Drrembrr 10, 1017 Mn,lajf THE DAILY NEWB NEOHTIS Ml lla NOTES niiyiinn AND seen COMMENTS any rIrum POINTS OF INTEREST ... . II.. a...l. M a. HOST SEVERE!:: iiiuii of mai the ctllL riicsl W III on III llvlnir ktmi,he e...mIi..,.which FOR INTENDING VOTERS IGlfY cveryotie would appreciate. DfMJ. Palna All Tl Tim Until II a. a -at. There are many points aboul poor tiouies and such instilu tv -FRurrA.Tivn.r. Thin i the day -Alien the first the Dominion elections act as lions; claaa under the Military Bervleo affected by the war time clectldns Any person who has applied for act with to liavo been called ud ael and Ihe new provisions which exemption from military service i ub nip pan tense, will be applicable to the voting In on conscientious grounds and -a the coming elections. who bas not been refused; The Password to i.nurier atarlwl the drydock The following are some points All Mennonites and Doukhabors BBBBBBBBJB .'jSBnjkBjgsjBjnSBBBBi fiuK uaracn atopimd It. Vole for Lau- which will bo of Interest to Hie excepting thoio who may have pleasure, for the voters in the coming federal election: ncr uiui get ii ngolu'. enlisted; fighters abroad WWW livery naturalized llritish sub. Hie wln;!e world Is crvlnir mil Where provincial requirements ject who was born in an enemy and workers at as to residence cannot be applied country and naturalized subse 'for siupa. I'rlnee llupert has at the time of making the lists home is amp sued which Isn't working the quent lo March, 1902, excepting iio residential qualifications of those who have enlisted and responsihieT All signs voters ij one year In the province of point, to liorden. serve oul Canada in the Can and thirty days in the electoral m m, adian or llritish armies, or in or district prior lo the Issuanco of without WRIGLEY5 Canada In the pait from the navy, or mcehan.es who the MR. LAMPSON writ of election. have trted to enllsl and been Verona,'Oat., Nor llth., X915. run the Tory machine and they Wives, widows, mothers, sis. because refused medically until; "I r-ffrrnl for a number of yean must get their wages what in ters and daughters of or ttlh RheuMtHiti and u rrt Paint in teresl can any resident in this male or female, alive or dead,persons,who those w- li o are grandparents, The name of tbe famous SUeinJVati, frout strains and heary northern district have In the gov parents, sons, or brothers of such are serving or who have served as who have so enlisted or tried Chewing Gum that has ernment of Sir Hobert liorden. outside of Canada in of the I lul rlren oferer We can any lo enlist; or those who are or won its way everywhere. w a up hop only Judge him by the military forces of Canada or Oreat bf.Jf " apal nf a friend rreom men Jed past. And his record is bad. It Hritaln within have been during the present war or or without Canada Three "Fr i-a-Ueei" to mo and mfttr mtimg would condemn members of the parliament of even Laurier, if Uuf.J Ux I Jtll to mtuh trtrr that ne nad It. in any of the naval forces, ex Canada or any province; or lhos- fine il J cepting such female relatives of Syrians and Armenians who flavour It .nrd to tale litem, aod now I ", are .u.. w,,u line ccaseu aervice chrlslians: thorns whn t ?Jog Uiobrat of heath, thanks or ar m . I lie liorden government is tor.y remedy. strong for in owierwise man an nonoraDie;wales entitled lo the vote throunh conscription of men manner are feulitled lo vote. W. M. Non.eiaUonship I.AMPSO.V. If lo a B0dje, Only. they had been half as such relatives of who If r;a who are reading tliie haro anxious to conscript persons Kvery pergon who ba8 been excess profits have Joined the naval forces of' an? JLlney or MadJrr Trouble, or at the beginning of the war there Canada since the passing of the! (nf '.U ItheumtUmor 1'aJn In Tl.e would have been the military service act has no no lack of re war time election act on yeptem- hth JU. . DrK;omaellTuLlITO,Trit-i cruits. Men with dependents Ilo btr will 0. 1917, have Ihe vote. . fair trial. TLU wonderful fruit a not care to leave them lo the len bk -a will do you a world of rood, der mercies of 1'lavelle and his Lists to be Posted. NOTICE at Jl cares when eeerythlnf elae fail. Fifteen days before the polling kind, and the charity or the pub u.: a Ui, C for trial Ue, K. day (Dee. 17 lists of the voters A He. desperate attempt is being A ler or sent postpaid on receipt in each polling subdivision wil 1ft, TA. made in befog the reel issues in of bjr Krult-a-tltea Limited, be posted in said subdivision. The this It is a Sweetmeat a Stimulant and i nai campaign. Consription and Ot -k. the Toronto independent Saturday newipaper.Night. Just enumerators then sit two hours u f 7 - f zi ri i! k emtn maril n a I we ba1 a Health-help all in one. It benefits LAND LEASE NOTICES will not let Sir Joseph I lavella poll ng day to rev se'n PrfC,edln8rbrriig-an- drawn "across the trail teeth, breatli, appetite and digestion. Ta itMi0 J$ lh(J reooft, of alone. It's always getting after swer inquiries and execute trans It steadies stomach and lil in. Yet Blr Joseph holds down the liorden Government, and in DISTRICTDISTRICT Of HUTU USD fers of votes of election officers COAST. rlASOI nVK. his Job quile unabaibed, as the and agents whose duties may this connection it would be well l nerves. It is ever-ready refreshment greatest profiteer in Canada He take them the Rsmember when you're fagged. polling Tate nouc Uiai Walur E. Walker, of away from won't be able lo save his baeon The Colonel J. Wesley Allison Vancouver, B c. oecopelVoa Kuujtf, subdivision oil election day. Up totrodt to atfl? fr penaUtton lo lee much longer, though. to five days before election the scandal. MasJs Jar Canada ii rouowias UKruM umii m, . . The paper shoo scandal. enumerator the Cttfomrncuf at a poll planud at later may upon repre The town of Kitchener refused The binocular scandal. tecUoa of Wtb Waur Mark Toor rat sentation of any credible "person TaWaWiftaaW aVIsatW r and aa tail and Wtl LlM paaalni to listen lo 8ir Hebett Harden, add or strike off the lists any The trench shovel scandal. inroaih Conuti Monument at RarUeil winch t say the very let, was name. Ttie cpavrned horses scandal. I Point.cbmt Walea tbenc Itland,oia Si. I C;cbaiot.tbfor nor(til an ungallant thing to do. They There are no printed lists. On The drags scandal. XfThe Flavour Lastm cr let, to Hirk Water Mark Toorait raa have been elatied as pro-Oermait, refection day electors whose names The Hess rifle scandal. ttte tbenc Beriberi ami welerly fol traitors and all the other names are not on the lists may appear The army truck scandal. baiar in Line of Said M.ffc Waur Mark of the Tory vocabulary. The returning before the enumerator who sits The C. N. II. steal. U unuar tk pUnl arret,of commencement,mora or leaa. and c sokiiors on board the within or near the polling place. Sir Joseph Flavelle. the profiteer. Subscribe for The Daily News WALTER t WALktR. "Olympic" did the same thing, If they are entitled to vote they tule tlW day of October, HIT. however. What would you call are given certificates. Any per SIIM.A LOD DISTRICT 01STRICT or thetnf Traitors and pro-Ger-mans? son who is refused a certificate CUSUK may demand and obtain'a written refusal which entitles him to a TAic nouc tbat Walur K. Walker, or ballot which is scaled in a nen- to-. ,er, B. c, occupation Nanaier, nami la mly f- pimaietlon lo leate elope and not counted excepting n ' laf detcnted land) in case of a recount and Ihen only aasMOclss at a peat planted al UM pon proof of his right to vote, kU Wl Comer of Lot III. Caaaur oles of challenged are batrtc? tbenc nortbtrty and weeurty persons Mtout Um una of lliik Water Mark treated in tbe same manner. HrUaad Canal lo a (-out Wr an tal TIMBER SALE X1095. There is an enumerator iu each ud Wti una drawn Urcxifti a polal it polling subdivision. Entirely new ana cm Sort of Um fowl r com-tmt iniemrtu win aaid tint of Seafed lender wlU U melted tr Um lists are being made out in Prince pwM lil SHRINK lat Water Mavaj tkene weal It ebaiati Minuter of Land not uur Utan noon on Huperl. The lists when completed omcv tcntkvrUr and eaaierU. paralltt la tne Itlb dajr of January, ttlt. for lb ill be posted oulside the polling a Mt3 una of Hi(fe Water Mark rorUand port-bai of ucenco X ltl. to cl T.SM.-eee booths or oulside tbe poslofllce, W00LLEHS (cai f a ootal ! cnaina Dae Wctt of feel f Spruce. Ilrmlotk aod Cedar on a riai of Cumnenrefneni; tnenra rut area atlaaled en Dana Inlet Queen May be Sworn, M iteint u M14 potat of oummencemenl, CbaMelte Ittaad DitlrtcL livery person, whose name is M tmuinint lit acre mom or leaa. Two f j fear wiu be allowed for re on the list, can bo sworn by candidate, WALTER t WAUta motal of Umber. - iiu oar of October, if it. I'artiter pai-ttculan of Um Chief roreiur. agent, or elector, and it Victoria, LCm Dutiict roreiur, lrino the oath is refused Ibo voter loses MUSA LA.10 rJlSTKICT DISTWCT or Rupert, B. C it. the right to cast a vote in the COAST. RAAOE nVE. SkltS LAXD DISTRICT DISTRICT or election. Tho oath is: Tik awUre i bat Waller r. Watter, of COAST. KAAOE I, "You swear thai you are legally 'acwitr a. c. occnnatkia Manner. qual tiled lo vole at this election, anaa to applx for penattaioo to kaae Take nolle tbat tb WctUrn Salmon that you are of the (male or female) fianlac deacrtted UnJt -- rarkier Co LhL. or Vancouver, B. C oc-rupauon tanwormt al a pott pUnled al Um Salmon Cannert, laieoda to apply sex, a llritish subject, resi bancttvj, of an Kaal and Weal Una tar permluloa to kit tb rnoinr d-tenbed dent ot Canada, and of the full ""ft Concrete Monnmenl at HarUell land age of 21 years. (In case of a 'Aal. Walec laland. B. O. wtUi Ulb Water CommenriDr al a poal pUottd at Wth female voter the following is "n-k Toocaat riture, Uwnca aoulberlj water mark, suamer TaiMr. ton a amaU tattcrlr fuUowlnt aald link Waur Uibt on tbe taid pattar about on wile added) : You do further swear that "a-k to a pomi wner a Morta and Sosik norm ot Qalnamat Bay) I chain du you are the (wife, widow, mother, Um driwn ibrouib a pout cbaiaa Due weat: tbenc t cbaina da norU. tbecot ister or daughter as the case may Lxi of, tbt point or commencement later IS cbaina loulb, IS rbalaa due eaL tbenc be) of who is serving or (U aald Waur Mark of a person tllfb Toorut Utmc back to point of commencement, '"! tbeoca aoutb 19 cbaiaa tbence rvnuininr 40 acre mor or leaa. has served without Canada in the Mtbneaurtr In atraltkt Una lo a point THE WESTERS SALMO.t PACUSO COM- military forces (or within or It cbalni Due Wctt of UM point of com PAMV, LIMITED. C C Robertaoo. Art without Canada in the naval keacemeats tbence It cbaina Due tail ot HIT. DATE lib nay of December. Canada of Great ot U4 polal of commenctment and coatalnlac forces, or ll acre, mora or leaa. IkEkVMA LASD DliTKlCT DISTRICT or Britain iu the present war." WALTER E. WALKER, CASS1AR. The following people are un txw- tltb dajr of October, hit. to vote: qualified TAKE nolle thai Tb ABflo-BrtUab Columbia UXJI USD DISTRICT-CASSIAR. -DISTRICT Or t'ackini Company Umiud. of Vancouver, The Judges of every court B. C occupaUon Salmon Caanera. whose appointment rests with the intend lo apply for permlMton lo leaa ItU notice that Tbe AatM-BrlUib Co- lb fellow Ins detcrlbcd Undt: governor-in-council; Tirfcior Companr Umiud. Cf Van Commenclar al a pol planud at IUh persons disenfranchised for r C, occupaUon Balinon Cannert, Wtur Mark, rortlaod CanaL SO chain Du corrupt practices under the act; In apply fur permUalon lo leaa Korth and 40 cbaina,pr mor Du VI of Criminals. lunatics, inmates of Pour LUX the troubled f0oun Ueacrlbed. land: Um Horlh Wet Coruer of Lot !. CaUr on 'auararinr at a pott plaoled it HUH Dlttrirl; Uwnc north SO cbalnj Ibcnc Mark PorUaad Canal. SS chalnt Due wr,l to cbaina, mor or lea, lo lllfb ik aod o cbalni, or more, Dut Wtn Water Mark rortuod Canal j tbenc southerly waters of the wash J .tortb wit Corner of Ul and eaiierly foUowtai tb lino of LNGlNtyKLFlNEMLN THE J41' DUirlcti Uwnc norlberly and mm Water Mark Portland Canal to Um terljr toilowlnt tb Una of lllfb Water pomi ot cummencemeal and conUlnlni SO 1r. I'ortland CanaL 10 a point wber an trrei mor or ka, of these little LUX wafers ace working wonders every COLUMBIA PACW.NO jut and Weti Un drawn tbrouib a point TI1K A0LO BRITISH BHOiwt kaia Du Worth ot Um polal or cow COMPANY LIMITED, Waller E. Walker, Aft riSHBftsmirs MILLIONS all over Canada. In color they are like mfeam to the MM'rmt.t ioucmcu with laid Un ot Oat lllh oay of October. I9IT. I 0L- i. la. b 1 la, 11-11 " Waur Marki Umdc Weil cbalni) or touch like silk. Tho fine, soft, creamy lather LUX makes, is ? aouiberly and tadtrly paralled wlib mCW LAND CAtSlAIL DISTIUCT M3TIUCT oil. a-4 in. ky 1-t in, ts splendid for woollens it never shrinks or hardens fchem. - In fact, all id Un of lllib Waur Mark. Port-nad Hon fewte, the to t polal IS cbalo Du Wttt TAKE nolle that WalUr C Walker, ot o,l 1-1 In. kf la, s-s kinds.of garments, woollens, silks, laces, linens, etc, dainty or otherwise, " tbaln pu.ni to f laid commcncenMnl.polnl of commcne-nd tbenc Vaacouver, l. C occuptUon Maiiaier, Neil lwe. are really preserved by LUX, It leaves them luxuriously clean, lta intend to apply f.r prmltalon 10 nt ib eoouiQlof Bed and roteabor no arret or mor Porlltnd or lb follow lor dcicrtUd land; but with the fabric absolutely free from matting and shrinkage. Cami, Oonnneuclni al a pot pltoted at lb For Further Information Tl Norm Wt Corner of Lot ttl. Caatlar Apply, to AJtOLO-BIUTISII COLUMBIA PACklNO Dutrict; tbenc nortn 10 cbaraii tbenc SAMPLE FREE on application to Lever Brothers JKITED, Waller E. Walktr, Alt. in. wel (0 cbaina, mor or uat, lo IUh tits day of October. HIT. Water Mirk rortlaod Canal tbenc toutb W. E. WILLISCROFT Limited, Toronto. Sold at all grocers, Salvation Army. trly and raturlj follow Inf Uih Waur Prlnoe Rupert, B. 0, Mark Portland Canal to point of coouneuc Remember t 1st, LUX U made in Canada. 2nd. It won't shrink woolUns. men! and cunuinlof ISO acre mor or 'ubllo meetings, Tuesdays, aur,aaya and Saturdays al 8 p. I. WALTER E. WAUEn. Ibo Dally News delivered by K.i!aMwmrTa Sundays al 7;30 n. m, Dtia tlia day of October, HIT. arrier, &Q cents per month.