictiitgyn-TnT It the new- arm gradually. lionded by the 110.00 April . . . Dees llAmlnihe meMaoc???? that there Is .i noereent-inavablelfrom i larse force of men : U'Uy will be to set up a i Jiit- A Itonu wearing imr J in the erection and each six monthsMiwafter1llefl!ie1londi couHtry'sisbusmesWirilHsar STmeThAtch over the creation ot (sanitation of lcy and hse leen oniraged i.t 1017. work etllciency. He characterized Sir)lhe Washington position. In any or mine buildings and other current. iganUatioit supply. of Is Thomas White as the tool of the event, it is said, Hon. noberi with the installation be ner in connection ghen power and trusts, who had to outfits. corporations Rogers Is pressing his claims eipeeled of diamond drilling It Is and pay. onDosed all etTorts to make wealth It. tt l'roskbmt f The drilling lias how starteU ami GRANT WILL I'iwdray, FRENCH PRESS PRAISE REV. DR. pay its adequate share of war and 'ard. will be the first Atr will be eonllnued throughout the THE CANADIAN TROOUS REMAIN IN RUPERT income taxation. Sir Kdward ed upon the Laurier manifesto, winter. W Kemp was the weakling Minister emplasiiing lhe steps the Liberal wk was Koine nrosDecling Umdon, Nov. 12. Le Matin. Two weeks ago, the Hev. Dr. or Militia, while the two ."Nationalists leader proposed lo take lo slop ....... Him Moiiv ii. group Ol mI Mrs. O ltM k and child ,.n Grant informed his congregation retained their scat.- in the nroflteering. to fix prices npd to in the iiHilylMUnite claims at the mouin the Paris paper, writing on uie- for the soldiers and Iheir llazrllou. arrive.1 received a call from Cabinet as their reward for appealing secure had of Hear rher. Tho lead was the Canadians, says: that he s morning from Vonoou- advance ot to the basest and meanest dependents their due. traced several hundred feel, it It would have been surprising t h e congregation o f Cooke's sentiments in Quebec to beat Lau-rier." On motion of .Messrs. ureen- averaves from two to four feet in had not our friends the Canadians Church at Chllliwack. The decl-Uiu Mr. Meighen was passed wood Hrown and John Dillon, a ui.nii ami mrrles from live to in the hands of the "a cheap resolution was passed endorsing For New Wellington Coal and nilod with the traditions of the was left over by Mr. Dewart as Ir dimensions. fouriron ner cent, molybdenite and artificer. the manifesto of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Lumber of all been moved to celebrate o Presbytery. apologist 'hone 118. The Maple Hay mines owiieu uy oast, e exproll on the eve Information reached town this and cries of 'Shamaf and eulogizing the Liberal the tlranby Co- upon which '"-""'"rtlZl 'morning at mixture of so-ve.opment leader. anniversary of the from the Presbytery As to the added . work h a. been going Westminster that they had caed Liberalism. Mr. Dewart said during lhe nasi hre-r-. Jf'J bal,e 0JUJJ2 ouL lCcially 'decided to allow Dr. Grant to re- thal ea8tern Canada, with the ex-conuiienced WESTHOLME sli pping to lhe si ie Frank LONDON CAFE this'main in Prince llupert. This in. cepUuU 0f one man, Hon. tcr at Anyox In August. A n un lw, fronl the 1 formation will be rece.Ned with . Carveii. had no real, AND GRILL orcRA nousi limestone quarry has been opened lannnvrsary. . :....opening.t.tisit . nnU. ,1V 1MmbM fro, iho ranks of Liberal- i i j n si wimiiirns tiv j i i luiurii - TONIGHT ONLY on nt Sun in n noint and a short I-..- bold towards'and congregation of the Presby ism. Who represented Ontario Third Avenue linn of rnllwav installed.1 The ....r n move ' rtoweU and Prompt Service of the Boat . . ..... I I I... .1 ...!.. Cl.nrrli llllt LV IIIH IlinU- Liberalism Guthrie, lUtieblrd presents quarry, which Is also owned by Passchendac.e. . . nrall ... Mewburu. (Hisses, and cries of there Is to eat at all hours. DOROTHY PHILLIPS the Granby tio supplies the'most insurtnouniaoie ..uinr.,.rr... "7. .". .. 'Shamel") "We do not propose i. ,-r rain nun in riiv anu ill uuin 4B1 smeller nt Anyox with 1,000 tons in the avalanche....i ii.u nrtiontiii view of the good work which !i accent such representatives," BOXES FOR LADIES "FIRCS OP REBELLION" of limestone per month. maelslroin itellevue'lir. here, it also un- . i i. .nvinff Grant has been doing he said. He thought UNIVERSAL GAZETTE n.Vd Jill remain without doubt, soilt is felt that It would have been fortunate that General Mewburn THE VICTORY LOAN to hate allowed him tiwas brother-in-law of Hon. Dr. aeneral told us yesterday, the a mistake u & McNeil COMEDY most brilliant feat of arms of the depart at this time. 1 Held, the Minister of Hallways and Broughton The chief feature nboul Can- Horden Cabinet member of the whole Hnn- i a the if not of TELKWA, B.C. s iclory liaii. which makes ;battle, Owing to lhe slides at Inverness for the past six years, and that iitlractlve to the ordinary drs campaign. it more this morning, the tram tor in another brother-in-law was as Offer Hits special price on is lhe rate of interest. A people attractiveness ofMhls investment cast did not I wive. signed to duty on the Pensions fresh killed Hulkley Valley guaruiilee of &Mi interest for cinphasUed. The Hoard at a salary of $10,000 be over Heef: the next twenty years with abso cannot II. 0.Johnston and "Family compact inlluence isn t or Government will pay you 3.50 Mr. and Mis. No. 1 Steer, side 1o lute security. Is something out !0o family, of Inverness, arrived In good Liberalism, exclaimed Mr hind He-No. for you Victory .r annum every No. 1 Steer, the which the ordiunry, Loan in n class puis by itself. lend Ihwn. Can you gel that else, the city last evening on a visit. Dewart, amid more cheers. t Steer, front, ... 12ft Profiteering. u.lore W ilh equal security? If Stop freight rate lo nupert With risk in The no of depreciation STAND BEHIND THE MEN lucky, lucky I The favorite household Coal It In conclusion Mr. Dewart scath the which ha vou can. you're very Is 80o per 100 lbs. security offered, Phoie IS, of the Wellington. reviewed record then hero' Ladytmlth logly .the cannol your I BEHIND THE GUNS H yon he account nlways In luken ft ntp Prince Rupert Coal Co. Horden Administration otul touch iionut Huy n victory BUY VICTORY BONDS. In ordinary commercial bona. tl) chance