, 1 01 THE DA1XT NEWS LAND LEASE NOTICES IN THE LETTER 1 l ni'iii' minify i urkTi-nllv iiri'fl , IM'II till imlilr m'lh"r (ire iu;ili In il., I'l'ticr. I will 1't il if 1 1 AVMBIJ! VTATER PROTEt-TtO-f ItJT. BOX a . fl. S. c. CMptor in. iimiiiwTii1 through th eolunwia ni. (..... r ,riiiiit-,,i I iv. , ",. '.. ri, , f l-f fnrirr-rlf f thHf of I II"' I I , - - . Ms m. .ni(iiiu.d from l-.in. i 1 '" 1 I w tin Ii wuiiiil vv I'm It )ni I I TUB finUIAM tllA.'tri RlRliiE A.1D w. a nif).Mi.0N. 1 'i III, Il'l'tfll l li .Jin to nil Midi I- .IM-.li prtiMii of y'Hi if il iA x. i.KIT UMPAJlT UMITCD rrwun rT , . M. Waiior E. Wk. of iiihnii i i, ,i .. I'lllll.lli. j. ..llf.i W.-ullll ami HI ly Wltlllfl OHI i.tiir R ti nitr trat fl ftar wtdr Miwn 7 ,r um ,rialH MCMicr. Itln Olid mir m,. H t H- fi MINERAL ACT , .,,,1 !' Illll f tllflll aM At dfpoatud wlta tba MHililrr or , iii ini'ir iifinHpnaiiiii l ' ' "" Pattric Wsrki at Otuwa and la th offiea 1 . WW- r Wliil tin 400,000 rv m m vkh.i ili-playw Mie niblw, a r tiM Mufrtft Land ,i,.,rlbd ntMii rifli-HiK -fOTfCK TO nrfinr or ttM Brr-i ii, . . DtU.tQtMT PARTfth "' " ". . pm piaated i lanf RHini;iiM-.. i' ..i.i.iiHii j Mi are naimtfifr i a-Viurtiancr f war bond aimply try omm. niatmt or print R-imt;, ii . . our Hty Hi uniform To C. W Cmnib: ..1. TtailH Pit Mial ..k rr,.r. t-.rt m i,f I it1 mi llu linttlr. fmphatj.f the fart thai Th- Hr t Pimm Kuprt. doarriptloa f lh tit and n fin HnlrrpfiM nl . .. , T aottM, wtrfi f htrt dnn tad f , f r,r aad ( ,.!,,. ptaa tawmm iirtKlnra ot!r worka 'i 'I in,,I wind. U.,.r loy.il IiIoimI eiviiiK H pi fit fr M a-ninlanrf n4 H b ckifnj t4V'ot work on itw profit in .Hum. r.i.ii.,,1: i. prr-oa4 to I built in Qottnutawrt llar-Ur Ill VoluHlni - iik iii,. namin of the iilaiiw In th.- firi-at "ar. A i-tranii.T aama Mkinlttit rrtcthm mllwnl claim, iltotUd ai Port tm-nu, B. c, in front of .y.lcrn fur,,,.I,.., f I mi ,,., M. ManilflMrtilrWii(he iii'-Iiiiii. "In tin lnnadiau on iim fIHiiw river, tboal fourifcn milt ta( rira to rtrifrn iatati, accartlinr to tuu.tmu mm at 1 .1 0 ner h,. i from lb hrsrl of Allc Arm, In lb SketM rr-rutmd plan or the towomm of --...-i:i i MMllamf" No. thank fnl. nu; ilia rotnpontil nrinetpaUjr wlifn anoint rMnr iHrHfMi or "Skrent dlitrlet. iimii Mo.noo wa ,i. ,! rHy of Port ctemrnts rrtliirrl In tn . " mmU mi n,.. "I Mm- .iHiti' mmtliiiifd. mUv rtnly rontaffmiMn dim. War iJkol wfk for till, tU. and 1116, tad Hill Ifory iin.f aforwatid IjkkI Br-rKtry offlM 1 riao. "', , ..m,m,iMmm J waao. rr family n--it i by a w Htaf poHUBtaM ProUtoiTintt. Lit iim oiii handf hr pM for Mid work ami recordinr i7f and Uka ootica tbal artcr th t- "" ... HwMI uf Mi. ftIOWMHa? No. Til Uu. are inantpuMUns a tojauid admiiter Uie curt- '.oi- ain lb awn or 1107.to. tnlrf you pay p4 niton ol on omntti Trom tba data of ;v WK. M fTWt Uiat mad ii rs uw ibtq or ft or.so, for tout snare Ont of tbia lea Hi E. i,mptil. l.mi thi.tr tht pubri nation ml the of wealth Mi- wealth to tfef- Aovarft nrriptlon ami HM- T th Mid aM-MumeM work, loreiber with Oralura laland and Cdar Company, .,r ortoawr. r lor inn or ccr lit. Spreca MWVff at the? "" ni m r, per cent, with tt elinifij- of production. rJM (mi of thli itvmiatnwni, f ihatl, at Limned m o ruler sHon T or tb aaid ,,, ,.iAfMCf -BMtRHJT Of aa old is i. imrwm. rit that II must pml With rard to the ltt r vr tlw sptniM of atatif (t0 dayi from Ad apply U tb Mloiitr or PBbllit Workt i -IAb. Hut what of th other an-! in Canada to aur it frfHf tin' fiKnaturi" of .f. J. ihiti lunnoii. tkw data br-Mir apply to tb miuinr rt- at W offlra In tbe ly or Ottawa far approval erwntlal in rarryln ..n thi. war roroVr at Prlfl nprt, B. C, to bava of lb aM 8lt and Plan and for wit. inin Mi. ir ami Ui or-l-r tfli' mil)' mil -I,'in In,, nt on k Wr, af Ttte Almighty Hollar Wlo-n irraitp, jrmtr mtattu to tn Mldoltnl rraetton Irate Ut Miwiratt tba aaJd worka. ,,i waiter Mtaatee. n. Vt iKKMlwink llif Kiiral puk. Whii-li tnk' i-n .ii! ! In- ih miaral rttrtn rutfd la dm;, la ptirfdaneo rialml at Print Itirprrt, B. &. tbia tltb- aroaawW piiniir trnaaiir? of Canada In li' tlif itlf of war ronu-riiia aUm k i,n ni-ir p.-i otialh . and it oh- provMloa tit tha mineral irt. day of October, A. p. HIT. ,tlS, Hhii.1 luauka to I'lavollc anH iaid at Prior rwprt, B.C. tbia toth THE ORAIIAM IJLA.1D SPRUCE A.10 - " Ul'.lin ! Ill II 111 U II Ulf Hi IIH'I'I- llll HIIII-ll l!l- i'iiilih SofMrrabVr, All i-mi for lhir aM aj or It IT. Dll. CEDAR CO., LTD. at U aaatataitr l-liited Itnniinion. And whil Ihiw' would b- inad. a in wnild piiMih II. C. PHILUrS. fled, fflckersonj A cent. ,(,r l i ,. nwtawrty J wMlr ... ,.r Hir Watt Nark OPmrSSaraWKaMMaHMKHaaaaa '.. ,,riwa tMwarh a pstal It i m Patot r ., , wita MM) UtW of umhi WMl M Muln. , .mi rtrH, parallel U ii (U wai- Mark rwrtiaaa , , .kwiaw Bwa WMl r ......hi lawmi: tbewta rail I , i prfBl ot eawtwwiiwwt. g t a'iwi tatafa af im. w i UN E. WUkMl ,,, ' ,)rtf, lilt. BONDS .v , ii.lHH.T- WtlRICT or . mi YAtM-af E Walkae. af I MAKE ... irWiWaa Maavatrer. it tienaiiilaa ( lea YOUR , ,. ., : ixl kaada: , , 4 aw ftaaawl at tbe .,. t.i awl Wxi Um . . ii Lair n al fitrtieli .i-i a -. ) IH Waiw . .. mi aaa aaatamr ., aatd Wrta Waior ti r a Roa'tJI aaa aaw lit . . Mai atkaaw Ha ! inn" lawr rt.irr Mart af T4 ,i, -WaKaai nam , ..iWi nwa to a paaat . ,i ,4 aba pa! af wa .., . , .aa.aa CNM IMI -tuM.i aaa aaantaaaar -t I'M. u.rta I v LI a"K U A Mtnto', Itlt, i.i-iw otafMct ot imi waiur i. Walker, at i . tvrai.iMi Maaam. , I I ' f-rrmmM m . .i imi aiaalwl at tfca i-i M li aft, Cautar . - i-t a waat. taewc . air i-r kraa, ta IMab :. rnriiaatl coai. latataa tmu u-ri) f nmtimw Mill Wtlee uti iu iwi aaaMawaa uaMar tat " nwe at a l'tia c WALkUl J. ft Ut. Itlt. ' 1.1-TtUCT- -UirMCT UF utaMAR u "a i itac Aarto-aniub Co i ampaay LUOted, Van-apatatai ttalOMM Caaaera. . . lae iiawUalMai W leax i - -'ritd Uada a (mm l ptaatrd at llifk uaad caaaL tt ebaloa Da iiaa r nati Ixm "Vl vf "He Fipjhits Who Lends ihtfik. fi ot a Lot cataiaa;an. caaaur tbeata - nun or twaa. t lum aaaJ caoali tbeata aoaitn- roHawtac IM Boa W saH ParUaad Canal to UM man and woman, every ao4 caaUK-Mt J5i. '.lueol EVERY in Canada is eligible girl ivl llll COLUMBIA FACM.tO Ganada's Victory L.oan si iu. Wattef k- Walker, Aft i octii. hit. for enlistment in this fighting line. $150,000,000 5i Gold Bonds m. OlaTMCT WtTRICT or Aisuru There is no bar for age?. sex or offered in three maturitle 5 year Bomh due December 1st, 1P22 tba I TtM Aatrt Brtuab Cw physical condition. ; 10 year Bonds due December 1st. 102. i -1 i uutpaay Luatted, of aa- December 1st, 1937 20 Bond due H.upauoa aatOMO caonera. year !aiili ilearrlbvd tue uenoaaaaaa lafkla - to loa If you have only $50 or $100 you Interest payable without charge, lialf JP"1"" and l.t December, at any branch in uf at a pat ptaatod at intH Bonds. Bank. l uruand canal, tt attaint Due can buy Victory Chartered .-baioa. or niura, Pva Weal rta Weal Carver or Lai til. Bonds may be registered. i. tbeata aaflberly and If you have $1,000 or $5,000, so Denominations $50, $100, $500 and $1000. lk,mr tba Liu of lllyh Water V.-1 uauo line anal,drawn hi a taiautb palal wberc a poMU an much the better, so much greater your Isouo Price Par !- K.irtb of tb owi or cttfu win the Canada follow: ,i interaecU wilb Mtd Una or opportunity to help Tayment to be made as ' Mark: Ibenea Weal St ctiaini; 10 on December ist. 1917 20 on March Ut. 1018 "UM-rijr and caatarly paralled wllbl April !. war. 10 on January 2nd. 1913 20 on i or llltn water aiari. rort- 1st, lfllS 1918 20ouMay V i a point St tba ma Pim Weal 20 on February 1st, i iiaiun nu m il eakt nauianectMeal.iwlnt ol entiunenr Ibenea Buy all the Victory Bonds you can. A full half year's interest will be paid cn muinin lit aere nmra or ht June, 1913 B'll and rraabure of PorllaiHl continued support for the Investor the It means The Bonds therefore give a net yield to i " blUTItll i 'll MPIA PACkl.Mi I Ol ilLKJUl. 'INITIO, Waller K Walker. Aft boys at the front. Eoniio 20 ho 1 ila ol Oi'liibti. HIT 5.01 ou year It means work and wages for those K.flR'X on tho 10 your Iiouda ibe 5 llouda 5.81 oa year who cannot get to the front. Tito proceeds of the Loan will bo used for War Purposes only,and will be spent wholly In Canada. Forms of Application may be obtained from any 4 BUY YOUR branch In Canada of any Chartered Bank, m4rm,Y TIMBER SALE X1077. Victory Loan Committee, or member thereof. " ,u irndera will ba retelired by '' 1 l anda not later than on I " .'"il, .u. ... m . r.. Him I VICTORY BONDS TO-DAY t l ireac X 1011, lo iUl 10.009 " i iieiuhMH Jackplua, Iprura and 1 ait area 'allualed ou llardaerlbbla lasucd by Canadi'a Vktory laa CommUtea i ( -" iioer, nant a, mh- la twtimtkM wkh th Minuter af Jinawea 103 ot tha DooUaJoa ol Canada. a... . '' '' ba atVatd for rt- "riiiur paruraitra of (da Ctrtef Poreoler. , 6 . ur Piairkl roreawr. Prlnti ' " T NIO