Tlin DAILY WKWB Mmid.T N 1.1 Brain f 0" i is perfectly satisfied and The Brawn .. i.k .t.flltflit 11 " " n The Daily News of a boy ore not made out of -isai th tin-on a wholesale scale. They THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA books or sermons. They arc ill do the eountlng and distribute PublUhtd Daily and Wookly built out of foods that supply the vetes ai needed.thousand There soldier are Guaranteed Largest Circulation some fifteen proportion in well-balanced who have no deflnllo constituency HEAD OFFICE: and in digestible form every l vole in. These fifteen thousand Dally News Building. Thfrd Avenue. Prince Kupert, D.C Tel. 98. WW.". rlrment. TheSC cle-. voles Judiciously.. applied to 1. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents par inch. BUcarea! whole Contract Rate on application. Wtc.t wheat food which contains i , hundred and forty con all the material lor duikuhb in... Parliament. Divide DAILY Rornofi Monday, Nov. 26. 1917. BIUUCUVK - the human body. A perfect that into nneen tnuuaauu ium and the result U slxty.two voles food for growing youngsters. THE FULLEST MEASUftC ed. This is of course rani to spare In each constituency. Of "To find the men, the money heresy to the big interests, who Its crispness encourages course, they won't be needed and the resources necessary to are able to get Sir Hubert Borden thorouch chewinc, which where the Conservative wins and ensure the fullest measure of and his Finance Minister develops sound teeth and ihai leaves thai many more 'or support to our heroic soldiers to run things in Canada in their healthy gums. Children like !other emergencies. II. F. Oadsby. nt the front, and to enable interests. So long ns they get thrive on it. It IS Canada to continue to the very things going as they would like, and ready-to-cat. CHRISTMAS MAILS end to do her part to win the it does not matter much for the ready-cooked war, in the words or Sir Wil other eight million inhabitants For breakfast or any Closing Dates for Overseas. frid Laurier, Is the first dut of the Dominion. meal with milk or cream. of the Liberal Government. "In Support for the soldiers Made in Canada. Kirvrt. Bnlonlkl and Mediter this election, the supreme end overseas is necessary and protection ranean points. November 10th. is to assist in the tremendous for the people at home ment -the War Time Flection Trance. November ztth. struggle in which we are en. against exploitation is none the Act, better known as the Disfran Great Britain. December 8lh. gKed, to maintain the unity of less so. This latter is one of chise Act. This ingenious piece Persons making tip parcels fori the nation, to avoid the divi the tilings which the Borden of legislation enfranchises some above points should mall them I sions and discords which, for Government as a matter of to! fhe hundred thousand women and before the actual dosing dates many years kept in cheek, ore principle, neve, considers. hun-lavold delay. leaves about one million, five any possible now unfortunately again loom With them it is the other way ilreU thousana gooa uanaman wo log up.dangerously and threateningly; about. All the protective pow men out. Without going Into de- Lloyd George says the Silver resolutely to face the ers of the Borden crowd are tails about the influence of a Bullet will win the war.Turn your economic situation with the devoted to the interests, the million and a half women scorned I dollars Into bullets; buy Victory! view of and avoiding lessening moneyed clashes, the National on the votes of their male rela-v0r Bonds. the privations and sufferings Trust and its financial friends lives, it will be sufficient to point which should not exist in a in Toronto and the Canadian out that the"votes of the five hundred country so richly endowed by Manufacturers Association. So Salvation Army. Mr. FRED STORK thousand women favored are nature as our country." far as the Borden Government I TU. T IVvrnt Pn..,lil n I fnf I Km T-w-n t3 1: by no means a certainty for the Public niaellnirs. Tuesdavs.I"- - ruiiutrncm. who Sir Wilfrid Laurier has in is concerned, the people of dicated in no uncertain man Canada can look after themselves. Borden Government. Thursdays and Eaturdaya at 8 p. has received the endorsation of the Prince Rupert Liberia The long-suffering of ner that there are many abuses They have in the past women n. bunoays at 7:ao p. m. and the Prince RtiDcrt Trades nnt I jiW Pn.. Canada know what it is to pay - - i 11. existing at the present time received little enough assistance which require rectification, and from that direction during two prices for everything they put LAND RCQISTftY ACT their children's and into mouths, that he will rectify them. Sir the past six years. scUoaj II aod I1U by that 'act they know the Borden Wilfrid MAIL SCHEDULE mentions specifically A Union Government with. his condemnation of profiteering Sir Robert Borden as premier,! Government. They are wise to M AfpUcaUca fta. MILI. niUf I TlK.L0lMyiUlXLMLTTl the sinners. The Borden Govern and the methods he would and Sir Thomas White as TJU NOTICE I bit appiKaUan SAI institute to deal with it. The Minister of Finance would be ment cannot cajole them with bi la rtuir asm Dairy, of rria For ths EasL votes intended to nut the Borden I norm. b. c at vmet a ra eaar l mention of Mondays. Wednesdays and 8at-rdays very such a radical little more inclined or capable ntnwnmm n wi hirk ntmln .n It. I Tit Saw Btt from Um QdUmM mt ISM change from the policy of the of holding down the exploitation ,,.," ' .." ".laiy t riM tm-ru ktmi m at 9:30 a. m. OTt- LI M, y u -Borden Government, which encouraged which has been going on ...c..u3 vau munic i.ic sust uillUl day ef ttplttabtt, HIS, af ALL A."I0 profiteering rather living a little , harder. For thlslsnrocuMi mi rtruia pml or met of I From the Cast. in the years past. These men CfL S Mli.ltIMk, reason the Borden Government's jKad tad pftwi sua, lytar. I than otherwise, is of course have proved themselves by w Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday. SSJ lWf( quite sufficient to make every their past tenure of office to supporters complain. Another T"T :30 p.m.; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. otU-s i. to. st t , m-m lemon, they But what better I profiteer holler for Borden. To be out in the interests of a say. tit,, im omr cast. a certain extent, this explains small section of the community couiayou expeci irom a sour iaceirki ti. iep tti. For Vaneouvsr. like Arthur Meighen? They figure I Yoa ere r tared t cpoiI um cUMa (I the altitude of a number o' the rather than in the interests of Um ui prnur vuaia it rt Irta um ilasday ............. 7 a. m. For Further lnfermsU local profiteers. On their part, the people of Canada as a that at the very best they can only Tuesdays S p. m. Apply U however, it is no new attitude. whole. Judging by what they count on an even break with the m(7 bm nria br vunttumu i me Anursuays 10 p. m.l Liberals for this vole, and liraUoa It ctUnl la mmm SI r Ual They have been profiteering have done, the people of Canada women -Laa4 Kalurdays ........... 4 p. m.l w. c. wiLLtscftorr that the chances are that the Liberals Detliiry Ar ntlh tmrr lnnU.aoI and rabid Tories for a long ran have little hope of any la Um roUowtst titrsct Uwrtrrca --Oad "rtnes Rupert, B. C, have a twenty cent. may time. improvement in conditions, in per la orsti or nifii or tirxa From Vancouver. It is in the interests of the any reduction of the high cost advantage. What they want is a ntm T R imlnu brtar IM Mora Sunday 10 p. m.l War Time Election Act that will ue nnwutam tit twwr rf Um ptnn kavioaslx wataai raotxcnos ia people of Canada that for every of living, or the curtailment of JJoadays .9 a. m. dollar in the cut all the Grits out. They can't AUltait oedrr Ma Ul Ml, lil prMM KJL U tikfur hi, spent purchase of profiteering, are they returned a wrtttf aim muoi, ttX Wednesdays 10:30 a..m.l war supplies that the Govern to power again. be sure of winning any other way. Um rune tor unrarfc sr aaorr Umsb, Fridays 8 p. m.l ment gets one hundred cent' Another weak spot in the War ud ill Prooi cliimiss say Uimil Saturdays ..... 10:30 a. m.csua value. In order to do this, Time Elections Act Is the clause la if Uad tor vmtM of aajr aartuird eowrA-vi uvrTto wrtwia r one THE DMAPPOL1TMEIIT8 OF MM UMt 11 ki vmtrt tmm 7 i fauinuDrsl. ad ill fraat iitr method proposed by Sir Wilfrid THE BOftSEN SOVERSHMEIffT which disfranchises some fifty miri is um Umt hj innti boM uty Foe An lot. jutf Act nn wnm is umtut r would be to turn the Government inousana aliens, including many uOe I not rtimr4 vtArr Um prs-uim b.....i... ,- rsaut wmi m ' iuat ins in mm British subjects of flfleen of uus ..7 . iu V' Mlaf um tmimi miwv f um U4 staa Act. k for shops to the years r production (Continued From Paxe One.) weuncsuays 10 p. m.In try ooim. Imw t trmn fr u of war materials, and to pro standing, simply because they are say W cuim xl la or ta wd mpt Iron f tiua um Ua4 api Fridays 8 p. m.l rmre Itsxwri. Srarnvogs sf vm hm m4 duce same at coat- If to know t)f foreign-enemy birth. This also Saturdays 10 "' w-san tu um sum- ti neces- ought it by this time, that m elt for Uim. u4 Um Rttutrtr o. m. sary control would also be the Borden Government is the causes great tllsappointmenL The tbtn rvtuive um prmm MtiUtd aaOvr trm4 u M ssui at vawwt tu-tt argument is made that the Borden Mtk tw mK orr of um laaa m ll fact ClrOMAU. S Is tml tt taken of the other shops in the chief refuge and shelter of tfao mM tor ui." From Anyox. mm rite ta nrtca sriiT. iawct s country, and the interests of profiteers. Government shouldn't have paltered A.ID WHIIUuLS mUtttkm fell fctt Suiulays, a. ux -Holidays, a. m-Jrmwd pui m to liie people, who have to foot This brings the Borden Govern-the with a great wrong. If they tor a Oruflctto ef mdrfrucMa nut Tuesdays, p. w- and Thursdays " amu hills, adequately safeguard-1 ment were going to do it at all they tar m,.im.niMMH lia4. m Um boom iMSUiry to its second disappoint om m-trttha wbti isxs laj uk sou ui) mr should have trone the whole hoirl r mm sioaui msa Jin.1 HUfranehl..1 .v.rr n. f ..... . . MTMUdUX... .....Um. UU . . .s.v in - pnn KimnMf. ... hi am t Um am pat4KUoa f nt a . . . . - - . . , r. in mw 7rir k um nu uj oil - --.. ninr rumui ... . uiuuu in wvwowr. itii, ium dito en Mca um r or ou inlay a. 10 n m Ueabam ltoad Ivne sad oAr Cml. I the country, no matter bow long I mm Uwm .w mm tor nu- uit,I i'rom Usuod UI aadr Socuoa tt tt I he had been a law abiding cltiienrJ" umcC Tuesdays, p. m. Act iiflr M um miauicr rust it an ooca la Um of sui tw nt nanaila Tl him h. I TAI SOTICE UMI 41 Um my -- - ', " .uim !lrtl rttliiriuca la pr Qussn CharlotU Islands. Pfl Sf UM MM SIM M MM M This . immmm I ...tM. Ik. k.I all space eoutrihuled by the j ---w Di ''"vihi...i, i wm nicWMI oitj Maa I Halls Class OcL 10 and 24.1 . . . . h.l- .t IV.tiA 'let him have crusei r O. T. I. and C. P. R. IUt Cmm forgotten all about idfaufaia nu ia um mm OV. 7th and 21st IWe. Slh anitld.. .r ii.i,j.. i r, fit the land M his ancestors. let him 7'" m um bum ef Ana Dtfi ) i. i ... rou iu aa rroMcau Um rvpr pro- 8ti to p. ui. I me on ah in irscae rooi anu nrancn or cwouv m viuimia row cum. ir any, Kails from OcL 11th .nH ". this free land of Canada which la U 4M AttA Mat, ar la prvtml mIi pra-POM4 ov. llth and 23lh. Dec 9th and "!m' urougni mm nere on a promise acuaa ea aqr rt. Loan to respect his opinions and give ti um uot actutry onre, m- I Miuran arrr vs smsSb sm w m lory Special ! him a man's rights in the country r .nuvvri, D. uu fU) a,, 0f j. MWTI A. If, 117. of his adoption let him be all A. r. MACUCOD. iUaiart, Maple Bay and Swamp wotick to Dtu.vocctT runn these things' and still the PolaL T t W. CsBMaa: Is. COMMENCED cry For Til MUW. VBffMI I km SMI on Monday. Every "Bisfranchlte him because he To KoUrl MankMvk. Ikj. Thursdays, iOJp.m. m4 la U aaas Mitawtl vert M may have cousins In the Kaiser's Ill Rot)too St.. Vmeouttr. B. C . Jrom Saiurdaya, p.m. Mbtaitht rrsciloa auarrti cliuo. muM man, Woman and child is earnestly army." King Oeorge, of England, ca Um tuitaca rmr. sbosl toon requested to do their has cousins in the Kaiser's army. Bathe AlaaU ana Yukon Tsrrltory. rrvoi Um In4 of AIM Ana. M UM pari to but of Internally For Mondays 0 p. m. awaiar sinitoa of tiai siitrin. Mrtj that course is a different bmsI aotl for llll, UU, 13 HI. male this Loan an unqualified success. story. From Saturdays, p.m. rue p4hl for mU moth tai rw and When the Borden Government. Keep Well ! msm um sum ar 1107.10. Ualtii t tt We want to show Canada on sober second thought, reviews LAND ACT "M Um ibta or 1 1 11.19, for row of Um iiUI iimiiomoI work, tocUr that Prince Rupert and Northern the fact that the fifty thousand Um cut l of um MmUMMil, - disfranchised aliens are onlv m OF I KM oistnliaa of tsaaly III V nn B.C. can loan fraction nf a miilffhifla nt uvii w . .k.. Um oiu brreot iptly la U ausni r-coror money as liberally as at rnac aaru u" Canadians whom the act does not uZnT "lPm,,.Urt TUs .. I tout luimu ia UM AUdoUkl ihey both aouce urn I. u CamiAfL At m , can give men and money reach, and thai the Influence and U. 'HZJLZ JZZ Z. Z" "r,r oepUoa tsuodi wni.f.i ihi mm in in,, u. r sympathy o' that multituJ will eru eoamtioa ia.. .. " TT' pairoliatn, M f Um prottiioaj of Um tsuwri) icL Kly ttr for the Cause of Liberty. : ; ; u .. iu4..i ..meir iusuiie4jcompalrioUrjlJ7r, .. . ib ik. ...k . am it un . ptraudan niMi umu-coantatactar u pwrcAu um ll r4-s y ttll ef SfpirmtMr.l rriara Mprrt.hit 0. i: U 8"'H iiseif rouudUie Woci fo? hwlS "'- fc1 w puaiM oa oteciiory la)t ".Hist- ii. c rmturs. Get on the to non-stop made such a ,us oTlt Til -': r..? " WATER(blt.rilan NOTICE laJ Um.i ,v" nrmur " " fMla Jieiguea. They Idemindi J.H " comiiMBwmei, n TAtr MirriCK thtl otn On mil ui mm 10 urart the b 11 aiulliorr V r'"' nun to4 noMr mm. ''' adrti ll ITtl Tw Sir I. Vid fecial .v thought he would be im SST a-lSS . H mi -tt X.W,IA C0LU,0!f' B. U. will nilr fur lirmiM la u im m. ttir. N.I I. to Victory moderate enough, God knows ury i. ai muiL ' um 10 aiiiirri' lack ef wir l Arthur is about (Hum UMMiaaS tlrtua an lis sf It" as wide a. .."'' reautii). orlllH.iA lanh MTairr DISTRICT Of HtrtUt n ...i.,.. . - -1 uiiuror, UBL. VlltCI I .. .Varrowf tbovi I wo sum toatn of r.w.I an i 4. Sir TIm iir iu ta 4ivrMl from .s iengii, z:zirz llriun i poloi AUisl lit 1i ' his colleagues eineetM ih.i i..K I Utt bu. ..... . rl TAIK fioTICE Uut Jotui Ones, of Va westerly direction from um moatb tt i'J wouW broaden friwwi. iiuifieiorr ... . . c oteupitiou aittcrtMO. in irtAoi sutl UI Jm smiI for power rur ...... ... - iruni oie ,n , T..,..J ' " viidi to unr for prwiuioa to kM um p-mi upon Um Iidi dcKrukM DtMl JLrrdy smother i"""' w ireceoeni until uini i ..... . j imprwrKi i i,ji... ... i..,t emwn Umt TWl douc your cough Was about his alio l.ll...- .,.( it m..! W 1,4M ir. YOU I rV.Mu.ln. . . , . ,k. n... n lh. .round on UM ird dlf , his best, but hs ,0,.i(ini ,."." KlrikiaLo ...."'H'WMiMr u Um a,.i n af .-..rUr. up A copy ef CMJMV IT rr.p of Tsr ss4 Cod Um OU BooaT although at one dm I., i . . m urdiai Um cd. nw w Sirrow. aImhH lo nULi touUi of llirily and an applitalioo punaaal ss4 thai ssVcUst fMssuuitatcan. It U tbia qoality wait ksa ninn to have all the Liberals In Cvr- to AtnSrjL . Dr, tt cano.. umm ...i is caiiai. umoc iim oojc of um wnr aMr gm mm assay coogtt asM ccS4 nsnody lm''- It warn Bar uten out and ihot 111 hu". i tnjTt. '77 ' rr,DM f eMBca- hiiptrt objcuoai to um vp"""" ""' unrl.e. ' Tsssr lt,fc,, "wByLf8, eoBumint Hum mora or l.u. Im Bid aiis um Mid Wiur Imgl btiUx, tmijmknt. ' . : ' rrr ubl Einrl. I JOHN OlUCr. Appllcasl. l.u. ,h- iwnniKJtor m Miwr " if iiiTrrrri n s si it - coniolatlon In all "ru kinuor. M 1 mr in Ill ATI I) Neirintxr II. HIT. MrliauMnl mHMinri. Vicuna, a. "-rv J, L. Caacada" aril Wl" if Uii ifwr um c, ... UaUMd la rtjyv:Mrjrii-,iargaZ kHn iii ii sap raiiriMj a i. nw an siauu,. yen SUBSCRIBE FOR Um flnl pnWiiallon of IWI The Daily .1MuUr II, HIT- News MUX 0HcT.