THE DAILY JEWS LAND REGISTRY ACT The Real "War The Daily News Bread" must contain the , mi aad l III THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLU 4SU entire wheat grain not the .T.wt kt ! PubtUhed Dlly sod Waaty white flour center but ( Ba Guaranteed Largest Circulation every particle of gluten and Ida rt.h , S Im4 r...ft SB asfAtetST f mineral salt also the outer f I nare . Mffii atm HEAD OFFICE: 4 di . ALL bran coat that is so useful in rerusa r hm ui umi paraai -inH Daily News Building, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. TcL S3. tJI keeping the bowels healthy j-..- - Z?Lt TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cents per Inch. bhredded and active, mrf. prttnrttrty a area aao omiwi Contract Rates on application. Wheat Biscuit is the real Li iwsir (in. au mir n , SeMtea Snea IT). Map ttt. "war bread" because it is 1M are njilil M smelt UM Haim DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Ie. S. II7. 180 cent, whole wheat f at ut sns we altkta J tr per ms UM struts f IMS BStSM prepared in a digestible form. a auy M y aaitrwfv u POLITICS make an efecifen issue, Sfrl Contains no yeast, banns 4 mv-us stkMkJte ntry is (Alt l m is The Uoa. Ceo. P. Graham recently ftatert Borden asd bis Tory! powder, seasoning, or chemi iie.aainu. sl I tk faTaaf (tUtM declared that the Borden n-fends unbtesblngty say it is. cals of any kind. Food Con It is just a repetition of the d m defeuH f s ciieal as Government bad Dt lived up taeties efwpsoyed six years ago. servation begins with Shredded rat eC a eeejefess to it pledge in the mailer of la order to sstsr up its sins V.I i eat Biscuit for breakfast Sat rrsrsMea a us sate,ef H sa the Military Serriee AeL When of smisslwB and of vetonssion and ends with Shredded ' Be fisted for the ael dsrtaff Ibe knowing that at ptafB Coo-erv Wheat Biscuit for supper. aad aaaaa eliaiSif ekrsata ar aad smb. sad all terseai Hiaai say as-kmi allies their record was bad last cession of Parliament, be Delicious with sliced bananas, at sat bad ay ursss at say and tbat the efeelwrs would sad a eer-mmt aareemeewt SMtraaiias. took the ward of the Premier at berries, or other fruits. Bor-dsn have none of them, the rliiailat say teiereet ss Om Uad ita faee value. When the Pre tie change their name and Made in Canada. a Sua I awS NSta u sat reft infer. Sir Robert Borden, said now are strong for union. list ader cat KSta af tM Aea. raaB as far eeer sHawsis sat Averred riaai (bat the time was practically the of the Denies Government record their respoaslWiWe io this re- aetaaff aa eav eSeaa M er a lie art the essence of this Military stands. It would suit at Sa lead ss saM far utes. sad Ska card. Service Act, Mr. Graham be Sir Robert Borden and his Miasm Sa resaHer ska imea ea- The Vancouver Proviee pub SMM aadar eatb Ut sate sa wsr all tiered him. Mr. Graham is not henchmen fine if the voters lishes the resell f aa later Utea." so sure now that there was were to consider that oil past view with Major Taylor, director SJ WHtaett asedsmua such a great hurry as Sir Rob and dene with. But unfortunately, a GarssssaM ut ; ert Borden made out to be, some people have long of aeronautic, who repre 4 ita HiimilSHil Wad. IB Ha Judging from ibe manner in memories. And a particularly sents the Imperial MuatttOB af Arssar A. McTeaa Board, and our member, tbo a. WHOUi afrSxaWea has which the MiliiaV Service Act is good not required memory Hon. T. D. Pattulto. minister of U snwars ikai prter ss Ota Ut dayl has been put into effect. Mr either. The high eost of living tsil (UM da ea lands and sUtes that the Ira Graham believed what the is always with us. The people Prime Minister ald at that are not allowed to forget the perial Munitions Board is ill-taMM mm u muiw sad st time, and pays a tribute to Sir profiteering friends of Sir Rob Ing to purchase thirty mHlloe lum rvNTHCji -me soncr laat st taal Mr. FRED STORK of aeropiaBe feet Hooert'a personal rectitude by ert Borden. Nor will they read-ily ber month. These spruce figure asa i ka ttec Maensa uThc Liberal Candidate for the Dominion Parliament uhn that he would believe per saST akassPBa raasasaaaMfavBaa aakaf anVftaasl a I . the aMTW saying forget that one of last la a t -".t him again, if he said iL Du( acts of the recent session of seem remarkably high. It is im ar IsOfttisMe TMSt la ta uMtlHOS rcCCIVCU UlC CIKJOTtailOtl OI U1C 1TU1CC KupCTt Llbcfla doubtful if to date British laaai ai aaa aaaaa m Artaar a MEia I sjp the fact remains, that apparently Parliament was to agree to pay furnished that aalrai yoa sake aad si and the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council Columbians by the way the provisions up to 10,000.000 for C. N. It. inmUn sa iilikBas a? aay.l . , , , of the act have been carried stock, which the Government amount ef aeroplane spntee sa lae M Uads Of 6 Jwwrt Ml altogether, and If the Munitions LAND REQISTRY ACT i there is out, no immediate owned already and which Its BE hurry. Board expects to get anything BATts st Um Lead fterMtry ss sad ill.) I CLEAN own commission declared to be RaptH. a. C, tat Itt day I like this it will have quantity, So far as winning the war Is worthless. The people have not A. . ttlf. MTl.l to plan to finance this new log lB ibis ft, asaa-a, rasst INTERNAL! concerned, there is no immediate forgotten bow free speech was K. F. MAOXSM. Ptnrus BwrUSrsr TAU ftOTtCt skat isiaifa sas keaal ging industry during the early J i " s hurry, for one hundred strangled in Parliament during aad as re i a ut aaa aady. af Prsas It will also have to Ta CaarVs Haarii. Sat 911. as. thousand men is a negli the discussion of this nefarious stages. Aha. MVrt. B C, a awaar at fas aader a I 500 000 U(ap sist them to get donkey en Tm sals Baad frees sk C iBi isir af I1 People Ars Ss gible fraction among: five million. bill by the application of the gines, wire rope, provide tags, i thc saraEnc oavar or BnfTHB cats af Pram Bat it. asarasd Sea Mtel Doing So. "If one is to Judge by closure. Nor have they for OUtAlXSU. laask day ef lajlial it. ISIS, af AAA. AJI and take immediate steps to the speeches of the prime minister rotten the graft scandals aper-taining Ut TBE MATTta Or THE ADXI5HTIU SCaiMl aa. aAat aaetasa aataH ar arM at res saaa rears aart' afat t. arad and the minister of militia, to everything in connection see that none of the skilled logging TS95 ACT aT?kiJssssf!iBSf's?Vlssss'miiX n .. eai tti-t labor i conscripted. It said Mr. Graham, "they with war supplies. both would be Idle for the govern-1 tbe matte er the estate or TrTntrt' ?1j!m',1L aa. bm m .,m au i , less are anxious to get Hot Sir Robert Borden would KUtSlATE. rarsy- i a I:. , asanaa -. . f arhlah i. ! -nl " men to the trenches than to get prefer to have all this forgotten. ,' , ; "7 , ". ,l mttke m htatar eivten to w hom easas e.. a sss Tl. """. ' a. ftpjar Tory voles in ballot boxes." He would like to start iy rrsiwinuir iw nic .irrpnrtm,tn Mir oft CI wt aa Otder auda bf tea sra iTjiin i a a rri1,rl ax ajaaa of The Munitions Iloard. to say Kims Heaar r. a. taasr. Lata) jadrs ska tea aarcaaaer wstaat SS daps frakS Ha JL :.!.'" Hon. Mr. Graham, be it with a clean sheet. So that he " " m date ta. ama af Ska aaura casakf!. T uanliwl thlrtr million feet of aa tke lis day af X- remembered, is not a candidate and his friends could start tn I -fcjeeaa. A. O. ISIT. M laaaa: cms Se fiiu-i Bp STi .11 aad rawl "" "" u in this election. He is not and carry out all his schemes, " I it H oaocuLa uut um sam mm h and at ine same lime remore I acMsSka akaa be aaaved te tar speaking for his own particular which the refusal of an extension . from the country the mi upon ideal or ta aM oxeaaed ss ascartsar as sk fillimias eaarari uurrrnaB - wmrtmt aaae taat at - ja electoral interests. He speaks of the life of parliament ahum it mud denMsd to deifverl1 tt T- " - Aad ut defaaM 4 a raat st lajua ksuraai Baiaskd aw. b. t-m j aac of the matters as he finds them. denied him. But the voters will .. . Issnaaa af ea snaaik trass ska dale sf cat at Be peadaaa Una Bead fcafare "rmai SiMa aad u . mt And it will be noticed that be not stand for any repetition.! lue luga. a, iarii yakmaaiiaa f aottTe ef lat aedte. tk raarjrauaa aa eaaet f aa aafaaa 'ian areaj'S : - says Tory" voles I Once bit twice ahy. Hi passing, we might eall a Um sneaauae praif is rkraltaidl "' aaaw eaca aaa eaa. m aaweae aiaaij. ema. aw taraa The fact remains, however. Major TayiVr's atteatsosi to the Ike kerusrtr T this Caart at Pttaeei arrved alia aaatce aad aawa aaa fceea -iaf u Sat . C . tkal tk aud oretaaed. Skare ekaaaaar SJ mask aad aVaa. la ki.i.' that the Premier got the Lib FOR NORTHERN B. C. faet tbat this sproee industry (aeafe iarvia. ass JH sarahr u sad aB peaaaas cSaaaSBf sap aaar mrtumt ea i-- ta attotuat aal eral members of the late house The people of Northern Brit belongs lorgeiy to Northern eald (Ur U Jary. HIT. Uea?waaLSJraa? SaC "n', '" f aSiweni i, au. at 10 vote for the Military Service ish Columbia learn with a great British Columbia. The Al a.v tr id rtiKTHtK oaeiaee tat ta Act because of time being deal mighty for reasons of His own id Jaka H MiMelka do mUb aeUe 'S' ? .f"?"' sasAtk v iwaiinf sod so of satisfaction that the r as order " ta tk rnoce Karen Dsns laaaa tkai Oaa placed this timber here and it . u. i; .-i. ate Mjwi important. This the events Imperial Munitions Board arei .. a mrtpr paMUard st PTtaarl as aa ass. ssb so far aarr-j ... .- have disproved. about to take advantage of the ha been the rnea ef Northers aaoirt IChfi penl af an aata ssayaad I sad aaSanil rrass satsaw ap - - - u Uii a It is more apparent now than unexceiiea British Columbia who have pioneered tlt ai rnata atrt, a. C aeroplane spruce ISSk day .Varrmter. A. O. ISIT. in this industry and ever that this Military Service .umn.mZ, aa asaaed p-4 u jUf limber tbe in Prince Rupert and IMS I. H mxtoai. BBBJa aeBBBJBBJaB BBBBBBBBBBBJBBJ BBBBaBBBBr asu Dill was introduced at the particular Queen Charlotte Islands dis. have literally dragged it for ara tea ae a o. af tka lead ! time It ward to the attention of the authorities. WATER NOTICE saM fee mil - ttaaar USeiiim fre a- an was, without the trieU. It has been felt for a assisrr. aaSew tw .arts It is largely due to (tMteraloa sad t'M.) AH WMCSBUS u lua kaj people of the Dominion being long time tbat tbe powers tbat mtmAm ae toeteu. m - - .I OMB BSBJfBel Btk their efforts that thia develop kO& S prepared for it tn any way. to be were not properly alive tol TAKE SOT1CI tkal Jeea Graf, ate . aKa ment will take its proper place af Aaa BwCr; a aaraaB aa ddre U HIS Tiw Street. Vaaeoser. as the most important of all a. c sa it ABB WMsksas ea uawsrasatr to ai spfdr s v tu sad J 71 A. Stalk, iMUJs-if Aw war industries, for experts m Sd salMrr tattes at aster enl e faear ska prkw ss ta I Br Tuaai, the -will be taaard strvaa oa aval T''r. !. lake daw aa wtsr Sas i Imi, elaim that war won shS of Uwart Bear Itacsar TprsaU. ..f T S. S. PRINCE RUPERT in the air. !arrw( abaal lae tnal seat of lUruef lea she I wild raeV ' B. L. CAMd- far I.. a awaar Bar Tk aifcf aig t dirtd front tk WLDStSSAT arfdafrM for Snot. The people of Northern Brit atrraai si a naTBaa tacb mct svh at k taaaAr pa v petal akosl His fret la a i " THIBSOAV Ui ! I Mldalrkt for SaABtea Bap, Oeeaa rsos. ish Columbia, as Vhe pioneers anstMtf diranioa trua tk sneatk r aaaa I eSaB r reni n hub ta par-aaara t . . ' Vaaeotrttr, Vtctoru u SeeiU. sat it fca ka k sa. it i hoped will he aoeerded atrraai sad asB ta aacd far oaatr oar r tmeU sr'irasiaa aal saeaa s I atsu tk . mw S.S. favorable consideration at the aoea tka Uad deacrOcd as maraa a BJBirillBjII TtCM U Sk 4Ad af fa PRINCE GEORGE Uad la Sk sasat af Aaa BaSTf aa)ta pea pear (reel twwftm raa uao. twi aeUca MTVSMf Btdatrkt for kmjn. BOB DAT t in rar . bands of Major Taylor, when be batted ea tk rmutd oa tk trd Car au af paa tak aaa priaau Mm pxar prtv ,pay Bret fail to ipr af aajr uu'A K4M Vimnmt, VUtona u4 sta. eome to allot logging loea- eescr. mi a aopj af tats aauca le laiafcBak rear ctaa. af say.! Wssassr pear - a t Mtd a aaar u I aaakt set f ' :.) ttone, and to for aa aa afaeteattea parmiat iSml ui Uad, ar a. preN ear are S. 9. PRINCE JOHN arrange saw a Snt- a aaas sert, tad -JJd for OHM CMftMU mill work incidental to the so Hi water Art. Itn wtH b filed la Laa1 a weed e ..) bU&ds, S p.m. twaUr tat and isul tk Bm T tk Waur aaeardrr BATES at Ike IkMun nm a. say si rriae wreartn. iikm aad lumr. hcutr itn sod u. opening up of the industry nacari Okiectlaa le tk spparsuoa rruos Harert. B. c, ttsa h dap af Sea-' j'See erau aa af druf I saay TRAIN SERVICE ufton a large scale. Prinee Itu- k fHd wiut tk safat Water heearder or umUe. A. a. isiT. j la ls.e trf a,mi sk"1 m too rr w-v..1. a. a., a rMr m4a,. Wtmxir sad Strti, at III am. for lautw. pert has beo isolated from all ana, U baiiittfaBer f Water Mrkta. a, r. MACuaa. (feasr an sad aaaaea t tAii ttxht Owre, cdiuAibs sad vnattvt, suittr arsi totaxtkxu tot au other war industriod. Thia is s ranuawai BUdtan. VieierU. B. c, aKUa Ta Bl ert Wards,tXatrwt BafSassw t. af Ttikss. arssk BkStr fs aerd UJ'Kl SS' after Um oaf Bnl arpearauee af tkU . pouu t4l aad saita. aoald ur one whieh by right belongs to koUr la a lersl aewtpapcr. Tbe dale ( of Utrsa, aa ' i awn us. as far a our eapaeity ex HMsxrai ptikiicatkai or tals oouce la Aflency All Ocean atop, ar I aSB k kaeptBf -aart, For ttaamahlp Unas. tends, and to tbat extent, the "wif If. HIT. WATER NOTICE Bel 1 caaSd BS ua m Jf Information and reservations apply to people ef this northern country JOIIV OKACE. AppBeaeL sap past ssruBlB! sf kraiio. ii. ptai City Ticket Ofnca, 528 Third Avenue, PHONE 260 should have the right of way NOTICE. TAtc nortec uui BaKy Varies Mia af ks -J. B. l May I s tks rati. There is no doubt that Major Ann. B. Cv. IB spsdy far a Mwaii ta UI tod Barty Taylor, possessed of the British waH. "Diwa .- -lhiu tb tea cat fee ef aater ner - W "l' J spirit of fair play, will see that miiwii.- -iet-aaaarnl rratUea - - l torn of Treat era, a a ska I ire ar rau M m are me m a i rramtn.-. ABChee rrmUaa. -itv. aaaM Htmr a.u iu. iiu. - lu au...,, .i.. i,riiti " mese pioneers get one con " "Camp Bird rrsruon" aod "Obur. VMM aur fMatrfcM. Ik aatsr aal b drtd,dBt 4 apiieawtk p. CANADIAN PACIFIC sideration. aiocrai uauca. Uiiiil in u RAILWAY at lb ked af tk It a aa Ik BSKee aaakea aa UBau tame, dt aeeu MHSs DrvUUn af fiuii muHn Prince Rupert being tbe log! kMaesal atataa, tat s)i. aad rH latemal Batk ar Aarare Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points - l v....r. .tar Ihl. inuutui.iiMM.Ir, I. . . "rum rmii i..n.. UH, Our I fur pur parcaaa aa la WaSI i la iu tae i am ' d beap VaMea Oriaa af Msaeral iratiaS Brat fere Miu' Major Taylor will via Steamer to Vancouver dattbtless aaa, mime tkal L rred kt. Won, and th Ctuaja Uar U St St te STIT laS(re. 'U Caaaxkr" roUr aaaUU ke CANADIAN PACIFIC viaii j'rinre Itupert and take up mmr nu a. iieisc ik la lml RAILWAY . SISI ta SIST fcMSail sad Lat a .. r.i u n MIa and Berth Included on Steamer bin headquarters here. ' are at Mttiara T. war isn. Caaetar attkrlct. ,e ...lV., rn rrre aider-a crnau Ha. lllur MMtaaaNNH U Baad Ue far IU bvJ. ". tw oaps frwu Princess far MINERAL ACT IMi. .... ... to...daU herear. npat to atar M sees feet a rw4 Treat I . ,fj. I May Qranby ay and Alice Arm 11 pjn. Friday mn w "e atotor HMwibr rv 1 .a. -tor. I.M A Tftl t Uk tad f.JSd arr fet la lasaad. Ttsed Prtnoesa May southbound via Ocean Falls 6 p.m. Sunday --riiiiriM r imiiratmieaia. tee the mm! roartb Trout Lake. Tk aaur aM Per Ceat. tissu.- s kwokui ' r' " rrlnosss jiotict to DcusocntT partjiem Pe or anurUsr s Crsaa Orasi aftask U fitra oa ro'-' " of Sophia for rack Alaska l tared Monday, December 3rd. Pars! Tsaat Lais Up tk saw-itracuaa ine auere ailma. ant at eore ta Cbaa Tr"!? Prineeaa Sophia for Vanoouver ar s dam si ru aaata aad la Saturday, December 8th. To G. W. camouai ASD rUHTHtH TAKE NOTItr ih.i ... Is! CalUf Slreel, Toroai" ' " aaeoad. Tfcsrd sad laurfk Treat Lake by Take Botle. arkcrtaa 1 ban doo and I Won. aiodrr aettton St. mui Le tk batk. . J, I. eetMlrwntM af a d al Ike aatlet PETERS, General Acenc uw ki we oune aaaeauDeDl work on th I . 7 " w IUCD ccrttflcaU m asoud Tsosi Lake. Tk MUattUd C ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prfnee biuuiiu, rreciran nuoersi claim. Huud . are of laod te Im oaadad si FtM Trout LAND ACT Rupwt. B.C. oa tk liiiaoe rlrer, skout " " oay or fouruca mtitt ortciker A. D. lake U If aere aad at Srauod. Ttttrd sod from lb baad or Alice Arm. la it ISIT. ,.. Skecn 0WW Troai Lakes U laeotp a ere., oinaioo or Skaens flJilrlct, SkltPIA LAMB fJUTWCT WSTSJi saacai. i oh item lt naated aa Ik rrssisd meol work for im, tin, and uu, and CHRISTMAS MAILS Itw III dip of Oeielier. HIT. oaAsr. hamcz t Don't merely smother your cough awn tb paid sum fur of said I'oJeat and recording A ei of tkt aMa aad ta ai idkalUa oo M. IMi-nwtm tlMrtts sad to tb Wlr AH. Ut tum ot 1 1 St.10. far .i Closing Dates for Ovsrseaa. TAVE MITrCJE tkal Jeka Oraa. Vf 111, M Us Sled UI tk oBr uf fck kUlblra't hjnp of Tar aad Cod Urer OU not ooir ut m saaeiaiiMDt work totttker wltfc Wstar IVasarder al rreoc Iumi. a. c. B. C. assapatua nn CUE IT -proiuiy emeu etmrtilnt. but tUnki to rU tonic aad to con or tbli adrtrtlaeuwnt, I alL t Kaypt, BaloBiki The dau of lb ant atdaaraac of laU tm aptdp far srtuliatoo t trrortljenlur nrourtlea It llMidi to M Iks cipiraion of ninety to days from and Msditar. k (uiluatar dMcribad Uad M bold and tkoa eects itrmAutui cam. It U Uik quality wtakh has Sat ike da i tiereof sdoIt u the mm, raoaita BoUiU. Naetuir IMh. ISrd dap of OfSeker,laztl ISIT.Harr td oJrnloiM was tk t-i.iaiara.iaf al a peal pUsted aue of aoy conga aa coid remcdj la -j pour"r rnoca neperl. B. to ban francr, Ni.vMmiVaf Sits wajr k SUd llk Ux iceoriruller ar ti,Uk.rt on ita- aasl war Mtk , r,k) iDtereaia la Ike Midolrbl ..u. i., ante mineral rtalm mttd in tnc, in rractlea BriUiu, IeitMdesr Ulri. water neixraer ailbW IbJrir Ui purauaoe INsr. tVe said dau. Mb t SSATSSKD CSV, rwwp I af lb pre lorn ol 1(t i,, insUng uh jtawnH f..r tlotl Y VAhKCN i ii.iii. ilw ii'. re Ml ihvi (IV ' Paud at prme Kuorrt, B. C ttii sou (....niK aln.old mail thHn .u u....... .. . . . . .. in w u'i i" ik I4 epooi. a a eteiaoa y ar Brplrmker, HIT. ! r. pi ,., ,.,... 4S H. C PH11XIPB. vtl aLluat emg (ttiM la " j jen atA. Aipmsn. v'"d any poaslUe dlty. Advertise in The Daily Now. uatu Nohom- h.