TH DA ILY2 News V(,L VIII KO. 28. IMIINCK RUPERT. U. C, BATU IlDAY, DECllMIlER 8. .J7? PRICE FIVE CUNT SAVAGE mm 1 1 O tnr3 NG ON ITAL AH MOUNTAINS GERMANS ENDEAVOUR BREAK THROUGH-HELP RUSHED TO STRICKEN HALIFAX THE DEATH ROLL IN HALIFAX "WHO WOULD THE IHUNS STRIVING THE RED HERRING KAISER VOTE FOR?" IS STEADILY MOUNTING UP TO BREAK THE When conscription was made the law of the land, the What and contemptible con- boast was made that It was done to MAKE QUEBEC DO HER DUTY. The province of Quebec la composed of 80 'cenlraled egotism what charac WORK PROGRESSING SLOWLY IN BLINDING SNOWSTORM ITALIAN UN RESCUE AND FREEZING COLO INDESCRIBABLE SCENES per cent farmers, but an order In council has recently teristic Toryism I "Why. Certainly CONDITIONS IN DARTMOUTH ACROSS THE been paaaed exempting farmer,from the provisions of the we own the flag. All you Liberals Military Service Act. This lets Quebec off This very easy. traitors. Haven't .been HARBOR ARE EVEN WORSE are we Savage Struggle Amid Mountain apparently was prearranged, aa months ago Deputy Speaker beard to boast of our patriotism Peaks on Northern Front-Two Ralnville sent out letter to hla Quebec, constituents, advising evidently bad died of wound Thousand Fall by ever since there was Toryism them of this fact.. Sir Robert Borden, when confronted fat via telephone to Bt. their posture. Apparently they with this letter on the floor of the House of Commons, Why. That's one of our earmarks. Beforo British. John. N U, le. 7, The appall- ha made desperate attempt to would neither deny .nor .confirm IL .Subsequent Insult tbe Labor men, the Social (Special in Tba Dtnj aewt.) tor death 10,1 nere U,e re,u'1 crawl into the open before losing events that the conscription bogey was a win the prove itt. ihe Liberals? Oh. well, we tbe French Rome, Dec 8. A most violent. of ronsriuusne. Many of tbe in ciploalon tf tbe election and win the movement movement first, a war can't thaL We the flag." help own and sanguis.!? battle is being Mont Wane, when jured are dying. The police munition eblp are second. .Conscription never was the real lasue In this And tbe Kaiser smiles at the fought Italian aoil, in which rainroed by tbe Norwgeiau attempting to round the lost upon up tbe til campaign. .It almply was the red herring. v i vlr aWstmnf AnaV rt Yll t'lf"V iroo. which u carrying children who are wandering the Germans yesterday wrested un friends. Would the Kaiser vote from the Italians strong position fur tbe relief of Belgium, throuKb the aDoalltnjr wilderness cs Bpp. for tbe while plumed leader who on the Asiago front. Von Bulow'a- stcadilr Increasing early to- Kf WTeeaare weeping bitterly or vti has given forty consecrated years prodigious offensive, developing relief work of reseu calling for mothers. Doctors. ixr wh Uie of his life to welding Canada into from the mountain strongholds RUSSIAN SITUATION WHAT THE VOTERS tnedleal and food supplies at tbe bodies progressing very nurse, and united country who. a happy on Setle Communi which be pre 7 i-ooscrvalive estimate have armed from Truro, indsor IS STILL OBSCURE HAVE TO CONSIDER lias given bis every effort to culti viously captured, forced the de He city officials at 9 and Moneton. A special train was nado Ir vating the "bon accord" between fenders to withdraw their lines morning placed tbe sent froRi 1 lotion by Governor loU this 'his of Quebec and the compatriots along a front of about six miles, f dead close to twenty-five MeCall of Matsaehnsells which i Tk mn in Ihm flection it . . . . a-mbcr from the slope south of Monte hundred. expected to arrive this evening PetrogradDec 8.-AII IW.Vlhan the penality of tbe two to the Froza Tbe ene a dawn broke over with further aid. All bttiaes is diplomatic officials have been'candidale. Itemember who and f motheP ,and jCaslelgombert This is north spur.of Ibe city was indescribable. Here suspended and the sehoets closed, formally asked by Foreign Miuis- what eaeh stands for. Peck is the ot the statesmen of Asiago region village, and directly is midway be and tbert about Ibe amoklng ruin while the inhabitants are taming ter Trotsky, whether they sup- nominee of the local rone, woo. 0feat jjriUin who preferred the tween the upper Brenla and of wbav bad been their home Ueir attention to relief work. The1 port tbe Bolsbeviki general peace upon their owit admission, had, lad with a preferential Asiago rivers, where the invader ... . .. . .... ii n- : rrk. li.. n t. h .mi. kaam .n Anmmnn.ftTinn....... vun... mm were eea ms and women seant-ily miMiair Mtpnai i nw.ata pn. im '" " tariff which Borden nas since re- are striving to break through the clad clatc at tbe wreckage nut dWtroyed. Jr anyone there ,sal. A temporary Independent for months past, ue sianas 'orlmnv.(i hn nubiiclv on the floor mountain barriers to vincenza frantically ith bleeding band in MTiouljr isiurbd. governmewit has been organized In Hordeji, tbe man wno naa done nis . 1,arllamenl pledged the whole and the Venetian plains. Great an effort I- Sad their.It rela-uvea. How It Happened. Sttria. Kerensky has been eieo- hel to irw-ie ouv nuix H oJ hla party lo the gov. stress is laid in tbe Italian war Freeiiai rutd and a heavy It wa the detonaUoli of Iwr M MinHlw of Justice, lie is oe- tne man wn I." .ou ,.-.,,, of , dar at the ouU office report on the savage nature snowstorm added u I tin suffering lbouaitd tone of trt-nitr-UMilin. ierralned lo oompiete a oeauuon eeni. war i-muv. vu vw.. fcreak of tfae warwho for lhree of the struggle now in .pro t tbe wound and liHlri unr ir tne ateot wriui eiino-iv ablaet. .iwn ana Puw o . . ' long. year. restrained his fellows gress and the herculean euorts oi a bile Area whit were believed ee nsansifaotiired. more oora- General KorniloiT who recently eent.. Ihe man who gives a vote rrltlCim due a oroflteerine tbe Italians to check the enemy ex: aguitbrd bruit out again. o Uonly known as T. N. T.. wbieb oeeaped from the Iluikoff prison to those women whom he !and nrolligate government who onrush LaiiMd The Frwneb has ieined the Coe sacks under imight vote for his i party and re-,a the far there baa been no reliable account the wploetnn. of lbe exteniion-of British FronL . ... ... i.l I t-1.l: An arnUillrii.M,lhk All 4lnr WOtnAll.. -i. Of Ibe dead, feud two thousand miHttMU-) moui tHauc, Mirri nwnjiur.. parilameni s me lor a-ycaio - TmKmTDeSf gjS2rwotne$and is tbe lowest eslimale. n deadly Joad was on ner way up .Maiimuun iotoc u '" - ; siat in the prosecution oi me war Germans perished in,two fruitless At DartmouUi. 1 harbor from New York for Mane Palaee, expelling those in pHl Canada by racial strife, tne and vould nave done so agajn, had attempts to break tbe British lines. . . . . ill uKa nnlfsnnAI 1 SUPS lor - at. a: A . taia . A I a a a- m li..i. m ti am m h t aABii7a aa I I slew mpBilllul u iUV lltsu aev a- v - m.1 (tin mltnni nf ita acta be Vial wood today. The ea worse condition than in I a mmm ww - . around 'ax have turned Dartmouth.Utrack on the port side by the constitutional assembly. parly ends. i to meil to heaven who de- Germans have at least 375,000 . tuc town across tbe bay. iBto a IMgian relief ship Itno, wbioh was gtork Is the nomjnee oi ine m0re recruiting speeches men massed there. North of La place t death and suffering. Tbe downward bound. A ralnnder. BUT ONE VOTE AGAINST Skeena Liberals for in eastern Canada, despite hia 75 Vacauarie in the Cambrai sector. beavy snowstorm wtileh set in standing of whistles is blamed for WAR WITH AUSTRIA He has been in the field fne...earg lban the Prime Minister, Ulster troops have captured the not He is a a a wly jo the day impeded tbe work the oollision. The I mo struck the last two years. The Tories are of hij ministers who now enemy trenches anq nave aa-vanced Peck. against of hi8 devotes South of Ypres lines. with force. Tbe their of r .tf and rescue, but It helped French ship greal . nelc against him. He a Tk. rnnnine crushing forever the natrols successfully at tbe firemen to fight the flames. vi..n i tti.tu. had a deckJoad of vaHing.on. ouw nnf,i,n nd nrofl hi beine to Dritish Tbe devastation extend from in und this cauahl Are. The United States has declared war t 1 . .". J- Uae Wiu ava v vs v tacked the enemy, inflicting many leering any laager, ue ui.pu the Nationalists Congress between Xcrti the Imo herHf was praetieaiiy un- upon Austria-uungary casualties. street to Af Neville on uana- the grealestotau and i .ml t,nt niKhinc ahead UvnaaM) the resolution with onelLaurter. Qve q thQQl ho,es iQ tne (bores uf I led ford Daein, inviw ;i ians. which even his enem es ad- who lhe Torie8 PUBLIC NOTfeC until Are vote. , bcti two miles from the water-lr with tbe wounded craft jdif.enllenl 'mil..... in... ihie ne moments, tne . . . i..n then she nacaeu love lo uoasi oi iucit iujaiij w hri. ,uiL and ai to Gutingen Street to a depth man who gave a preferential tarilt M naffwho alone can Public Notice I hereby given 'iiree-quartcra of a mile. There u i lie itno uriiieu uin harbor iu, LLOYD GEORGE INDISPOSED for Hritish goods, which the loyal roung natQn inlo a that under tbe provision of the ftol a building in the city that the Iiartmouth side of the llorden took off Laurier sUnd vhole would lhe Kaiser Dominion Elections Act, the lol 64 not suffer, while the hospitals and waa beached near Tun Cove $!: m it sn and freedom of for free speech R t fof a momentl loping gentlemen have been duly drifted towards Lloyd the Mont Diane iu.mifln Iee 8. Premier re tiled with the injured. Women while io conscience. He wants Uinaaa confusion among his appointed official agents, for the eperated from their families are Ihe Halifax side. The cap George is slightly indisposed, hav be. placed upon a war basis, and , candidates at the coming election: to be seen going around panic-ttnrken. tain immediately ordered the crew ing contracted a chilL ber full force exerted in tne war j For Col., a W. Peck, W. E. Manr of the crews of from tbe ship, who made shore in Tbe against Germany, which Borden .J Fisher, barrister-at-law. Prince afelv. The explosion eame seven ,f the eadet were injured. also lbs ships in the harbor have destroyed. Tbe declines to ao. ue vyu- -- .... nt hu Rupert, B. C. the collision. huiidinir was nol bct-n killed. On one eleauier. out teen minutes aflty scription all round, and that the; " For Alfd Stork, Fred. u. uaw-son, 'Telegrams have been received to freight abed. .1 lUmond -rej x d wbiteo not omit the man vt a crew of alxty.lwo men, twenty to the merchant. Prince Rupert, B. 'bree were killed. day from the mayor oi anauaa wreeaea ne payer - .. i , i k inme of .lue. prouieers. annotated. out a.i w v-- 1 1 t. aw A very large number of people largest citie expressing sym dred. of the injured lay ...i . r-.t il.i. uromntinn wuu " ' ' JNO. FLEWIN. Returning aid. niirht in the cold. A number oi are misslug, among whom are pathy and offering Officer for Skeena Electoral Will Investigate. bodies have been recovered ironi " . . . ,.;. covernment which sent the Are many chief of the and leading his deputy citliens.are dead.The Ottawa. Dec. A searching the bay. The list of dead at Dart ,D.V a sa U vl.-uotuc.p"!e Methodist parson to Quebec to District. the will be mstltuiea to investigate mouth i between eighty ana a applicants is Pe4.ruitlhe Government which wanted. Any quan The operator sending press enquiry thai the Borden government Furniture left bis key on bearing the new tbe cauae of the Halifax hundred. using conKcription as a w.u w.- of tity. Good prices paid for complete Killed. instead Cltlxena Bermuda that his wife was dangeroutly In. catastrophe Iteport trow uaii- Prominent election" movement only. The oaiianou w household furnishings and jured. fir i-M-niied today aeeiure um An unconfirmed report is that KnCB.hs COvcrnment which all kinds of tools, men' uit, . . 4 1. ar f iaa i f iinimia u kiiiu. AUiutiH v.w. H.1 1 a am aifk tnnv f rPHCUvLsflUa the surgical """" , " ..... ..v.r earefullv. and vote for Mr "." ...j .... hools. etc. Phone Red 23 or call ttmerceney hos- il.B other nrominem persous uu- v t. .-.iu- dian units wnicn reiegaieu F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave. The LaUst. - - on ui ri t.m. i Wilfrid i.aiirif t.iinia nr suringlng up every Ia with the dead are Lieut.-Com- 1 uilinnCuished French - Canadian Halifax, Dec. 8 Five thousand l" casualties, two thousand dead and where. The city is one gri uiander James A. Murray. Caplain alesmau. TT a mere neral Lessard to the .helf-the and Roger and Cochrane and .a S ...fTAa Fire Chief Edward rea of tho Gariands. the und metn H. Brennan. nmenl three thousand Injured, Is last morgue. Awrui scenes ui iw"- J, While and Flemmlng been wjlneitsea as tue n,.n.1n. DeDUly Chief Win. llrunt.'pwuwviau. . , . ; Fosters, tbe Wesley Allisons, the gut freund Flavell. night's official estimate of the toll ing have Laurier sianeu uw i in. Many of the Mrs. W.J. Sweelman and son. wife Mnpkenzie.Manns and the iU. "INDEPENDENT. nnd auffer- casualties cme riacted life In human human aiu of tho Rev. Sweelman, Dr. Uur- Pert..u;ni government of the inir Lv exnloaion and fires. Borne victims were beyond IU going rescued. Federal aid will doch Chlsholin. Lebaron Coleman. t blaocxllhr fame. when ot these found dead yesterday . to of the Canadian lixpreasabaiu. ,,avined horse fame. Ross rifle be granted by the goverumeut i.mnnner. . " ii ia manr. many moons niu . . . . , On account of the Increase Co John lloyuane. reponer ior 'me. trench snovei xame. urug the ufferer. cost of . nce Borden declared the urgency in the provisions, ; from U. S. .... nhe..,,icle. There is a low. eouioment, . fame and Help WHV ..n sal 1 It A TPiini. 111? ------ - laundry; etc.. we WESTHOLME Washington. Dec. 8. Aid for list of other citliens reporteui or - ---- bacon fame. And of PRINCK RU- are compelled to advance ip.ekwi cily of Halifax has killed and missing. "AT ii.. U urgency U so groat thai there our price 'on some ar-tides OP ERA HOVSI been started forward by the Amer Assistance. not nm unurai y1 a th' Hflw tbe Kaiser must smile TONlOHT ONLY ican Red Cross. On a special ro-tif Washington. Dec HA Joint when he hear Lloyd George and BELFS CAFE, irain from Huston are aix ex resolution to appropriate live, result o ius Northcliffe tell the United Stale WHITE LUNCH, Jesse L, Laaky disaster relief workers, million dollar for relief work . .... .i.-t .1..i- ...... ... ir ihv perienced i. LUQL iiiri. 1UCU BID yvvivv. rf ROYAL CAFE. stricken people of All Fiaheruieu are iui. w,--- - , . . ,. of surgical the J presents with great quautiUe among in Col. Peck's don ( uuuu mipe auu u ee PETROVA ...ti..a l..liliticr and clothing. Halifax was introduced yesterday I MADAME v c - IN while,U)'I.'I a Bpeclul Red Cros train by Representative Tague of Mas THE UNDYING FLAME" from New York carried iomi. sachusetts. hlanketa. sweaters, overcoat and From 5s. k S COMEDIES 2 large quantities of clothing for Toronto. Dec. 8 en, :&rsiss ha telegraphed fifteen In British Columbia. It. the women and children. Toronto hundreds of miles oi it ana senu Details. thousand dollars lo Halifax for No. 14 it down to Levis to rust. It Halifax. Dt?c. 8e The Wellington relief work. Kltcbsrer also send For Sale Reniingtoa laurier road. Win the war. Bor TAXI! and other barracks have been tin thousand dollars. vMwriter in flrst-elasa den. Vest But tear Canada asun i TAXI! twelve Apply Daily N FOR QUALITY neriously damaged, and der. Win the war. Borden. Ye soldier have been killed. The Ladyamlth Wellington Coal re For New Wellington Coal 'and But don't touch Flavelle. I like aud SATISFACTION PHONE 25 plloNi: have duces your fuel bill and give SERVICE naval vessels. In the harbor sound good, Illjcp. satisfaction. Phone 15. .P. R. Ir Lumber of all dimension, lyou, Borden, you WLKJiQil escaped. The naval college was I'll vote rlc hon 118. nieln freund. for you Coal Co. Reliable t-Hour iu the danger oe. but only three