... Thf Daily News , , , , , -TTOiWMI TOl viii- NO. 2J. I'lUNCK lUJPP.IrT, It. C, WKDNF.HDAY. NOVUM HKfl 28, 1917. PKlcfi HVt fHfr f . A ' - - - - - HIT TTT7R 11 ii Nli HAKti HI .11HKM JL JL JL l VVJl JL JUL JUL UJL JL J7 JL 11 YS7 JL JLJLU JLJL II II Jl II II. ITALIAN LINE UNSHAKEN COSSACKS ARE CONTROLLING RUSSIAN GRANARIES GERMANS COUNTER ATf ACKING REIURNED SOLDIERS RUSSIA'S GRAIN LANDS FRED STORK ADDRESSES THE WELCOMED HOME AGAIN; IN COSSACKS' CONTROL FIERCELY WITHOUT AVAIL TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL When the i, T. I', steamer Lenlne Now Hat German Advisers j pulled into the wharf thin morn-J -Bolshevik! Rule Said to be aiTltH POSITIONS ON HIOH GROUND DOMINATING CAMBRAI Jug. there wai a good crowd await- ' A Ghastly Failure. LA PC ELY ATTENDZD MEETING LISTENS TO LAURIER CANDIDATE ASSAILED REPEATEDLY ALL ATTACKS REPULSED in j? on the wharf to welcome the DISCUSSING THE ELECTION ISSUES REAL HEAVY BOMBARDMENTS AT I'ASCHENDAELE Ibree figure In kharkl. which' tu. u Tb diuj st.i j MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE TALKED OVER AND AT VERDUN AND YPRE0 were seen atandlnK at the rail.' London, Nov. 28. Information! FREE DISCUSSION They were Corporal V. Wilson, ha been received here that a IKUl Tt f'"J lor. or create a military oligarchy mJ Pies. ,K. Shrubsall and Geo. number of German staff officers The Carpenters' Hall was filled against conscription. The issues Nov. ew at- i fig hi Hi- (ierman military art. W. Abbott All three were well have, i.rrfved in llussla and are j to capacity last evening at an of that election were not discussed .11 ttspu been maoe uy wie . v.'-w .c.rcrc.Hiira.. . ....re . . . -. - ., .-v.., . meetinir of the Prince lluoert on their merits. And on this elee- t. t.AHBfu r. 1 1, j i I n t. ii. 1 1 .1 , A.m !. llritish from I Hprr Hr Wie HHf-ailieO"c"' nmnre iiniu uiir irirnua m-uiur. uic maiu ouu ... .... tti i -i t.. . wbb - - - -- - conference and aVe .ias-l in miiwl on their safe return. iof Pelrograd, the Ilusslan gold' irauc uu auvr ' , ;" tiftrPuUoBonu.-niaii eruunu Mnl8e4lkH of lhe ,, Tonight the three soldiers have ,and grain lands r in good hands lumon man m ine aismci uau ieen The issues were be- &-sLnalinf Uie Catnbral retoniefforta bu, on go(I1. ii.-beeii invited to Hi- 8t. Andrews KleiMsral Kaledtoe, Hetman of the invited to attend, and the nvita-jC'ouaea Tbe real issue now is wu ""f where wl be the.United Coaeks. controls the w wu ui.uc Id ,a the iiourion ideas tbey a , Z ueneral Ilyng'a men have Pernio Wire..... Ut. of honor. Corporal Wilson regions whieh produce the crops, f Mr. 8. D. Macdona.d pre.!- 5? nK.ed' anulber. enemy ouater IM.n. Nov. MTh. erman!nd . -Geordie" Abbott, are o.d.Tbe IW.Ih.IU rule is'said to be otltotojnU SLJSL'S jjatt on iD iornir 1 1. i vi 'foree renulsed ItrllUh atlank member of St. Andrew's, and the'josl a ghally failure, and beyond , "..".;,"":'.; tw od FiBbllng im. ween par- uB u,e Jrion wood and village boy. will be oat tonight In full ;the present chaos, the real forces President gave a resume oi tne which would most . one effectively LMij erre around Moeure. , the imbrai region. The Ilal-et foree to.celebrate filtlngly the re- !P taken by the Council at pre- Ire orTef VE IVn rlVrlV stings, by which Labor'.centre the aUentioa of the peo- )I llourloa. and In the ouU ,gn fr,.nt remains unelHinged. .uro of these three of Prince ftu-?ert' P to tne exclusion or decided to support the Lau- uanaaa, iltrU f Montaine Notre Iame, soldiers. RJZlZtMtirte candidate. Organized Labor aU else,and conscription had been the wood and of imaebUij ea.l 0j EQQ8 ,N moHTHZAL dragged Into tbe situation for tbe tibU aeciareu useu in iavor oi tn lk diretUoB of Cainbral. Oer-1 m EIGHT-HOUR DAY ON G. T. P. 'and the soldiers are almost ready conscription, provided that real only purpose of befogging the t&aa artulery has been partftu-, (rpui to Tb Day 5wf. to rush into civil war. conscription vas applied, and in public mind, and lo embroil the tuly mtf m the Verdun aodj Monlrral uV. s8.TbeCity .Montreal, Nov. 26. Four thousand 'addition lo manhood, wealth and public la argument. Ypm mw. hle in rIndr.:CeMnf- herp nM pa,swi resolu-b Grand Trunk conductors, KITCHENER WILL NOT I production were conscripted as Mr. Stork questioned tbe sin Bnuis wn i PaMliln-;RH lb(1 food controller's brakemen and other employees APOLOGISE TO BORDEN well, Itecogniiing that the win- cerity of the Borden Government daeit are heavily bombard- aUBi,ol) io ihe boarding of eggi. will gel tbe eight-hour day and I tning of tbe war was the matter of with regards to conscription. The rd by (M eatsy increase in pay as a result of an! 'Special to thf DHr Hews.) 'prime importance, tbe president urgency of the matter prevented frwtk Front. i THE VICTORY LOAN agreement between the offlcals! Kitchener. ov. 28.- A resolu-, . . . Ihai BnT.hino. that -....m it being put to tbe people, yet the Pans Sm. Further pro-; of tbe Trainmen's Union and the t"B prtM'nted in tbe city(la. m ,u ,h. -lintwlpt of lh(! bovs .Military Bert ice Act took 103 days gress has beta auule on tbe right (Hul to Ttw tnaj t.i vOIIipail. .wyireii unr v liir cunt liiok an nl the front, be would oppose, and to go through tbe House, but tbe bank of (be Hmt, where the Qrst TcriMsto, .Vv. 98. The Vetory . 'apology be teilered to Sir Robert Qght vigorously, even in tbe ranks bill for tbe C. N. H. 1 10,000,000 tsd sc-ihI ftfies f the OermsH Loa tMal is ttlimbtug and Is LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS j Harden for the breaking up of Ihe of Labor steal only look 29 days. Deputy defences were cHred 0a lw Dolitieal meeting held in tbe in- Speaker Itainville assured the people nearly up to t hundred and ten In order to reduce the high cost bU fn.ot. Tbe Oerman etTorta tnlUkw ' MariBers are hereby notified leresl of the Union Government. of living,.Mr. Macdonald empha- of Quebeo that the Military k uuler atUrk were (becked new. thai the automatic gas buoy The resolution Was defeated by ,ued the necessity for Govern Service Act would not apply to ky ibe freocb SftJllery. maintained at Lawn Point Hkld- 5 to 7. jnent control of tbe food factories them, while Mr. A. T. Crerar, the lUllan THE POLICE COURT gale Inlet. Queen Charlotte Is-' Minister of Agriculture, assured FronL controller Wilb a food appointed . . . , . . I .j i 11. in I .-. ; ..4 Heme. .Not. 28 French and wniii, tm rrnincu injl. lull win, cuucnpifuti9 ranini lur au; ,. -.-ft. prices had tbe Ontario farmers that it did . .. ..... ... ,v- '" ' Br., h s idlers have reached tbe At tbe police court this morning nlirnuni mum nw- uiaitxiiir or urnuj)cr uuuiisucu,..kii.k.J , -.l Tbe Borden not apply lo them. The Borden i;" ag lone on the drth Venet-piaiDt before Magistrate Carss. the sible. jat the publisher's price. 11Lll r. . .,9 jone j Government's idea of conscription u aid tbe Italians bearing f the charge against a F. T. SAUNDKRS. Sub-Agent. Ilros.. Ltd. L!nothing to reduce prices. For the If" all the other resources of ar&t the Invading Austro-Cennao man named Crooks was resumed. Ur...i,.,.ii., of , maferUl. the the Dominion untouched. Wealth forces. Ilelween the He was accused f being in the ih i..i.n thu was severely left aloue. The Bo'r, IirtBU and tbe IMa Utters the passession of harmful drug. He out cheaper than tbe profiteering den Government refused .to conscript was found guilty and was fined excess profits. Yet for luiitcs NOTICE! are witbsUnding sue. contractors. Tbe Prince Rupert 1200. The fine wsa paid. winning the war, tbe burden ought ewif instance j'y the massed enemy at- dr dock was quoted as an UcU. itreat losses have been in A charge In cntraentlon of A meeting of the Women Liberals will be held at of what had not been used. Mr. 4o be placed equally through the lh I'rwnlbltlon Act was continued (Continued on Page four.) ISUM unan I Urn onainr. tt boe Macdonald quoted a remark made h.v. i n i...vii r-in.!wnlll ibis afternoon. 707 Second Avenue West at 4 p.ra. on Thursday previously to tbe effect that had lt4 It is estimated that about ithe drydock plaat been working For Organiiation Purposes. t$r divisions hate been con. THE THREE GODFATHERS" isince the beginning of the war. it ANNOUNCEMENT ftfritcd in the attempt l" break 'could have helped as much to win!a Laundry Charges. Brluiian line. The play lo be shown at the All Women who are Interested, Cordially Invited to Attend. the war as the hundred thousand The Allied Conference. Westbolme Theatre tonight is onr ,conscripts. : The Pioneer Laundry-Ltd, L n. Nov. in. The confer- of great human inleresL It eon- , It was thought that if the vol-'untary and the Canadian, Kir f the allies it to be called cerns three bandits escaping from system had been given a Steam Laundry announce, Poa o decide whether the na-!Justice being overtaken In a sand- proper chance and instead of the that owing to the increasing b -cs flghtlng for democracy shall storm, in which.....they neeome me at Why You Should Buy Victory Bonds soldiers being paid 11.10 per day. cost of material' and v "Ubuth single military dlfta- Joint guardians of a new.&orn and Iheir widows and dependents labor, they And it necessary child. Miles away from any hu First, because you are a Canadian. Your country is at (being left to a great extent lo ' to make an advance In man: habitation the methods employed war. Our neighbors were attacked by the vandals of Germany. i look after themselves, bad a de- laundry charges on and Owlng lo the steamers by these hardy men to sustain Canada joined civilization going to the rescue. If Jcent rate of fiay been given and after December 1. Patrons having broken down, we life In Ihe body of Ihe new you do not want lo help in the work of the Good Samaritan I proper provision made for de jvill be supplied with new-price will hate no coal for sale born babe, and Ihe tenderness you are not a Canadian, yffff ffi ' pendents, there would have been lists by the laundry before .Monday. wh which ther fulfill Iheir Second, if you bate money lo iuvest It is your duty and iio lack of recruits. Instances drivers. Albert A McCaffery, Ltd. strangely Imposed mission, con should be your pleasure V bear cheerfully youc share in were giten of tbe working of the stitutes'a remarkable example of Patriotic Fund, which had caused your cost of the war. -. . human kindness and saerifl&a great dissatisfaction There will also be a Gaiette and Third, Victory Bonds are a safe au investment as anything "Labor will do everything to comedy. in the world! After tbe war they-may quite probably iel?l the men at the front," con NOTICE WESTHOLMK a selKat an advance, and since yeu buy them at par that cluded the president, "but the man, COURT OF REVISION advance would represent additional profit. higher up must do bis share as The War Times Election ' has done Act cancels all previous well. Up till now he OrXXA HOUSE ruurth, they arc ta exempt. making it voters' lids, which has been to TONIGHT ONLY Take notice that a Court of Fifth, as a tax-exempt Im nj yielding 5H per bU they only grab one thing,dollar possible, at tbe necessary for everyone Uf Illue llird presents Itevision will be held in the Coun return a handsome Interest. expense every of the workers." register with the enumerators HARRY CAREY ril Chamber. City da Hall,of December on Mon The Victory Bond is a woapon for Ihe elay-al-hoinc and Questions were invited regarding at noom 3, Smith Blk. dsy. the loth 12 and 2 Open 10 to a.m. satisfactorily IS wonderful and were a weapon. any points, neit, A. I). 1017, at the hour oi 8 till also from THE THREE GODFATHKRS deall with. till 4 p. m, A stirring story of llu-man of 230 revising o'elock the p. m..Voters'for Ihe List purpose lo be Mr. Fred Stork, the Laurier 9 pjn on Wednesday evening. sympathy. addressed the candidate, then used during the year 1918 for Ihe GatetU and Comedy. City of Prince lluperl. at which meeting. He showed how tbe , all objection! to the said Voter' PUBLIC MEETING Laurier Drogranuue of ttfU had been unacceptable to the "interests" 5 List, either by way of striking on thereto, will be in Cinada and bow they bad ' or adding names WANTED lind up divergent parties to de TAXI! TAXI! beard.FIlI'.I) PETKI18, City Clerk.8 Empress Theatre, Thursday, Nov. 29 would feat him.have The been reciprocity for the benefit Uue oi Rupert xCarpentera Lumber at Company'the Prince . November 22nd, 1817. the people, but thut did not suit plant, Seal Cove. Apply to I'HONB WH'N'B 55 Ladysmlth Wellington Coal re The following sneakers will address the meeting on the the moneyed classes. Had Lau Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Reliable 24-Hour Ssrvlce duces your fuel bill and gives issues of the day: rler'a programme been acceptable ' R to the profiteer, they would not satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. Coal Co. M r. Fr ed Stork, Liberal Candidate, have been so anxious to defeat him. Yet notwithstanding their Mr. A. M. Manson, M.P.P., objection to reciprocity l years LONDON CAFE For Bale HtMiiliiKtim No. 1 .. . . . i typewriter in llrsLclas conditio" ago, me iwraon uovernineiii una syprs AND GRILL Ainl Dilly News Olllce. tf Alderman Geo, B. Casey. been compelled to introduce U in some measure. The same was to Third Avenue CHAIRMAN, DR. W. T. KERQIN be said regarding the. bugbear of Prompt Service of the Best Ho.its and Shoes Wallace's. EVERYBODY WELCOME SEATS RESERVED FOrt LADIES conscription which the Horden STAND BEHIND THE MEN there la to eat at all houra. Government raited In the province For New Wellington Coal and Empress Theatre. Thursday, November 29th, at 8 p. m. BEHIND THE QUN8 I BOXES FOR LADIES Ir Lumber of all dimensions of Quebeo all yean ago. They hone 118. then bad Quebeo witli them BUY VICTORY BQNM.