T1IK DAILY NEWS Monday, l)ccmhry a 0 s Don't say "Breakfast MAIL SCHEDULE The Daily News Food" say "Shredded THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Wheat" for while you no Published Dally and Weekly doubt mean Shredded For iha East. Guaranteed Largest Circulation Wheat, you may get one Mondays, Wednesdays and Bat-rdays at 0:30 a.m. of those mushy porndges HEAD OFFICE: that are a poor substitute From tha East. Daily News Building Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Tel. OS. for the crisp, delicious shreds Sunday, 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 60 cents per Inch. of baked whole wheat that 30 p.m.; Thursday, 5:30 p.m. Contract Rates on application. supply all the nutriment for a half day's work. Two For Vancouver. DAILY EDITION Monday, Dec. 10, 1917. Biscuits with milk or cream Monday 7 a. m. 5 m. Tuesdays p. make a nourishing meal 10 p. m. Thursdays at a cost of a few cents. Honcmr treme protestations of loyalty, Saturdays P. m. One of the principle arguments together with the aspersions put up tn this election cast upon the Liberals Is for From Vancouver. campaign is that if the Lib. the one and only purpose which Sunday 10 P erals are elected, Canada will Is to distract attention from Mondays a. m. drop out of the war, which anyone Canada's economic situation. Wednesdays 10:30 a. m. who thinks for a minute While the people are arguing Fridays o p. m knows to be rubbish. This Is about conscription their minds Saturdays 10:30 a. m. only one item among the many are occupied, and they will be charges which the Tories de loo interested to consider the For Anyox. light to lay against the Lib delinquencies of the Borden Made in Canada. Sundays 10 p. m. erals. A statement of this kind governmfmt. The economic Wednesdays 10 p. m.l is on a par with the question as situation of the Dominion Is Fridays ............. 8 p. in. to-who the Kaiser would vote one that will require to be of the United people of Canada, Saturdays 10 p. in.I for. It is an election lie, meant faced "resolutely." The whole seeing that there are 227 to poison the minds of the electors. scheme of taxation requires to straight Liberals opposing The From Anyoi. be revised, as well as the tariff. Union candidates through the Sundays, a. m Mondays, a. ml In the manifesto which was Taxation and tariffs have to be country. Considering every fuesdays, p. vaH and Thursdays, Issued by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, brought up to dale. They con. thing, it is no wonder the feel p. m. he states that the first duty of cern the people. The Tories ing of distrust is abroad a Laurier administration would bluffed the electorate six years Canada with the actions of the Port Simpson A Naaa NWsr Points! be to "find the men, money and ago on that very same question. Borden govenrment. For Sundays, 10 p. m. resources necessary to ensure But they cannot do it twice. From Tuesdays, p. m. the fullest measure of support Instead of being in the interests CHINA MAKES MONEY to our heroic soldiers at the of one little class of the OUT OF HUN SHIPPING Oiiavam l?k a taJ t f a lalana4ti. front and to enable Canada to community, as at present, these Mails Close Oct. 10 and 21. Mr. FRED STORK continue to the very end to do have to be revised in the interests London, Dec. 8, Advices from ov. 7lh and 2lst, Dec. 5th and The Liberal Candidate for the Dominion Parliament, who her part to win the war. of the people. This, China state that Premier Tuan itnn,!. has received the cndorsaUon of the Prince Rupert Ubcrah That is what 8ir Wilfrid however, the profiteers and the has agreed to sublet all the enemy nth .d 28. Laurier is out to do, hut that Canadian manufacturers have ships seized by China to the En 'ov. Hth and 23th, Dec. 0th and! and the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Councfl. is not all. Sir Wilfrid takes no desire for. This is why such tente at from 10 to 45 shillings 3rd p. m. heed to the other necessities of a strenuous effort is being per ton. China Is determined to LAND REGISTRY ACT the Dominion. lie continues: made to poison the public mind allow the Entente to have the Itawart, Map la Bay and Swamp BE CLEAN In this election, the supreme against Laurier, one of the Empire's ships, as it Is the only effecliv Point. tSeeuoo It aad III.) end is to assist in the tremendous statesmen. They have way In which she can assist the For Thursdays, 10 p.m. a ArpUeattoa 7a. IMt l. rillac t!7l. INTERNA!!! struggle in which we are not the common honesty to Allies. From Saturdays, p.m. TAAE ROTICS Ibat appikaUoa ita beea engaged, to avoid the divisions fight for their position upon its It is reported that the Chinese kad l reruief Anno Defy, of Prtnce and Government has decided to hand Alaaka Yukon Rupert, a. C. a ovner hi fro sader s and discords, which, for many merits, but have it camouflaged Territory. Over S00.M0 Paopls Aro Ho Tit Sal Deed Pruea the CaUeetor of tbt years kept in check, are now first with the win the war movement over nine enemy ships, aggregat For Mondays 0 p. m. City of rnoeo Dapert. bearur date the Doing So. unfortunately again looming up and the adoption of all ing approximately 30,000 tons, to From Saturdays, p. m. lth day Of SepteaAber, lilt, of ALL AAD dangerously and threateningly; methods, even the name of the Great Britain at the rates agreed Sl.tOl'LAR thai eerteia Darcel or tract of rr BMay year pkytietaa ken ir-4 resolutely to face the economic Kaiser, to burke the real issue. upon for charter. The vessels to. LAND REGISTRY ACT land aod prenUea aluate. lytat, and bentc Ibat tl per ceat of bAaa IB m ten situation with the view .of Profits and the continuenee be turned over to the Lntente by (SecttOM St and III.) partienMarty to the NantdpaOiy known of and Prtnca oVecrtbed Rvpert,at aeore Lot by acevmalaied watte la tb laatr kuw- uae. ibat la oar pre teat i; ef itai avoiding and lessening the pri of their plundering the people China are: Albenga, Bohemia forty-coe iili. Sleek tatrty (It). Sectioa .tr tuald not ttoi rj um rua vations and sufferings which at their pleasure are more to China, Katbe. Deike flickmers R Application 5a. till I. File lift. eifbt (O. kip SIS. ukuat utuuore, no nuuer ba rnnr TAKE NOTICE that appUcaUoa bat been Tea art required to cwettrtl tbe cUlia of should not exist in a country these loyalists than the welfare Triumph, Helena, Sexla and Site miU be, and tut lb tuna trm made to rertster Arthur A. McCain, of tbe ut parehatef wlthia st day trvea tbe so richly endowed by nature as of Canada. What matters it if sia. Prtnca Rupert. B. C. a owner la fee an- date mt tbe erric of tbia no lire tobtca nhu waiw cue U ted tbrostt a kt4 our country. Canada is torn with internecine der a Tat Sal Deed from lb Collector of I may be effected by pabUcaUoaj. and yoar poUed aa da beko par aal vera The Tories read tb aty of ronce Rupert, bee nor daulaitentioa I caned to euea It ef tbe n.peult.1 fr taaay Um4mi bf l ktmi into strife? this So much the better for BANK OF ENGLAND ibe tnd day or Ttoeecnbcr, Kit, ef ALL Land DetUtry Act" with anwndmeota, aad M,ar- statement, of course, the "betrayal" theni. If the creation of racial BREAKS PRECEDENTS A.1D SI50CLAR tbat certain parcel or tract lo tbe ruUowtar eitrart tberefreea vana uia uaae in , a. L of the soldiers in the enmities will help to keep them of land aad premiers allueut. tltat, and -And M detaall of rel or cerua r ruJ StUuaf bea. brsaie ef a-r trenches, and the dropping out in power. New York, Dec. 8. The Bank of betnr la tbe Manlcipality of Prtnca Rupert, cau of U petUen betas Sled before ,reeoewoilslten and lane of Ms n more parUcaUrly knooa and deacrtbed a lb ef been ateeddy te ftrvr rtruinUfi as owner ua person rmata of Canada from doing her share According to Sir Sam Hughes England, according to private ad Lot taenty tbria (tl. Block tblrty-fenr enntted aader aca Mt sale, an peeeon ' kteeenay, bwweter, to ttarotta trv In the Empire's hour of need. the plan of forming the so-called vices received here yesterday, has (ID, Secuon Seven (7), Map tl. o served wlU noUc ... and wblea ha been eartrns lb waatry ov This of course, is done for a Union government was broken all precedents, and Is now To are recralred to cool it lb IboM cUiioUf ibraata. or nnder Ibesn. (r4l aiea aad sarMnu ket -mm specific purpose. The loyal evolved by Sir Joseph Flavelle paying 4!4 cent, interest on of tbe ut purchaser wttbln It day frven and all persona cltiaUc aay lalereel 4etuaf an the Leaer iaieetiae aa per tb date or lb eerrtca of tail notice tn tb land by trt of any tmrerutered ' rwj dtseM as Tbbervaata. aad at-tailrsnrBt, Tories, who now call them, and Sir Thomas White. It was deposits by banks for foreign ac be effected (bleb may by adrertuiaf a aad alt persi ctaiaucr aay ',UlbsW - tm U cbrecM a-interval selves Unionists, take unto their hand which Sir Hobert count. It is understood that the directed), aad yoar attention U called to la lb land by descent a,tna ,t St0tt txbUlty aad en themselves a corner in loyalty. Borden played, and well they Bank of England decided upon section St of I be Land Retiatry Act wltfe utte u not rtriii red under tb. pro- UM- w (t M M,ai ui They deny that such exists knew that Laurier smendmeau, and to tb foUowtaf ettracl v. aii, uii ve iar ever I dm would not this movement for the purpose of Iberefrom: eturrd tad debarred froea ettint P Ipusauoa am faretabia to lb among the Liberals. Tbey have lend his name to the carrying attracting funds. For some time "And in default of a rarest or certia aay cteua to or fat respect of tb land f Cancer and Tabertaieeu u stswd a it all. Laurier, who they denounced out of an autocratic policy with past the principal London banks cat of Ha peodena betas Bled before ao beld for Utea, and lb ReaUar a meat article in Tbe la beconte w left themrvy Tnmeal. in reeuirttion or tb K.1 f .i.l.a f .mam am.1,1. . bs caused peefte t owner - from one' end of Quebec the formation of which he had have been paying higher interes person enuued nnder tucb Ut isle, ail persons ach ut Ml as owner of tb land ao 7 " ' r'uT Liiam to the other six years ago, no say. No honest man could Uw.l ,i rates on balances of foreign ac so Served wllb Bailee Mid ror tii.s.- Jivea as loo British, is now a traitor. do otherwise. Borden's Union counts than on domestic funds and tbos cUUninr ibrotitn or under A!D WHmrn K.. ..' mur. aad w aee This tremendous solicitude for government can hardly be but heretofore the Bank of Kng ibetn. and all persoot cuunbif aay In mad ror a Cerusctte of Indefcaslbl THte,if ,8UfJ, vner winning the war, and the ex classed as being representative land has not paid any Interest Bareaisiered terest in tn instrument,land by tlrto and all of per-any of to tb Iiuu abet rtaa-r mentiuned landa. ta lb Ban ThJ sweao""'"aa " JT,M whatever on any accounts. eon claialnr any Interest la tb land A.1D VTMCRXAB on lnteUfUn lb UU 1 it. bandrod on our at by descent who UU U not rtvuured II pper ibat prior to lb lltb day of Ttl 7U Av. SeaU, UtbbrU. aJkern-Dr. RAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION! ACT, under lb provision of ibis Act, Hull September, lilt, (in date on wblcb lb 1 TyrreU, Toronto. b for ever estopped and debarred frotnlaald lands er told ror overdu Der "Doctor TyrretV After t V uui, S. S. PRINCE RUPERT R. S. C. Chapter III. "I. B. L. Cascade" for four meotka, I fvd aetuas up aay ciaint to or la rtspect yoa w-rr tb aeeeesed owner thereof. la -that of tb land ao tall for and ,'lt any daty aa a tbsakfal pt-ai Wednesday midnlcbt tor Anyox. Utca, tb rl'RTIIER TAKE ROTICE at , . .7 . ... lh. ,Mihw THURSDAY Midnifbt tor Snanaon Bar, Ocean Pen. THE 0RAI1AM ISLAND SPRUCE AJID Retutrar sbaU rt filler tb peraon n- aam IUnlanaU effect redslralluo In par H. m mm .m " .- 1 CEDAR COMPART LIMITED benwllb tilled under such laf II be beea 10 bm. Tea ciaoel Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. tire ut sale a swner of snaoc or laca appnratlua and uis a do lice tnat it tut under section 7 of tbc tb Und so old for Ute." CentSrate or lodereatlbte Till te tb seld etnolkena aa I wrtte mi letter tt F S.S. PRINCE GEORGE aatd Act depoaited witb Ute Minuter of AXD wUEnETS applies Uoo bu been land In lb tuan of Ana Daffy unlets of yon la year treat work, ww Petite Werk at OtUw aad la the atnee made for a Certincate of tndefeaaibta TIU yon Ut and preaecut tb proper pro- ply tail lo otpraea my ihaakfaiae- SATURDAY Miamrht Tor Anyox. BOMBAY of tbe District Retittxar On I leemlat of your CaKade. rrrte a.m tor 9-winson Sty, ef toe Land Ri to tb abovementloned lands. In lb nam ceeoiar to etubllib your rutnt. If ary. wiaen YincooTtr, Victoria and Seattle, litry Offlce, DUUtct of prlnc ki mitr tt I tuU cut ao a day Rupert, at or Aritrar A. Mccwani to tn tald Unds, or to prcveni tocb pro Prince Rupert, detcrtpuoa or tbe a drat or vae vert, aad woe s" "J 8. S. PMNOC JOHN ill and a.iu whimij tppuetuoa ut baaslpoaed tctta t mt mil For Oaeeo Cbartott IsUods. s p.m. December tin plan of lawmm I true tore and otber worti una it appear mat prior M tb lltb day I DATED al lb Und Retlslry OfSre, bat not, oa my word of honor, ': and I tin. proposed to be bo 111 In Bt eenu worth of dm ft. I ror kclctuxta, Wrnt!l, Juneau toil f kerwiy, December 1ltn and Otieenstown Bar or September, ttlt (lb date on wblcb r Hoc RuperL B. C UU tlb day of Sen te llin. ii port Or menu, a. c, la front of lb aald wer told for overdue I tember. A. D. HIT IIM.SS la lb two year prvvicua TRAIN lou rie to Fifteen inclusive, 1st of lb -1. B. U" WouM tbtl w SERVICE accordant to Uicu, you were tb rttUlcrcd and at-1 R. P. MACLEOD. raiaenrer renstered plan of the Tow nil l or tbe you- torn and women I te la UU Bteatar, Wdndy and Saturday at tl:J0 a.m. for Smltbers. Ksred a oner Inert it. DUtrtcl Reaiatrar of Title, Prtnc Oeorr. Edmonton and cltr of Port Clement reentered la tbe ri'RTHER TAkE ROTICC allb tbelr facet covered wub kcrft. Wlnnlper. making- direct connection for alj Ibat al lb I To Robert Murdock. tta " aforesaid Land Reentry nfBc a plan No. sam tun alfbUy pimilee would ute lb Tbty point eat and south. i anau II ret rrUtrUon In in nooeoo at, Vancouver, b. cl. ,H7t and tak nolle that after tbe ei pursuanco of tucb application and Uiu a tuua yet rid of ibm. as I aid. piriuon or one montn rront tbe date or Certlflrai of Indereasibl Till to lb aald stop, or I will be keepmr f tm J Aganoy All Oooart Steamship Una. toe flnt publication or toll hum tbe Und in Tb nam or Artbor A. McEwan WATER NOTICE kui i muU nu ten mor Pn For Information and reservations apply to Orabeni ItUnd fpnice cad Cedar Company, oale yon tak and proaecuta tb proper my peat condiUon of bealtb. also " r Ity Ticket Offloa, MS Limited will nndr rtin if iiu ..., TAkE of lb -J. B. L," May you enjoy Third 50TICE Avanua. PHONE 260 pruceecunr to eatablisb your claim. If aay, tbal Dolly Varden Mine Act apply to tbe Minuter or Public Work to we saw tanoa, or lo prevent tucb pro- Company wboee addreaa I Alice Ann. B i to ut ma at bit office in tbe city or Oiuwe ror an C wm for Sincerely yours, posea action on my parL apply a Ucetuo lo uk and proval ef J be tald Bite and Plan and ror DATED at to Und Reaittrr Offlca. t ten cubic feel or water per second WUUam Devey. leat to conitruct tbe Mid work. Prlnc Rupert. B, C, tbi Itm dar of oat or ttodi creek, a tribuury or Ell If you try tb J. B. U CakiWJ Dated at Prince Rupert, a. C, lata itib Septrinber, A. D. HIT. seali River ftewmt In to Alice Ana. Cat will end yourteU tlway bntU nay or October, a. d. 1117. jm H. r. MACLEOD, DUirtci AefUtrar flar District. Tb water will be diverted dent aad capable tt poUonoot ul4 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIIE ORAIIAM ISLAND SPRUCE AND of Title. al lb bead or tb PalU on lb Silver make ut blttout. bio. Cull MTJ " CEDAR CO LTD. To Cnarle Plaaiu, Bet 711 Hard Mineral claim. Ut lltl. and will Internal Batbt are Rlur'i w w Oeo. Nlckenon. AtenL Edtncmton. AIU. b sed for power parpoae on tb Wolf Constipation just warm wtter Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points ad Dony Varden O roups of Mineral appUed. Druti fore Ratore- tb via Steamer to Vancouver and tha II THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH CUlme belar Lou ?7l lo JJIT Inclutlv. L. Cascad" tenily atsliu btr. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MAIN SEAL SKINS COLUMBIA. and UU lift lo lltT Inclutlv and Lol CaU and e II tl cyrU M. '' rn" Meal and Berth Included 1.1 THE MATTER OP THE AbillMiaTnA lltl. Cattlar DistrlcL Iter. Cor. Ird Atenu tod on Steamer I want to ret Into loacb wltb TIO.V, ACT Application will be mad also for tb Rapert Print Beahta fee Alaska December 17th persons bavin or who may bar and rltbt to ttor Its cr reel In Pint Trou -Wby or tw... i. datr I. Atk for Mas ; Prtweeea aetata fee Vancouver December 22nd. belr aeal or Uon tklnt wblcb i.i Tun MATTfin nr tub ririt, n. Uk tnd f.tos arr reel In Seeood. Third f r' EfflclenL ri? " 'by ay and Alice Arm 10 a. at December 11 in, are frre from cr or fork or book JACOB JAMVia. iirrvurn iKTrirm lM rourib Troul Uke. Tb water will Par CenL If ivm wblcb I rwd XT" eyrrea. aauj Jeary ,, lwh ftbruvi nth, lam, zeth. bole, .10TIC IS IIERKRY OIVFie rn wunu I" ,toWMl Troul Uk by tb con teresl. tl " t" 7lh Vaaaeuier .la Ocean rail S a.m. December 17th, J. N. M. BROWN IT MAT CoftCER.il of an Order mads ,.,,ru,lw dim al It outlet and In prefer,M.D.. Itl write ColUi ! rw, for January 7th, 17th, SSth Pabemry 7th, ISth and 2Sth. Peat Onto Be SOI, Vanter, m.O. HU Honor P. McB. Youne-. Local iude. in ,coo', Tnlrt 4 r"rlh Troul Uke by bObk. U abov " ron,l,u'Uon of dam al lb ouilsi matter on lb win dav of Ro. J, !. PETERS, General Aeru FTiuuvr. A. V. HIT. a follow:- I " in. hiwhwi ACT IT U uad to be flooded al rirsl Troul LAND ORDtiitn ihi h ..i ,k ti Co nr Fourth Street and Third Afenua. Prince Kurort. B.C couiiin SLtll bo allnwa u i .k. I im ew SHWiu, miru tog detUi of lb aald deceased as oecurrlni on r",n Troul Ukea U twenty acre. b7,TWCT-WWCT0r LA.tD Ik lib day of July. HIT. afur the e. I TW Bgl,M " V on lb (round ItrtNl "' WrsUwi or on month frr,m ih. h... ln r or October, HIT. COAST. R Dm'! eerdy smother eougk Stuart J. Martin u Bfil publication of nolle of this ord.e I A ot M snd an applicaUon of Va- your fnli in tb furmbdl,,u,,u1" ,br,to Awr Act, TAkE NOTICE lb.1 l U, te U- Renstrar f tllLJ. . ' Bled la lb t.mc of lb . t- '" aPITDI? IT aUthUtaj's B,n, of Tar ami Cod Lire OH ooa)y ASSAYCrt uwri. B. c th.i ik. ... "7 1 Water Recorder al I'rlnc Ituperl. B. C touver.lend W appll' ,or peo"' to kM JIM V. 11 P7 "U o-abiaf bat thank to It tools ami Jacob Jarvis, wti Uv aubseauentte to'I Th dw cf ' nr, sppearanct of toll f.llealof desertbed pa lb amottnUj pretwrtWltWlpetterebm wUrwraa in aald I la day r Jni isiv Ibullre la la local newrspaper wai lb CwnmrnrttC at . (Mtrl IIAZCLTON (M aad tans eject porosaaeat tvn, It W thi quality arb-kb. bo worn tar B. O. t IT II PURTKEft nininr day of Ocbitier. HIT. and obJectwna " lM f roresbur ao largest ante of any rung and cold rosed U Canada, Uld Julin II. MeMullln A. .v.ii.k l.YZ - W In Couiplrollef of MfNvt, abe.1 '.'rwene sorU JJ 'eTV sVeawVa, ftveaaWv. MU order la tb u.UL ...... I Water ncordr witblo thirty dayi after n.r iheoe wl tbsac Tha oldest slablishsd Assay b, a n...---i"i'r - '- '-- Ute aald date. At. MAI rl, . putiubed it rnuc DULLY VAflOE.1 Office In tha P"04 of 0D "onto- Ml.tES COMPANY, souib ft fh Z.itvrt mor or North. littda? n,.!? UUS K B. McUlnnU, A yen I, per E. A. Oeveland. "MIIIIMIM)MKWI ulu,rj A( 0 ,,,, ' MMUHJ, Advertlio in The Daily Nows. DATED November '