THE DAILY KKW8 - -a i.j , Join the Home Defence FLIES FROM-.O BRITAIN MEDITERRANEAN The Daily News movement for the conservation THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA of food. Help to pre-vent London, Nov. . The Admiralty rubllehed Dally and WeeHy waste by demanding the announces that a successful Guaranteed Largest Circulation whole wheat grain in breakfast I air attack In the vicinity of Con-lataniinopie has been successfully foods and bread stuffs. . by a large British HEAD OFFICE: Substitute whole wheat for nr. mpllshed airplane, which flew Daily News Building. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. TeL 93. meat, eggs and potatoes. !h..mhinff fr..m Kngland to a British base TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per inch. The whole wheat grain is the m the Mediterranean In a series Contract Rates on application. most perfect food given of eight flights. to man. In Shredded The stopping places included and Home, and the total DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Nov. 58. 117. Wheat Biscuit you have distance covered was nearly 2.000 the whole wheat grain made miles. digestible by steam-cooking, The machine was actually in THE REAL ISSUES plant, one of the completest on shredding and baking. Hie air thirty-one hours. This Is The unanimity with which the eoasL do anything to win the Conservative party all over the war, the Borden Government Every particle of the whole believed to be the world's record A Little Stick of Canada has taken up the try in eolluskHi with the wheat grain is used including rr a eross-cluntry Journey and of Union Government at this chairman of the .Munition the outer bran coat which is for the weight carried. late date is one of the curious board, that areh profiteer. Sir so useful in keeping the bowels WRIGLEYS things to be considered at thi Joseph Fiavelle. would rather healthy and active. For LAND REGISTRY ACT election. The Tories are all have new shipyards, machine (SeetteM It and 111.) rood Unionists this time. shops, etc, built In other any meal with milk,and fresh Makes the Whole World Kin I What about three years ago places. fruits. i Appttcauoa .to. Ittt l niior till when the real necessity was? And when that sly politician. Made in Canada. TAkE NOTICE tail application na been . The It is only after the Parliament Sir George Foster, came to lo r filter Ann DafiT. w Prince This famous chewing Flavour dissolved that this Prince Rupert, he reported it Rapert. B. C, ai awaer la fe ander a has been sympathy and our best support Tat Sale Deed from tna Collector of Um aids and digestion, Lasts new cry came into being-, as a lo te ine town uuuer mr ( that the country may meet the city of Pttnee puren. eannr otw um gum appetite popular issue. And it is prov curse. The curse was the ad requirements of the hour. 14 U ay f Septemter. If II. of ALL AND quenches thirst, ing to be anything but popular ministration to which he belonged, si.vot L.AR that certain parcel or tract of The public memory is aid to that is the Borden NOTES AND COMMENTS land and premise Situate, ljUr. and betas keeps the teeth clean tb XanietpaHty f Prtnca Rapert. more be short but the people of Government. Once Prince Ru partmlarty anwva and described a Lot and breath sweet Canada still remember some pert gets from under that Having been discredited before Sarty-ecM tlli. Block tbirty (IS). Section thing of Colonel J. Wesley Alii curse, the Borden Government, the electorate under the label of cunt til. kap Sit. have there will be hope for Tn are recpttred to contest Um daim of Fresh, clean, wholesome son. They not'yet forgot some Conservatives, the same old crowd tne tat pttrtnaser wlmta II day from Um ten about the host of scandals; progress. That is what the urge their intense loyally nowa daks of Um service of IRU swtlcs (vibicb and delicious always. about paper shoes, the drugs, Prince Rupert people- have to days under the name of Unionists, may be effected by publlceUoa). and yar the Ross rifle, the army truck, consider. "Obey the law," laid and hope to continue in their old attenUMi I called lo section II or UM the C ?f. R. steal, and they are Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The Mili course. But they have been found to Land tb Deeistry frttowtnr Act"eatrocl vtttR taererronv amesdntent. and No wonder WRfGLEVS Is not permitted to forget about tary Service Act is law. It is out. The Torie are Unionist is - And tn deraalt of a caveat or rerua-cate used around the world,whenever Sir Joseph Fiavelle. being obeyed. That is not the name only. They have not been of til pendent beiar Rtad before and wherever pooplc These are only some of the issue. The real issue is the joined by the rank and file. The tbe reanstrauoa a ovrner of the person things which the Borden Gov. record of the Borden Govern Unionist Tories are Tories still entitled so served snder iut sack nottc Ui sat,...all person and want lasting refreshment, eminent allowed the attempt raenL its attitude towards the Toryism uber allest tboa claimmf tnronra or under Uwen, being made to shove across and people of Canada, and to the aad aa person ciatmuc any taterrtl ON SALE EVERYWHERE get the people of Canada to foot people of Prince Rupert in Colonel Peck is a soldier. He ta tne land by vtm or any anrvtisterrd the bills. With Sir Robert Borden particular. is furth of Canada. It is safe to interest tuntruwitt,m and tb all land pervooa by descent ciaiamtnf wnoe any and his profiteers returned ay that if the gallant colonel title is not rctuiered nnder Um pro to power under the new name LOYALTY knew the actual conditions exist vtslocj of tnl Act, saaU'be for ever of a Union Government, the Words are sometimes ban ing at the present time in Prince estftped and debarred fTMa seiunr ap clatni tn of too land people of the Dominion will died back and forth in our Rupert and in Canada generally, any sold for to or taaa. rvepeel aad tb Retutrar fslft probably be mulcted still further. daily intercourse unUl their he would not have permitted his abaa rt rutr tb parson aautled ander nlr real meaning and significance name to be utilited by the local sncb tat sakt at nvner of tbe land f f Just consider the grave dug are lost. Loyalty is such a Conservatives for party ends, even AND sold for WHEREAS utea." appUcaUoa baa been on Prince Rupert's principal word. We hear it used on every with their plea for Unionism. Can made tor a CeruCcat f indefcaaibia T1U avenue, which the people have side, until we wonder if the oil mix with water? u tb abwa-mrnuoned tba name to pay to keep drained. It was true significance of loyalty is m. m. f arm Daffy: supposed to be for a post office understood. The real reason why Joe Merry- AND WHEREAS tm mvuattnr tb VIM It appear Ibat prior to Um lata day nf site, and was purchased at Does loyalty show itself in field disappeared from this elec September, lilt. (Um tale bo nblcb UM many times its real value. That moving along the line of least toral contest was that he never id vera sold for overdue lain was one thing which the Borden resistance and shouting with had any intention of running. His reel ver the asseaaed wsw tberaof, rtRTHER TAkE NOTICE tbal at lb Government slipped over the the crowd when shouting seems adoption by the Tories was a bluff um um I aa effect rtsUtratloa tn pa people of Prince Rupert. For to be good? If the waste and And as Conservative. Sam Newton snaaro of sncfe appttraUon aad taaa BE CLEAN three years the dry dock has carnage in human life counts hadn't the ghost of a chance Cerufirala of Indefeasible Title to tbe said MAIL SCHEDULE stood idle, which in time of na for nothing, then merely a which he recognized in time. And tn Um nam of Anne Duffy unlet tak and tbe tional stress, has been permit breath is required, to declare proseml proper pro- INTERNMir Sam is sueh a socialist that he caedmt to etaUla year claim, if aey, ted by the Borden Government. our loyalty. But if the sacrifice thinks that no one else should to tbe said lands, or te prevent aacR pro For tha East. Rather than see anything de-velope of hopes, the giving up of lives, take a chance against Col. Peck posed action en my part. Mondavi. Wednesdays and Sat. Over 500.000 People Are Now here, they would rather of ambitions, just as precious ither. Poor he dated at in lam steruiry vtcre, rdaia at 9:30 a. m. Pam, s- a poor Pnac Rapert. R. C. tbu (U day of Sep. Doing So, the city was shut down and be as those we cherish, grips our socialist. teajber, A. D. If IT. relegated to limbo. Most of the very souls, makes bleed our R. r. MACLEOD, From Ifta Cast. bate rr saaai roar saysKtan sir Prince Rupert people came here hearts and arouses us to fight nortec. Disfrttt Rerutrar of Title. Sunday, 50 p.m.; Tuesday, ibat tt p at nwsaia uu wu eaesef in the eipectation of the city and fight hard in the struggle rracUon.""Sr Can.""Sannrbl"Brown fraction Bear," "Utile" "S Ton)Uot To Robert Mardors, Es.. ;J0 p.m.; Tnursday, &:3Q p.m. bf trninUi m tb Lower 1-Rat til Robaon 81, Vsncoaver. B. C, going ahead. Whatever the for fair play and human rights.' r faction. -sbtt Xacbor rracuoo." "Skyline.- UmI H ewr preunt way af knsf city has gained has been not then we may say we have aa "Camp Bird melton' aad "Obsr LAND ACT For Vancouvsr. Ratare wld a tern all mis wuw velorjr Mineral Claim, ureal la tb Monday 7 a. t Kh4l aiiutiaea. ne matter Raw npaf because of, but In spite of the abiding sense of loyalty. Saeena Mintnt Division of Coast Dutrtev a mtfbt be. aad saai tb r jm fram Borden Government Grant unto us this spirit at Wbrre located: near tear Lata, Ski? IkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP ruesaays s p. m. tbi watt earasaaled ttrvctS O sod They had the power to set the time of our country's greatest Inlet, Prlnc Royal laland. COAST. RANCE 4. Thursdays 10 p. m. pwfted a away am bekvw pat " things ahumming here. Everything need and may we give, even TAkE .lOTICE tnat I, fred M. Went, Saturdays 4 p. m. rvaposMtbl fee many deseeer ' a strkias free Miners Certificate He. tlllt C. tbe TAkE NOTICE tbal Jobs Oraee. of Van aaiar. was ready, but rather though there is horror in the duty aetbortsed arret of MUlard T. War. couver. B. C, occapataon Ciaerman, ta From Vancouvsr. LMsrtac tbi sum um i S than have the Prince Rupert thought of war. our sweetest rrn. rrre Miners CerttflcaW 5. IttllC lend lo apply for permission to leas tb tar fti ftatbiaf baa. a utf Intend, aiuy day from ute UU hereof. foUavta' described land- Sunday 10 p. ta. iiawalillw aad tbose axr. la apply to U Minus Recorder for a Mondays 9 a. m. Cooimenciar at s pol planted on tb been leadMy frwta- m ftr Certificate of Improvements, foe u pr- foresbor on tb et aid f Stewart Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. Recently, beweeer. Um StarJet "V poa of ofetaUUa- a Crown Ortat of eacb Narrvaa. aboat to mile aoata of llartley Fridays 6 p.m. whstb na beea awvertns Um .sstry Ri abov claims. r th Bay: tbenc west tt cbaln. tbenc norUi aad soectaUau XI D FURTHER 7AXZ .fOTICK IUI - tt tbenc Saturdays 10(30 a. m. rest iuihm cnalns. east I etuiai, tbrst a ander section t t4raUaf.est tb Lower latstza Uoo. St. mail coca soeiUi tt cbaln to tb polnl of commenc aw mencwd before lb Uoe of suck Certificate seetewa disease a Tabenxioai meal and contatmar It acre more or let. For Anyoa. space contributed by the of Improvement. trtbat smI cooditlowi of draw JOHN GRACE. AppUcaaL DATED tata litfe or Sundays 10 p. m. baHR a Rervwaa Debuity aa ' P. and C P. R. Rly Coys r October. A.D. DATED Nvember It, HIT. ttlT its Wednesdays 10 p. m. ta tbta eaaie, alsw aaito oat an Fridays 8 p. in. plsa are fataraM Id tb dmaawn. MINERAL ACT KAV1QABLX WATERS PROTECTION ACT. " u Saturdays 10 m. f Cancer aad Tabercaloau at R, 8. C Cbapter til. p. reeewl aruci ta Tb Rw T- NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER bat eaased peopw te beccene Uer:'? Loan ! THE GRAHAM I3LA5D SPRUCE AXD From Anioi. twaka lo tb Importaacw nf lectt " Victory Special CEDAR COMra.1T LIMITED berewllfe (tT To C W. Caaoom Sundays, a. tru, Mondays, a. tn. Lawer lateaua free from aa pc " nonce tbal It na under section T of Ute Tak noUce, vbereu t bar don and futsdays, and watt matter, and aver Itv. laid Act deposited wttn Um Ml&uter of ansed to be don assessment work on tb p. ra, Thursdays, kiaae lalerwal Raitis. Public Work ai Ottawa and la tb oace Mldnifbt PracUoa mlaaral clam, sttuated m. Tba eattnsiesuc and rrsterc M COMMENCED on Monday. Every of the DUtrlct Recuuar of lb land Re on Um mianc nvtr, abont foarteeo mOe by m mean aa Bacvpuoaal co aawant Istry Office. DUtrlct of prince Rupert, si from Um bead of AUe Arm. la tb Sksca Port Simpson A Naas River Polnta ta nwndred aa r cm man, woman and child is earn-estly rrtnre Rapert. description of tb tite and mat division of lima district. For uobrtd, Sundays, 10 m. tu Ae. Sooia. meat work for p. plan of Mm mill (tractors and otber work ttli, Itlt. and llll. aad requested to do their part to, proposed t be built In Qseeiutoww Kir- bav paid for aald work and mordl-sain From Tuesdays, p. m. u' T'm". jMMU; bor at Port Oecaeeu, B. C, tn front of tb Mtm of lltT.M. L'aless yoa py I lar fsaeter Tim&-After astaf mafe this Loan lot rive to fifteen. Inclusive, aceordtec la um sua of for yonr at re Quean Charlotte Islands. -J. B. L Cascade" far tout montb. an unqualified success. rt filtered plan of Um To ante of to or tb aald assessment work, totetber wriu it m 4uty M taaasrai patwai i We el 17 of Port dement reentered U the Uw cot of tbi advertisement, f tbaB. l Malls Close Oct. 10 and 21. pewes my eeuuisusa for tb treat li Want lo show Canada aforesaid Land Rem try offlca a Plan Ita. Um siplrat oq Vf ninety (tt) dayi from ov. 7lh and 21st, Dec. 5th and mi h . ba t m. ISTS and take notice tbal after Um ex- um ail b reef apply to tb mlalar re vui 10 m. 'emna a I writ this lelier ta frvn that Prince Rupert and Northern plratton of on mootli from. Um data of corder at Prlnc Rapert. B. C, to bar p. Uf yatj la ywer treat wo a. Words Mails frum Oct. 1 4th and 28. aaakrsmets for Inieretu rly fail to iprc my Um nril publication of tnl do tic the yavr la lb Mldnifbt Practton B.C. can loan money as liberally as Grab ua liland Sprnca and Cedar Compaay, mineral claim vested la me, in partoanc low llth and 25th, Dec. 9th and ri leennof of m cascaa rrvt3s Umlted will tinder Section T of Um laid or um provision of tb mineral act -ru p. they can give both men and Act apply to Um Minister or PnbUc Work Daud at Prtnc Rupert. R. C, tnl tout tn, ! ant af noma sort, and inc nsisf wuwd ill money " I word of benor, of nava noL oa aur at Ria offica la Um city of Ottaa for appro? ay September, HIT. Dfl. for the Cause of al of Um said SIM a&d Plan and for H. C PHILLIPS. iLawart. Mania Bav inj leimo iu mu' mil or drai-a. I SDeal Liberty. : : : leave to rocutruri Um aald works. PolnL la tb iwa Tears preview to brr Dated at Prlnc Rupert, R. C. tnl U WATER NOTICE For Thursdays, 10 p.m. tat Um -J. B. L" WoeJd tbl ell lows U day of October, A. D. ttlT. nit. (Diversion and Use.) yeaar aad wucuea I sea tn Ibis THE GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE From Saturdays, p.m. wlta tbeir face cweered witb borrtd. sa AND Get the to CEDAR LTD. itblly punpse would aa IU Tbey wvU CO, on TAkE NOTICE non-stop that John Orate, whoa 1 M, ru r IS.IT1 aa I did. I mvll Oeo. Nlckerson. Aeeat address Is ITtt Tew I tree L Vaneovr, Alaska and Yukon Territory. slop, or I win be beeptor yo from r; B. C. will apply for a license to lit and For Mondays 9 p. m. wora. bat I cook au test mar par w us It miners' lncbei of water oat of aa From Saturdays, p. m. HiV past rondition af boalta, als ta prais Special to Victory unnamed stream oa wtst sld of Stewart at um "i. R. L." May yj snjoy uu Narrows a boo I two mile sob Lb of llartley MAILS to lb ma im water win be diverted from tbe CHRISTMAS bmcarely your. stream at a pomi about lift feel In s UlUiam D'r stream westerly direcuon from tb moat of said Closing OaUs for Ovsrstas. j if rMt n tb -J. B. L. Cascade' and will be used for power purpose upon UM Uad described aa u. Eirypt. Saloniki and Mwliter- ". !L.tLw',J.u TIMBER SALE X1164. oewpled Crows land. Tbls noUra was rancan points. November 10th. uituoT , tiu. duU and servott. Don't merely smother your cough DUtrtft Saled tender wlU be received by Um posted November.on lb ttlT.(round A turn ta lb e.r ird ih,. day nrji of France, November 24th. utersal Bsin r Natwr' own cur for roreaUr. Prioca Rupert. B. c. not an tppikatloA flrwit IJritaln. Dumber Hth. iOoiipuoo jbsi rm wr prvpsrU later Dnrsuant ikmu .oA than noon on thm aih h. n-..-. Mmr fSft MataicVs Byrap of Tar aad Cod lire OO not Iter, ill? for- lb mwIuu v. J v,r ii..vrui" Person, making up pareeU fr 1 ,1 IHK ll.i pcoeapClv arret cooehtBf, b-U thank to R tocic 4 Xti. " ' w, MlfWf tt office; of Um vvir Recorder above u. II Print points should mall tbem.- VWaTtVl em ta.aa fe,, f DrBr atrtOflktciDg peoyerlM tt help tbe ajebna to tirww caT uutt. ""part. Objections ta th r.n.ti. ,L 0ro.( fki4 a4 U eafact ptrmaae.;cwr. It U this mUty wwica ka vwaa me Spm.,, cedar and Baltam. l.lso Hemlock BW m w n befire tlm attuil clotlnff dates te', Vrt veit and u jl, rnaf Tie M -ft tea aargoet sal of any conga um&eoU remedy in Canada, nw and i.tsa UuiaJ feet Pale, sluiaud wHn lb ComDtrulu Wtter r.r Recorder or atoid any imsslble delay. Rapert- m KiueoveeU Rlrtr. J4 eWmJJlef "MhCW aVvwFMMBjs"eA O tear am t .nn.Caialar ...Dutrtet trwasMnt BH.lMt. Vicuna, R, C. wllnln . ask far "Wby Man el Today I Only ftoval of timber. as day after um mi unuruu or this I.lnv.l flfuina anv. Ih (Hive Per CeoL imHeBL" S buokMl Of TI 1 i J!,tlhtrJrU"'ln R. c " CWaf...roresur. SB Rett m nuLUntlnit! Dewsptper.. ,ki.Tb dat. of I.. Ilullel will win the war. Turn wrffi i. V"0 ZZTt TVrS m.iu.. w - - VW " Uiperl, R. c ... ember It. hit. dollars Into bullets; buy yictory mb, iii odkt ureei. Towow. r "HN 0JUCE, Applicant. War Ilonds. ua.