l-rnlnv. December lot TfifK DAD.t KWI rntlllnueil Sentl- News Notes for vor Local h..s DENTISTRY wn condemned hy G H. Arnold ,44 l.nse rifles military were authorities. CROWN AND BRIDM WOM of 8mllhcrs, !?eould for the who NOTARY PUBLIO t SFKOULTY Mr. C, J. Benson, vote ; jnim arrived In town last night. tolerated, ami sun iui ., : Dn. J. 8. BROWN ...rim exactions of men like DCRTIIT Mr. Oeo. Mcllean, of llnicllon, and Flavelle We Sell ncal Estate. omi smith rntt, rhtn ? is paying a vIsU loathe city. Allison The Kaiser wouiu cmmui; We write Fire and Marine - nnlrnl tmrlv. that Ctlgl Mooro,"of Kltwangar, tor iiiv I'"....""- v T. Insurance. Mr. T. the C. N. R. deal, or rather last night's train. neered Password to camo in on . ..... The We have Apartments, Stores, t44044 steal, whereby wacnenno Houses, and Offlccs for A. Harvey Selected Turkeys for Christmas. are to receive pleasure, for the Harry Ilent, and Want More. Limited supply. Harry Atkins, tf for a block of stock which such We Deal In Mortgage Loans. (Late Lenten, Conservatoire an cminwii man u mi ..v..., fidhters abroad Bell Timber Limits. f Mutie) mi. v. nnalev. of the Empress Drayton considered as tiueriy We PUPIL OP LANSOOWStf COTTBLL at Hotel, left last night for Seattle. worthless. and workers We do Conveyancing. Pupils Tsken for w Y10UNCELLO tnl For these, and a thousanu omer V10UN. PIANO, home is IIARMONT. Mr. J. Mulr. of Haielton, has reasons, the Kaiser would cast hie EXAMINATIONS arrived in Prince Itupert on a and the t'nlon LTD. Borden H. Q. HELQER80N, i i i vote for Pupil Prepared for Elimination visit. Government. He wouiu ue a u Associated Board, Vancouver, Otnter 00 Royal Oollses ef Music, L.no'.n,ls. Mr. Jnek Toomlre sailed last fool if he wouinn i. WRIGLEYS He will A FISHERMAN evening for the south. PHONE BLUE 278 TERMS Prince Rupert. Uco. 7, 1017 "The Daily News" visit Tacoma. 00 of the famous You can bur good shoes, slip The name CLASSIFIED ADS. pers, etc., for men, women and Chewing Gum that has The Working Man's Home. children at Wallace's. 288 Don't High t If Eggs are won its way everywhere. THE HUB Free to you. A $70 Victrola. WANTED. Ree Meltae Bros- Lid- and learn Use Them Three eond Af fcetwees tilth A vent) TEACHERS WAX TED TOR PRINCE HUP how to iret In on this. tf. fine P.O. BOX E2S PRINCE RUPERT ERT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Teacber for . o o When eggs get as flavour unrridta scnooi up to ana inciuainc nifl.o. that are easily mailed they are now high as Junior third work. sslsry ISO pr month. BOWLINQ ALLEYS books, fountain nens. burnt leath set their Also teacber for Intermediate trade, POOL and BILLIARDS w o in o n salary 171.00 per montb. Salary schedule LUNCH COUNTER er souvenirs see Mcllae Bros. bends working and provides for n Increase of l.9 per o get along as well month etch year, until a mulmum of Mr. Justice Clement, having mm without. 100,00 It retched. State experience RrpresenUnri finished with the assiies here. tnd qualifications. Applicttiont close Taylor Enrineertnr Company. Alice sailed last night for Vancouver that ' We've dozens of receipes December Ittn. W. D. VAHCtV Secre Arm. B. C T. A. Kelley Lottfnt tary. i Lumber Co., Ltd., Queen Charlotte I. o o o women have given us since they Small WE CASH PAT CHECKS Mr. and Mrs W. Whelpley. of have discovered that Paciflo Milk kt col WAITED Younr woma.1 ti kllcben-nitld. Mtk The HUB headquarters, Terrace, were among the arrivals take the of your can be made to place Big In Mstron. P. R. Ota. Iloiplial. apjly to lave your mall addressed In our care. in the city last evening from up in places. egg so many benefit t UVTEIXIOENT PERSON MAT "AR. river. fit month! eorrctpondinr for newspapers; phone Black B10. H. at. Reee, Prep. o o Here's a Date Pudding. 110 to 110 monthly la spare Subscriptions received for any Rub H cup-of lard into 2 cups of It is a Sweetmeat a Stimulant and time; experience subjects unnecessary!sutststed. Send do can-rtstinr; for magazine or newspaper published, (lour, one teaspoonful of baking a Health-help all in one. It benefits particulars. National Press Bureau tt the publisher s price. Mcllae powder and one cup of sugar rem tilt. Buffalo. If. T. New Opsn Under Nw Manesement Bros., Ltd. D10 sifted together. teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. o Add one cup of chopped dates and It steadies stomach and FOUND 0M1NECA HOTEL Laurier started the drydock. pour In V4 cup Pacific Milk. Mix FOUND Msn's overcoat on Third Avenue. Borden stopped it. Vote for Stork well and steam one hour. nerves. It is ever-ready refreshment Apply this advertisement.tt Dally Newt office and pay tfO.for and Laurier and the progress of We shall be glad to print any when you're fagged. HAZELTON - - - B. C. Prince Rupert. recipes you may send in that will WM SAUL (Old Hateltoo) o o o elp to reduce the lost of living. m4e Im Canadm POR SALE CHEAP. Ortmopbone and re;-ords; REMODELLED, REFURNISHED and The fl. W. V. A. will hold a If they contain Pacific Milk we sewtnr machine: Ironist bosrd, REDECORATED dance In St. Andrew's Hall on December will send little books: chlnt, etc Phone Blue lit. you n surprise. Every Prevision for the Comfort ef 19th. Admission, gents e$0aVs9aNa? of Jtl4't(GJlf ttiff9m LOST Ladlee end antlmn. ti. Ladies 50c. 207. PACIFIC MILK CO., LTD. o o o LOST Mink Muff between MetSodlst Mr. John Makris, late of the Factory at Ladner, B. C. fTAe Flavour Laata Ys- Church and Summit Apartments on Wed London Cafe, left for Seattle and nesdsy. Finder please return to Dally, News Office. IIS San Francisco last evening, by Harry Atkins the Prince Rupert. LOST Between Mussallem Orocery Com pany. Ltd store and Bank of Montreal. ramlly BeUhee, Prlnoe Report. Mr. K. E. Gammon, of Burns larre sum of money In cheques and bills. Prince Feed Go. Finder return to Mussallem Orocery Co., NOTED FOn Lake, was among the passengers Rupert Ltd, and receive reward. tf arriving In the city on last night's PRIME SAUSAGE train from the east. PHONE 58 World o o o J.L.HICKEY Tomato Sausage a Specialty. For Prince Rupert and district. we have secured the services of 674 P. O. Box HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS CONTRA OTOR BUILDER Phone Mr. Martin Kroeger, P. ft. U.S. Consult him about your garden - . I 1.4 and FERTILIZER W.VW TABBBBi nincsttu roldems. British Columbia Nur Store and Office Fixtures', under the series, Ltd, Vancouver, U. C. tf Bash, "Door and Moldings. sunnysklrs Oak and liard Woods of all PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. WHO WOULD THE Chicken Feed a Specialty of Altwrta kinds. KAISER VOTE FOR7 and Saskatchewan i iuj. ii am boT-o We Specialize In Hardwood Sir, Who would the Kaiser Mail Or for Promptly UMa4 U. r va-a Boat Rlbe, Sash, General Teaming vote for, Laurier or Borden? This Bclected Door, oto. is a query that meets us on every Wheat burstlnir DOMESTIO . O. BUS SU. SOS ThlH Aia. for ROYAL STANDARD FLOUIL Flat and 8ht Qlaa and turn of the road. We see it on Qlaxlng. BLACKSMITH COAL billboards, on picture screens, and with goodnewi, poured In a Roldcn stream Into our Careful Attention to Piano in the subsidized press. As the elevator. Washed, scoured, polished, ground, many Corner Fraaap and 0th Sta. and furniture Removala. people of Canada are paying for MINERAL ACT timca over and orcr, untouched by the human hand ; PHONE GREEN M all this riotous advertising we finally sifted thrnush silk mesh until it emerges PriCNE 83. may as well examine the question. NOTICE TO DtU.10LX.1T rART.ICR P. O. BOX 448. To begin wth, we must assume To C W. Calbogni ROYAL STANDARD sweet and soft as the breath that the Kaiser Is familiar with aused Tskt to no tx lift,doM terras assessment bav work dot on ao4 Um of harvest. Your grocer sells it under a money Canadian political history, both Mldolfbi r rat Hon mineral tlalm. situated back guarantee. past and present. Being so, he on Um Illiaoco river, about fourteen miles will naturally lean towards the from I he bead of Alice Arm. to Um Saeena FRED STORK'S HARDWARE m!nia division of Saeeiia district, assess party whose followers, some BEST years ment work for 1114, Mil, and ISIS, and ago, burnt down the parliament bavs paid for said work and reeordint ..rtV Pih. FOR CANNERYMEN buildings at Montreal, and followed same tne sum or 1107.19. I'nless yea pay to the sum of 1 1 Of.10. for Tour shire ar s.Ba. i T s. We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete up this act of vandalism by of the said assessment work, toseUwr wttb line of Rubber signing a manifesto in favor of netting at right prices. tum tvai ui tun aaremsemeni, i snail, at FOR FISHERMEN annexation to the United States. Um eiplratxw of ninety (10) dart from til This was done by followers of the OM (MM hereof SDDlr to the mlnine r. A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for order at I'rtnea Rupert. B.C. to bare. Tory parly of which Borden is v trolling Spring Brass, Silver and Bronze. jour interests in the Nidnltbt rractlon now the leader. mineral claim vested In FOR THE WATERFRONT The Kaiser would vote for Borden or l ue provisions of the mloeral me. In pursuance aeL ;Vancouver Milling&Grain iihmam The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat because his Tory lieutenants baled at Prlnre Rupert, B. C. this tOu paint "FLGGLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. preached anil - conscription all aj or September,II. C ISIT.FHILUPS. Dtl. , ancouvtr.NewVstminstr.KsnaliDAViilf42S ettss FOR EVERYONE thorugh Quebec In 1011. They A fine stock of Hardware, Ourney'a Oxford Stoves. told the French.Canadians at that We Sell Nothing But The BeaL time that if the Laurier Naval Bill A Beat Laroe tlMtetlea was passed the young people Hi OLD WATCH FREE. ,l,,,J,l.lJll,Jl.', would be drafted into the navy. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE and they would be forced to take a MiWm4 i.niM Lcttcrbends k I part In Britain's wars whether ml Envelopes I they desired it or not. Such a OH mmm Uht StaUmtnU I i prospect was intolerable to the to imm s,wii m I Etc- Tory of 101 1, and it was some, mmtmtm..mmm.ml ii WHM 4 is PkoaeSS what disagreeable to the Kaiser ImIiIm.Hi nm mmm L.tl.a'ml M SBBBBB BBBBBBBBBsISI BBJ A HOT BATH THE as well. oW ant,OaH mm mt The Kaiser in all nmM mmU I to mmmm would, likelihood, MINUTE YOU WANT IT vote for the man whose ; So m fmm The News Job Press I finance minister said to Sir Sain ' rm Uko mV You are accustomed to Hughes, "I would not recruit another Pfiallaj of M Descriptions Done H getting cold water in. fMut M OMl On Ma SmuiIiiI OiZuZ man, Sam. 'Canada has lm UUmm UM mmm mm Ml ll SS O..M t.mm, . rZm Jlui T tlantly. Think of the satisfaction done enough for England," If the of getting Hot P.O. Boa 9 I I Kaiser has a copy of Hansard, and iwrsm. Water in the same way in no doubt he has, he will find that CSUl.TS I M---M-------M---M------j abundance, regardless of Borden himself told Blr Sam to bow much has been used U. I go easy on recruiting, especially I'oaters, before. BWWFPasP,BBPBi W among the employees of the Do. HOT WATER LIKE MAQIO minion Iron and Steel Company, for which concern Borden teemed Harry Hanson extremely solicitous The Kaiser Hot Water Service brings will also find In the pages of Han. you this convenience, sard that. Sir Sam intimated that News there was German gold behind all a a A Advertise In The Daily PHONE 488 P. O. BOX 388 these slnlnfer suggestions. i The K(jgr would surely vote The Results Paper that geta Quick