THK DAIt.T HEW till Local News Notes j LET US ALL IMjrs' and Olrls' shoes Wal do what we can to help win laee's. If the war. Our Government has asked us to loan It some Mrs. Hoy llobart left this morn noney at 5 Interest and tng fwr the southern cities on a oncrs us absolute security. visit. i , Make application at once through us for all you can Xmas eardi that express your handle. You do not have to ever wish $0. to &0c. at .Mellae pay anything' till December Ilros. 20 ma i 1st, and then only 1071 of the Mr. J. L. Mitchell, of Hlewart A amount you apply for. The balance is to be paid in Mobley. Ltd., left 'or 4he south LUX monthly installments. this morning. Mrs. A. 11 Oakley has returned H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. to Barf Inlet, after visiting In the How soft & fresh & Real Estate and Insurance. fleecy! nty fr a few days. Just the way you want baby't "irooliee" J. 11. MoMIUan sailed this t k-It'i Mrs. been washed with LUX-thst daiatieiLimr morning for the south, where she of all soap products. purest "Ik Daily News" Mapoaret Ilungton I will visit for some time. You tee, woolens are different from other fabrics they arc especially harmed by alkali n.C J The Inner Jhrjnc th.xjFB Mr. C. A. Heller, of the Purf bin and twisting in the wm.b. LUX-pure and br CLASSIFIED ADS. UAXKY-PARAMOUNT Inlet .Mines, left this morning for of ei.ence flskea the A soap in it only safe way to wsih Showing at the Westholme Theatre tonight. the mines by the Prince George. with, there's no need of rubbinf or minflaf when Mr. "HHP Bhruhsall was among Lou use it. WANTED. really won't shrink woolens it does them the passengers sailing for Van. POINTS OF INTEREST good. f INTELLKIENT PERSOJI MAT EARJf. couver this morning by the Prince Get a package for yourself and tee thst YOUR 410 monUiljr corrcspoodia. for new George. papers i 140 to 110 monthly la spare folk't woolens fet Ion, useful, "icratchlcii"life FOR INTENDING VOTERS time: experience unnecessary: no can- We have, a large jtock of wrist eatainr: subjects sugrested. Bend for 4TwJefTJ particular. lUUontl Press Burrs a watches in the newest styles. room 1174, Buffalo, N. T. There are many points about qualified to vote: Gold-filled. IIS and up. Solid Lever Brother Limited LOST the Dominion elections act as The judges of every court gold. 55 to 165. Hulgrr A Denlke. Toronto ah affected by the war time elections whose appointment rests with the WewelleM LOST Small dor. lonr rsllow balr. ran act and the new provisions which; French poodle. Hair cut abort on feet. Handkerchief, apron and home- will be applicable to the voting in Persons disenfranchised for Aniweh Phone name of Dutch, Reward ttt it. the coming elections. corrupt practices under the art; cooking sale will be held in the! WATER NOTICE The following are some points Criminals, lunatics, inmates of Haptist Church on Wednesday, LOST On Saturday evening-, at or near November from 3 to 0 I HAIR SEAL KH which will be of interest to the houses and such institutions; Sn, p.m. poor pott ofDce, a bunch of key. Finder TAKE MOT1CE Uwl Dotty Vinton Mint I vraat ta n tl please return to Dally News Office. U voters in the coming federal elec Afternoon tea will be served. Gunfaay kna a4dri t Aim Ann, B. ml tion: Any person who has applied for C UJ apply far s I lo lak tad aatr or FOUND Where provincial requirements exemption from military service For Prince Itupert i md district, B K ruUt (mi of watr far cc4 rr fr frma "t I wl mt Trail Crk. s trnmury of KH FOUND Fourteen-foot boat Apply W. as to residence cannot be applied m conscientious grounds and we have secured life services of a. t SIM fUl AIL .mm r.i. Starr, Port Eaatnrton, B. C S. at the time of making the lists who has not been refused; Mr. Martin Kroeger. F. It. II. 8. liar lltimf I nur wttl 1 rin.rtwl J. N. m. BROWN the residential qualifications of All Mennonltes and Doukhabora Consult lilm about your garden I at u t4 t um ran oa um stirtr fa4 Oia Bas SC7 Ihm,,, .U voters is one year in the province excepting those who may have problems, llritish Columbia Nur- " cUtrB- Lo . Atkins and thirty day in the electoral enlisted; series, Ltd., Vancouver, 11. C tfl ad Dotlj VanSta Orvupa of Mineral Harry district prior to the issuance of livery naturalized llritish sub CJalsM bif Urta ITS I la IT IT Kxluilvt. The liquidator of the C. II. I. C. aad Vou lift lo HIT Mat sad U A. HantA ram II y Batoher, Prlnee Rupert. the writ of election. jeel wno was born in an enemy Harry Wives, widows, mothers, sisters country and naturalixed subse has obtained permission to pay a tail, Catsur Dlstrttt, (LaU Laos, I(, NOTED FOR dividend on a number of series of TZ "nm Cninai and daughters of persons, quent to March. 1002. excepting rtm ia sis rnm mt aiM) PRIME SAUSAGE male or female, alive or dead, who those who have enlisted and contrarls in the Canadian Home Uka aad am 1m la tXoad. Tktrd FWH. Of LAMSOCWMt OOTrtU are serving or who have served served out of Canada In the Can Investment Co Ltd- local ron. and raarta Trawl Lakas. Taa waKr H1 aptta Takra far Tomato Sausage a Specialty. outside of Canada in any of the adian or lirjlish armies, or in or tract holders may obtain information itrwruoo strd mt la nrl a Oaa Trotil ai lia Lata ealWI It IM and roe la vioux. rikJio. nnujitii. military forces or Canada or Great without Canada in the navy; or by calling upon John Iyb-havn. Tkird aad rurU Traai Ltr tj nknuonr Phone E74 P. O. Box Dritain or within or without Can. have tried lo enlist and been refused chairman of the local ronu Ot naMtrartKm ef a dam at Um aUi CXAMI5ttt mittee. t Sacoad Traal Lata. Tka aailBMUd 10 alia riM' ft ittoiMUM ada in of the naval forces, ex. because medically unfit; or any trra af laad to b Boodvd ai rim Traal aoUI Boon. WMli, mmm cepting such female relatives of those w li o are grandparents. Lak H IT err aad ai IWroatf. Third aad aTl Oollaaa af , Lwlis 1 persons who have ceased service parents, sons, or brothers of such The Ilev. Mr Nuttall. o Anyox. foorta Traal lAkit ta laratj aarat, in otherwise than an honorable as who have so enlisted or tried look the services yesterday In the TfeU aoUra aaa pottod aa Um (raaad TEftars PHONE BLUtn i Methodist Church, during the ah. a Um I tk day r 0iulMr. Iff?. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. manner are entitled to vote. No to enlist; or those who aro or A copy af I hi nolle aad as ajpliraUGa such relatives, of persons who have been during the present war aence of the llev. Mr. Crux, bo partaaal UMraio aad ta Um W tir AH. have Joined the naval forces of members of the parliament of is in hospital at anrouver. Mr. ism. will t nw4 ta um aara af We Sell Coal and do Canada since the passing of the Canada or nny province; or those Nuttall is an eloquent preacher.!water eorer at rrtaca Krrt. a c STEEN & LOiVCmi General Teaming: war time election act on Sen tern- Syrians and Armenians who are His sermon last evening was on notlre Ta date la the of Um local Bnt aewtpaper appearaaea was af tats the ber SO, 1017. will have the vote. Christians; or those who are fe- Legislative Socialism, when lie (rd day af October. II IT. aad ofajectioae CANITARY N0 HCTI0 Llsts to be Posted. males entitled to the vote through i drove home plain truths, which SMy be Bled wtu um romstroUrr ar Fifteen days before the polling relationship to a soldier. are apt to be overlookrd. He em. Water Berorder wiuua thirty days after CKOlSCtM You Buy a Victory Bond Um said date. day 'Dec. 17; lists of the voters Every person who has been phasixed that it was not so much UOLLT VANtirjl MliVCS COM r AST. and do yourself well. in each polling subdivision will j convicted of an offense against what people contributed to any B, MrOlaats. A real, per K. A Oetelaad. Agsnls for be in said the If real cause, that reallv mnllrmt HcCLARY FURNtCU posted subdivision. The military service act has no PHONE 93. but what. n.nnU k,nl halr 111-1. tUrittMC COUIT Of B SITU II enumerators then sit two hours vote. -, COLUMBIA. per day for ten days preceding Annanias and Happhira. under the It Tut matter or tut aomliutiu PLUHBINQ pretence that they had sacrificed TION ACT polling day lo revise the list, answer and all. aad inquiries and execute transfers ISI THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SHEET mruL W0KJ of voles of election officers J A r J 1 K ItkVtl Mrrvia.n ,mv.. . Victory Bonds! and agents whose duties may Child's and Infants shoes I notice is klscbv aivr in wu.w Pbone 5. 83 1 n& hum. Canadian soldiers overseas take them away from the polling Wallace's. If. IT MAT CONCERN of aa Order saade by Night phones I't Ilia llooor F. McB. Toant. Local indta to and liloe are doing their bit to beat subdivision on election day. Up the ahovs matter oa lae UUt day ar No If the Germans. Canadians in lo five days before election the CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT you are loo old to enlist, you vember A. U. ISI7. as fuUowi The right work, at thi HU -Canada can do their bit to enumerator may upon the repre are better able to invest; there- IT II ORDERED thai Um said Jaha H lime, and at ths Hht arua. sentation of credible Seated landers for Um purchasa of ore, buy Victory War Donds. McMullla stall be silo wed lo swear to UM beat the Kaiser by buying a any person Leaaea or Lou dui of Twenty-torra (tat. Twenty um said deceased as arcmrtnf oa Victory Bond. add or strike off the lists any four (14) and Twenty-Ova (St), Block TIMBER BALE the lib day ar inly. lT, after the name. Seventeen (17), Section One (1), in Um X1164. pirauoo of oaa month from Um data of BMHI LIMITED There nre no printed lists. On Clly of Prtnea Rupert, wui tw malved Dieirtet eaiea tenders wlU be received by Um I the Bret ptibUcaUoa ar aouca of una order. J.L.HICKEV( election day electors wbotte ay im Minister of Lands at Victoria, B. C, ForMter. prtae Rapert, B. C. aol aeJese la Um meantime pruaf ta raratalMd Brugglsta Third Avenue names " aooo oa um lib up lo IS o-cloct noon oa Mooday, day of Decern- W um aenmr ar this Court at rrtaca are not on the lists may appear nineteenta day of November, A. D. I SIT. uvr. mi, rur ih nnlMw of ljmrel It ttf-fteef tl aT a a.,a . before tlia who Tenders X tl(. to cut Is.oaa rM. r n,.t I ... . " " " oataaaaa CONTRACTOR A BU'U enumerator rflte may cover oaa or mora lots . . ' " "H,w,MKuy jams, waa alive subseentenii to within Term of Lease ten I0) nprwr. uur ana saisam. 4.100 llemlork or near the polling place years. Mia em nay or suly. HIT Tm Werktrta. aua Home. If lliey are entitled to vote they CertlSed cheque covertnt su (I) montha oeer Tlea inr and I.t0 lineal fret Poles, situated AND IT l FL'RTIIER ORDERED that Um Store and ni:e Uxtsru. reniai must aiiMqueru River. Cassiar accompany eaca tender, IlUlricL said iona II. MeMullin do nuUMh are given certificates. Any person encques or unsnccessrul tenderers to be One year win he allowed ror ra- I of una order In the rrtnea hutwri ntiM t.u. Sash, Door and H THE HUB who is refused a certificate rc tamed immediately. moval or Umber, News, a newspaper pubUsnrd at Pnnr Oak and Hard Wwls of may demand and obtain a written Tne hi(best or any tender not necessarily Further partlcolar or the Chief Forester, Rupert B, c, for a period or one month. Second A, between Slitti A Seventh accepieo. Victoria, B, C. or District Forester, Prince kiuds. refusal which hated at Prince entitles him to Rupert B. c this .... . . . . Tenderers must stale tbe business Rupert. B, & r.o. box za Utey j, prince rupert ii... .1.i i i 14 Ih day or November. A. D. 1SI7. Hard' uunui wiiicii is seaiea in a nen- are entsred In and must deslmata dearly Ui Wi SpaclalUs In I- H. McMULLIN. BOWLINQ ALLEYS velope and not counted excepting jusi wnai use tney Intend to make orU wood Boat Ribs, Sh, in case of a recount and then only Doom, tfi. POOL and BILLIARDS nrui snau ie payable In Quarterly In Advertise in The Daily Nows. upon proof of His right to vole LUNCH COUNTER Voles of persons challenged ore uunenu in advance.0. R. MADE Teas If Egns are High Don't Plata and Shaot Gist treated in the same manner. Deputy Minister of Lands. Claxlng. Taylor Entlneerint Representing Company,: Alice There is an enumerator In each TIMBER SALE X1016. Use Then FOR DENTISTRY Corner Frasar and th u Ann, B. c, T. A. Keller Lorrtnt polling subdivision. Entirely new Sealed lenders will be received br um Lumber Co.. Ltd.. Queen Charlotte I. lists are being made out In Prinse Minister of Lsbd not later than noon on U'l.-.."urn CKKS uei as Sec Dr. J. S. Brown PHONE ONECN 269 WE CASH PAY CHECKS flupert. The lists when completed um sin osy or December, is 17. for high as they are now a 0. BOX 441 Make The HUB your headquarters, will be purchase of Llceuca X 1011, to cut 4.771, posted outside the nollintr women late your mall addressed in our care. vvq rrai or naieam. Fir, Spruce lirmhx-k set Ihelr For a Good Investment Dooms or outside the nostofilc. snd Cedar on an area situated on Klskosh heads working and Phone BUek B10. H. E, Rom, Prep. May be Sworn. el, umii uuinci, lunre 4. get along as well Buy Bond SUBSCRIBE FOR x-.very Three (1) years will be allowed for ra a Victory person, whose name Is bMtvsl oi timber. without. The Daily News on the list, can be sworn by can Further parUculara of the rhi.f ru.,.. vc uozens of receioi-s that Uiuate, agent, or elector, and If Kiune, u. i, or uisinet Forester. Pnnr. Hie outti is refused the voter loses Itupert. B. C 1)1. women have given us since they Prince Rupert Feed Co. the right to cast a vote in the NOTICE. can have be discovered made that Pnnifir Milk to take the nlace election. The oath is: ea ouil," "Brown Bear." "Lmu of PHONE "Vou swear that you are leernlly . ouiuitm rrscuon " "Sea Lion 10 so many places. Protect Your Family 68 Here's Data ' - a Purfdi.. qualified mrmwm nHvuur ar rariifin to vote at this election, liiw," "Ump bird friction ii.,i. iA : tod "Obwr ...... ti iuu ui inrn inin - mm you ure or the (male or female) ill... r.r . rluu' ,,uu the II1..M , . . . " You are liable to spill the sex, a llritlsli subject, resl- "Haul uituioh or Coast District. u., ullo teaipofiiiful of baking BUY uem oi uunada, and of tho full Where located: near h... i.t. ,,(, oriB lln , Molasses if you leave the lulet. Prince itoytl island. ifted together. age of 21 years. (In case of plug out so Plug and female voter the following is a Free TAkE Miner-i NOTICE Certincata that I.Ho. ttOltcV the Hi.0?9 ?U" of c,Icl unlet and DOMESTIC BREAD added) : You do further swear that amy auiuurlted artni or um. "7, "" ,acl,,c Milk. Mix LABEL" BREAD WITH THE HaP OUR BOYS you are the (wife, widow, mother, ren. Free Miner'a Cerlincate No. I "u steam one hour THE sister or iluughler totetst suiy day. from the date "'.of ve shall be elad 111 lirlnl and a the as case muy to SPD y to i wi... ...... . n..u" the be, of a person who in aurvine hp cftinrau of isprs.,r;r i v nmlnu. w. MM l,,al l taste sweets of Victory BOND I Hi WAR has served without Canada in the Pj-a Uf obuimn, of HL ,5 r,fdu,:e lo-t of living, VICTOR by Buying a the above claims. ll.ey military forces (or within or eonu,,, Pacific Milk and FUimir.n we tiki- INVESTMENT without Gaiiadu in the -mm you THE SAFE naval under Metion ai. in.,rr tr a UlUn surprise. VICTORY WAR RDND forces) o' Canada or of Great Med befgr, ltm lilu u, tuth b Hrllulu In the present war." af Impravcinenii PACIFI0 MILK CO., LTD. The following DATED Ibis tsth it r . .. r-wwry Bakery t Casse people . La ure un. 9 j ""'"", u. Ladner, B. O. 410