emlwr 22. !I7. TI.E DAILY NEW8 5l NOTICES LAND LEASE , oi,'riin:T-liTIUOT Of MWI "Vt WiHW r. Walk. f , , aeupH0H Manaicf, iM (' .... narfnmton W waw 'i'li'irrtbed Until i I ''B " Wwr Mark Toomm lae-: .i and Will UM pali. Mr ' ." Nonvotenf al Harllell DO. ' "31- ii h.tna. mora UI" "v v i li. pj.r w fU. water Mark timi i-M-; kit : rtbtrtt "r tot-, nf -. . u satd linn Waiar Mark , aiWMKniBl and C-w . M f t- WALkKH, loTiuer DUTiuenr or . intuit liui Waller t. Wtlkar. of , , wratfHn la lea mi " o. ..fibrt UnUI , al pUnlrd al the Lei eeiar 2 V o,nifly ol. rljr . r i(ik witr Mark , Mt all i-M I J- io mrvutH pet"! l W 7 ii .t Um 16)nl or row-...! wlla MM Um of t Mr I &; u,i titUflr, parallel M (i fii Waier Mark rwrUand c rbM Dm Writ of "ail itummttnxuti larnc Mil i at ewnmeacemenl. .,..f fi urt mxtrt or km, w, rn "- WAUtK. jjjt, HIT. iiMHICT DI8TIUQT Of jiA.et rive. t. Walker, of vii"' csta IM (HCU4lkXl Mo4(tr, t 1 Viku'a Ut Wa :7a4i t C. o UixUh-"" 1 i a ! puoud al Um ai. l-ul and WH LiM 2iit"'.i u MuaMM&rtM al Kartkll Ml iiucr1 .. IM ' Waur Ufa a (won caaiaa uu ,.Hr urr: tin I cnaUU) Umim Ksf Canada fcjBwic:-. u a wai(kl li la a pual rk. , ytu. - Im IKMal of csoi- tcxTsr. auu Iio Latl ol u jMHtoaaal aad coaiauiar D4 1: D di r icitir. II7. UlltTMCI biartucT or Ua it . cl y tfeai WalMr C Wtr, of tc: : C jauj Maiam. -Must kct. . - ralMaa la ItaM S IM x J drjotM llltdai a: a puat puatad al UM to W Tcf of Ul (II. Caatlar t: rs: ourU it ctuuuj UMOto c Mora or toaa, M Hit 2 ux Hirttaad Caaal; utrara tooUt r c aitvri fUo1af Hlti Wtur art tAmi lo tmai r mmwaw Change ac auaiaiar IH aefM mora or kc UAITIR t WAUCK e dt ot octotwr. kit. bUTiucT jiaauit uiarniOT or glMg TUt f:;:a ul Taa Anflo-knuali Co-kaku s-tcua$ infivj UaalUti, ot Van-eat? 0 -xctptuoa ajltmio Cauwra, i K. tar pttmutum U kaM jx al a t"l pUuud al UltH un kvt, TUtaA Canal, a caaloa Dim at -Jtuoa or mora ltw Waal of V cprntr of Lot !, Caaaur aav kace nurtii ctoalM latnra " M aniaa. ntora or taaa, to Hirk PSfesr Mr .Yiltad caaal; Uktsta aeuta Record at autettf folia UU Um Una ol 4 Kt Mir 1-orlUrul Canil to tnt m J faiiiato wai it and cuouiama tt " tlUTUU COLUMBIA rACUMO Jri 1I1TI0. waiur C. WaUar. AL aj of octgUr. tlT. tua. L,.nD biiTRicT disthict or tASSIAR. U aou taat Tba Anato BflUao Co- aaioc Cotupany MmluO. of Van- " - iplj occupaUoa for twrwiMton Salmon Canaan,to taaaa EWER GA.NADJANS in proportion to the population have lent their money to the nation , tacstlni wiav oaacrtl al a poal Uodi pUnl4 al lllfn than have cither the British or American people. Mark rurUand Caaal. cttataa Uua F tk acd 4t caaloa, or utura, Dim Waal This in spite of the fact that the individual wealth of the Canadian people to-day is Aortb Waal Comar or Lot III, UUtrld, Uwoca aorUMrlr and than it has ever been and is one of the largest of any country m the world. folio ln tba Um or lllfn WaUr greater "t, -ortUml Caoat, to a puinl obara an record that helo change " Wail Una drawn mrouan rnnA ti'inte vnn to now. a point Vsullulttl !t.w " ' tkain bua ortb or Um polul or com-JaMOl that it is change-If iniarMcu wait aald Una or You owe it to Canada, to yourself, to your children, to sec Mara, umoco Waat a caaiaa; "T6-" uuUwrly and tailcrl paraltod wlin bought war bond before do it now.. Be ready when the canvasser calls. - a a!j Una or lllfn Waur Mark, fort- you never anal to a point 19 taalna Dim Waal and in Canada must do his or ' Ui': win this man woman Puinl or cuuiiurncriuanl, tnenca Remember this-That to war every 1 Juina to aald point or cunuucnca-T! buy Victory Bonds. vitally thing is to ' a canuinlnr aeraa mora or her share, and to-day Accost important, necessary u Uia Bad and i'uratttora or i'orUand Mil tBl .tOL DMTIftll COLUMBIA rACKl.tO ''i any limited, Waller t Walker, Ail J UU 04 or October, HIT. Help to Change Canada's Record TIMBER BALE X1077. in 20 Buyers of Victory Bonds n,!!'1 wr uilera Laud will not Im Uler racelvad Wan twun P tna on to 1 ZJ. d uf "onUMr, ttlT. for tna '"baae of Lleauea i iatT. in rut fOOCi) ., ""uluck, Jackplnc, Bpruco and tflTi " trw aliuaiad on lUrdaerabbla Irkt n h,,,r' ,u,l Co, uu Issued by C-naeVs Victory L" CoaHaktee JI?? Of(.l llmlv..w allowed ror ra to co-operation with the Minister of Finnc Furibar cf the Dominion of Canada. vi lire vuici wrxivi, leturl t. hu.-.,r- ur runlet roraitar, I'rlneo c. t. mo