s .vfmhfr 20, 1017 THE DAILY NEWS LAND LEASE NOTICES . i AID WITItlliT-DIITWCT Of Hi Wiiur E. Wtiker, of f a 9ttvpm Mtntrtr. ,,,,,iur prmllun to ktw ',,,; dfcr u ''" - 1 linlil It llllf- . .inn; n il WtUf M T0flUi Ml. 1 BIN - - I MP " u. nmimnl it Btrtteil C .! ......i t.i Ibcnci ! I JS; W luf nr pv - ,a Ml"- mih wtwr Mrk tommi n s' V.rihrly "4 wtttrrlf fol- MP lu7 of ' W"" WiWr , i .vnHnentrliKTil, tnd eoB K " I'"' g ,,,, rn US- WAI Ttn t WAUtB. m my .,f Off-Mf, mi n- UISTIUCT DISTRICT ur lASSUIL . u.t Wtiur f- Wiikrr, of ii'. , Mtir, 0 , ucruptUufl t ,, fur pennlMlon to UtM ( o. irrlbcd Uodii , it I pot! pUaUd tl tbo , W Lot III, Ctttur . iwflberlr tad iurlr of IMfK Wtler Mrk i jt ... a MUt tn Lt .si 3C drta Uirouin poioi N rtli uf Mm I'olol of turn- . ...II Hk Mid Um of m Mi:k tbror wrtl M crulnij . mi ruttrir. ptrtUtl to JM uimHicriuali tlwnco el T Atat ' I"11 f ewnoirilH, .j sumaii til tern or ku, 6fh t.u i ' KMr. HIT. Hti."A O.. lflsTKICT blSTMCT Or 1 J5 u-t BtUM iu( wiir e. wiktr. of . . uccuiUoa Mtiuctr, ;t tt (XMI pllJ tl UM .a m Uii Wtii LUm vwit r all MMWOMAt tl BUtMIt ZZ VtLx uuod, . C, tu Uiib W.ur ut jsiE ; Umbc MiUwrlr im wU j ' u iia MM IIKfe Wtur Ur .lortb nl SonUi nt j p -i trj tlr :8 pw" chiM t SB inl I C4 v ' coBMMfterawfil iaur-M1 hu Mkr xuk or Toot rwMK Utt ( uUk II elMUuj Umm Canad MCaciU: j J UWbl IIM M I pUI II rM' ' W i of f torn- (K; trc; OtSM If Ck4UM tM lll 01 IM ual it oirn-T-t a4 COfttAUUaf m i - - . VUIM L WALUIL Utlt t.l 4if (4 Mtor. HIT. nitu lxmj ihiimct diitmct or -AMU Must All UMl Wiwr C. Waf. Of . I'd V'tc : . . ucrifitUaa HlMIW, tt. i. tfi'J i-t prrmluioa to Wim U f C j '04 lull E&1 at t patl pitolftf tl UN ,v -J w ; rtt of Lot ti, CMtur Mi St- itrt- osrUt It cbtlM Utroct c: c Wm, Mwr or Wu, to Ui lie. n rortU4 Cul umoco ku. tat HiMti lutiowittf ititk Wtur I bt Uao4 C4M) to pol of rwfflOMftf tt to4 cuouiattf f imi taort or ange WALTtH t WALKER, J t J Uy Ct XUAT, HIT. m tlU.1t (A.10 MlTniCT DISTMCT Or cuutk. tUI tl i UMl TIm AadO-BMUta Co ho4 'ci.3( cuatMaj UioJUd. of Vta acmptikm Stlcaoa Cahoct. fcbSA l t(fr ff ptnuulot 14 KrtM -I omtU4 UodJ. tl t putl pttau4 tl Hit lUit, rartiMtf Ctotl. II cbtuu Duo tott mi u ciulat or ur b Writ of k-a woi coratr or Lot hi, Cwtur Mn rr ttutlh II cktt&t) Uwmo i ittiBt, omt or kK to Hick A) t hMUu4 Ctatli tbtncu tuuUi- Record W ttiltrtr foUowtar too Uo ol Btitt Xuk rotUtod CumJ to Um ' -MMaracvoMBl tod coaUlnlor II " it lu. "I i IKITISII COLUMBIA PACkl.O ttk1 . KITLD. WHMt C WtlAer,Alt. u t dy of utiutwr, HIT. ,ll"A lASD DIITIUCT DISTRICT 0 CAISIAA. .1 Ttis osuro Uttt Tb Aailo BrlUiIl Co-fidint 1 Comptnr Umiud. of Via-"-'J,r lsto B lo c tppljr. occupation for ptnniutoa Btimoa Conotr,to lro I EWER CANADIANS in proportion to the population have lent their money to the nation 1 lt dcttrttMd Uodl: B - . f. 1 -MtsvacJar tt putt pUolfd tl lllia than have c-ithcr the British or American people. "r Mirk I-orU4o4 Ctotl. II ciktlfit Dot ",trW tod t a cbtlBi, or iDor. Duo Vr'ttl This in spite of the fact that the individual wealth of the Canadian people jo-day is o Sorin Writ Conxr of Lot III. Diitncit Umoco norUMrlr tad than it has ever been and is one of the largest of any country m the tic :y roiio tar um Um of Hits Wtur greater lft. rortltaU CtatU to t point wImto ta that record tal M4 wnt um drtwn larouin t polal Canada wants you to help change now. (i hiioi but Worm of Um poiat of cum-wtr-nwol that it is changed. lotrcu IU Mid Um of You owe it to Canada, to yourself, to your children, to sec M,(B Wtur Mtrki Umbm Wrtt II cktiai; Ur' tuuiMtl tnd otturly ptrilltd IU bought a war bond before do it now. Be ready when the canvasser calls. " il Um or tilth Wtur Mirk, Port-M If you never milt u polal tl cbtlat Out Wilt and in Canada must do his or woman f Um point tf cvnuutnccmcBli Umbco Remember this-That to win this war every man "! tatlM to Mid potat of cocuraraef thing to buy Victory Bonds. is vitally trl rouuialac HI tcrrt roort or her share, and to-day the most important, necessary kt r Um Bed tad rorttboro of Portltod -AMI IHl AQLO BHITISII COLUMBIA PACkLIQ "MI'AMY UMITCD, WtlUf K. Wtlktf, AL im dr oi octuttr, HIT. Help to Change Canada's Record TIMBER SALE X1077. in 20 Buyers of Victory Bonds ih,,Ur. Illd 0f Undr Ln,1 will MMia,i 0000 hv tba 00 to 1 " dty or MoTtmDtr, HIT. for Um tim ' Umbm X HTT, to eul 11.011 Of llrinl.u-b iiriniiu InruM and 0n n tllutUd on lltrdtfrtbblt Iwued by Canada' Victory toaa Committee .ui!0? tiy r tllowtd tor M In co-operation with the Minister of Financa ""tl or ii,,,!. of the Dominion of Canada. 184 ,'"no' Ptrucuttri of lb Cbltr rrtr.