1017. M0nv THE DAILT KKWB I -UISTIUCT or I I "V iM una district MM we. I I ... 1 ;.ws r ' - . . tl IKHl PU-f T((";ft ...IMA . . . . iu.il till IW "" . Mi uiUMM......1. wl cbata.W.Mr Mora mtrm ion t day ana guv tr octow. TT.iiuidn cassias.DISTRICT DISTRICT Of I i .oil A rioiiM i : 1 T C ' WllM' Wm,f' .t . Ball filMWd t Uk 71" rf Hiiti vrnr Mirk Yesterday an army of men started out to sell Victory Bonds. ..Mt af um Pbtot cf tool- , UW.-KCU 10 W4 Uft f TT, , nut MM wit UMJ For the next three weeks theirs will j uU lit Mil VVi-f U1 l I1U4 ibe a colos- . ,-tJ t pa)M It I""" 1 . it BiiMalL sal task. From Cape Breton to the Yukon, they will try ,'ulu wo oTiirr-t3TiucT or C9A4t u',v to call at every city home, every farm home, and .... wiiurr E. wittrr. ef M tint ucm atnuxtlofi Nuinr.- - every office, factory, and business institution to Ikf r IWWWI-,- -- it (t plutad l UM ask people to buy Victory Bonds. UMll UMUtU IMUMU m luiliit in mi ..-... ..it If l.k . Conceive, if you can, the magnitude of their mm9 m m r work; the hard labour it involves, and the high . - ...... .i. v. .. IKIl MM ' mtm w iwimi MMI, ittwl Ml1 necessity for it. ,uu Iia Uul At tat MUt ( MSB- MWMt, MM ClMlM UM Hit ! Then, realizing all these things, do your utmost u im ir aTU l wttr.s. w.uiil hit. to make their task easier. UUU tUTUU-OUTJUCT Or i Decide now to buy. Hrvt Wi vjnrr of Ul til. CamUt Decide the will buy. !-"- Gkc ixU tJuuaii Utcacx amount you it' t W fiSA M( r Iml to 8t(k uf lurt rarUtM CAMii mri avaU n m tuirrtr (Uiata tut Vtiinr mi rirwA4 uttl i mui at - M auiMac Ul rrri toor r Be ready to sign your application t I1U WALTU 7 f OttoMr,C WJLUM.HIT. when the salesman calls. turn ixa wjtwct outwct or CAMUJL tui rOla Mac oil OHBVM7 rmito tim AMW-tniuk UMM,Ainoa ctMtn,( Vu-' c You should and will buy Victory Bonds, but, tM' Ki'J rr twrutoa to Imm Stalesman call dont please don't ask the to f'nriU ti i immI btaaMd tl Ulf 'w fart,rsnUad Caul. It Uiiu Dm w M4 it citiiM r More Dim WmI r again. nM corner f Ul III. Cauur ltnci MTUti 10 caalMt Umbo M-t aca rnu&bum Cuul)nr !!uc la oU-Hirb The workers time is limited. He has hundreds MMHr (Uola Um Um l u ".iiuixii Mirk rortuaa uh coatAUUsr CabiI to Um II of calls to make ; and although there is an army J Act3 IAJTIS11 CULUMIU rACIWO each has a large field to cover. of 141.MA1f t UNITED,. ......Walter K.....Wllkrr,Alt. workers, one " Ol UCKXMr, HIT. ,Ut, -JWD DISTRICT CASStAA. DISTRICT Or Don't say you're going to hold your application .J'11 riuiaf"Mica uut CatBoaiiT Tbt AnHoHnuiD luniiatl. ot Van-r Co- for someone else, because each worker is limited U. occwpaUon SaUmo. Camiart. k iddIv far unaluliia Id Imm to his own district. tuiiacia( a a 1I piaatod lilta Mrk rwvlaad caaal. II ctMtni Dim Ao4 40 caiiat. ir oMi Dm Wait will not The application W .larUi Wall CortMr at Let III. The salesman accept money. Mr tHitmts limn aorUMriy an4 Tir rrUaad rolloloi CaoiL um to Um a doui af inch hara Wiur n blank includes a form of cheque, payable . led WhI I tffia Jnn tkauu but InttrMCU AorUi or Um tui polat Mid ot Um com-"""""I of to the Minister of Finance, which you can draw " . .I ii m. i .w yii.iiii ACt ftuMlWrlv ftrui .Bftl.rlw hinlui .tih if have not a bank . bank; or, you tAld tin. your .1 in., w.i.. .t. M.a upon wi. fiVM niifi. rvii'...... uul In 1-. 'Id Putal", mt iwai KUIn..lll,v wui vum Hhh nwi account, there is a form of"undertaking which CAllBI Id uU tmlnl nl Mmui.n. U ttej oj rvraatwra of l-artlaod you can use. A.MQtO.SHITIl COLUMBIA PACAI.tO 'r4MY lIUITVrA I a.a. IL'aliiA IM Be Ready 1'IMBBR SALE XI 077. Don't Say, "Gall Again. Wi4 ,a,,r- " lx rwlJ ty tbt um cf Ul,J Ml Itivr Uao immw on - " -o JL iutj, Vu cut v,vv tfirll JackplM. KirtlM aad k ..M r tlluiU4 on lUrdicraUUa V v.; Au Iwu4 fey CBftR'i Vktery Low Commit 8 ul? ar wui to aUowttl for ra- k ee-9fertfdQ wkh th MWtr &i IHnancf! ktiJr J wMtuUri of Um CJtur ruraiur, i the DontMM ot Ctniifa. uimm . M Wtirlet roratitr, rrtneo c T. mo