THE DAILY HEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS Kiotl li.til u i 'i " itlal i i tn SI I WW.H , ,, lilt- Ilomillloll lloll-i-. It Ik, IioW. S I: I'.lMplr The Daily News I,, ram raiaetn and II safRealh e.r, an allegallwn merely. W Wiad a ntTftTtftal rerreentaive, not THE OMIIM LAN0 , BRITISH COLUMBIA THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN isv m ia an arlual tiH, It would be niter-i-Kting i- nr. teat II ho i Pubtl.had Dally and Waakly mm t-,...r ye got yor Hed White to know how many of the 'I Act dfpaaiM wita . ' Guaranteed Largest Circulation , , itlts ribbon. peoetalmiBg the ritisena would - rfvooanlte their tm Wrts si otu aj ,a ' HEAD OFFICE: a. i ihst ytni have host g hi a Vie. late member, if they did perehane MHtfM ItertrtMr or u- ,7. . . Itotdf see him. lliey wuulU not be numerous. rrWM nprt. o-anptt , T Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. 93. v Building, Daily News " Ptaa ef Mn4U ttnitlara as !Z. " Some women hold to TRANSIENf DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cenU per inch. bread-making u aantrng story, and a true ia s. aw il larl demeou. . the Idea that by It is lttll wonder that Mr. II. K. IContract Itates on application. , was teld en Mpflday night m rit m rtrieea ibh I" and difficult is a oai Mr. Alti. Manson, M. I'. P. A Clettienls should ctuntnent uon ntttr4 pua .f um tJ' w operation, but this Is a . rtain prowlfient citlien of ine antrinriieii ireiiiiK in j-miee i DAILY EDITION Thursday, Nov. IS. 19t" mistake, for rflh Royal p; ;tice Hnpert wns ill Vaneoflver Ilupert. Thai Prince Ilupert atoreaeM iet aad Uml uaa hn.lrr ur, tiut.b4,r", ,J . Yeast. Cakes, liht, sweet r.M-nilr While travelling, he aitwuld support the liorden Gov. Vtrtm ef one ammtn Trsa uL " the erninai wwld be a matter for Hw Srtt MMmiM a' at in nvrhearing re LIBERALISM people of Canada would not do bread can be made a t-.'uld Bt help with but little marko f two other gentlemen a renter surprisa. Prince Ilupert Braium. .. . liliod... font- - ia- r Lib. its duty In the war. few hours difference between The If Canada Is a democratic trouble. oiling hi the same street ear, who tia eeetalnly nothing to feel ob-ligo.1 Ktt twhr ia tba ITi&kl., ,., . . erallsm and Conservatism ha be. ii,.ni!.inK I'rlnee lluperl t Sir Holier I for. What did (I tMi afllra la tba ty of country, as it is alleged to rrtX:OweieTlTa4BWBae .-r i.iu, been de"ned by the late W. E have right b-have ainllmarwnMt Tlo' i' was remarking to the the Harden Government ever do seetal f lb ..kl site. ....a4 , then the people a Maa M lirUKtm to aufctel n bit. "H. 'jt Gladstone in two pregnant a ay In the matters uf ud kSi vitk KnilTurt rUiaJT Gtkt.wituea Sl a4 ..iher that poibly Prtseo Hupert fir Prince Rupert f KtrepMng aU lei4 tl mora hMit HMI a . 't,... sentences. They are so much policy which the Government UM OatnluMaMoa aai aAlrtM ba wU fee anU.4 was ih most anli-Horden part of ways the digging of a 495,060 hole lr af tMirt A. D. Itv to the point that we quote them ehooe to bring up. Canada th.- whole province. Wtwa the In the ground, and itaylag two ME GRAHAM I3LA.1D Bl i again. The principle of Lib elected the Borden Government E.W.C I LLETT CO.LTD. two got oat. on enquiry it was priees for the premle it rants CtOAK CO,iKarrtoo LTD. Arm, eralism is trust iu tbe people, with a majority six years ago. H0mrt f .und that one w Uie reprero- in the aity. Qualified by prudence. Tbe partly upon the very fear of wisniks lalive of Prtaee Ilupert to the late Lloyil Oeorge say 4 ti:., principle of Conservatism is conscription, which was a red Iominioj House. This citlien did Salvation Army. Ilullet will win the a f mistrust in tbe people, quail- herring skillfully brought not know his own member, dollar Into bullets, fled by fear." These few words across the trail, to disguise the If you are loo old t" culm yog a a a Public meetings, Tuesdays, War Ilonds. antlr sum' up- the attitude of unsavory aroma of their real are better able to invest, therefore, It will itoaaitriy be news to many Thurdays and 8aturdaya at H p. the two parties, which are In intentions. buy Victory War Bonds. of the ritireni to learn that Prinet i . ftimieys at 7:10 p. m. Advertise In The t,u . the majority In Canada at the Hut the late Ilorden Govern present moment. There are ment says that the people of other parties, too, but their Canada have no right to be day is yet to come, and that consulted upon any such right day is not very far distant about turn in the policy of tbe either. Government. They mistrust the Mistrust is one of the things people. And now they expect in this world that generates the people to trust them again further mistrust. The Con under the new name of Unionists. people.orvative And party on the mistrusts other hand,the The common people of Canada Why does Canada Raise that mistrust has begotten ol who have to work hard, and the pepole a mistrust of the do work hard to make a living. Conservative party. Sir Robert Ilorden and his The people of Canada at first satellites, or rather let us put Money by Selling trusted thai the late Covern-ment it the other way, his sallellites would do what is right, and Sir Robert Borden have by the whole of the people. Instead proved that they are not friendly of which they do that to the people. They look Bonds? which is wrong. They have! upon the masse chiefly as looked on while a small coterie' likely subjects for fleecing. of their financial friends in the Tbey have declined to take any east have been looting the people steps to restrain the rapacity and the public treasury. of the food Ilarons. and the They have looked on and laughed other manufacturing reivers. while prices of the necessaries They have considered that of life have steadily every cent that the working JJONDS are issued payable in five, ten or twenty years as mounted higher and higher. people have ought lo be paid the case be. When the clamor became too back to them in the shape of may great, tbey appointed a Food enhanced price for everything. It means that repayment of the money will be spread Controller, who issued recipes They have allowed lbee robbers for economic dishes. Who did to put their idea into over five, ten or twenty years instead of being raised by everything but control, so far praetiee too. without a single as is evidenced by the prices of restraint. Indeed, they took off taxation to meet current expenditures. commodities the at Oovernmnt present-When suddenly vague the war promise profits about tax and next mad year To raise by taxation all the money as fast as it is needed and without warning A continuance of this stale to carry on Canada's share in winning the war, would be an changed it policy, after the of things is to be expected with people of Canada had had an Sir Robert Ilorden and Sir unbearable burden upon the people. surance after assurance that Thomas White as Finance Mm Conscription would never be ister in control of the new alleged It would mean that more than a million dollars a day brought into force In Canada. Union Government. The it declined to go to the people ordinary voter knows only too would have to be raised right now. with its new policy. II declined well what lo expect from these to put the matter up to the gentlemen. The majority voted people even by a referendum. for them once, but now? Never It definitely refused to consider againl the people at all. It mistrusted But to raise money by selling you give a personal pledge that you the people. The Ilorden Gov-1 The Daily News delivered bj Canada's Victory Bonds that ernment was fearful that the arrier, 50 cents per month. means are going to help to win the war. those of the next generation who will Every man and woman in Canada benefit by the sacrifices til is generation can help to win the war by buying S. S. PRINCE RUPERT is making, Canada's Victor' Bonds. And who will share in the freedom wxtMSDiT midmrbt for uyi Canada needs the THUtSDAT Mt&oirbt for sasoaoa par, Ota ran. personal, individual Xmajuttr, VletorU b4 Mania. this generation is fighting for and interest and largely paying for will also co-operation of every their S.S. PRINCE GEORGE pay and man woman in the country. MTVKoar MUMttii for aaroi. Honoav . aa. tot Sooa Bar, share.,8. 8. PRINCE Vkfcma sad JOHN Irtttlt. The buying of Victory Bonds by rr rr ijm CUrtMtw Ulaadj. s p.m. XmikUr Tib ao4 Hit. And when you buy Canada's Victory everybody will unite the whole people luum. wraan, Jaaa nut tUrT. aiur ma ao4 1 1 Us. TRAIN SERVICE Bonds ,j make a first-class in a determination to win the war. Prta raaaraser Oorr.StoMar.Ediaooic WaSaaas.r ao4 Wloaipr,1 SaUrta,ntaktar at II direct 10 a.m.cdaoectlooa tot SuUlhers,(or all business investment in a security that Every purchase of Victory Bonds points caal aa4 soaUl is absolutely safe, likely to enhance is a blow for freedom against the Agency All Ocean Steamship Unas. in value after the war, and bearing a. tyranny of German Kultur. For information and reservations apply to good rate of interest. City Ticket Offlce, 626 Third Aran us. PHONE 2C0 Every bond sold is a new guaran-tcc You help the country by keeping that Canada is in the war to the open the British market for Canadian Iinlsh, until victory is with the Allies products and this helps the general and the world has been made safe to CANADIAN' PACIFIC RAILWAY welfare in which you share. live in. Lowest Kates o all Eastern Points And Every bond you buy is a new via Steamer to Vancouver and th again, every Canadian who pledge that Canada will remain true CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY buys a Victory Bond becomes financial Maala and Barth Included on Slaamar a to herself, the Empire, the Allies and partner or backer of Canada in to freedom's cause. Prince May far Qranby ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday the war. Prlncsss May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday So it is both patriotic and good Prlncesa Sophia for Alaska Monday, November 19th. When you buy a Victory Bond business to Prlncsss Sophia for the south Saturday, November 24th. J I. PETERS, General Agent Co ner Fourth Slraat and Third, rln Rupart. B.C. Buy Canada's Victory Bonds Don't merely smother your cough sf ITU!? IT UatbWs Sjmp of Tar and Cod Liver OU Booaiv ' Nnt wtrk lbb vrfil trtl vrhat I IjUKLj 11 prwupUy irmu cou.blDr, tat thanki to it tonic a4 spare streagthaaiocprvvarUeaUbelpatbaayetnnlothrovof Victory Utmd is. 0014 and tans eflecta a permanent cat. It ta thW qujltj whack Uaa wea iar Be aargast sal of say coagU aad cold remedy U r..-.4v Iam4 kf CaaaArt Waarr Laa Cm A.t,klatbosu cm, aaa. re h nt iy.r.r aa la liathf W WUa In inai U C it.