N Pmlwr H 101? r THE DAILt NKWB s m m "r... "A Little Saving Is A Handy Thing" Makes Cookt..-j irtmr .11 inn iKHllMi'll rla 4. a Ploasure AHtuItU Ion ft, Kiiik Kdward in be a man !ia lost his iiik it iiwHiiiiy i niii., ti.,ii from th TIMBER MANY to become No bending over a hot lop to reach , "Fruii-a- yes" Soon Reilsyea ti,,k-. i Uie ;;'; SALE X 1018. independent by not tho dampers Kootenay controls aro n.nMrnne Rnnillllnn .l?.r,!wl ",w,w- '' Vancouver yM win im rccriTea uj n having the ready money to . all on the outside- in front. And tho This there were (Jve Melinnirwl ori..., I'M tin tit 01 ,-B r .t latr ....than ikjoo. ...on take advantage of a really big oven thermometer shows the temperature TofiOKTO. era. Hiey nil any u,Mt ,(ri.n. Wa at opportunity. -2 .ES.lM Hf. KJW, Utenre X ll. la tut 1,771,-aa without a rlelim of could iwt etii itWHAIIy lm real or Kabam, nr. fpraw lU-nikKk "Fortune knocks opening the oven door. at rstlon and Oa In The mr. hip parou .,r flwj reethwl lM. f)ncc This range saves fuel, time, trouble CaH man's IHftrtfl, ninra 4. every door". Greet her iruin i ne neij Urosa, " r'ara am M allowed Tor ra-J!I!Ihf with a Savings Account, and and your temper. Vrite for booklet, t r iill iiAftir more arotirm. 'Hie sole uf lini.etlii )M. ' Ih Chief rorriler be ready for what she brings. . . . . i. t. .ii "(Hi. Hi ttlaifaMaa a , laofMeJIelne but none win i, nio ..a Prhiar a One Dollar onens an account , me any rood. At but, I uauaKnd will . u,Hjr iUmhart in the Savings Department. FrttH-a-IIrr". I of Mr. II. K. Vaik,r .. M," LAND ACT . i pit bus lat June, aod I uim'I ..1,kit... THE BANK OF KOOTENAY RANGE - c. :, arfrr utinjt only thrrt IKK.1A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or IOSDOH TOaOWTO MONTREAL WIHRrPEO VASCOOVta "Frulta-tlrea" BjiililL-lVorlli America I muifud The I'riaotrera of War brniMli COAST, RAJICE S. ... . . . . ITi'Miif from Indlfettion", i ..i... . toot t " receipt or the turn of Take neoee thai l. tt. rV.ll I Ann Af W... mEI) J. OAVKK.Y. i.uo rrom Mi Ui j- Iree. eeeapatkHi batrolm.n it.i.ri. b. CAMJAL ATI 0 S'lRWS, S73SI. For Sale by E. A. Galland and Howe & McNulfy trial lte, 25e fl f.r $5.50, uie vvJ i or permttelon la nnrrh... ri !rcnt Otttwt postpaid by Fruit held ueing at the proceed realdwie of a "bridge"uf Mi. t planted deMrlbed on ObienritArv laftdi- ommenclnr ...at PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ungiey, I lnr ,enue. hut Fn aaki Bay, on mile below the old tannery W.J.SMITHERS,Manager uay night, which alt. Ibenrc aauih la eh.in. . LEASE NOTICES mm I neknow- UNO 40 ehalna, tbenee north it rh.m. ih.... Salvation Army. iwJirwi with thank. eaat It rbaina to point of Mmmeneement. I'ublic meetings, Advertise In The Daily News DISTRICT DUTIUCT or mi.nniir ao aerea more or leaa. Tuesdays, i ft A3 OX IIVE. Home vry beautiful faney work J. MAXWELL MiffJen ThuindayH and Saturdays at 8 p. will be put on at the Prhlay nraat llth. 117. r.. Mimdaya at 7:10 p. m. The Paper that gets Quick Results ai wmer E. Wiuh, oMwhteh lea Iiwi preaeuied by Ml a ed. ii pots tUuti at lour i; ,, wit Mark Twirm Pi-i:; (xinlrlfiullun ar kIIII comijitr aud Wit Um paiiiDf M4MNBI tl Dtrtltll In for "Our Day" fittnl for tin? v.- Ilrltlnh Hh1 (.. The amount ii uuib tlMini, mortlis fMw well oer 11.700 I. S- nng Dp llie M uf ' aud liitta Waur Mark hoiiKiooiintr held (omeriiMl. aad MS I"t realiteil the turn tf mora r Icm. 151.76. The artlele irepntnl 1 I? l. 99 tR C WALktH. ami wen ar at follwa: l'rwrln W rf tnn ofFi irtdr, 117. rial icrrntfteat prMaltJ a aok ions i i.rwcr oiSTiucT orlof toiatoi wlitcti was won by Mr. AStlAR. Ill ...II n,.. w. II.II . . biV. nan a ku ai aiiplM won by C. J. Graham; .Mra. E. fl 'ji WaMr Walker, II utaniiiMi Maaaftr.l Hnr a Mirer Jar won by J. P. "To dWeat the German I want you (representing rnaMe; lr. I!g(fl a 910 gold investors of all classes) to the massed lie won by Vincent Mfaglier; bring up battalions a: a iwtt at IM pUaUil til. at Uurl Um Mra. Craig, rryanUirinom wo) of finance to bring up your reserves and simply ty rhHf ao4 Urljrl by J. M. aaocy; Mra. Ilarnslfy. smother the Hun with all arms big guns and small I - i Hit Waur MarklirraitMipbooe record won ! John hundreds of of million dollars puttt atn aa uiii;rrl,; Mr subscriptions a and millions of subscriptions of a hundred dollars." " - wiwm, vw. Hi (4 mm m fit tui. u Mk aM Una tlnih. Indian laotket won by Ml Lord Northcliffe before the Convention of Mark ikmt mi ! ctuinjil Jrnna: a frind. a Immim lt the American Banters'Association. a p: (oi aa rkaM Dm Weil oi fail WILt ATTEWIPT TO SALVE -at aatd fi putal acna er man naiacimn mt tot. BARQUE SUNK IN 1S74 When Lord Northcliffe urged those financiers WAi Tl t WALtCIL 4 r iXUUf, nit. Vicluria. N. to. In a venture to bring up their massed battalions of finance DJ.1TIUCT-' watwcT or madr iirottiablf by war prrree for ASSIAH foiitx-r and ri. illiam lienja it was no empty, high-sounding request It hum. diiu rsert of Seattle, it thai Tbt Atila-anuah Ob- ksImiik lb rvninaoU of lti old i t ctpaay liarftta. f Va dead-in-earnest iMUae iihami Caatwra. tearur I'niou, wtixb foumlafcid was a injunction. Because, ' ' ptminkte la ka in lan Juan Ulantl water forty l4 Uodl: three )rar ago while UouikI from Money is the fundamental basis of every J a pl pUm4 at Hie .analnti tixu ttBcic. K - ' ur caaat,nan t One abalaa Waal Da aT Ilenjaaiiira record are said to weapon of defence and offense, and there is X rt af La f I, CaaaUr i a new record on the raeioe. e rta ae biaai Uwor A far a i known, the Union no substitute for it. te-ra ar leaa, t lUcta wreck i the moat a Mi cat to o4 caaali tbroca aaata-rvtloarlar Opure in aalviflg operation on tb IIM 4 c t l urUand Canal t Ux thi coat. For the patt live year It costs one million .dollars a day to feed, ami tad caauiaiof a IlenJaMttn haa been oattinur alMit in an endeavor to keate the old and munition the ctlUIMBIA rACkl.0 clothe, shelter, transport ' " WaMar E. Walker. Art veaael. ami now that he ha found "i UIkIIUCT fJllTWCT or I it will the be actual prucerded nalvape with rapidly.opHation Canadian army, and this cost will increase. AISIAIL Trie hulk contain 600' ton of twe bet Nanainio coal, all in aa But in addition to raising to maintain tt Walivr E. vikr. oMkm cuihIiUoii aa wln-u the L'nion money fpaui Maaartr. KAitM fmm the Coal City III 7. 3 rb4 r prmiailaa UlMl: I Wax I our army, we must also raise money to extend Sktl-A LASD DISTRICT DISTRJUT or a i a uf pMi Lat psai4 ta. Caaaiar at tba COAST. RAX0E IIVE. credit to Great Britain, because she can now ' ria t rbaloa; Uwoce Ukal Waller E. Walker, of TAkE naltca ''Au4 ruMoalnr r Caaais w tbrnr 11Kb aa. la toulli-Waler lllfb VaanMer.la w apply a. &,far oceupalioo panulaaloa Maoanr.t hraaa buy, on this side of the Atlantic, only to the anal iiiar la it palol terra af euiniiMiira-4 nwra ar Um CMiaueeeiBt Mtevtnf deacrtlie4 it P"l ul:PUated tt Uaa extent to which she can obtain dollar credits. mirtuMt of to Etat ana weai Noautaeol tt Barutil Ikraaiih Cooereta M Tin E. WALKER. f or lot r. T. eewt. Wale a Itlawt. B, C. wllk IHh Water Canada and must Britain's Mark Tuaitatt ra.aara; Uteoca aotUMru needs, have, trade; iimI caiierljr folia lac taid uira water l a l Newa delivered by Maik ! a polo I wbere a Rorta tad souto 41' 'our whole and industrial 1 Pfnt per month. Uaa itraan thraath t point to cbaio Due agricultural prosperity t'aal at tba put at of coaaueDceiuaal inter-Mu laid 1IIIH Water Mark of Toacaae it. In order to get this faatata; Ibeoca tualti 10 cbalaa; tkenca depends upon Harry A. Harvey iHirthweaierly in a atraifnt Uaa to a point la tbaioi Due Weal or Ue poioi of com-nwerciiMoii must the credit give we Una, (Ra, CanaariaUIrt theoca la tbtiat Due Can el trade, af Miiala) tlx point of conuneaceiueal and coauialni lb1'' WIL"' 's Of Ttkrn LANIOOWNI for COTTKLL tiu rrrta. mora WALTER or leaa.E. WALkER. These, then, are the two great reasons why it is " MAMO. VKIUM tLLO taJ Data- llib day of October, IVIT. HARMomy KXAMI.1ATI0MS, SkLENA LAND CASSIAR.DISTRICT DISTRICT" or so imperative to make Canada's Victory Loan " r'1 rrtMra iMtl, Vaataaiar,far EaamUallaae Caalae overwhelming and why man "! CllM, Hy.lt, Li, Ea. TAkE notlr tbat Tba ADlo Drltlah Co an success, every tumble I'arklnr CiMUanr Llrulted, of Van TtMfi PHONe BLUE 278 rtmtrr.lutrndi D.to C.apply oeeuiatlun for penulaatou Salutoa Canctrt,ta leaae and woman who can should buy Canada's e tlie fullowliif dracrlbed laodat t'.oniUH-nrlur at t pott planted at lllfb Victory Bonds. Water Mark Portland Canal, 10 cbalna Due XorUt and 40 clialai, or more. Due Weal Tilt LXGlNiy KfJ INCMLNT or tba Morlh Weal corner or Lot ell. 1 1.utr Kinrltl. thrnce norllierly and eMeriy rullo-lnt the Line or lllfb Wller Flood tlie Treasury with Money Mark, rorlland canal, to t potol whtre an 'IIHtRMKnt tWOINI I ait and Weit Una drawn throuth a point ei. ao rbaina Due North or the point or com 1-2 la. tr f In, 1.1B nirnrriiirnl liiteratrta with aald Una or Haria Pa war, HUH Water Mark; thence Weal 10 cbalnij in exchange for Cl. M In. k I 1.X la ES theore aoutberly and etiurly paralled ltb Herat Fewer. ilia aald Una or tilth Water Mirk, port ! la. ki In, - land Canal, la t point 10 chtlnt Due Weal Merae rtw.r. of Ilia olut of cuiuiiifDcrinanti thence Canada's Victory Bonds eatt la cliaiui to ttld point of commence r' lurni ami ronieininc no tcret nture or Further Information laa or lb lied and I'orethore of Portland Apply to Canal. THE AN0I.O.BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKIN0 Iarocd by Canada's Victory Loon Committee la co-operation with COMPAMV w LIMITED, Wtllar E. Wtlker, Alt. E. VAILLI8CROFT aie- .iu uay or uciotier, HIT. tlie Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. S Prlnc Rupert, B. 0. Atlvei tiao in Tin, )Uy N,,w.