THE DAILY MTVV8 e III- t."! 'kilit Hid', W,!' MV.,SUr WATtM , s l r "One Meatless Meal LETTER BOX to pay th" inleri-l tt lbi. Hut Hie '2ur 1 (,T THE 1 IN The Daily News a Day" i a good food the tai mi the pruflts t this bust. nes een as rwlletfted at preaM THE OftAHAtf ju,d , IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA for war time, or any fc THE LEADING NEWSPAPER slogan LENDING LOYAL wiiuld pay the Interest on this "r1i im 111 14 fc.. PubliaSad Dally and Wklr timebetter make it two bond several times over, and there Ml Art a'Z':' Guaranteed Largest Circulation meatless meals a day it tbe K4ttor. At first glance is every assurance that tk rate ' wans i otui tt w would mean health and To ii.ffh tbe anneal to nf uiatkm will tneuHt upward as It tHitrtct Mr.trr rTtiL HEAD OFFICE: it too r v mn oat. W.trvt af tnl i strength for the nation. Vtstory Head was Ah ap-, tbe war $Ws on. Daily News Building. Third Arenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. TeL 88 and the right use a our selSsbness rather tbin As the promts on a busings are Mass atf .s.. Hit aaa But be sure get si to ADVERTISING CO inch as it appears a Hot calculated HHtll all waxes r.d K U Ml I, ,Zl cents TRANSIENr DISPLAY - per substitute for meat in a tm our patriotism paid are deducted, the tendency la at Fart Ottaiu. B ,. . . Con tract Kates on application. rood Intestnieni, ut m. rns 14 nrwa uv,,,. J1 r Shre d d d e form. digestible will be towards better ...m e see tbat this Is not wares rtruierad Ua af u ".Jr"! w Wheat Biscuit is the ideal lbe esie, Meney is sorely needed rather than the reverse, at most Hr fart 0au rtruu Z DAILY EDITIOK Friday. Nov. 16. 1917 substitute for meat. It is la betp Ma tbe war. v e are companies would rather share whole wheat horrewtaff frem ourselves their profits with their men than ptntkm af ct xu tnm tu 100 per cent, t nv interest to our- with the Government. I have in a tr.1 PaW.tloo sf " TO WIW.THE WAR boute and so forth as well as prepared in a digestible " mm- - sr w A ...IkJ M.W Htlnd a company whw during the ui a maw yrttw bulldiBg shed. This elves duriBff UMed "One of lbe roost important shio form. Two or three of these war began to pay a bonus to their ... mm ar UaT,, bas dene anything .. .. w Biiir of plant never 1 atue wJT towards winning of baked whole men and erect better buildings contributions to help to win tbe war. This is little loaves The tateeeal on tnese oonua tbe war it to put a stop to wne of the resources of tbe Do wheat make a nourishing, ..11 h mm ebteflr by direct taia- for Ibeiii expenditure before ka U t caoitniM tta atd U Blu u4 IV! . ! profiteering on war supplies. minion whieb tbe Government satisfying meal at a cost of i.m Tbe burden 01 mis taiauaii profits. ri tl rrUKt Kap.rt. a. . tL -iii fall in an increasing ratto I am aware of the popular doc 4$f af (Mtctotf. A. n. Government has deliberately have declined to use tberasehree Delicious Hit I, Tlie few cents. only a trine that labor alone produce all n viuiua , -CIDH iiNin those wnose income is ISLAND i and else could even encouraged proflleering no one with milk or cream or fruits and upwara. aio wealth, but that Is not tre under CO, LTD. a for tbe benefit of Its partisan lease iL year follower. A first dutr wouiu Being already possessed of of any kind. tbe Dronts of business above our present system. Tnere are be to secure to tbe country. shops whieb were suitable for Made in Canada. s certain percentage. .. on a sliding three distinct factors In the pro Woyd (leerge says t of tbat tbe Mffter toe.a, proms a duet ion of wealth: lAbor eipefxL Ifntlet will win the Z which par for the war sup tbe manufacture war material, scale so wa T rr y plies, tbe excess of profit be. tbe logical sequence one Salvation Army. ih kircer tbe tax. ed on the products of nature as dollars into bullets. y v Z lag realized by tbe profiteers. would tbink would be for tbe Public meetinr. Tuesdays. At first wben we beard f a Ilia; iled by capital. W ar Hands. n I would not hesitate, in order Government to utilize tbeir re. Thursday and Saturdays at 8 p. Business taking a million-dollar p. if. nu YHitxtrr. to stop profiteering, to take source and turn out supplies u. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Victory Bond e felt like saying November t&. 1917. Advertise In Tbe l control of tbe factories which as cheaply as possible. Instead are'engaged in tbe supply of of this, tbey do the very re war materials, as bat been done verse. Dy producing war supplies In Great Hrilaln, and run tbem at cost, lbe Government on tbe principle of a reasonable would at the same time make return on investment for tbe the silver bullets one hundred owners, and a reasonable legitimate per cent, effective. profit. I believe that one If tbe people of Canada real of tbe best methods of provid ly wish to get from under tbe ing war supplies and of saving burden which the profiteer is so What Will Canada's tbe country from being ex diligently hitching on to tbeir ploited by profiteers would be shoulders, tbey will, upon considering to turn the Government shops, things as they arc, which are suitable for such take good care that Sir Itobert purposes, to the production of liorden and bis profiteering war materials, ships, etc, for friends no lunger have tbe Answer Be? the benefit of the country at power to encourage profiteering. cost price. Tbe greatest of all these These are the words of Sir is Sir Joseph Flavelle, the man Wilfrid Laurier, and this policy who in tbe space of three years forms part of bis programme took a personal profit of $1,-634,000. for the winning of tbe war. Tbe This is apart from people of Canada are being ex. tbe profits of tbe William Davis VER in the sodden trenches amid the bursting shells Jiorled by the Government to Company altogether, and Is save all tbey can to help to win what Sir Joseph pulls down and the roar of artillery where Canada's boys are tbe war. Silver bullets in the himself. lie of course is tbe shape of dollars are required big instance, and there are fighting and dying, to beat the Germans. These others, many others. silver bullets can be used by The continuance of Sir Robert they are waiting for Canada's answer when the the civilians in Canada in fight liorden in office will in all ing the Germans. likelihood see the continuence sale of Victory Bonds begins. Dut at the same time as tbi of this theft of the people's Government Is so anxious for money. Uy keeping the lior the individual people in tb den crowd at Ottawa, there is Dominion to save, it itself ba no reason to believe that the CANADA'S soldiers expect Canada's answer must be, done little in the war of saving profiteer will be any the more that home will that the Canadian hand tbe large profits for the Hate fairly dealt with, and tbe ordi wc at put to This Government in fact jas nary people have. Judging by up the millions they need to keep the plow of Victory holds stead to the people of Canada: "Don't past experiences, little to look do as I do, but do as I tell you.' for in the way of a reduction on fighting, fast and firm, Instead of putting the national in the high cost of living. It the millions they must have that Canada is in deadly shops into operation and turn takes every cent the working ing out war supplies at cost people can earn to get along to win Victory for freedom, home earnest when she says "the last price, the Government liked with, and some of us don't get and Canada. man and the last dollar." better to lease such plants to along either, too well. If Sir private interests for the purpose Itobert liorden is not an accomplice What answer will Canada That is the answer Canada of turning out war supplies in this,profiteering, by will give to our boys in the make ? at a profit. continuing to permit it to go In Prince Rupert there is a on, he becomes an accessory trenches, our kinsmen in Britain, large plant consisting of ma. after the fact, and to that e'x-tenl IVhat answer will you make? and Allies chine shop, boiler shop, power is guilty before the people. our everywhere. Shall it be said that Canada That is the answer wc will spares not her sons from the give to the Huns who thought S. S. PRINCE RUPERT sacrifice of battle, yet withholds and said that Canada would WEDJUDAY mldatmt for Ami. her dollars to give them victory ? desert the Empire before she THl'UDAY MidafeM for Sfioa r. Otrts rails. Viaeovtcr, victoria and feilll. Rather will it be said that would fight or pay. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Canada once more, for the fourth Every bond you buy is an UTVMMr Mtaitt for Aajom. MOW DAY a. m. tor iium Bit. time in three cheerfully Twcmiw, Victoria a4 ScatOa. years, answer. Let the millions of . B. BINCC JOHN puts up her millions upon millions answers from Canada's loyal rr Oan ChaVitU UUadJ, S lcraar 71b aa4 I tit. men rot nKWkn, wrutn. Juno and sktrr. nootr urn 104 tim. for the cause of freedom, and women make a chorus of TRAIN SERVICE righteousness and rMm SUM justice. Victory to ring around the world. it, IWaaaaaaa, and HvrUf at H it 4.m. tor ImlUwrs mix Otor,. EdxBoaton sad Wioniptr. nuktnr direct cococeuoos lor ill points efi sod souta. Agency AM Ocean Steamship Lines. For Information and reaervntinna innl In City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenue. PHONE 200 Canada's Victory Loan Campaign Opens on Monday, November 12 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points r via Steamer to Vancouver and tha Chairman, Provincial CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Canada's Victory Loan Committee, Moala and Barth included on 3tmr Canada's Victory Loan, All About It" Prlncesa May far Granny ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday Vancouver, B.C. ,1 Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday the title of Kindly send mc n copy of pamplUct entitled Frlnceee a Sophia for Alaska Monday, November 19th. pamphlet Princess Sophia for the south Saturday, November 24th. hends that should of be In the wi 0 . aviW.J l,UUM till MUUIIk'll. every man and J. I. woman In tbe m. ....,... . ........... ... ...t.MMM.M.MaV.MM.MW PETERS, General Agent country. Co nor Fourth Stra.t aJ Third A.anu., p,n. Rprt. UtC. Street or,R.R. Mall this coupon at P O a a a ,issii SsssMsesaai once and get your Draft merely smother your cougt. copy Prov :j aTITDI? IT Mtilett' Sjn, ei Tar a4 Cod Urar Oil not'oadr IjUKIj 1 1 prwupUy aneau couhlaa;, tot thaakt t ha took aa4 atrxDftb.nlot ptvptU It htUjwUa to throw a Bid sod tha aflecU a pcrmAacat can. It la this quality wkkb kaa wmm Sa be largaa t mim of say cougti aad cold rasoadr la f--H Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee id co-operation with'the Minister of 1'iitancc ct tbe Dominion of Canada. as A k.MATaxaa osv.rrasv,smiitin, tj.