J . .1.1 W1'" FHE daily i 1 1 . v v a 1 CEC 7 Vol, Mil . 277 I'MINCi: HUPHIIT, II. C, MONIAV. NOVKMUKH 26, 1917. PRICE FIVE r.KSTH BBTflSI FORCES DRAW HEARER JERUSALEM FURTHER PROGRESS ON WESTERN FRONT - RUSSIANS QUIT FIGHT ALTOGETHER I AN ARMISTICE STRONG OBJECTION TO THE DISAPPOINTMENTS SAYS SHODDY UNION 1IF RUSSIA QUITS, WILL rEPMA IMQMAI7 UNION GOVT. IN ONTARIO i OF THE BORDEN GOVT. YENEER WEARING OFFi BE OUTSIDE THE PALEi BEING FIXED HtKtt A i l ALA Ho Unanimity Thsre for Sir Robert Qsdsby Claims military Service Borden and Slfton Manipulation British Minister of Blockade Bordsn Ths Plain People Act and the Disfranchise Shows up In Union Proposals Considers Action not of BY RUSSIANS Find Him Out. Act are Boomerangs. A Landslide. Russian People. TO REGAIN LOSS . I OUawa, Nov. 25. It U btcom. Ottawa, The last session of j Vancouver, Xov. 26. Mr. J. F. London, Nov. 20 Lord Hugh Eastern Front, Russian, Ing more and more apparent that Parliament has reiiulted in a Lanean has received the follow- .r,.ii ui..i.i. iiin.in.i in i.i. Battle of Cambral Continues Unabated n the J uvviif a ssi v a iivanu ass mis Osrmsns, end Austrian are I the chier battleground of the series of disappointments for thel Ing telegram from Mr. N. T. Mac- weekly talk with the representa- British Pushing Forward FraUrnUIng Along coming election will be found in Borden Government All their: Millan, Liberal candidate In Win- 'fives of the nres sDoke of the Determinedly on Whole Front. )the old province of Ontario. Quebec schemes have gone awry. The nlpeg, South: proclamation issued by Lenine High Ground. is solid for the Liberal cause rank and file of the party com-; 'Union government is on the and his followers, in Russia urg-plaln Copenhagen, Nov. 20. Formal and it I doubtful if the Cotiserva-l that they are headed by lobbogan. The honest patriotic ng an Immediate armistice. "If London, Nov. 20. Fierce Ger- ltai for an armistice have liven will carry five seat in that bunglers and amateur. public of Canada are applying the this represents the real ooinionlman counter attacks have been wb opened on the Kastern front province. From the way things The Military Service Act, other-' skids. Manitoba will send 10 real ef the Russian people." said the'made here today In the neighbor bttsten the Germane and the are going at present it looks as 1' wise selective conscription, has (Liberals, perhaps more. Union minister, "which I do not think it hood or the Bourlon Wood. The Ruiiuas. Despatches today de- something very unexpected to the been, perhaps, the chief disap.,veneer, which was shoddy, is now does, it would be In direct breach British fine was at first forced to C'rfl Uial fralernUatlon of the Union candidates may happen In pointment. Now lhal It is the law,wearing off. and Borden-8ifton of treaty obligations and the al-of withdraw slightly, but later tbe t. ,i,u with the German and Ontario loo. the land, everybody lakes it manipulation is clearly exposed, nance with Russia. If such ac. line was re-established and the lulriar.s i practically complete The Liberal and the Labor can. docilely enough. It has failed In Norrls, who is supporting union u0n is ratified and approved by high ground held. Hard fighting ilat Uie whole of the eastern didates are receiving large sup- its main purpose to stand Que.j without mandate from his party, the Russian nation, it will put was continued In the battle of port, while there is much dis-Wlll bee on her head and make her a got first bump yesterday in bye- them virtually outside the pale of Cambral on Saturday with the Force Psaca satisfaction among the farmers spectacle to the rest o' Canada.'election. This indicates the land- civilized Europe." British pushing forward deter, Trctixy declared that IlrlU over the eiemption tribunals. In Although Quebec as a whole does slide that is accumulating to! minedly northward on the Fon tin as cnty (Ifcbting for what she a number of ridings, the Unionists nnt favnr rntiar rlnlinn Ihe airita-!awreo Hie Kaiserites of Canada'FISHERMEN'S MEETING taine Wueant line to the west of could fcl aut of the war. France have failed altogether. Although lion against ii in mai province is.uriutiu me uue uwi usurr iii a Cambral. ijuii'njr for a chance to quit officially a solid West for Union. confined to a few demagogues who real democratic government for FOR ORGANIZATION In Palestine. uhou!s vi ' dignity and some isls was looted for. lhal is more would have to be talking about and by Hie people, led by Canada's The site of tbe ancient Miipah, ct wUry. while the United than problematical. something anyway. greatest, most loyal, and far-sighted five thousand yards west of the snow statesman. Sir Wilfrid, There was a largely-attended Jerusalem.Mabules road has been SUtts s to tbe war because her All the Borden Government altemil'has IhVl .tai7 Vor .IIU. people all meeting of fishermen held In the stormed by the British. Mpiuiuu krf put 1 there S(S ORDERS FOR succeeded In domg ny us nwi i....k city hall on Saturday evening for isolate ana start an-. " """" rcoc junina. in urnnuj. ni; to Quebec the of further organizing THE POLICE COURT to real and women of British purpose continued, said he would force a GRAHAM ISLANDERS other race and creed strife. Is to men the Independent Boat Owners' and own' Columbia. N. T. Macmillan. lir declaring an oppo-nU expoe tbe hollowness of its peaca open Fishermen Protective Association. There were a number of eases a I the tiuterninenL The llaidas firabam MMd ' .To .elect, .itself it'SOLDIERS COMING BACK The large attendance show at the police court Ibis morning A Mtw Peace Note. hJ TO PRINCE RUPERT ed the popularity of the movement brought before Magistrate Carss. Tbe aj! if ne Zeitunr says that having made the highest progress among the men who get the flsh.jxhey were mostly In eontraven- fourth fronoratlnn nf rlnnArlianft tbe I'opt will soon send a new British Columbia In. o , ,. . . The among the I.I t . r.hlHomlA.1 Thi r. J. r. ti uicuuinuu, eirrcwi, rce r. le to all the belligerents. dians, and it Is a pleasure lo meet - " r eran and among the speakers were first case dealt with was of a man Tfc.s note will enter more fully one of their leading men. and one f Military Service Act Km is it a bitter has heenJcialion.pill.0,1 received urord this,jnoxn. Captain AIcKinoon. Messrs. Chas. accused of being In posseswon of Um tbe former a&-iu sugges-te.is who particularly ready ... -, Wallace, Sandllford. G. W. Nick- harmful drugs, which was ad 'of tboe is ",ai 'nrpe ' u and conditions, blch as far swallowed and that's all there is Hannah. It wasi Rorvig and until There to do all In his power to help forward .1 1 mt m n a AVnalAf1 r fl I r nil erson, journed tomorrow. ti F.-suce is concerned Mill be tribe the tO II. ... rw., ri I felt that, an association speaking una ninlw a number nt exhibits. laiutoced by information which the progressive on Strangely enough the people, """"a,. .'..:..... , ,V. n.hormen collectively Lrh:,h i.Uni.fiA.i hv nr. nn.i. Graham Inlet. shores of Masiett t fope has received from the Island. Such a man is Alfredr1'" '"""iTJiSinT Wilson All are well known In wuld have much greater weight The accUaed was permitted out on Cardinals who recestly i i .!! i f.inM. in the event or matters oi impon. g2nn Ball. Adams, who was in the city yes-trrdar. a a rl I a 1IIM II MUU Will ll3 B114SSI v a I HKM i ' vmUd Rome. with introductions from :?r::i','r' V''t,to welcome them home ance coming up than would the) fishermen speaking Individually. ITALIAN CIVILIANS in nonular Victorian nid ml n men or It may not thai depends fifteen members MOVED TO AUSTRIA NOTICK TO VOTERS Ihe of Thomas Deasy. now REV. MR W. 8. A. CRUX IS A committee of person on Just how earnest the Government HOSPITAL was elected to draw up a constitution, IN VANCOUVER Cotil further notice, application Indian Agent for the Queen is lo carry it out but it will which will be presented at Italian Army Headquarters, Nov. lor frustration on tbe Dominion Charlotte Agency. business HUl a ...Ilia.v l U ia. -VWW ima en tin" fa P Nov. 21. Rev. W.S. a meeting to be called later. 21. Italian Aviators who have TUrs list for Prince It is not only personal to that Invaded districts Rupert a, say x'cotWvit Rupert who flown over the Mr. Adams out on Pollier llivlilnn will lt rreeived which brings He helloes there V ,nany-'0! lS"Vnr;,has been visiting the city on inin- INDIANS OBJECT TO of Venetia say Ihey saw lines of Ur;m 3 Smith Block, corner of,thu c''0"; n . ... totu .in wn u..r,al business, has been sud- MILITARY SERVICE the civilian population under T4Aenue. . and . Fifth StreeL "' "11 ,"I .." m. Ihe Liberals in yuenec. H-nl. laWn , nnd i now i in the guard, beaded for Austria. .., v - i ' ina inninn iiitii li xi a. iui a nj a nun a wam-i.a iii ""waioa.m. and 12 noon, ana - " ""V ...jl ,f i.k m"T w . in.Mii llnniil. Mr. Crur .l Victoria. Nov. 23 The com- Wt, t 4 each '" "nl ...... K. it fa nniln certain 11 ISi " . . I n, ,- m.,i inHi.n fpiha received for any . p.m. and p.m. rr-l. v' .!n-nn. .li.n a n in llpillah IVtlllin- Illllirr Ul u " ...u.u.. .-v Subscriptions Vpl Sunday. exists in this rV""' not a popular measure. It Is not ;Z nVV HMn.1 of British Columbia have protest. magazine or newspaper published. are naturally preu io aiiian ..i.h.- ih.i iinh Iloarers V" - " , c. t ..in.i McRae 'iluraliird British subjects at the publisher's price. o.ivelbe U a. to Prince RupeK was , :t p."iduce their naturallialion building, as fhose ;-r-,e-d JJorden SJ Bros.. Ltd. Uiu ftpers Women applicants: must sea should ne for ana small. boa -nd overnmenl " tir,n of Kl IemM!MVlhodIsl Church '.of the Military Service Act on ac Wtae secure orders be wife, widow, mother, sister CT datlffhlai. . inaiiili nf 111 launcnes io oe thought at Uie sian mi ine aplilt and citiienshio w th. NOTICE ..i folk, while Ihe women, who 1 waved Cns(Ji;n or lirltlsh military men 0J Ka? propery IN RUSSIAN REPUBLIC held. The opinion is expressed have a natural aaapiaoimy -or -iwoulj arbitrary piece The War Times Election f'!"fs serving without Canada, or carry every !in the communication forwarded ' the Canadian naval forces dustry. shown by tneir oasaei legislation through with a Petrograd, Nov. 26-The Cau. to tho Premier that any attempt Act cancels all previous he hopes to see ouiain some the Disfran-munition voters' lists, making U work, mcludinsr Indians )lbin tr without Canada. hurran casus has declared its reparation to enforce the act against plant work, if some way lho c N n dealt for everyone to KKNNimi MUNIM), Afl anJ fmm n....ia nml has formed a would be forcibly resisted and necessary O, II. NKLSON, can be devised to put their deft- bul thg lurned oui to be wrong. parliament of forty deputies, who'probably cause bloodshed register with the enumerators fs Knumeralors. ness into practical apiuu.u- The people are gelling sore ai at Room 3, Smith 11 Ik. members of the Socialist are He says plenty of yellow cdaMlhu abu8() of lhe 0ld nag now, n9.lv Inlii.liner nn llnlahoviki., I.ROMANOFF MONEY IN Open 10 lo 12 a.m. and Z ami.. anruca, is to be found on the , B flhtinir and dying ,...Jf.... o i IUiii a ar -r-ftwral tilt 4 n; m. . Roots and Shoes Wallace's. - . ,i ... i oiniko ma.a. . . . Islands, and couiu oo it -omewhere in Kurope. ie- THE INNER SHRINE" for boat building in uie imniruio . , tne Flag ln ihe Horden New York, Nov. 24 A writ of viriniiv of Massell. Governmeait's hands nas oeen The nlav lo be shown at the attachment on the personal prop-j WESTHQLMR The spruce of Graham Island flown at the masthead or as roi-iiokinir Westholme Theatre tonight is,erty here of Nicholas Romanoff,I WANTED , ha become of great value for the a Hand of cold storage founded upon the famous novel of. former Kmperor of Russia, was Carpenters at the Prince . OrMA HOUSE purpose of aeroplane manulac pirates as ever bled Canada to the Basil King, of lhe same name.!signed by State Supreme Court Lumber Company's TONIGHT AND TOMORROW ture. and a considerable quantity of Russell Benedict yesterday Rupert last drop. This is the firsl appearance jJustlce plant. Seal Cove. Apply to Jesse L, I.asky presents has been exported. Two nuns Men -whether tney are sons, or this famous actress on the screen in a suit for 2,80Q,000 brought Prlnco Rupert Lumber Co. ILLINOTON aro working, and two more are brothers, or husbands wnemer who has attained to the pinnacle'against Mr. Romanoff by the MARGARET 1.1 contemplated, the machinery of they are young or old, do not care of fame upon the stage. The story Transportation Service Corporals "THE INNER SHRINE" nun hnvinir Just COIIIO ill. Of to march away and nave mcir one that is full of action and lion for alleged breach of con-aWo rougher grudes of lumber a sail I..Y.! ones to the tender mercies th actress an opportunity'tract. According to Bernhard . TOPIOAL BUDGET Ing ship was loading for Aus. of Sir Joseph riaveiie mm m foP displaying that great genius -soumourg. auorney ior " 4ur- Election of trnlia when ho left tliajdlstrlcl. . Nomination and Crew, tir josejui .wnicn nas maue iitr uu nun. pornuuii. r - OOMEDY Victoria Times. .hi.r. nlsn theomclai pniiosopiier:natnn.i c..cbrity. There will also all the Hussias nas several nm- Omcers j of lhe Borden Government with al)e R Topical Budget and a fine lien dollars' worth of property in I. RUSSIANS FIND TIME runirolliiig interest in the Finance -omftiy. this city, mostly money In banks. Skeena Lodge No. 3. TO BEAT THE TURKS Minister. Sir momas nmw. which will be seized under the Knights of Pythias. Moreover, the women oo noi COURT OF REVISION writ as soon as located. : TAXI! TAXI! Petrograd, Nov. 2t The Rus. I Evening. Nov. 2. care for a (lovernmeni wmcu labors - . H was explained that the suit Monday Ian Caucasus army has won a under the hoursewife's curse Take notice mat a uouri oi,WM i,roUght against the Kmperor All Knights requested to IMIONE PHONH against the enemy will Deiieid mine wJun- KNIGHT. C.C EJg marked success fr the high cost oi living,. ery Revision cani(UluUng Ul(J u,en Uu.Bian alteud-J. -.long the river Dynl, according soldier's wife or widow or cil unamner. wiy , vm : oovernmenl. Reliable 24-Hour Servlos to Information reaching am time a daughter goes lo market day. the 10th day of Deoember i Z circles here and the Workmen a ""iMiienibers that the Borden next. A. U t'J17. at the hour of and Soldiers' Congress. It initial. " had made her man's 2:30 o'clock p. m ror tne purpose NOTICE ed an uttack and overcame the ' It .v.. wit, of revising tbe Voters' List to be'. The Voters List Committee LONDON CAFE Turks, capturing F.U00 of them. lMr wortli linly fifty used during the year 1018 for the will meet tonight at of whom 351 were officers. The ,M .VPV ftlhAP noir City of Prince Rupert, at which 8.30 p.m. in the Liberal AND GRILL morale of the Is said to ML.: to tho said Voters' troops wirP, and with it she also all objections rooms on Second Avenue. Third Avenua Mcelle.nl. " ' . ,, , -ur,a the profiteers List, either by way of striking oil Prompt Ssrvloa of the Best thereto, will be MEN who make ner-m om low -irur ur adding nn STAND BEHIND THE tbsro U to eat at all hours. Ladyamlth Wellington. .... Co.l i....r-I irle against starvation. And ever; heard. " Foe New Wellington Coal and BEHIND THE GUMS I auces your fuel bill and gives well knows, or FRF.D PETEU8, City Clerk. Ir Lumber of all dimension. pretty .n. aatlsfactlon. Phon. 1B. .P. R. woman BUY VICTORY BOMBS, BOXES FOR LADIES Continued on Pane Two'. November 22nd, I9t7 bna 118. Coal Co.