TUB DAILY NEWS ! NOTIOE Wntch Your Sneeze! The Daily News It may be the forerunner of i .i..nrate attempt Is lioing bad cold. It le real Issue- In LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA bronchitis or o made In befng THE is nature's warning that your this campaign conscription nn.i nd Weakly Published Dally ... n.iv-rnmcht are only red in receptive con-dition Circulation body is a Guaranteed Largest the troll. across The drawn for germs. way herrings real Issue is trie record in HEAD OFFICE: to fortify yourself against The ii..r.tMi Government, nhd In Dally Newa Buildfntr, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, I1.C. Tel. 03. cold is to .increase warmth this connection it would ho well to and vitality by eating - bO conu men Rsmsmber TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING per food Wheat, a Shredded Colonel J. Wesley Allison The Contract Rates on application. that builds healthy muscle scandal. and red blood For break The,piiper "shoe scandal. DAILY EDITION Saturday, Dec. I, 1917. fast with milk or cream, or The 'binocular scandal. any meal with fresh fruits. The trench shovel senndal. to the The spavined horses scandal. HELD I yard building ships carry produce of Canada to help the The drugs scandal. The latest information from rifle scandal. Allies In beating the Germans, The Ross the battle front In Italy Indicate we n nd silence. The $2,000,000 The army truck scandal. that the great offensive investment which has been The C. N. R. steal. of the Austro-Oerman forces made in this drydock plant is Sir Joseph Flnvelle, the profiteer. not beuriug Interest. 11 is do , which .was successful In sweeping ing nothing to win the war back the Italian armies and Why That is a question that recapturing from them in has been asked by the people MAIL SCHEDULE few days all the gains which of Pnncti Rupert for the last Made in Canada. they had so laboriously made three years. Why! in two years, was staged by The jJorden Government is For the East. .Hindenbiirsr. Having got so asking the loan of money from BELLA COOLA IS .Mondays. Wednesdays and 8at-rdays . ,ar. ae fintls .himself unable, to the .people of Canada. The STILL UNDER WATER at U:30 a. m. get forward any further. The building of new machine shops, position is similar to that on boiler shops and shipbuilding From .the EasL the western front. Uindenburg yards have all had to be finan Victoria, Nov. 30. Assuring of Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, is going to make "another line ced during the past three years course that Bella Goola would be !30 o. in.: Thursday. 5t30 p.m. another Uindenburg line In at a much greater Cost than in free from further floods, at least Italy. the pre-war days. And all the for a time. Hon. T. D. PaUullo For Vancouver. The German troops are dig lime, in Prince Rupert there betook himself thither last week .Monday 1 n ging themselves In and pre has been one of the completes! fur lhn minimis of taking stock Tuesdays P. m. paring winter quarters, on the and most up to date plants all of the damage to this locality ad Tliursdays 10 p m. .line of the Tagliaiuento river ready for use, which the Borden with a view of securing iniorma Saturdays 4 p. m Mr. FRED STORK The Uindenburg line in France Government refuses to tion for the Government in re has proved to be rather elastic use. This failure to utilize one gard to corrective measures in From Vaneouvsr. The Liberal Cnndidntc for the Dominion Parliament who and the Uindenburg line in Italy of the resources of the country the future. But he took no waders Sunday 10 p. m. has received the endorsation of the Prince Rupert Liberals will be no less invulnerable. is not by inadvertance. The with him. neither did he wire Mondays 9 a, tn and the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council Only this week the Italian matter has been brought to the ahead and charier a boat to meet Wednesdays 10:30 a. m army has shown that it has not notice of the Borden Government him at the docks. The Minister, Fridays o p. tn lost its driving force, when it and to the notice of the however, returned to his office at Saturdays 10:30 a. m LAND REQISTRY ACT resumed the offensive and Borden Government's side-kicker, the Parliament Buildings this SeueM IS snd ill. i BE CLEAN caused the enemy to alter his Sir Joseph Flavclle, of morning with the first news that For Anyoi. opinion as to spending the the Munitions Board,, not once, Bella Coola, within a eompara Sundays 10 .apfltcauoa Sa. SMS I. rUMff Sill INTERNALLY winter in Home. In the west, but many times. This ignor lively short period, had had an Wednesdays t 10 TAiK XOTICK thai appatatlas has tees other visitation from the waters to re ft tier Ass Duffr. af rtmee the British artillery is shelling ing of Prince Rupert must, Fridays S. C. ft iMr hi feet ssder a be of of the great Northland. Rapefl. Otsr D 00.000 Psople Are Rh Cambral, and the Germans are therefore, deliberate, Saturdays 10 Tat sale Pe4 rrven Um CetWelec sf U unable to shake the British malice, aforethought. There is Nad to Wad to Town. Gltr sf Trttm twpert, tteartat daM lha Doing So. When he reached the town lath at ISIS, ef ALL AD hold upon the dominating jio economic reason. Econom on From Anroi. dar Septemher. for Wednesday last he was obliged to SI.VOl'LIR thai rertais t ' f rr bm mrs t) iau htr tri heights which menace their ically, all the reasons are Sundays, a. in Mondays, a. m and twens land and prrtMees Ntaata, lytst, thai per aet. r hvmaa 4 111 tumt possession of this important having something started. The wade knee deep to the hotel and and of rrtaew Tuesdays, p. m., Thursdays b Um MktttrlpaMlr Sapert. sen kf aeMnUled waew is the .-: bae-Smi railway junction The Hun is progress of Prince Rupert at waist deep to one section of the p. m. perticwUHr kswws and deaerUd at Lat that la t pre j imm about due to make another this present juncture depends town be was desirous of reaching rnj-M mi, BtMk tUttf (ISi, Seems Satsts eawtd swl reeav a., lha eats certain extent the No other means was at his dis. etthl It). Vap ttl. wiSktot aeeteleaxa. su smiu h.a tfir strategic retiral. to a upon Port Simpson A Naas Rlvsr Points lev are retalted.to eatoet Um eUlen af m m drydock plant. Up to three posal. lie was literally penned For Sundays, 10 p. m. Ik, Ml pwehae wlUWs I It daM frees "Maiea wei miaa tMo Mi,,,,,11 aa umi iUr i -c-ft t- ..ij ua uLd jm THE FLO WINS TIDE ago, that was ihe allrac within a small area and quite un del af lb eertle e thta settoa I toes years From Tuesdays, p. m. fNvaseMl a aetay dw towte U. : able to proceed to liagensburg, Mjr 1m elMted tr paUtriHM asd yoejr 1 , . The meeting of the voters on tion which brought many a f mot a.m . a Kiiju. llleSMaet M etltod to ctM) IS mt thai"" Thursday evening, which gath man north many men who whither it had been his Intent to Queen Charlotte Islands. -Land te(leT Act" wits 4 ered to hear Mr. Fred Stork, the have since got tired waiting. go on his trip. He waited until Mails Close Oct. 10 and St to Um raawuf ei tract tSirifraes ssrsi sue sswe um t s . 1. Thursday in the hope that Uie "Ad mi defastl of a eaeeai m aeeteS Iwt totorsat Siltaac aa t.x a Liberal Candidate, was signifl But the Borden Government ov. 7th and 21 sU Dec. 5th and tato t Ka pesdrsa as) toums and u -s seasr cant o f public opinion in has done nothing for Prince waters would subside sufficiently th 10 p. m. the retHtraUus a u r the eaeadUy itwwMf m -: Prince Rupert. So -far as this Rupert, when they could have la. permit jut the resumption7 Of Mails from Oct. 1 4th and 2ft ewtHWd setder aaeS tat mm, aM ai He 1 eesta. hvw.r. IM (taiSHWM, city is concerned, the popularity done so very well, without prejudice bis Journey. A few Inches only .'ov. 1 1th and 23th. Dec. 0th and aw eerred WHS WnUea MfeerS) hae Im cuter um .a; of the Borden Government, to any other city. They did they recede and when he left 3rd p. m. ise euianias tsrwaas r ssder theta. iral ewrieutu awl .aiuu oe Bella Coola in the the aad aU paw ataunlns as toeel KttMl m -u liku if there really ever was such a have failed in their duty to evening Hi Um land ttrtoa at . . hj aay aeerefteterwd a 1 uit f j s thing, is distinctly on the wane. Prince Rupert. They have town was Just like a huge lake Itswart, Maple Bay anrj Swamp KMirwSMWi. asd aH pewewt ctaSwaa as; nueMtiiM ( -c .The voters are beginning to failed in thejr duty to the Dominion with the buildings and wreckage PolnL lBlrrl la Um land br dearest wheae betiah as . i twtxiiiy aad SJieuaa take that this from the former disaster, present MUe u sol rtftiured WfUr um pew UMI IhM notice, there is really by not utilizing re. For Thursdays, 10 p.m. ... I MtM tUkieit of ihU All. ahaa tM far eiee some difference between the source which lay to their hands. ing, to say. the least of It, a very From Saturdays, p. m. eeteft1 and debarred freea ttar sp leretf w UM S lUled two. parties in Ibis Dominion. And now they want Prince Rupert melancholy appearance. asjr etttm to er W rpt at Um land .wf Ml latort.kJ M' ! The city of Prince Rupert itself to vote to. put them back The Minister reports (hat the Alaska and Yukon Territory. ewM far Uie. and the He f Hirer S bae saseed aaa, Tka t tfr'-eac is rJ is an object lesson. Instead of again in, power to keep this people generally are taking their For Mondays 0 p. m. eaU rt filler I be pereaw ewuUed ssder aaako to I irrp-l XKh Ul aaM at owner af Um land aa a stream of workers, passing in plant idle for some time longer, large share of ill luck as philo From Saturdays, p. m. 4U far Uiee." Lew free tt a. pkoxM .and out of the gates of the dry-dock livery vote for Borden will just sophically as possible although It AM WIICSEAS appMttM bat bea and tjr v daily;, instead of the clang keep the drydock idle so much has been an exceedingly trying CHRISTMAS MAILS mad far a CrrtlSrato a( todefeanbto Title TSM sathweUewe Sitae and fraw -b kUM H time, with financial loss not the to Um alMas-meattooed laadi, ka Um fume il anil Hntlpr nf lh huav ahin- longer. Don't you do it. j aw um aa aiceou-Ae! Ae af Asim Duffy; of the trouble. least toe sashtreela as Mtr " Closing Dates for Overseas. .tin vviirntAS m mueutaieaf um UUe 7 as tts Aa. Sasts. i f 'r It apprara Hut prtor to lha 1 Its day af NO CALL COMINO bt. TytreH Taewws September, dele lilt, (Um as whMS the TO MARRIED MEN KgypL Sulonlkl and Mediter eald laud were Mid fwr weeedwa Uiee.. ttoar Uerfwir Tyrreii. 1 J31? S. S. PRINCE RUPERT ranean points, November 1 0th. yon wrr lha aaarteed awner Iherewr. i-t. S. U caeeade"thatr.tut f.s 1 i H daty aa a mt WEDNESDAY mldnlrbt for Anroi. Toronto, Jsov. 29 The first France, November 21th, rt'MTIUH UK HOTICE UUI at Um ;nm m Miawuut rur 1 r THURSDAY MWalrbt for Swaaaon Bay. Ocean rail. statement py Sir Il'obert Iiorden Great Britain, December 8th aaiiMUBMlelu effeel rtfUtraUas la pwf a" a. a v.... -.r. iuik i eu eppweatoMi aad uiu li nm VaneooTtr, Victoria, and Seattle. on his arrival In Toronto was one Persons making up parcels fo CerllOrele af ladefeaelbto TlU to the said M 1 "iua ' IV S.S. PRINCE GEORGE tasking- it clear that there would above points should mail them lands la Um name af Anne) tffr snleaa '"V1"'LJl he no call of the before the actual dales mjat married men closing to af catca.Lr VtArMr 7er MTWrtMV MldalaDt for Anyof. MONDAY a.m. for Sviuoq Bty, cewdMte to eeuttHeli ywr ctaim. if aay jsrat Vancouver, Victoria mkI 8ul. Class 2 to the overseas army in avoid any possible delay. to Ihe eald lead, ar to preeesi satb pre tear 11 1 oewM sol t" S. 8. PRINCE JOHN February, as intimated by Judge poeed aettoa aa my perL a drf at om sort, and eet word or h- n Cor Uween Charlotte Islands, S p.m. December Sib and IS Ml. Winchester at a Tribunal session MINERAL ACT uATLO al Um Land netietry S ba ceste'tun. oa worts my of dm ft for Ketchikan, WrancelL Juneau and held rrtsca Jmpeti, p. c, mu sis day sf Mr Skiraty, December ttta and ttib. on Tuesday. ISSS.es la lha ls years prr i u Irmhrr. A. D. HIT. TRAIN SERVICE "It is anticipated that all re NOTICX TO DELINQUENT PART.11K IL ,t. MACLLOD. a( at IIm i. S. L. Wnold 5 L'W fatMAttr Stoaday, Wedaeedey and Saturaay at 11:10 a.m. for Banners, quiremeit can be met out of the butrlei Retituar af Ttttoa. ywsar mes and women I with see t M' To C W. covered CattKwa: with thru lecee ' Prior Oeorr, Edmonton and Wlnniprr, maklnr direct connections for all class already called up," declared To Itotwrt Murdotk. Caa. , 51 Tie do lire, wnerea I tue dona and Mtwttr pieuctea wwald sea a point cut and sou In. Ill naeon SI. Vaaceater. B. C. . C'0l the Premier. "I observed that anted to te dona siaeument work on Um eua fl red af them, at I " statement with surprise There Midnicbt rracUon mineral claim, tltsated WATER NOTICE iatoa. or I wUi be keeplas 31 Agency All Ocean Steamship Unis. is no authority whatever os Um Illlance rlrer. aboat firartee mllei Iwwek. bl I eokl DU us more ir Tor For information and reservations apply to any from la bead of Alice Ann. In Um Skeane au aaat aaaMtlUaa ef brellh. All 11 TAkE itOTICC UmI Vardea such tMly Mtnea City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. statement, and there islno mining division of Skeena dUUicL aucet lot is -j. s l." nr you J PHONE.. 260 uropaay wbae addreea U A Ilea Arm, necessity, so far as I am aware. meat ork for ISIS. Ills, and ISIS, and c. will apply for iicerwa to lake and for such ne paid ror Mid work and recordist iinrerely yours. any course he as out Bto tea coble feel of wir per aesund WUIlam 1 lines. Up to the present time no ume lb.turn of IIS7.S0. I'nleat rou par ol of Trwui cmk. a tributary t kit t lha sum of 1101.10. for rour thare lha "J. B. L. Caeca If yu iry such course has been anil hirer now lot into Alice Arm. Caa. under consideration of Um eald aiMifmenl work, lorelber with 'WIU l.ir niairlrf. TIm watii will ittriA either by the Minister um roet of tnls adrertltement. I shalL at lha head of th I'll), on Um aur dst and eapaw tn rjolAoaoui CANADIAN- PACIFICmWAY of Militia or the Government as ne eipireioo or nloely (to) days from llord Mlnl rUlm. 11 liai .111 SIM SS WltoOi. oe, oun - we data bereof apply to Uta miniar re- . . - . I to.iKA am Mlllira'e own a whole." o ueea ier power purpotea on in wair t - - corser at Prince Miperl, B. C. to ba?t ' . nd Dolly Varden Oroup of Mineral """"i : Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points four loterttu li tba Mldnlcbi rraciloa tiaima imidc lu 1711 10 J7SI lociuilre. tv via Steamer to Vancouver and the 8alvatlor,Army. mineral claim eeited la me, in purutnee and Lou till 10 HIT Inclualvs snd Lot L. Caacad" srnlly aieliu her CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY or in proviaions of tna mineral acL lltl. Caetlar PleirlcL 1 all an.I II al Crll II. OrtD' lrf Maala and, runllc meetings, Tuesdays uatod at Prince nupert. B. tut tOib Application will b mad aleo fer Um Strw, cor. Ird Aienue and SUt IL '"' Berth included, en, Steamer .... ay or aepirmber, ISIT. rrl a aim Dll rltbi to 1 10 re Ito acr feel In Tire I Trout HuperL mursuays Saturdays at 8 II. C PHILUPS. p Lake and I.too acr feel In Seaond. Third Aik far "Why Man of Todty It rlnosss.May. fer Qranby ay and Alice Arm 11 p.m. Friday n. Pundays at 7:30 p. m. " r' and Fourth Trout Lakes. Tha water will Per Cro I. i mrlcnl." s booklet of Princss May southbound via Ocean Falls 0 p.m. Sunday NOTICK. b stored la flrd Troul Lake by I be con- lereat wbkh Is leo on requett Prlnosss Sophia for Alaska Monday, December 3rd. tiruciiuii of a dam tl us outlet and in prefer, write al one to Chat. A. Tx Princess Sophia for Vancouver Saturday, December 8th. ea omii," "Brown Bear." "Liiila ti Second, Third and fourth Troul Lakes by M.D.. ItJ Cellrf Slreel, Toronw. -book. ,riiop,- "suniitni rraciion." -Sea Uos lha roMirurilon of a dara tl th outlet iracimu,. "Sbrei Anchor fncuon," -tkf of Second Troul l-ake. Tha eetlmaled J, I. PETERS, General Aaent line," "Camp gird rracUon" and "Obiar area of land to b nooded si rirst Troul LAND ACT Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Pr,'e Rupert U.C. .wrj Mineral Clalmi. iltuit m ih Uta It IT acret and al Second, Third and eareua Mininy Dlrl.lon of Coatl DlilrlcL Fourth Troul Lekee If twenty seres Where locaiedi This notice was potted 011 the ground SkEKNA LAMD DISTRICT PISTKH r ot .l.ill J JI'l. TIMBER SALE X1104. , irinca iioytl uiand. Um isib day of October, lilt runes I flUTiCK tmi i. rt u u.'.n A ropy of this nolle and tn tppllctilon coast, DQs'teiely,srao(her 1MU4 frca Miners Coruscate o. ItOISC, toe pursuant thereto snd to lb Water Art, cough under will be your puirlci Foretier. prlnc reeeleed by the umi7 auworiied acenl of MliUrd f. War- ISM, will 1 DM In Um elTIr of th TAkK NOTICK that Jebn Ortce. of tier than noon It Rupert. B, c. sol "n. rrre Miners CerUflcaU No. IIOU C Water lieeorder al 1'rlnr liuperl, l C. outer, B. C, ostuptiran M on, lit, aPsataTlIV W aUtbWa Bjrap of Tar e4 Cod Urer OO sot m)t ber. ror lha dty cf btum. Intend, tliljr da,i fruu Uta data bereof. iru rteir .if the nrst tpccartiic of I We Misdf to apply far penuiuwo LPTM - I prutuptly ureal couhUf. tot thanks to Ka tonic sad XI in,MIJ.to purcht. or Llcenca w in Mininr Recorder for a imllra 111 Im toctl sewepaper wtt Um fottoHlnr iiearrlbed landti J ,etogUeQiof proawrlka ll he I pa lh eyeUta U throw of sprtii ;!,cut 10.000 feel of Hemlock, certinraia bt luioronruienti. ror tha nur. tlrd day of October, HIT, and objections CoiitiueiMlof tl s potl 0,7ri,M aad IS egecte a panaanccil euro. It ia tbie It wtida has tar ail B!m, 4,(00 Hemlock qui www Tlea and I,t0 Unetl P"a of obiaimnf crown Oranl of earb may be filed with the comptroller or rorwebor on lha weel tWe aalskfa aay cougav aao.coM remedy la Canada, feel I'oles, iltualed of lle aouW netr lite Kluequerla Hlver. aUre claim. Water Recorder within thirty days after Narrows. tsl two mitet Ceitlar Dlilrlct. A.11) riHTIir.ll . lb said dtt. " TAkE One Nnnrr ihn Htyi UtMa weel year will be allowed . tw of uuUr, for re-noal lion, under section si. mini b uiu. IiOLLY VAhOFft Ml.tfe-S GO Ml'AMY, a etiaUM. Umcm eetl is A.L.at WHO CSV, rtea, tJ rurUjer Iiirced before lha !. e ...... r.in.n II. B. McUluuit. Aseul. per C A. ClereJiDd. ptrUoultrt of Mm Chief Forester. of " Iniprovriurni. tMiiWillimiw" mt and nuperi,.''A0-'B, C w V,,UM rrinca, MATED IMa taih Af nf n.i.i.. a n The Daily News delivered by 1 JOHN OHACti pp"-- jg HIT. ... arrlcr. CO oeuls per iiionlh. tlATtll Neteiober II. 'T