1BE DAILY HEW ll (lat ' TIRES OF REBELLION" 1 WorOi a Guinea TRADES AND LABOR FOR SALE a Box ENDORSE SIR WILFRID li.,i. iliy the Phillips play In i-be Hi shown"tnr in.r-in uksrht ( the Wwlhwlm Tlteatr. The tpecdiest rcsscdy for sick Labor Hat Nothing to Hope for The title le Thr Fir f lleliel-lion." On Seal Cove Circle headache, Lillousncis and Indigestion From Sir Robert Borden and an i i a prod wet ion of is a dote or two of Vote for Fred Stork. Hlortolrd . thnl In itself le mm-rtet't Lot 3D, Block 7, l" entire a fine pnnliict iin. BEE CHAM'S Israviy atlendwd titeetiBg of TIk' Fire of tlebellrafl." so far a a i t a Section 7, tbr TTwJe t4 Lftbw OoboW w a thr Ulte I wbwhw ihikiii With Two-Roomed Houss PELLS lirM tost niahl. When thr rr(TM-lar mean anything. It m4plil havr to routine Ntsines was dpod it., with Pr.r Charllr in thr '. Very Cheap at Larf Safe mt Am,MmCcIm ha iWVirfL ..r. tbr adjourned r4ifig ef the r with Kowoth In Hungrary In 18. u ii too card ami toe plaoe tn nr. ,.r ulill lalrr with llir Hlnn Fnn-n (W t dretd what Mm of political in Ireflaml last rnr rtr it $650 art urmanw wtttnr tn toe 'tniphl have to do wHh a ronlrn. MAIL SCHEDULE . . ... . ... e 1 ri wet i n nape, hwwi t- wmira tiou wnman whlrli i a a con at tire eoaninx eetif tinue' dropping upon a ruiny ln For the EaL TWre km eon Me rat)I r dicus Tbr will also be a I'nlverKal H. Q. HELQERSON. LTD and SaU . Monday. Wedaeidays arM. ln.Ur , r.iution wa irti. and a fltw rvtnedy. rdaysal a. m. , . g tM.jnBw arewtfpt M the Trade and Labnr Mr. Alex. Hrta. at Dawson. Sunday.From 609 the p.m.;East.Tuesday, GoutK-iJ. ftfwoBttevJ by Mr. W. F. Y. T.. I in the ity em a vtit. To have gained first place ns the largest "The Daily News" 30 p. si.; Tbrsdar. 59 p.m. T1iosfHw."Re Hived a tltat follow:your rnfWUf Mr. P. J. Moran, of Trtrr. selling gum in the world means that fponewmfd that the Trade and Oenrge. nr riled tn lawn ny last ADS. For Vancouver. La her Omiaett endor Mr. Vt4 aigM'e train. CLASSIFIED a. tn. WRIGLEYS Monday Siert:. . the Mantard lrrr in Tuesdays & p. m. Mtpport f the I-urier pnHry in Mr. II. K. La Trae is bark Thursdays 10 p. m.J the eomtHx- eleotien. nut that wv arava In Prince flu pert. The Gum oi Gumption WANTED. alurdays ........... 4 p. m. de not rrooanise any pntHleal WANTED is liked above all others. Tbr recnlutinn carried rrhw ft vprt ImtI af School Trvttaea. party." AXITOB WAITED for lb Borden Street From Vancouver. iraBtrrMttMly. Tle-inaken. All winter' work. Tltat its quality, lasting flavour and its school, salary ite.se per rnooth, duui Sunday 10 p. m. Theew vtaa-a Tit and Vpply Dybhavn & Hanson, or scaled package are the kind most to commence December ItL Applicant Mondays B a. m. ditetiton-f the fhnatvn, A Hansen's tie oamp. Sheraton. appreciated. nut be prepared to 1e fnll time to Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. tbe work. Addret applications to tbe Ctnrr. Mr. W. II TtMHipon. Mr Secretary tutlnr experience tad quatt- Fridays 6 p. tn. F. Shaw. Mr. it. O. Robert. Mr. rt MINERAL ACT And that its benefits to teeth, breath, Oeatloo. Appotntnjrnt to be made 5or. Saturdays 10:30 a. ta. Rtodderbaifl, Mr. Geo WsKldeH. Mr. appetite and digestion have been proven. find. W. D. VASCE, Secretary. t i?. V. Goj. and Mr. S. I. Mardon. noTics to deu.iqi:et rART5ca For Any ox. 4aMinr meal" WA5TEP TO REST Four or Bre roomed aid betntr the speaker. The Te C W. Caraoua: every hotite ckMC in. Apply f- O. Box 411. Sundays 10 p, in. unanimous opltrlon af the tneet-mp Take noltre. wnerea I bait don ai Wednesdays ........ 10 p m. ud to be daa aaaeaiment work ee tb waited udj Ort. Arnly La Ca Fridays 8 p. in. wan that Labor Uad notttma Mutnlrkt rrtcUoa mineral clam, altuated Brrr. tf. to hope for fratn a OovrnmrBl 10 oc tbe nuance rlvr. about fourteen mue Saturdays p. in tinder Sir Ftelwrt Itrdei' lder. from I he bead of Alice Arm, la tae Bteeaa WASTED Girl to lock after ton drink Counter and Clrar sund. Seal Cov Mp. hidBinir from past exprri. mlnlae dlrtaloa of Bkeeo dlilrtct, a- From Anyox. work for till, and and fool Rooms, rbooe lit. t(l enees. neat ill I. ttla. Sundays, a. m, Mondays, a. m bae paid tor aaid wort and reeordinr WAJITED By bookkeeper, small xt of fuesdays, p. m and Thursdays, Thr utand taken by Sir Wilfrid Mm tne Ma of IJS7.1. L'D yea pay book to keep durtnr ipara noun. Laurier upon the puhlir qoealion rum the sum of 1 1 tt.lt. for your there Apply hox 11 T. Daily Sews OfOre. m. f the day in reJalfon ta real free, of tbe eatd atieaament work, tetether with the eot of tat advertlaemeBt, t hall, at W AH TED Occupation by retired medical Port Simpson A Haas River Points dam and democracy promisfd the eiptratM of ninety ( dy frcm duo, clerical or commercial. Qualified For more for the worklnn pMiplf of lb date hereof appty to tb mtnlnr r expert ta bo ru culture and poultry but-baadry. Sundays, 10 p. tn. Canada, and therefore It was de. eorder at prince Bupert, B. C. to bait Hithest references, Martia From Tuesdays, p. m. seer tntcreiu ta the Midalttn rractlon elded that Ijjlwr Kroeter. Prince Rupert, B. C, 171 Orpaniird stand mineral claim vetted In me. tn pareatnc Queen Charlotte Islands. behind Mr. Fred Stork, the Liberal of the proTMloa of the mineral trt. 1 UTCIXICDCT PKRSOR MAT EABJI candidate. Dated at rnnce nupert, B. C. thia tow I tee montaty eomapoadiof tor new, Mails Close OcL 10 and 24. or ay September. li?. PSI papers; til to lit montMy la spare ov. 7th and 2 1st., Dec. 5th and h. c ruiLura. time: experience no can-vaailnr: e anneceatary: 9 th 10 p. m. inbjecta satreated. Bend for TELKWA HAPPENINGS Oei M. Manaoa. The FSm'our Lasts ! parUcalara. JtaUonal Preaa Bureau Mails from OcL 1 4U and 28. W. K. WUilaoM. 1 A LL.S room StT. Buffalo. Jl. T. .'ov. 11th and 25th, Dee. Olh and 23rd p. tn. The Hudson's Hay ranch is very WILLIAMS A MANSOfI FOR SALE. Baerlttera, Solloltor. Etc busy with branding operation rOR SALERantc Cbeap Sit Summit Itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp They have more tban a hundred OM TO LON Arenue. tf. PolnL bead of cattle to gro over. x lltl For Thursdays, 10 p.m. A large bunch of cattle arrived LOST From Saturdays, p. m. in town on Sunday. A, Iilayney of LOST oa Saturday rTenlnc, at or near Burnt Lake brought them In fur Protect Your Family poat olQce. a taincb of keya. Finder Alaska and Yukon Territory. Urou sell ton & MoNtril. Harry Atkins pteaie return to Daitr frwi Office. if For Mondays 0 p. m. Jos. Drown arrived in town last eamllf Batthee. rrlaa Raaet. From Saturdays, m. p. week on a business trip. He eame f Th Wrklf ataa Howie. In from Alberta. He has pur NOTED FOIl For goo rlaaa wawieocn ffrewct. ear u t. chased a ranch some nixty mile PRIME SAUSAGE THE HUB from Ddmonton and now intend DOMESTIC BREAD becoming: a real farmer. Tomato Sausage a Specialty. ar- feat ir km Slitlt at Savaatk Mesr. Jefferson nnd Doekrill Toetr Safety Use lutM. p. o. box as ntiwct nurrr have arrived in town from the Phone C74 P. O. Bos Anther Mfefttjard that Uxneatlw Bread mine. C. Barrett and Oenf. Mae-Donnell never tie a oaa' itaee. BOWLING. ALLEYS T2MBER SALE X 1077. are also visitors to town POOL and BILLIARDS today. "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL LUNCH COUNTER Sealed tender will be recelred by tbe Minlater or Land not liter tban noon on The weather has b-en very S PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. the SOU) dajr of November. IBI7. tor tbe favorable for fall ploughing late, Repreaentlnr: pa rt-tax of Licence X. 1(77. to rat 10.000 La Casse Taylor Catlneerlnr Company, Alice TIES of Hemlock, Jackpine, Spruce and ly. and most of the ranchers are Bakery arm. B. C T. A, Keiley Loertns a Cedar on an area altuated on HariUcrabble taking advantage of their opportunity. General Tfansiug Lumber Co, Ltd, Oorn Cbarlotle L Craek, Skeena Hirer, Eanr t. Coaat Dl- w cash ear checks trlct. The big wiiidntorin last week DOMESTIC auk Toe HUB your headquarter, One (t) year will be allowed tor ru has been responsible for blocking "lave your man addreaaed la our care. mor al or umber. BLACKSMITH COAL Further particular of tbe Chief rorcater, many of the road with fallen IclorU. B. C or Dl trlct rorester. Prince timber. Some of lliem are impassable . Careful Attention to Piano flwM Black sin, H. E. Keaa, Pr. Rupert, B. C. T. 10 for quilo a distance on I and Turnlture Removals. A HOT BATH THE this account. Visitors from iltaiHtoti today to PHONE 93. MINUTE YOU WANT IT TTelkwa were MeioirH. II. HMver- STEEN & LONGWIiL thorne, Joe Allan and Mr. BeJIa-ciena. You are amis r.0 : galling cold u' The Military rxentptions Tribunal Mtanlly. Think ' . in SANITARY AND HEATINO met here yesterday and wer i Prince Rupert Feed Co. j iataelion of ge " ' ENGINEERS TIM3ER SALE X1084. -.iim-1ci mg appitratioiis from th-outlying Walw in the san a districts. PHONE 68 abuadance. rrp.. Sealed tender will be received by the Agenta for bow :5f much has t- Minuter or Land not later than noon on ntcCLARY FURNACES ne sou day of November. t!7, for tbe; before. DercbaM of Lieenm T inai tn n iaa i MAOIC HAY, G.IAIN, FEED, SEEDS HOT WATER LIKE PLUMBINQ Pacific Milk malces ! otnlnr Lot 4111 on Endako Hlver near and Burnet Uke. Ranre . Coaat DUtrlct and FERTILIZER Harry Hanson una year win be allowed for re SHEET METAL WORKS moral of timber. H.t Water Seni"' 'f'1 riicfarri Phone 5, B34 Second Avenue, Further parucnUrs of ttw Chief Torealer. -pocr Chicken Feed "u this conv i Victoria. B. c. or DUtrlct a Specialty Foreater. Prince NlKlit phones S76 BOX 395 nupert, B. c. ma PHONE 4SS P. O. and Blue 270 -SSi CUSTARDS ARE The right work, at the right SUBSCRIBE FOR QUITE EASY TO SHU OUmrt rromptly atted la. time, and at the right prise. The Daily News MAKE AND ARE VERY NOURISHING. . 0. Bag a. MS TSire At. FRED ll i in Custards that PACIFIC STORK'S HARDWARE aiiLh. particularly demonstrates u Koouiiess. lliev. nr. v i.m,.. vi.v.rVt FOR CANRERYMEN Letterheads to make,. richer liv fnr linn f..i. J.L.HICKEY We have Envelopes ...a., .leal. added lo our sloi k of valves and pipe a im'1''1, lllilK CUSlUrilH. nml liultnr f... Statements juu. line of llubher H. ltnig at right prices. Try this one and see how cheap CONTRACTOR Card. Etc A BUILDER FOR FI8HERMCN a kuiiu ueseri can do made: i A complete stock of the best goods Unit money can buv e pun I'AWr iu MILK t fill pint measure.(add water Store and onice Fixtures, trailing SprJiiB Brass. Silver and Hronre. 2 eggs. Sash, Door and Moldings. FOH THE WATERFRONT The News Job Press 4 tablespoonsful of unirnr Oak and Hard Woods of all The celebrated Maple Leaf Puints and Varnishes Special A pinch uf salt. kinds. paint 'TLOOLAZH"- A complete line of Ship Cliundlicy Pitaliuj sf All DHcriptkoi Doae Ileal tlio eirtu nIlcMiv FOR EVERYONE '- W -MUM BUI, We and auKar tir until sugar dis- Speclallxe In Hardwood A line stock of Hardware. Ouritey' Oxford Stoves oivcw pour milk Jnlo beuten Boat Ribs, Sash, We Sell Nothing But The Beat. P.O. Bex 89 Doors, ate. eggn put into cuius .bnke BO i,. Program 30 llliautcw. U'hn u t,ilf- l.i...,. 1 'te and Sheet Glass and "STORK'S Catalog Dodger oini'M out rleun it In done. i dialing. FRED HAR DWARF PoUrs,etc. PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD, "JLrpai,or and 0th Bta. Tactory at Ladner, B. 0. PHONE GMEEN20S I. O, BOX 448. Subscribe for The Daily News