IfcK DA.IL T HEW LET US ALL FELT LIKE A fiEW Local News Notes IN THE LETTER BOX i.r,nr RuperL No. 0. lUM ihtHk of shoes Mr. fcdilor: U'lrnn von itear do what we can to help win PEp ihi.t f Wallace's, tf I iIhtoM feel obliged 1' yu Willi the Our Government war.. .u me space m your has asked to loan it some 'allow us of IoH "htri. Mr. H. II- Iludrtwarti. ....r u, renly t l"T otter noney us at 6H absolute Interest security.and Affsr Taking Only One Bex Of Hlrapsan. Is in tewn. lyou poMieh! la your Issue of the Make application at onee "FrHit-a-ilYes" Mrs. George Wllsen,Third Ave, lotto lostam over iuc e"""" through ui for all you can will iMtt receKH tomorrow. V. li. Thompson. claims that as handle. You do not liare to East Ship Hassoi-b, N. S. Mr Thoiupson pay anything till December It it with great pleasure thit I irrito Mastr nevelUes fh silk and fanay he is'aa iBternstional Union man 1st, and then only 10 of the to tell j ou of the wnderfiJ bemtfilt 1 prods iust arrived wallacera. ta. the rinlit to eipress his amount you apply for. The Lute received from taking "rmtt-s-tires'. sews before an assembly of bis balance is to be paid in For Tears, " dreadfiil Air J. 1. Hawklnsan. ef Allee u.a. WhMe I do not take cx- Monthly installments. sufferer from CmstiJtum and HrJ-jekts, Arm, arrived In the city yeflcrtia Ueptssii to Mr. Thompson eipress- sad 1 was miserable In every way. for a visit. iag his vrews on purely unitm ai- H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. N'othinr.In the wsyof medieiBes seemed falrs. which I admu ne nas a per-roetiv to help me. Then anaiiy unea Mr. 11. Sherman and Mr. 8 leBitimate right to do, I do Real Estate and Insurance. and the effect was "Frait-a-tlTesM Johnston, Ocean Palis, are pay claim that any legislation passed After UVing one boi,I feel splendid. Canadian issued tbe by Prince IluperL loans ing a visit to r like a new person, to bare relief from (knernmetU, are for tbe Cana-linn those sickening Headaches". Bend tteotvle to eriticise If there is )!n. MARTHA PE WOLFE. You can turn In a Victory "Tk Daily News" COe. a box, 6 for$2.20, trial site, 2Gc to us and take the amount out i aay crittcista coming, and that it At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- merchandise at your eomefllewe is bad taste for a man wno I ie- To a-Uee Lbnlted. Ottawa. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. If. tiee is an Atuerioait eltiteU to try CLASSIFIED ADS. svsmI kaock any effort that may be Somebody Mr. A. M. Mansaru M. P I', will soadc in tbe direct too of bringing addre! the SL Andrew's Society the war to a successful conclu Somewhere at tho Front WANTED. tomorrow night on the subject sion. "Some phases of the British 0B Mr. Thompson also states that 1 1 1 PITELIJGETT CO monthly ecrreipoodinr rtRS05 VAT for vewf-IAM atitution." the loan was instigated by such Every day boxes from home arc going papers; 140 So SIS mooUJj In spars men as Plavelle and Allison, and to the boys in the trenches. And of times etpertence unnecessary) no tn- At the police court this mfn that they brought pressure to vaulor; subjects snctested. Send for TIMBER SALE X1016. ing. before .Magistrate tarss, i. bear on the Government, thereby the things they get, a great prize is Mrtlcsiara. luaUooal Presi Bireas F. Demond to 30 the WRIGLEYS the Gum with roam 74, Buffalo, R. Y. Sealed tenders will be referred fcr tbe was sentenced forcing them to stipulate that Lasting Minister of Lands not Uter tbaa noon on days' imprisonment for fraudu uroceeds of the lean will be all Flavour. LOST tbe Itn day or December. IS IT. for Um lently obtaining board and Iftdff. spent tn Canada, aud tn that way purchase of Urenee X isis, to eat 4.7TI, ing without intending to for them of pay giving an opportunity It takes the place of food and drink in LOST SnuU dor, lont yellow balr. Fartl1" "swam, nr. epn, nem same. gathering in all the profits. In French poodle. Hair ent sbcrt on reeLl" ,rr case of need which is often. It keeps Ibis connection I would like to Inlet, Coail District. Ranre 4. Anivrn to name of Dutch, newsrd ft t. Pbooe (St. tr. Three (1) years will b snowed for re- The latest casualty list carries point out to Mr. Thompson that spirits up gives vigour and -irn. A moral f timber. tbe name of Ounner L. It. HaslrlL as there is an ejection in Decem packet in the pocket Lasts a long time. LOST On Saturday frenmr. it or near Further particulars of the Chief Forester post offlce, a bsoch of keys. Finder Victoria, B. C or Dlttrtct Forester, Frtnee who was for years on the staff ber, tbe Canadian people have the pirate return to Dally Sews One. U Rupert. B. C. DS of the lleyal Bank here. Ue was opportunity of electing the men The Flavour Lusts! well known and had many friends who tber desire to spend the Chew It FOUND In town, who will regret to learn money they are so loyally sub of his loss. after every FOUND Fourteen-foot boat Apply W. eeribing. Starr. Fort Esalnrtoo, B. C BSS. Thanking you, Mr. Ikliter, for meal A party of twelve men eligible tbe space, I am under the Military Service Act, Yours faithfully. whs omitted to register here in J. J. UUTCHLNON. Brought on & McNeil TIM3ER 3ALE X10S4. time, are leaving tonight for the ftoulh. They gave themselves up Victory Bonds taken in ex TELKWA, B.C. voluntarily, being mostly fisher Sealed senders win be ret I red by the change for goods or in payment Minister of Lands not later than noon on men. and will be taken ip eharpn ef accounts. H. b. Wallace Co. Offer this special price on be tout day of Korember. 1SIT for the en arrival at vaneouver by tbe Ltd. tf fresh killed Bulkier Valley Ipurcbaae of Licence X 1IS4. to cut TS.OS0 military authorities. Beef: Spruce and Jack Fine ties sn an ares ad No. 1 Steer, side, 16o olnlnr Lot 4111 on Endake Rlrer near See Msltae Bros, for Xmas and Sealeaf TJcil tr frVtf Cornel Lake. lucre S, Coast DUlrtet Frank Applegreen. a Percher private greeting cards. Their No. 1 Steer, hind, 1Sc One year win be aOewed for re Island rancher died at the ho and attractive lines will No. 1 Steer, front, ... 12c I moral of Umber. new pita I last night. He was a native 276 Further particulars of tbe Chief Forester. please you. The freight rate to Rupert of Hwenlen and so far as can be Victoria. B. C or District Forester. Frlnc Is 8Ce per 1 00 lbs. I learned, has no relatives in thl DENTISTRY Rupert. B. C it 10 If yon are too eld to ettltsL yoo FOR Harry Atkins country. He "as in tbe hospital are better able to invest; there- WATER NOTICE for treatment about two months ore, buy Victory War Bonds. Sec Dr. J. S. Brown eaaaSf BeUStee, ago, and on tuts oeoasien bad TASTE KOTICX thai Dolly Tardea Mines Mil I ! -it Tbe sVeeatata; Sue's Hmi been in for two weeks suffering .otnpany wtmee addreas la Alice Arm, B Presents that are easily mailed PRIME SSUSSQC For Good Iovestrecui c. win apply far a Ueenae to take and with pernicious anemia. Wallace's. tf. a THE HUB use ten cubic feet of water per second at of Trout Creek, a tributary of Klt- Constable Bailey, quite by a cot WANTED Buy a Vicloo Bond Tomato Sawsaps a Specfsltf Bacon At., Set Slitft) 41 Sefentk sault River Do win r Into Alice Arm. Ca- denL has renewed bin aeouaint. lar District Tbe water win be diverted P.O. BOX Z2B PRINCC RUPERT at tbe bead of tbe FaUs on tbe Sllrtr ancesbip with Petty Officer Brad. Tie-makers. AH winter's work Phona K7 P O. Boi Horde Mineral claim. Lot 2104, sad will frd f the visiting cruiser. They ipply ujbnavn & Hanson, or BOWLING ALLEYS l used for power purposes on the Wolf nailed together in 1892 on board Hanson s tie camp, Sheraton. POOL BILLIARDS nd Vardea of and Dolly Oroups Mineral the It. M. S P. "Garonne to Nor LUNCH COUNTER Oalm be lor Leu STS4 to J7S7 Inclusive. PACLflC CARTAGE, LTD and Lot SIS to 1117 tneluilrt and Lot way, and in the ship's sports, tied Harry A. Harccy SSS4. Caaalar District in one of tbe events. Neither Representlnc: Application will be made slao for the Here's Use CUls Le, Cm" Alice have seen each other since that a Way to We Sell Coal Taylor Eartneertnr Company, t-b! to store ISO sere feet In First Trout and do 94 SIMHI Arm. B. C, T. A, leliey Lorruic lake and ,S acre feet la Second, Third lime, twenty-five years ago. General eueit or Laasoownf ooTTtu Lbmber Co, Ltd, Queen Cbartotte L and Fourth Trout Lakes. The water will Teaming WE CASH par CHECKS be stored In First Trout Lake by tbe eon-rtrueUoo Three accident cases have been Apples INifMs lakes fur 4 VKHJX. MAV'. vi mi,. Make Tbe UL'B your beadanarters. of a dam at 111 outlet and la dealt with at the hospital since MAN MOS T lave mall addreaaed la owr care, second. Third sod Fourth Trout Lakes by A your lal evening. Heginald B. Green woman in Vancouver You the com miction of a dam at tbe outlet Buy a Victory Bond LXANm? ss r Second Trout Lake. Tbe estimated was urougui in tasi niKiil irom proved to us thai ella feees4 toe 1imUw. Ptx Black BIO. M. B, Rom, Pro. and do yourself well. area of land to be flooded at First Trout the drydock, where some staRing scientists were not aM(.lated Oeaed. Veeceer, tt Lake la 17 acres and at Second, Third and had given way and In the fall tils tirarllenl in tb niti PHONE Nsfal Oeilesa ef . v Fourth Trout Lakes Is twenty acres. 83. This do lice was posted on tbe r round leg was broken above the knee. Ii'LkJ they recommend the TERMS PHOKC BLUE on the istb dar of October. ISI7. Mr. Green is an old timer here use of PACIFIC Milk. STEEN&LONCWIil A copy of thit notice) and an application and is well known. A Jap named She aays (and she did not say it pursuant thereto and to the Water Act, V. Megsuda also arrived from toastingly that she gets almost 1SI4. win b Bled In the office of the Water Beeerdef at Prince Ropert, B. C Hwanson Bay with a broken arm. half as much again from Paoifie SANITARY AND HE ATI NO The data of the first appearance or this He was employed at the pulp mills Milk as she can even from fresh ENGINEERS oUee In the local newspaper waa tbe This morning Carlo Miassi, an In. milk. Klie cites this SJrd day of October. IS 17. snd objections as an exam Protect dian. came from the cold Your Family ""J ue nwo win ue comptroller or storage. pie. Try it. AgenU for Water Recorder within thirty days after He suffered severe bruises and H cup PACIFIC MILK. McCLARY FURNACES toe DOLLT saia date.VARDEN MIXES COMPART. his muscles were wrenched 3 cups of water when nearly H. B. McOlnnla. Arent per E. A. Cleveland. through a fall. boning mix in 3 tablespoons UUY PLUMBING ful cornstarch and two tabl and lei M. MtOSOB.W.iJt,B. WUUama, B.A, L-L.B Advertise in The Daily Nowa spoonsful of sugar. Cook for DOMESTIC BREAD live mtnutes, stirring all the SHEET METAL WORKS WILLIAMS A MANSON "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" ume, men beat in two cups Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. rise atari si svrrtat of apple sauce, and put into and a Night phones 570 ONCr TO LOAN moulds to set. and Blue 270 BOS IISS CIRCUIT NO. 1. VICTOR1 Using half cun PACIFIC mm WAR BOND Hels-ersoo Block Prlnre RurL B, C Boa is tut St snd Srd Are. The right work, at tho right makes this ciuite rich So i IS Sth 8t snd Srd Ave. - " - SSB time, and at tho right priest. Sea 14 I tn st snd Srd Ave. wiougli she says Pacific is tbe THE SAFE INVESTMENT Boa 1S Junction or 1st, Sud and lily IMilk that ntnn.l. ... .,..,. . Victory Bonds ! Srd Area, uuciion. ve iiiuvil ? hoe IS 1st Are., between Sla and Canadian soldiers overseas lb BU. (knos Hotel). La Casse Bakery J.L.HICKEY are doing their bit to beat Bi 17 1st Ave. and 7tb 81. (Central PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. the Germans. Canadians in Hotel). Factory at Ladner, B. 0. CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Canada can do their bit to CIRCUIT NO. a. beat the Kaiser by buying a Bsi K2 ird Are snd Jrd St (foal Victory" Bond. OfDcs). Btore and Oflice .,. i Fiiturea, ai ZS Srd Ave. snd MeBrlde 81. Sash, Door and Moldings. ORME8 LIMITED Bsi 24 UI Ave. and MeBrlde St A HOT BATH THE Boi zs nd Are. and tad Prince Feed St Buperl Co. Oak and Hard Woods of all Druggists Third Avenue Bsi 2S lud Ara. and Sib Bl MINUTE YOU WANT IT kinds. Boa 7 O. T. F. PHONE 58 You are accustomed to We Specialize In Hardwood niRcurr no. a. Boat Rlba, 8ash, TRY THEM Boa at lib Art. snd Fulton St gelling cold watn satisfaction instantly. of lUe Think Doors, etc. Bsi 32 Harden and Taylor 8 Is. You are liable Hot Sea B4- 7 th Ave. ana Fulton to spill the of getting 81. Buy Plate and Sheet Qlasa and The next time you suffer with Boa SB' sth Ava. aud Cooioi Are. Molasses if you leave the a Water in tbe sam wsy m Glazing. headache, indigestion, biliousness Bsa 87 sth Avs. snd Dodae Place ' regardless or loss of appetite, try Boi 88 lib Ave. and Thompson 8t plug outso Plug and abundance, used Oorner Fraaer and Sth 8 tat. VICTOR hew much bss been CIRCUIT NO. 4. before. PHONE QREEN 248 41 4lb Ave. and Etumanon HELP OUR BOYS HOT WATCH UKt !OIC I'iacs. P. O. BOX 448. WAR Boi 4Z- lib Ave, snd Mturlde Si taste the Boi 4S -lib Ave. six! Oreeu Bt sweets of Victory Harry Hanson SUBSCRIBE FOR PILLS Boi Boa 4S 44 41b tut Ave,avs. sud sod Basil Iberia.Bt by Buying a BOND Hot Water Service briuf Boa 141 7 lb Avs, snd Tounr Bt you this convenience The Daily News Lartert SUevrlMt.Sale of An MUUIm.UUi.t.ZiM.U tb.Werli. VICTORS WAB BOKO PHONE 4S P.O. BOX 6