1ft R DAH.T HEW flat unlay l- CANADIAN ON THE nillHMI""""'r"---" m"1 A IN THE LETTER BOX Local News Notes j ENGLISH REQIMENTS G. H.Arnold When Women (Continued from Page Three) are Weak NOTARY PUBLIC Dear EditoryWill you kindly Mr. Lock hai returned to the the overseas crush. They've Women who feci weak. lanculd and make allow me the apace following in your statement:paper to city after a villi to the aoufh. shown what they can do. and who look pale and dull-eyed, and have lostativv. there no denying they've done HI tite and fresh looks need a tonic 5i It ha come to my knowledge Major L. Bullock-Webster ar. that ' We 8ll Real Estate. that an effort I trust through Ignorance, rived In Prince Rupert this morning. well;credit and for I will It. nay When thai they've think purify the blood, help the organs of diVcstW We write Fire and Marine is being made to boycott of rot all that the KnglUh you fellow I regulate the liver and bowels, and strenpthetl Insurance. my business on account of .my the system. It long has been known that x,. . uvHi.nH Ufi for have done without any noise about Frenchman. I hai We have Apartments, Stores, being a regret Houses, and Office for ing to take tep. which might be up river poinl. by this morning's In the V"""' get more than our share (that we Rent, and Want More. construed as an effort to blow train. I tell what It Is. of praite. you Beecpanj&Piiis one's own horn, but desperate We Deal In Mortgage Loans. deseases ire desperate deme- .Xmas Post Cards, 2 for 5c. though. The KnglUh people are rem We Sett Timber Limit. Other dainty card 5c up. Mcltae'taken with the Idea of ua fellows r dies, and when an effort Is made We do Conveyancing. to ruin one'a business the situa Bros. xvu coming ail mat way 10 ngni ami are a blessing to weak women, for they quickly conm tion from his standpoint becomes 'It is kind of romantic when you wonmnly ailmcnti imorovc the appetite.,purify Oifts. m t it a a. desperate. I hate had a son serving Uooks make Ideal Xmas come to iook ai u ana iccy blood and re-establish healthy conditions. They are H. O. HELQERSON, LTD. with the colors for almost two No war nriees. Easr to mail. Mc- can't see the romance that's under safe to take as they are purely vegetable and without years. My other son voiumeerea Rae Dros. 290 their noses. It's always the any harmful drue. A few doses will bring better and waa turned down, but will Mr. P. A. O'Farrell, the noted way. People seldom see that sptnts, improved health and a feeling of fitness. ent probably examinations.be accepted I might in the be pre ex journalist, is paying a visit to while their putting own brothers Into a book are they're worth Worth a Guinea a Box "The Dailj News" Prince Rupert. cused if I were to apply for ex 'only old Jim' or 'old Harry.' that's emotion for him (which I am not You can buy good shoes, slippers, all, nothing particular about them. CLASSIFIED ADS. doing' in view of the fact that I etc, for men, women and "I once saw a couple of fellows I have reached an age where it is children at Wallace's. 288 have a scrap. One of them took all I can do to handle one man s off his jacket and rolled up his WANTED. work Instead of two as t am today Mr. J. F. Strang, of the Sunny- sleeves very Impressive. Just like on account of being unable to get side Cannery, has arrived in the a book. The other chart irol TEACHERS WAV TED rOH PfUXCX RUP-EMT '..Ik.. .Lit. .I Ik.l t...i 1.. I...I help. He was on the verge of city from the south. raiucr vuiio at mat, uui uu juii PtBUC S CHOOLB Teacber tot Protect Your atraded tcboot tp to tod lacUuUor coming here when the present buttoned up his coat and stood Family Jankr laird work. aaUry II per Baceia. Military Service Act came Into Oifts that are easily mailed quiet and square. He won, though Alio utebtr tor lniermeliaie rode, force. books, fountain pens, burnt le&lb the other fellow was the best Btnrari in , -i rtn t- t i -t i-tir i i m i Drotldea(Urr,7l.for per in Inereaae moem. Salary af II.ctedaJe r That I happen to be fortunate er souvenirs see McRae Dros. t scrapper. I always think of that LUY e t mooia eecn year, entil a maumuni f!enough to have son participat- chap when I see the English " 110.00 U reached. SUM erpertenee ing in this great fight for Freedom The Rev. W. W. Wright re troops only, they can scrap. DOMESTIC BREAD "end qoalifleauooa. AppUeatloo cIom turned to the city today from,an is a source of gratification to me, none belter." ury.Drttmbrr III. W, D. VAXCZ, Been ft but I do not wish to be under electioneering trip down the coatL "THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" stood as looking for any special Free to you. A 79 Ylctrola. WA-.VTED TouDf wcenaa Uubea-Bitld, consideration on this account, but coionn McMillan was among See McRae Uros, Ltd, and learn HEADQUARTERS FOR . la Matron, t. It. On. HaepttaL the pasaengers arriving in the do ask for myself and all others city this morning from Yancou how to get in on this. tf. CHRISTMAS 1 IH TtLUO CJVT rtaSO.T MAT 1AJUI whether they are actually repre CAKES paaers;IS monthly i to correepoauliaf tt SBoatUr for la mw.spar sented in this wa. or not. what ver. ine ii. w. v. a. win noid a with High-class Decorations UMi ctperteaca aaoeceeearr; no eaa-raaeln; we all cherish so fondly "British Subscriptions received for any dance in St. Andrew's Hall on De. iGbJect turreiled. Seed for Fair Play. I have no apology to magazine or newspaper published. eember 19th. Admission, gents eracuUra.SIT. Buffalo,flsttoeal j. T.rmi Sanaa I offer for my nationality or the tt the publisher's price. McRae II. Ladies SOc. 297. La Casse Bakery part I am playing in this war. Dros, Ltd. DIO FOR MIX. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, and For Prince Rupert and district. trusting that this will act as a Mr. McWnnon Stewart, of To we have secured the services of rOR bookj,SALE tno,Blurt run,14.kltcben lullrtu,and curtains,pores warning to those who are so ready ronto, who has been in the city for Mr. Martin Kroeger, F. R. 11.8. mTm. Pbooe Bine III. tf. to vilify their neighbor, I am the last few days, left for up river Consult him about your garden Truly yours, points this morning. roblems. Urltish Columbia .Nur LetUrhcad FOUND E. E. La CASSE. series, Ltd., Vancouver, D. C. tf En Prince Rupert, Dec. 8, 1917, Mr. Humble, of the Customs t elope F0C5D Man' overcoat on Third Avenue. Statement staff, who has been down the coast Apply at Dally Ktwi offlee'aad pty for MINERAL ACT Card. Kit. tail adrerfrienMnL SIS. FUNERAL SERVICE FOR with the Spokane on business, re PWJS LOST THE LATE MR. J. D. MEIKLE turned to town this morning. ROTICS TO DKU.VQCX.1T PARTUS) T C W. Calboaai Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson, of Taka notice, wbertu I bat dona ai LOST Mink MS between Metbodlst Yesterday afternoon there were anted la b dooa aateaameat work on ute Cbnrcb and Summit Apartment on Wednesday, Inverness, who have been in the The iNews Job Press many friends and acquaintances MMnit&i rracuoa mineral clato. tltaated finder pleat raturn to for the Dally city past day two, left or ea tl niltoee rleer. tlxml rirua mile new Office. of the late Mr. J. D. Meikle gathered tss again this morning for home. from lb bead of Alice Ana, la tba B arena Pfbtu af A3 DritripjB$ Dse In Messrs. Hayner's chapel mlaia dirtaloa tt skeea dittrirt. aaaeai. attending the funeral service, We have a complete range In ment work far 114, 111. and till, and Mw Ope V4r New SJaaeaeme which was conducted by the Rev. Community Silver in Sheraton aae paid tor said work and recordm tan tba m ct 117.1. L'aleti yoa pay P.O. tn a Dr. Grant. There was a good pattern. Price same as in East r lYctrarm tb lam af 1 1 11.11. for year aba re 0M1NECA HOTEL turnout of the members of the St. and In States. Ilulger A Denlke of lb aald aaaeaaoteai work, toretber wit a Catak Andrew's Society, of which the lb coal or tbu d?erttemi, I aJun. tl deceased was a member. The pall Mr. and Mm. II. Diamond and lb tipirat'Mi of ninety (It) day from foeU-a,tU HAZELTON - - - B. O. tb data bereor apply to tb miniaf re bearers were Messrs. 8. D. Mac. family, of Ketchikan, arrived in (Old llaieltoo) corder at rnnc RapeM. B. C to bar ZKD:U-D, RETURN ISM E0 eae donald, J. O. 8leen, T. McMeekln, Prince Rupert today from the yoar Intereata la tb Midalrkl PrscUon RCDCOORATEO R. Dowther. Alex. Smith, and D. south, on their way to the Alaskan mineral claim veiled la me. la pr4enc or tb proTUioa of tb mineral act. Baser Pre tie lea far the Cfeet af Glenny. There were many floral porL Dated at rnnce Rapert, B.C. Ibia Itlbl Ladle d aatlata. offerings from friends as their y or September. HIT. Dll, last mark of respect. The tug Francis Cutting was h. c Mimr-a. tied up at the wharf this morning. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE THE WE8TH0LME THEATRC She brought in a scow load of aeroplane spruce and a scow load Harry Atkins Madame Petrova Is the great of shingles for shipment to the, FOR CANNERYPAEN attraction at the Westholme to east. If Eggs are High Don't We have added to our slock of altes and pip a compliU ny auw. m a wan line of !lulbr Helling at rixht night. Those who have once seen pricrs, A sale of Christmas novelties, NOTED FOR this great actress either on the fancy work and home cooking will Use Then FOR FISHERMEN PRIME lAUtAQE stage or on the film, will be glad be held by the Chapter Hill CO I. A eeimplela stock of the best goods (hat money can bu lor to have another opportunity to a trolllnfr Hpring and Ilronie. O. D. E. at the Great War Veter. uen eggs gel as lira, 8ilver Tomato tauaags a tpaolalty. see her once more. In this play, ana rooms on Saturday, Decern, high a they are now FOR THE WATERFRONT The Undying Flame," she had a ber 8, afternoon and evening. women set their The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boit Prion B74 P. O. Box great opportunity for the exercise heads working and paint -FLOGLAZir- A complete line of Ship Chandlery. of her talents which she makes At the meeting of the Hospital 9ml get along as well FOR EVERYONE .,..,, i the most of. The is of play one Hoard last evening, It de. without. was A fine stock of Hardware, Ourney's Oiford Stoea. the besL There are two fine elded to Increase the directorate l-t. a comedies veve tioxens of Wa Soli Nothing But The BesL as well, which will recelpes that to eleven instead of nine as at J.L.HICKEY please everyone. present. The Ladies Auxiliary women have given us since they will provide the two extra nave uiscovered that Pacific Milk mem FRED CONTRACTOR A Xmas Gifts for young and old bers. can be made to take the place of STORK'S HARDWARE BUILDER rich or poor and Just what you rggs in so many places, aa. . ; want. McRae Dros. 200 HerVe a Date Puddlna. in ine matter of service to Store and Office Fixtures, Massett, a letter was read aL the Rub H cup of lard Into 2 cups of I 8asb, Door and Moldings. Mr, D. J. Williams, of the Hoard of Trade meclincr ln,i mn. iiour, one leaspoonful of hakinir Oak and Hard Woods of all Rocher de Houle mine, Is In the Ing from the O. T. P. arniino- ih.i one cup of sugar A HOT BATH THE kinds. city. thev will accent feeicrhi i. Kt.. isuiej together. ar "-" w B"w ae viri U Uiat)I Ann Wo tpaclallza In Hard-wood eeeeefa sett, and will call there, weather P"" .ne CUD of chopped datea and MINUTE YOU WANT IT and tides permitting. f"ur CUP ''aciflo Milk. Mix Boat Ribs, iaah, DENTISTRY wen anu steam one hour You are accustomed t Doors, oto. All Fishermen are Invited to Ve "',a,, bo 8lad to print any 1 ffettina cold water ia-tantly. FlaU and thsat Olaao and OROMTH attejid meeting in Col. Peck's "c,,eB r "'ay send In that will USB Think of tb t-isfaction Qlazlng. B SBOUA.TV committee rooms, Saturday even- v lo rcluce o lost of living. I la ill II" ,t of getting Hoi Corner Fraaor and Hh tta. DR. J. S. BROWN Ing, Dec. 8th, at 8 o'clock and " u,ejr co"i'n Pacific Milk we Waler In the same way in oawnrr ear what Laurler did In fifteen 1,1 ,eml you 0 1,11,8 urprlse. abundance, regardlei of PHONE GREEN years for Independent fishermen how much has been ud Bmltb Blee. Tab Breaae P. O. BOX in Hritish Columbia it. PACIFIC Milk CO., LTD. before. , Factory at Ladner, B. C. HOT WATER LIKE SJAOIO Captain Fuller, Captain Karri sou I-.a and 1 Captain. r Gosher,, . . aecom Harry Hanson BABY'S laiueu uy iirporai Asrnon, ar brio- The Warklnf ui' Mama. rived in the city this mornlnir Hot Water Service OWNi rrom Vancouver you this convenience. on their way to THE HUB Anyox,medically where the men they called will examine under Prince Rupert Feed Co. aeaad ., aatwaaa BliU dt SaaUt me provisions of the Military p.o. aox PHONE 68 aaa raiNoa rupkrt oervice Act, e BOWLING ALLEYS At the Hoard of Trade meeting POOL and LUBOH BILLIARDS COUNTER last evening, a I fUr- Will i Pa vaij ail HAY, QRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Harry A. Harvey PACIFIC CARTAGEjLTD. irorn me neputy Minister of Flah. I Lai LaaSea, Baa cries at Ottawa. Some time and FERTILIZER af Mwala) ago, Taylar En listeria RrpreaanUnri Company, Atlea iu mrimrimeni nail been naV rwriL or lansoowni oottill General Teaming Anu. a. c-, T, A. Valley Loialn k regarding the regulations for next rupiu Taken for Luiuber Cov Ltd., Queen CJurtoti I. season In view of the findings of Chick n Fssd a Specialty VIOU.V. PIANO. VIOUilCCLLO itl D0MESTI0 wi oasm ar oMCoxa Tb puiHy auit f.-uK"ance of o ruiieries uommission which lURMonr. BLACKSMITH COAL Mk Tb HUB your beUiuartar. ueoye Uwa Sup bve tuJe it recently took evidence hara. ti.-: MAMWATIOW - ... to Piano lava your mall sdiiraiMd In our car. a Dnieeiaal W rrite. lUuael a . . " w "all 0r,M .rmplr PwaJle Praaae u, mlaatleaa Careful Attention attended UneficUl to aVin. urlVHUnent, however, waa unable aaaealala Rsmoal. acy 4.,, Bear, Vaaaaatar, Oaalae and rurnltura to PMa Black BIO. M. B. Raaa, Praa. Albert Soap LUullad,MwatraeJ. afford any light on tha autiUet Weral Oellai af My la, laaea, ( as tli Fisheries Commission have O. PHONE.93. . aei sss. not yet made any report. bob Thi, aia. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 ir