.Jtcr lt 191 J TUB DAILY NEWB BE E!C THAI tHrlET.VIAC MAILS Closing Dates for OvorseaW I trpt. MalunfJH ml Hmttl ::llijla. HIKfiSJIEHLTII rnnean notflld, Navwnbr-r IfllTh i raricc Hmrmmbtfr MUlt, i r.rml miattmb&Mtiut ..pniK-a-les" BolMs Up The Pafbon niakjriiriaifpatt?'ilfpr ,oi'v point., ulioold mail llirtn WtBls System hpf.irc the nrtual i'IdiIhr dale to for n'HJ any prNraiblo deloy. ait) "Frult-stlres" often attonith-d at ,.,7i ' ""' c otrr Tbry ma) 1 a ores' for. " speetna . si . .....tiptMon, IndljrsUon, II , , or NurilfU, 4 . or in,Her Trouble, 'then-, CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT I. , thelUe. And they a.a SeitHl Under roe (ha nak.u . 1 0 Hey reel a a wr fi tt Leaejtf Lati Twrnty-tbrea (It). Twtatr . , way. Ilmil doe to mi ana Tweniy-nte Block WfTranan (). aeetton rina i f m h 1 fsfftliet of theaa w " ' prtiiaa naperi, wHI t rtrelred msn rnm fruit Jateef. t in Mintiier rrf Ua4t al Victoria, B. C. ' f r f? 50, trtol sir, e. up In fl u'cluek naao an itiuuimw F " V. jot ni postpaid by Fruit iiwireatb Jy af Kavtniber, A. p. HIT. itn i-noer rm raw on or mar Jou, i T-rai of Lena tea (10) year. ruaed cfceaua eoverlD in ai nwwiiha UND LEASE NOTICES rraul luaii aeauiminT ,uh t. rtti,,, of aBatMcetffDl leodcrtrt to be rriumra immedtaiety. or laX3 ,v oi-tWCT-WSTWCT tot wrkatl or toy tender act umniiif, ,-I III1UI, Cltew S a luxury within the reach of everyone a V.r.rtrrr BMMI tUI (ha kuln fh.a HERE in the vrhipped-cream-like lather that LUX . 4i waiter c winr, or rr "Wrad ki and ni u,ini makes in hot water. Your hair takes soft. luminous II , nlMi MtMcir. iui wait aa taey tetrad ta nakt or tba on a i a;; f-r penoUaiofj W leaM s.Iken quality that makes it a crown of beauty indeed. .a.JI 0V"Hd UndJ:--ar "bi ttu ba vttm in qwtrtertr in I he scalp is stimulated, your head refreshed. at P01 f1"" lairrau ta adraam. Tf rr '"' Ur Tt,0" r" K JIAOEfl. LUX male water eoft at rammer rain. Theae we aatin-amooth L7,j w Ui, Wl Lift PettWf IT MmMMr at Uod. Hike of tba pureat eacnce of aoapdiuolva abaolutelr in hot water JT .... Nasol ti Biruett o that not tha tiniett particle of aoap can remain to clog the porci. WiUi UUad. I Cl thChe Mil WATER NOTICE r,.. aula (Hiu, nn fc:fi Wit' Milk TooitM ftl T ik "otici; that pour virJcn Mtoe sr. at- im eat my ret Ojaapanv a. addeei ta AMca Arm. B. f I-eter tn4 Mtch Water Mark C . am appty fw , knm to take ad Brothers net dBMrowt( Ud eon- a tea rttbte ret or attar per aeeood at all LUX Limited, f let. "" Tr-o " rat, i grocer ltt.f utftaHary of til-aibii I Toron to iu e. wiua hi.rr Buwlat ar. ABeo Arm, Caj. r ."uixf, MIT. tar Li.triri Ta, mtWr wll u mrerted at U toad of the raU a m. s4jTtr imWcT DISTRICT or M'inir Mineral rkuax Lot 111 im arin . AJalAR. fc- tl for pawrr parfWM ui tbe Wolf BritUh nd 04i antra Oraaca ar uin.r.i AfaaT, Una brtaw Lut i7t to sitr laekuiTc. o Minim. a iai lift u, lift aarlailn tu I i I., . .,r ptejeloa 14 lM . Commit DUtltrL ;f yj"ed UUdll ApaHtrauea M be mule alaa f.r ik. Ki tbe lltb dir of October. tSIT. I jis; 4 I pwt planted l the lo Mara tH aer feel la f lrti Trooi A flllflV At thlfl fWkflM .rv., .n tMillMlliw 1 ttk tw lt Ml, Caaaiir Lakr aad t.taa art feet la ttana Third iparaaaat tbereto and to tba Water Act,I DENTISTRY Cutrtr tbrs:. the tad trty aad r,,anh Treat Ukea. Tbe witer 1U ik. win ce oied in tbe omn or tbe rjtooui & ara water stars be afirrd ta rtrat Trow Ulc tr tba cut-Mrartk Water Recorder at Prlnc Rupert. . C A PATRIOTIC of a dam it I la eatlet and la Tbe date ef tbe Brit atiDearance of IM CROWN 1M0 BRItMU WOna. CANADIAN HEROINE oenajd. Third and rrnrtb Troat Ukea by ni-Ure la tbe local nevipaper wis tba a srtctAv.Tr Thi I. JIIm CtuMta. ..th-ri- Him Uwcndolra H.ynen of ciaaarartiuo ar a dun at tba outlet tird da of Oetober. HIT. aad oblectlos Tormto. will ' er.4 Troat Late. Tb etumated mir ha fllxt aritli tha MmMfnlU, a OR J. 3. BROWN t r.-i j; Uiurit uk MM LlM t spprttr na rrrr ,avwm pieUu htmr in cn- ( tt:: Kul Arm M4 It cktlkii M nl li in rmpny witk !- sUr tba Kr Tbm ra ut laad ta be naoded at'nrtt Troat Wtter Recorder wltbta tblrtr dartfter OSJCTtST toaa ia IT acre and tt Seoaed. Third aad Wlirtf. Tlw tlm i. rnlitl "Vietnry'ii ill rMrtb oat tv Claaft, Tktra Aieaaa to CamNU mat aJ-? Trat Lake li tweotr acrea. : Hif tW Hut rntM rxit I vmnn wtir rniitr raae 4B4 Vwtjry RonHi. Tbi a,ur an putied uo tba rroand H. B. MrGloaM. A real, oer E. A. aeUnd. U Klliilill, Ikrsr ! m4 Kjai ( nnmiril. V- - I It-' tMM CT IfM. EXODUS Or JAPANESE FROM PACIFIC COAST ui WtorM No. 1 1. A a-rnr mm na rtixhi -f J r from all part Keep the uf OumMU U Uif Oritil hmm mad up "T AM assured that Mvlf irnil diirum lti- iat TimOER SALE X 1016. . ' itniiii u fr Mivlm, and h'l' lh- i ,mi.l u my people xvill re-. Wll,ril,a lllritd tliMl Ihia l Food Supply spond to every call i 4MW4 t lb Hn4hin to du nh initltary . r. M taster 1 1 tar tfcaa noea a necessary to the success vie. anarl llMijndji of mrii la iik aw ( Omavt m. fit. tut M CMpabt of baaritiK arm bm? Iri aurrtaiM- r l nan X tl. la M I.T7. of our cause with v c. iib Hif wiur r aiawai. rtr, ana, tiirm Ih riaaat durinn thr lat ait aa an mm amitad ua Kiikaafe and Help the same indomitable 4 ac: ! MKt II If Wiur NMMllia for Ihnr nalif NipMn. lakH. oaxl matrtrt. aaaar 4 ardour and devotion Tit ruM from drrnlrnt ! Tferta (1 yaart Ml h tamed for r--..... - r: (Mtl t CkIM D . hi air. that have filled me with be A Orwat ta nioro ta rvidrnr ia lliv t ( trwnKmwtt tour-c rvrtaar liaaailll f tiM CIHaT rmtrr Make . mkt iiui r twiiiu I nitrd mate aan it m in tntili Vtrfcurta. . C, ar DaHrtct foriiT. rraxw Victory pride and gratitude tolumlNa, partirtilarly in Call-foroia. B. C Dl. since the war began." 1 llAirtil lm la mui brf (lie JaHrri pfipu-UllpM l ata Ik wMt f tMB- His Kno Geokgk ' (tuliu ! til l la cxralionally lara. Sti CLEANSE THE Sure Uajkstt . - smtftcrtaral nd tu Ulster kHK avo a Irarnahip lrft Kan Fraacixo Willi hM young Jap LARGE INTESTINE r t WALKER. T OtUAr, lIT. on tNMrd. Wltlla quite a number of Jfp mzt "TWCT-AIIUR. oiitmct or ar tilt imHtwratiiia here, there Present War Physicians.Cry of Advanced soldiers must be fed; the people at ar a ureal many more mho are j avii4(r Ihe emikttry. A party of OUR must be fed. And in spite of "ji Wtiir r wilier, at tba enty-lte loft R C. Ui weok. aoaa ef lb tarfMoa (XrupitlMi Muurrr, v.viu mm raa a far rtctaiir a la rt- . ' r lrM anU a aimllar number are pr-- avivr part at Mm Urn Inuitioa In case Germany's murderous campaign to ir04 UnOti 'iMtrinir to laavv nfwrUy. Thr nw o arrtaM it that at TaJwmilaaM and ra- "I II pal ptDU4 tt ta ; from all part of GatMla. kti tba pa Urol ta perfect briiib by to cut off the Allies' Food supply, by sinking arr r Ll III. Ctutir - tU 10 rluiMi ttvor bat recently the High Seas ample and 8ktK.1t LA5D MSTlllCT WSTWCT or Tb w York Amerlcia every ship on an -i-' nor ar U. la Klik MM 'li4 C4Mh tbroc oath- CAtSIAIL liuraMT CacuupaWen tb poiaoat la unfailing flow of food to England and ) rt4llnf lllfb Water tar larae but Mb afleo peoaroe so rreil -E aol ta mlal ar knuuno. TAkK aaK Uul Tbt Amta-BMIHO Ce-KuaMa a t,. runs a nrliai meeara ta health and France must be maintained. .iittJDt it ert mora ar rrkar ckceptay Umtted, af Via erra to Ml. Thraath to f U uiiitr. a. . aeatiptUea StUma caauer. laieauaa Star cater lb Mood and con-luaar ia , . ' TfcB WAUtlt tatriMli ta irrr tor prrnttao ta kw the healthy baaed cettf, lspeerub-iat " f Octour, hit. the 1 fattaalar dfieribed Utvlti the Mood, aad M IMS reaeaM U can-tiaaad This is National Service ' OumnvietB at a pait plaaied at HUh loar anaath an taut patiaeMr I Wiur Mirk, lrtUad Caul. It ciulni Do the Farmer produced." Not to only Xarib tad 4t ttiuu ar OMra tx wm ar imtt? water oar ptiai-diy It u laay fony l. Harvey lb .tart Wail Canter r Lat III, Cautir aHMh- of Bvutf for tb lauttta rtd II-ieM But to YOU to everybody IHiljft: tkeora narta H rhilm; tbrara uf 1 wan, aad M M eatlly prat en Uataa, ta, OaaiMtiUIra et t cttiiai. mar or to ui(b that taar M aa lOMiualiUoa. a matter is directed ,U If Haali) Wiur Mirk rortliod CiqiIi Ibeora aautb-rly how retiriar ar. This appeal M tANIOOWNC COTTCLL and raiterly follialnr tba Una al Urae. If Ukea rtraltri-. Sana t tuML turti wurr Mirk fortltad Canal ta tba hail Internal Btlhavt hr nam of tbe U. m4,0 viOUSCKtLO tiki paint af cuiunMnceinrnl and owUlnlor M j n. L. caieid" eteanae tb Ur must unite as a Nation to SERVE PLANT a garden small or Urge. Utiliie irrc nwn or tia ktafth IU par wtrm WE the lalealinr IU eatir PRODUCE, bock yard. Cultivate i THE AtOLU rMTMII COLUMBIA PACkl8 to SAVEand to Men, water aad BMlta It acta. im r.M..J"' W4MIMA1IOSS Ma far Iitmlaalla COMPANY UMITEU. Wtlltr t. Walkrr. AL bealtlt) women and children; the young:, the middle vacant lota. Make them all yield food r7'M lurt, ViaMMiaf, CUt una th diy ar utubr. HIT. At the aam Wn It renuiie ue ya-Ki aged and the old all can help in the W ( that eaerjt fuac-i. aaat wake ua If Wyilt, Laaia. I. Skt.U LAM0 MSTlllCT DI'THICT Of of Production. TtRfldS CASSIAR ii a.-rkiar aaaoottly aad aeiurilly-aaO. Nation's Army of towns can find no better PHONE CLUE 27A m hd. IhU u to WOMEN TAkE noUra Uul Tb AntU-BrllUh Ohv outlet for their letter will coaeey a mature important Tht of FOOD raised, helps lun,tli pirklnr Coropiny tJinlted, of Via-jnmter. pound U. C. orcupiiloa Salmon Camten. pouti rbe r to Baa) oauraa. EVERY the cost of living and adds to energies than la cultivating a vegetable inieiHli lo iM'ljr for pertnlulon to lea Wettand, garden. Ilia roUovlnr deicrlbed UaJ. -I Pr i.ha v Tyrrell. the Food Supply for Overseas. CwuuocMHiir at a poll planted it II l b I6t rollete Street, Toronto. OnL i iTHELNGINtyHtflNLMLN Wiler Mirk rortlittd Canal, SO cbalnt Du rr Mr. We bMrtlly eodoTM In J-n Be in act work patriotic as to ttr i aaeaue. m a 0d jMorth ind IS ruain. or inure. Due Vl For Information on any tuty'tct ulating j or lb Morth Weil Center of Lai St, Hut a l aded r.d BMH I palaoMd 'Hsnnan-s bkioinb iniitir putrid; ibenc nortberty and trot, ahieb. ta tara. mean Bramrntou aeilnil to the Faim end Cardtn, writ: well as in thought. mutlW. iirrir foihiainr tna line ut llltb Wiler r. ntiarti, oT lb tplaiL ft la. br ? la, tt.is i uerk, Contend emit, to a t-lu wtter an M i,i. i out work M darefted. INFORMATION BUMAU Ham Peaar. Mil ami Weil Una drawn UiTuuib t petal m,. ii.ini iwipiar at in fiuMnr reiaii Department of Agriculture Hd S-4 la. , .( I,, is ruiiM Du riurllt of lb point of com-neiMvuteni ti .. ,..i-i4er bonn, btth U atirilc Use eotry meam available and "r intaoata. OTTAWA luiertecu aith and tin of , Merit Pawte, tilth Wiler Mirki tbenca Wen 10 chaini: Matt tlneerely. Overlook nothing. s ui ia, ra-a lUtley and Garland. , ia, Ihrnr toulberly and eailerly ptritltd with Prt. Met pr, tb Mid Uim at llltb Wiler Mirk, Part-lind ner lira band ml lUnainl are now en-ihuuMti Cinil, to point lo cbalnt Du Weil Kt of lb "i. B- t Catrado," rr further Information of lb Mnl ef wunriienretoenti then- WRirb u aw betni sboan and tpltined Dominion Department of Agriculture tat tiiaina io aald paint r twnuuenr u cyrtl II. Ortue'i Dwi itor. cor, Jrd Apply to ana wiiaimnr tio ami mora or atatvsa and ttt U more RupcrL TTAWA, CAN AS A, lea of tb Bed wblia Ikink of It, and ramlvtr of per Hand Aak ar arlt nw, you W C. WILLISCnOFT Canal. W Cat. A. Tyrrell, M,f Its Colli te iirett THE ANaLO-BIUTItll COLllwrna paraiwit. ntr. Mr Ire snt Intrreallur booklel, HON. MARTHf BURWMJL, Mtakter. Prlnoa llupsrt, B. 0, CflMIA.Y UMIUD. Wilier K. Walker. Art "W" Km f Today It Only to rer Cent, lu III day of October, HIT. (tnrtenl.-