THE DAILY NEW8 Saturday Iteccrahcs a, ,,,, The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN nKITISJ! COL'tart. Publlthod Dallf and WewUy For ths EatL Guaranteed Largest Orculatlon Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-ouya at 9;30 a.m. HEAD OFFICE: Dally News Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tci. 13. From the East, Tuesday, Sunday, 3:30 p.m.; TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 50 cenU per inch. so Tliuraday, 5:30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. For Vancouver. 7 a. m. DAILY KDITI03 Saturday, Dec. 8, 1017. Monday Tuesdays P m. Thursdays 10 p m.l THE REASON WHY signed for the purpose of cn-j Saturdays P. m. i In other of the allied coun abling the Canadian manufac tries, In France and Great Ilrlt-I turer to soak them a little uiore From Vancouver. I 4 -. 11.. ttnlla. Slat. and they have seen h Hnrrlei Sunday to p. m.l 111 1UU III ItJC .JM.O, the Labor leaders are In close government instead of doing la Mondays a. m.l touch with their governments, anything to assist them, inak Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. in all that pertains to the many, In that wall just a little bit Fridays 0 p. in.I problems that arise out of higher, and requiring for its Saturdays 10:30 a. m.l every day work. The same' upkeep the expenditure of mil. thing is seen In Australia and lions of dollars annually for a For Anyox. South Africa. In these great host of customs officials. They LW.OIllfTT COMPANY ,IMITD Sundays ........... 10 in. democracies, the government have seen the grafter and the Wednesdaya 10 m. gets close to the people and In profiteer stand before the King, , - -ii Fridays 8 in. this time of stress, closer than They have seen them heap up Saturdays 10 in. right about face on the very ever 'before for the national millions, which the Borden gov. thing which Laurier was weal. But in Canada, a suppo ernment refuses to tax. They From Anyox. for, it would seem that sedly democratic country, do have seen the national shops, blamed Sundays, a. in., Mondays, m. In fairness to the governed, we find what we might expect where munitions might have Tuesdays, p. m, and Thursdays, be The in view of what baa happened been turned out at cost handed their consent necessary. p. m. of Canada do and is happening elsewhere? In over to-the profiteer, so that he I working people not consent to be governed by Canada organized-Labor is the may make huge profits that the Port Simpson A Naas ftlvsr Points Borden longer. avowed enemy of the govern people have to pay for. They any For Sundays, 10 p. m. ment of the day, which is the have seen the Borden govern. NOTES AND COMMENTS From Tuesdays, p. m. Borden government Taking ment encourage profiteering. Into consideration what Is the father than restrain iL They Conservatives are doin their Oumh Chirlatla lalanda. case in these other democracies have seen the Military Service!best to divide Canada to put Malls Close Oct. 10 and 21. Mr. FRED STORK it must be plain that there is Act brought in which conscripts ieigbl provinces against one. Yet ov. 7th and 2lst, Dec. 8lh and The Liberal Candidate for the Dominion PnrliameiiL who something rotten In the stale nomas life, while the Borden divided hoping for a Canada, they 9Ma"nifrornct. has recdved the endorsntfon of the Prince somewhere, when the working to Rupert Lftenl, government refuses con-1 call themselves Unionists 1 Hth and 2. omen of a great nation unanimously script the profiteers' wealth. I n. Jov. nth and 23th. Dec. eta and and the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor CounciL oppose the government in other countries, the labor Who would the Kaiser vote forf 3rd p. m. "de Jure." leaders have been In the con- The question is. asked by the The unanimous feeling of the Ildence of their governments in eastern Tories. Havlnir no other ItewarV Maple Bay and Swamp LAND REGISTRY ACT BE CLEAN people who form the backbone matters relating to labor, but Justification, they are compelled Point. (IftUoM tOd III.) of the nation ia in opposition In Canada, the Borden govern- to Invoke the name of the Kaiser For Thursdays, 10 p.m. to the Borden government and ment has In a high banded a Arfutuo .. iisi-t, ruisr iiti. INTERNALS to help them win the election. From Saturdays, p. m. TAkE NOTICE that eppUcetic hi been this is no idle whim. It is not fashion refused to take Labor Some patriots I aad le rtruur asm Daffy, of fnee the unconsidered, action of a with IL Is there any wonder Alaska and Yukon Territory. Baprrt. t. C. si owner la rr andcr t Over BOO.OOO Peopta Are R Tat S(t Deed ttvm UM CaUccter af the few fanatics, such as are to be that Organized Labor thinks The Toronto newspapers make For Mondays 9 p. m. cur rnoe Dapert. k-eerttf ltu the Doing So. found in every camp, no matter that some improvement is pos sorry reading these days. Tber From Saturdays, p. m. Ilia day of September, llll. af ALL ASD of what political color. Instead, stnieT tonaiuom as tney are, refuse to differentiate between SLIOCLAR Uul certain parcel or imi of Tor moy ytt shTstcuu Un ir4 it is the well: considered and eannot continue without an ex- foes, foreigner. Frenchmen and CHRISTMAS MAILS UikI aad rrrtnUes siutte. lytr. sad beta-to umi si rr mi r aaai iai u ut Um Municipality af rnw Kupert, nort - weighed judgment of an edu- plosion wiih uorden sitting on faithful Liberals, Havimr no re. Closing Dates for Overseas. pvtinUrtr Uwn ssd 4MTtto4 m Ll eated and .skilled body of men. tne safety valve. gard for the truth, they Din their Egypt, Saioniki and Mediter totij-vo Hit, aiotfe tkutr (IS), SU(Mi Satar I'M i UMI iwU la our prl at w krk bi rvM a im tti They are unanimous in their if democracy means any- faith to alliteration and bur head. ranean points, November 10th. Hkl ). kp l. life.I tuuiM. a aur aw condemnation of Sir Robert thing, ir there Is anything to It lines. France, November 2 llh. Tea f rjilr-d U matrtl Um cUu l SSUlkl ta. tM Utl Ul MIKM ntr(TM) Um Ul irxhnr ulthla is Cjt tnat Um Borden. in Canada beyond the mere ia Great Britain, December 8th. Um nt ( imi boiu tMth MM t!raiUl4 UTMIt (M ttmt The reason a to be found in sounds of us syilahles, it will But remeinberl Laurier put Persons making up parcels forr t tffeewd by pbiicauoa. ud jvtt llxrtWKl " tntov Hi tmi fn his actlonsr and in the actions, De made plain 10 lr HoDert prince Itupert on the map. Bor- above points should mail them SlleaUoa IS tailed u MUM it r u lAalara condoned by. him, of his Cabi. itorden wunin the next few den has done his best to take It before the-actual doling dates to t Laad Um OefUiry fotlowiaf Act"atrat wits ejaewdnwau.Ukerefmni and i Uus Uom Um UL Uat' net' during the past six years days that the one function of off. Borden has cursed Prince void any possible delay. -Aad m eeftalt of a caseal or rerun laierwai bauaf baa, ktuw at aa-cate and more especially since the Parliament is to make laws rtupert for six whole years. His of It peaden betar Sled before 'reewtmewa limn aad thuee of ns ner. war began. The-policy of the FOR THE PEOPLE and not for only handiwork during that time LAND REQI8TRY ACT Um rerlstrauon a owner of Um petaonj brea aieadHy ttwia u fttsr Borden government das not one particular class, evenlfs an open sore on Third Avenue. enutted wade each Ut tele, alt peesena nmwuy. aweer, Ue suraw . been in the interests of the though they do form an arls-lwhlch the neonle have to Day for (Seetloas is and til.I Ukm sereed ctauatar wit aoUco, ... ami ba baa bean oearta Ue cewsta Bat UutMfh or ander tbeea. bs Ma treat iutu aad spMUUeis Applicatloa 5a. Ilfl-L ma 117a. people,- as a wholes The stern tocracy of wealth. This fact is and aU keeDintr disinfected. Borden de. TAKK NOTICE Ual sppBcaUoaj baa trn person cUltmar any latere! tutt an is t-wef toieeUM U sea realities of this fact has been which 8Ir la the land by tlrtue of aarerttieiwd one Robert Borden Inlands his price! la rtfitur Artsar A. McCvaa. ot any MrtMi( oteeaM a Tsbercakeia, sad si-lastrasnent. brought home to the wage. has1 consistently Ignored. Oov.f , . n rrioce Sopvrl. 8. C. ai oor la It aad all persona claMniaf aay lWlHII Mdiuuu ef UroeM B- earners in no uncertain man. ernment must be with the dr a Tst Saw Oed froa UM Collector of laterett U Um Uad by descent no,fct-.u, con- The Borden minister stated that Um atr or lrta UUe not recleurtd under tba pew- .wT.Tte. aMiuVuaTu aapan. taartat data u ner They have been exploited sent of the governed. Borden's! prince Rupert was under a curse. Sod day f rtovtmter. llll. of ALL t. to the-ulmoitvwbile the Borden majority in me last election The curse of llordent A vole for A.ID snoi'LAn Uul ctruta parcel r trtci 'w e s wwi wpe ivwj 1 s waj srvstssBfj my I uaor aad Tabercalesta (u tuief n government looked on and said came through the bugbear of I Stork will helo remove that curse of land and premlMS sltaaM. Ijlar. and aay sua, avL clatsa fa ta or Utu la respect..of nk lb Uad a recent artlelo ta lb w lari naiee; to the exploiters, Go to it." conscription, whics? Laurier was I bfjar la Um MaalclpaUly of rnaee Rupert, sun resuter tMro r.JTI.TT' , .. . . . . . mora taarueaUrljr knows aad described as . , . Ois They have been taxed out of all nr. ul. mameu for thinking about. Ill So you want cheaper food Lei Iweoir-threa ll). Slock Ukirtyroar Lower lateiua free fruss U penw 1 proportion "with the moneyed was a lie, of but 11 (SI), teruoa Steea foe Uses." course, waschoaper boots and clothing? Then u, Msp III. A.o VHIREAS wast SMtler. aad O'tr ll.9 art tea classes. They see Canada surrounded' good enough to win the election remember. Borden and his sun- Too arc repaired U eealrel UM claUn aiad for a CerUflcaia atvUcaUon of tndefeasibU ba Title been Mac laMmal Sata. by a tariff wall de. on. Before Borden can turn! af Um us parebaser wiuua II deji fruca 10 tba t that enuuuiasua aad rraMfal krtwr M porters stand for the profiteers lb data of um semca or Ibis notice rai-aMSUoned land, ta Um aaoM aavafsl bi an SMaas aa tasepueaal oat Stork and Laurier won't. You (bleb mar to effected by sdrsrusiar as ef Ann l3j Um honored on our Si WlllJUUS vote accordingly for your own directed), aad your attenuoa Is called to en lateaurauar Um title tsi 7ut Ate. soath. UibbrUft. rri. section II of Um "Land Kenairy Acr snub II appear ibat prior t Um I Its dy of and for the soldiers .and Ir. Trrrtll Toronto sake, September, (Um ameodmeBU. and to tba llll, dat on which the S. S. PRINCE RUPERT their dependents. therefrom.- followiat attract said Uad wtr sold for overdo utei.. Pear bwctor TyrrelL After aw fear -J. S. L. cascada for toor aoa, 1 I' werw um "And In deftalt of I earcat yon aeaed owner thereof. or certia- WEDMESDAT mldnJrM (or ADJOI. rtaTIIEK TAII ll my dtty as a UMakfal psueai m " TUCRSDAT Mldnlfbt for SaAn Biy. Oetta Fans, Among Borden s tail acts in ctM or lis readens belnr Sled before aaoM unMlsbaU NOTICE thai si Um 'yJZitZZ effect um re.utratto. la f"" "'f rcrtttrtuua as of par- owner Um VsMoqrcr, Vittortt and SeatUa. Parliament was the theft of ten enUUed under such person loaac of aad a'1 " u J ut sale, all parsons imZ2.w :'..,:," la I . US I WMM UU teller C.rur.i million dollars for the worthless so served wlUi . . . . bf to S.S: PRINCE notice, Warn .GEORGE of U treat work. yea yvur G. N. It stock, which the Kovern sad tbosa clainunr throorb or under land la Um earn of Aan Duty sale ply faU lo cipret my thaakfmlaeis " MMniiM for Anjox. stONOar s a.m. for iumo mr. ment owned already. Borden Uiem, aad aU parson claimlaf aar In-lercd yow uao and prosecute the proper proceedings Brsl learsias of your Caeca Ae. lis VaaeouTtr, VUtona an Saatlta. la Um Uad by rutin of to establish your ctauo. If acy. vrtiseti wants to go back and steel any to sain- it I coohl not 1 a 7 some 10 to Mia anrtttturad Itietrumeat. uud.or ta prevent such pro aad all S. 8. PfttNOE'JOHN . .11. B persons uiore minions, common law cUiminr pueed sciloa en tar pert uuresi puis sny la Um Uad ! ror Queea Cbarlotu S b word of honor. lilaods, p.m. DiumUr Ilk aa4 lltn. DATED.! Um not, an say la robber in Jail, by descent whose title If not reentered Land tuutry omre, ser ror KeUbikan, WraottU. Jnaeaa ana b cenu worth of drurs. I spent Sktfwiy, Occemlr ttu lad 6Ul rrutc B. ftopert, under Um C, Ibis lib Hr of September, '. w m provisloas of this Act, shell ta br lltl.lS is Um wn year prettou TRAIN'SERVICE be for ever aad A. D. ISI7. estopped debarred from all lh Thousands of lie of in -J. S. L." Wooid uwl PtiMctr aulr, and returning soldiers settlor lip any claim Id or In reiMct R. r. MACLEOD. WaSaaaSar SatarSar at 11:10 for Smitten, youa nwa aad wosnea I seo la uos Prloco on board the "Olympic" cried "To of tba land so sold ror DUtrlct ftetuirar of TlUes. 0orr, Kdmooton and Wlnnir, oukior direct coooecUons for all Uses, aad J be wlik uwir faces covered wiu homo, To polau cast.aod souUl hell with Borden." He gave them Rertiirar shall reenter tha persoa entitled Boberl Murdock. Eaq., Ihtl ptmple wwwkt as IL They paper shoes to keep their feet dry ander such ut sal as owner of Ill Moboa SL, Vancvam. B. C aoua t rid of Ibeaa, a I dtX I Um land so sold for Agency All Oosan Steamship Lines. In the flooded trenches of Flan A.1D UIIEfiETS tPVUct Uie. stop, or I wiu bo keeptor yoa froia yr lion baa been WATCH NOTICE tarts art. but 1 could nu ua mors For' information and reservations apply to uers, and rifles that jammed in mad for t ceruocau or Indefeasible Title sny pen cundiuon of bealUt, als la praise City Ticket Office, SSS Third Avenue. J PMONE SS0 the face of German attacks. Ask of to Um Arthur abamnvotloned A. McCwaai land, la tha mm TAKE NOTICE that Dolly Verdea Mines of um -J. . U- May yea ajoy t any, of the returned soldiers about AXD WllilltAS appUcaUon has been Company wboee addres is AUc Ana. B. lo Um ua Sam Hughes' will apply for a Ucenao to lak and SUKrl yours, patented nine pound title II appears that prior to Um I lib day William Devey. osa ten trench shovel with the hole of Septiftnber, llll (the dite cubic frel f (Mr pr cond In lb on which oui or Troui Creek. tributary,of Ell If you try tha "i. B. L. Cases Je' X It. And you won't vote for Bor. said lands were aold tat a,.Mu. sault hirer nowmr Into Alice Artn. Cat wiu nnd rottrself alwsrs brtrtil t9tt' Uiesj, den. And Peck stands for Horden seised owuor ywu were Uiereof.tba retisured aad aa. sur District Tb water will bo diverted drnl and tapabU Um polsoaous asiis CANADIAN- PACIFIC RAILWAY Btork won't. riRTIICa TAKE NOTICE thai at Um si Um bead of tba raiu oa Iba Sllfer auke us llUou. blue, daU and oereess.M tarn time I (half effect reiUtratlou In Horo Mineral cUim. Lot tin ,nd In ureal BsUt ar tlr oas cur 0 used ror power purposes on tb Wolf constilloo Just warm wsier PMW Lowest Rates' to all Eastern Points The Daily News delivered by porsuanee Certuicate of such (ppiication and Usa a nd Dolly Vsrden Group of Mineral ipplnd. Druis fore Bslure-the " via Steamer to Vancouver and the .arrler. SO cents per month. wnae in too af Indefeasible turn of Arthur Till the said CMliae beine Lou ssai U Cascada" icauy asslsu btr. CANADIAN tM u ' K (1ST loclutlv and Ul H. Onse t Pr PACIFIC RAILWAY , unlet you like and prosecuu tha nroner Call sad sea It at Cyril Moals and Barth Inelgdad on Staamar SEAL SKINS proceeding to esublish your tlslm. If any, llll, castlsr DlstrtcL Store, Cor. Ird Aieoue sad U rr K lha said Application win ba nudo also for lb lands, or to such "P"- prevent I ant to rl Into touch wtui proposed rifht to store 110 acr feet la rirsi Trou is Princess far sciloa on my parL Ask for -Why Msa of Tir "JZlm' May Granby and Alios-Arm 11 oy p.m. Friday person batlar or bo mjr tur UATtO SI tha Land AiMun nm Lak nd 1.110 acr feel la Second, Third " Princess May southbound via Ocean Falls. A p.m. Sunday bair seal or sra lions skins which Prince Rupert. B. tad fourth Trout Lake. Tb wtier will rer tent imcicni, a , it roe c. this Itth which Is Heo Prlnoeaa ara trrt tuna crs or fork dsy of o 1 wren in rirtl Trout Lak lb ureal, r,rreU. Sophia for Alaska Monday, December ;3rd. or book Beptember, A, 0. 1 1 1 7, by coo prefer, wrll al onco s i" uus boles. siruciion or s dan at Us outlet aad In lot Princess Sophia for Vancouvsr. December Sth. M. f. MACLEOD, DUIrKMietlslrar III Sweet, Saturday, M.D., Collere J. N. M, BROWN r tiiu. second, Third and Fourth Trout Lakes by book. feet Offls Baa SOT, Vaaaoufar,B.O. To CharUs I'lanln. Dot 7 the construction of a dam at Its outlet J i I; PETERS, General Agent Karnonton, Alt. of Second Trout Lak. Tb ettUoaled ACT tree or Und to U Hooded LAND at rirsi Troul Co ner Fourth Straal and Third'Avenua Frlnca Rupart, B.C. SkEEXA LAND bISTItlCT miTtiirT or Lak i 17 seres and si Second, Third and i.uAr. ItArluE I, rourm Troui La tea u twenty acre DUTWCT'PITwrT or Tak notirw thai the Wmkm Tbi nolle vii poatad on lb iround SIEE.1A LA.1D SfklOf Co., Ltd.. Of Vuun.., no .. oa too 1 1 in ay of October. 1917 COAST HAJICE 4. Stuart JMartin A copy of thl nolle and an application BjA't aertly smhcr your coogk pursuant thereto and lo l be Water Aei, el 1, win ot niea iu tb office of lh ?ITWi1? W K Uatslea'a Syrss of Tar and Cod UrwrOd sw anlr AS3AYLH wir neruraer 11 Prior Muperl, B. a confer,u,iut. la P.aonlr c- fer ocr peroilMloo- lo VtU me ZW.! r '". smsU Tb dst of Um first appearanc of Ibis Mluwlnf described lod'1BM4 lb HA2ELTON nunc in in local Mwioaner wn tha ca cald aad tbaa cecU a panaaJiaat cure. It U thl qiullty wmic an WWM SM o. o. north or Ouintmii, n... .l.TZI "1 ! oT ef OctoUr. 1117. nd omeetion tkSka Uetwetaaiwei any aowgk aad caU rasnedy la CaiMda. W-nre , rhtl ' " fasy m "led with lb comptroller or rshor on the "T.a'ni asrtlsy ?iarrws. sbuul Its; Toce sorts Ths oldsst established Assay to acrsor; uTnt,m ' bl,LLY VAB0M "" COMPANV, Office In ths North. TM-WUM lAtsloW miwo COM- Bl Me0tanU' A,,B, ' - CUv.l.nd. 0ien, ';Tpp, UATE I'm U?nt0 0. C. Itoberlson. All. ' day of D.niUf, (sir. Advertise In The Dully Nows, PATAU Moaibr ! '"