rn DAILT 1EW Monday Decetnbr Ull I ,.. STRANGE WEDDING" iirrrr rjiiiif-i fid 'j "HER LETTER BOX Local News Nolcs j IN THE Harry Atkins G. H. Arnold ToniRlit at the Weslholai Theatre, there will be displayed Dear Kditur: -On my way home '."J-J"- atMa PUBLIC photoplay of a striking nature, Ladies' Uoudotr Slippers Wal last Saturday nighL I dropped Into NOTED FOIl NOTARY The star Is Fanny Ward, who 1 lace's. tf. the Tory committee rooms to hear Ml WE no stranger to Prince Rupert the much advertised dlscourso on The Supervisor of Scalers will 8AU1AQE playgoers. As an actress she Mr. N. J. Cocks, of Telkwa, Is tbe fiih question. I eipecled to hold an examination In Prince Tomato We Sell Iteal Estate. In a class all by herself, and in a paying a visit to Prince IluperL hear something new, but I was Rupert on Tuesday, tOtti December. Savsaga a 8p.Ctt WtTwrlte Fire and Marina dUt of this kind, she excels. The keenly disappointed, for nothing Anyone wUhlng to take this Insurance. Topical Hudgel to be shown thi Friieir for Turkeys and new was said. It was the same examination to secure the II. C Phone 874 r 0 We have Apartments, Stores, evening contains many scenes in Chriitmas Poultry. Lowest prices. old "bunk" that we have been fed Scaler's Licence may obtain full Houses, and Offices for France behind the lines and it Is 2 for 5c. on for years. We are tired of particulars at the Forestry Office. Post Cards, Rent, and Want More, one of ureal Interest. There will Xmas Menae this, and we would like to see this It. K. ALLEN, District Forester. cards 5c Other dainty up. We Deal in Mortgage Loans. also be a fine comedy. Bros. question divorced from politics 1J A t t We Sell Timber Limits. altogether. Hut apparently this Toy department now ready tiurry st. tlarCeu We do Conveyancing. LADIES ONLY Mrs. Fred Peters sailed this Is not to be. This important Wallace's. If. morning for Seattle by the Prince question must now, like many A hand-painled calendar is to Itupert. others, be dragged In as a red Hooks make Ideal Xmas Gifts. PUPIL Of UMDOWftS eOTTtU H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. be presented to each lady custo herring across the trail of Dor No war prices. Easy to mail. McRae Pupil Tskea for mer by the II. 8. Wallace Co., Ltd Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Williams left dene bungling incapacity, graft Hros. 290 VIOLI.1, PIANO, noUMCELLO u Ladies are asked to call at the this morning for the ftocher de and corruption. HARMONY stdre office to receive lhelr copy Boule mine near Haielton. Mr. Morrow, the star performer EXAMI.1ATIOJU of this little work of art. tf. at the aforesaid meeting, Is neith For Prinee Rupert and district. PHI PrMrd fee Bia.ta-u.: will predominate we have secured the services of Aeeeeletad Beers, Veae,t,, gifts "lie Daily News" Utility" er a Ashman nor a fisherman. Ills Mr. Martin Kroeger. F.R.H.B. OlUf of , lW.atu PUBLIC NOTICE this season. There are many knowledge of the fish business Is Wallace's. tf Consult him about your garden kinds of these at CLASSIFIED ADS. Publio Notice Is hereby given superficial. Very much so. He roblems. Ilritish Columbia Nur 1ERWS PHONE BLUE 278 invested few dollars that under the provisions of the Mrs. K. K. La Trace has return. may have a series, Ltd, Vancouver, II. C. tf Dominion Elections Act, the fol ed to Prince Rupert after spending in a cannery, but I doubt very much if he could distinguish a WANTED. lowing gentlemen have been duly several months In the east. Furniture wanted.' Any quantity. salmon from sockeye today. appointed official agents for the a dog a Good prices paid for com PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. TEACHERS WAITED FOR Fftl.lCE RUP candidates at the coming election Gifts that are easily mailed What be .knows of the game he household furnishings and ERT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Teacfcer for! stereotyped plete burnt leath acquired through reading For Col. C. W. Peck, W. E. books, fountain pens, noaraded fttbool up to and iDdadioc and through interrogating all kinds of tools, men a suits, Junior third work. salary f 10 bmoUl Fisher, barrlster.at-law. Prince er souvenirs see McRae Dros. phamplets. per Ashmen, lie boots, etc. Phone Red 213 or call General aim Xetcbtr tor Intermedial bona fide Teaming trade, Rupert, II. C. F. M. Crosby. 715 Third Ave. Mr. D. C Stewart w-as among' the on much of sslary iti.oo per naonin. Salary schedule For Alfred 8tork, Fred. O. Daw. reminds me very protldn for an Increase or ll.OS per merchant. Prince Itupert, I). the passengers leaving this fore- boastful man who, alitor theatre, DOMESTIO montb eaeb year, train a tcatlmum of a son, If noon. His destination is Telkwa.,1 annoyed f.picteius. the." Greek Gifts suitable for every purse BLACKSMITH COAL SlOt.ao U reached. State experience and qualifications. Application clot J.NO. FLEWIN, neturnlng philosopher, by boasting of his and person Wallace's. If. Careful Attention to ltn December 1 1 in. W. D. VA.1CE. Stcre for Skeena Electoral Whether you buy or not you're own wisdom. To cllncn his argu Officer and rurnltura Urr. Ill welcome to look them over the Ramovslt. I District. rnent the braggart said: am SUBSCRIBE FOR great variety of gifts at Wallace's. WA.1TED Totuir woman aa kitchen-maid. wise for I have conversed with PHONE 93. apply to Matron, f. K. Dm. HoepluL Xmas Oifts for young and old Mr. Tom Deasy, Indian agent at many wise men." I'picletus re. The Daily News " ItTILUOE-TT PERSO.X MAT EABJt rich or poor and Just what you Massett, arrived in the city this plied: "I also have conversed with II taooUly correspondinr for' newspaper; ant. Mcftae Hros. 290 morning from the Islands by the many rich men but I am not rich. 141 Ut fis monthly la spar Thus it is with Mr. Morrow. He Umej eiperlene annecessarys no can WATER NOTICE Prince John. vaulnr; (object (attested. Bend for has conversed with many cannery particular, national Pre B area a (Diversion and L'se.) Subscriptions "received for any men and Ashermen. and he has room IIT. Bnffalo. If. T. acquired a smattering knowledge Protect Your TAKE JtOTlCX that John Orace. bo magazine or newspaper published. Family FOUND addre la 1711 Tew street. Vancouver. the publisher's price. McRae on the question. We are told that B.C. wiu apply ror a license to tak and Hros, Ltd. DI0 a little knowledge Is a dangerous reCKD um to miner Inches of water oat of aa thing, and It in this Man't overcoat on Third Avenue. may prove so onnamed itream on weal (id of Stewart BUY Applj at Dally Kew omca and pay for Dad" Corley left yesterday by case, .farrows about two mile south of Hartley thl adverSscment. f tto Bay. Tba water will be diverted from the tbe Princess May for the south. Mr. Morrow places all the blame DOMESTIC BREAD LOST stream at a potnl about lilt feet la a He will visit Toronto, and will re for the Asherman's woes on the westerly direction from the mouth of said main there for some time. shoulders of Laurier, and his THE BREAD WITH THE LABEL" stream and win be used for LOST Mink Maff between Methodist power pur. Church and Summit Apartment on Wed poses upon the land described at on-occupied late.lamented administration, all We have stock of wrist Crown a new of which twaddle not land. Is neaday. finder plea return to Daily Thta nolle was mere Sews Offlee. SIS posted on the rround on the Srd day of watches In the newest styles. Gold worthy of a moment's thought. HEADQUARTERS FOR November, HIT. A copy of thl noUc Ailed 112 and up. Solid gold $25 We are more concerned with the CHRISTMAS CAKES PERSONAL and an appUcaUon pursuant thereto and to 105. (ludger & Denike. to the Water Act. lilt win be Bled In present conduct of affairs, and we with High-class Decorations KlOW THYSELF Bend data of birth and tbe offle of the Water Recorder at Prince do know something of what has AN OPEN MEETING of the 11.00 to Prarfrssor DunstaDc, I its Rupert. Objecuona to the application may been going on here for the last Ocortia St, W Vancouver, B. C- and be Bled with tbe ld Water Recorder or Prince Rupert Trades and Labor you will receive by return mall a char with the Comptroller of Water Rlrbt, Council will be held In the Car. few years, and we mean to have La Casse Bakery acter readtnr. practical advice on boil Ptrtiament Bulldinr, Victoria, B. C, within renters" Hall on Tuesday night at a change. Our only weapon Is neii, bealUt and marrlare. baaed on true 10 day after to flrsi appearance of this' the ballot, and it behoves every dentine tinea. JIO. nolle in a local newspaper. The date of 8 o'clock. fisherman and every other man or tbe first publication of thl notlco 1 MISCELLANEOUS November If. HIT. Mrs. Walter Thompson and woman, who has the interests of 10H.V ORACE. AppllcanL family, and Mrs. Thompson, Henr, Prince Rupert at heart, to vole OLD FALSE TEETH A.VD BRIDOEWORC hgainst llorden and his NOTICE. left on the Princess May last night so-called bouf bt any condition, hlrnest cash price tent by return maiL Poat to Mr. Dun for Vancouver, where they will Union Government. LetUrbead atone. HIS Oeorila St, W Vanconrar. "Sea OulL" "Brown Bear," "Llllle Tomy join Mr. Thompson. A FISHERMAN Envelope B.C. tit. 17 yeara. JIO fraction." "Sunlirht Fraction" "Sea Lloa 4 Prince nupert, Dec. 10, 1017 Statement -.1 - Fraction.', beet Anchor fraction." "Sky. t The train from the east due line," "Camp Bird Fraction" and "Ober Card. Etc vstory" Miner al Claims, situate In lb last night, did not arrive until Free to you. A 179 Yictrola. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Skeena Mlninf Dlvuioa of Coast District this morninir. The delay took See McRae Hros., Ltd.. and learn Where located: near Bear Lake, Surtl-i--- ,u i-.m. how to get in on this. tf. I..LI PHnr. n..l t.I.., , V " '., PHONE SS TAKE JtOTICE that I. Fred M. Wall.! is very heavy meantime. MINERAL Tba News Job Press Freo Miner Certificate Ho. IIOISC, the ACT duty tuthortied a rent or MlBard F. War. Miss Wright, late with Messrs. FOIl ren. Free Miner's Certificate. No. ttOUC. Lipselt, Cunningham & Co- sailed NOTICE TO DEtJ5QCE.1T FARTHER Pravfar, if AQ DesotBtieas Dsic Intend, (lily day from the daw hereof. this morning for the south. She To C W. Calbouat to apply to th Mlnlnr Recorder ror a Take notice, wberea I bat don Ortiocatc of Improvement, for tbe pur-pose will visit relatives In Texas, where used to be don assessment work eo the BULBS of obtaining a Crown Orant of each she will spend the winter. Midnlrht Fraction mineral claim, altuated r.O. Est Pnfram of the above claim. on th ItUanco river, about fourteen mite Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, AMD FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thai ac The Prince Rupert had a very from tbe besd of Alice Arm. la the Skeena ..i-a-BiP,!-,-- catalog tion, under section II, must be com. mlnlnr division of Skeena district, atsess this heavy list morning EasUr UIIm, Narcissus. meueed before the issue of such Certificate passenger meat work for till, lilt, and HIS. and 1' of Improvements. for the south. There were very hav paid for said work and recordini DATED this I em day of October. A.D. many through passengers from same the aum of UIT.lt. Unless yo pay tell Or era PreeapUi attended to. HIT. m Eastern points going south m the aum of lllt.lt. for your share or lb said assessment work. toreUter with Johnnr Mar and Erie Ilmc. th cost of thl tdvertlsement. I sheU, at New Open Ua4e Hm atana Mnent the eiprata of ninety (III day from . o. ssa. OS Third a. who were charged at the Asslxe in date hereof apply to lb mini or re uouri, lert ror the south this corder at Frtnr Rupert. B. C, to hav 0M1NECA HOTEL morning in charge of Inspector your Interest In the Midnlrht Fraction FRED STORK'S HARDWARE mineral claim vetted In me. In porsMnce Wyrui and Constable Dlrchall. or tne provisions of the mineral art. STEEN & LONG WILL HAZELTON - - - B. C. Dated at' Prince Rupert, B, C, this f Olh FOR CANNERYMEN I Every citizen, lady and (Old llaielton) gentle y or September, 1117, Dtl complU We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a man, Interested in the return of II. C PHILLIPS. R MODELLED, REFURNISHED and line of Rubber Deltlng at right prices. SANITARY AND HE ATI NO REDECORATED Col. Peck should be on hand at ENQINEERS Biarr Prevision far th Com fori of his committee rooms on Tblfd FOR FISHERMEN Ladlae and Oantlmn. Avenue evury evening this wjek A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy tot at 8 o'clock.t advtJOt trolling Spring llrass, Silver nJ Hronie. Agent for If Eggs are High Don't FOR THE WATERFRONT McCLARY FURNACES Mrs. T. A, Kelley, who has been The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes 8pecial host DENTISTRY visiting the camp at Alll Inlet, of Use Them paint -FLOGLA.K- A complete line of Ship Chandlery-FOR PLUMBING the Kelley Logging Company, re-turned EVERYONE and from the Islands this a s A fine Gurney's Oxford Stove. stock of Hardware, OROMTN AND nen BAID4MI eggs get as I morning and returned to Vancouver SHEET METAL WORKS a BPBOtALTT high But The Best, by the Prince Rupert. as they are now We Sell Nothing Phone 5, 831 8econd Avenue. DR. J. 8. BROWN women set their 6-- - Might phones 570 DSJCTIBT Andy Hepburn, late of the Are heads working and HARDWARE and Blue 270 DSji Bailtk B leek. Third Aveawe department here, who is return. iStgj get along as well FRED STORK'S The right work, at the right Ing from France, was In Caltrary without. time, and at the right price. on the 5th Inst, on his way west. neve dozens of recelncs that f He may arrive In Prince Rupert women have given us since they any time now, wnen his many iave uncovered that PaclAo Milk TM WeeklRf MaVa Mom. J.L.HICKEY again.menus win he pleased to see him can bo made to lake the place of A HOT BATH THE runs in so many places. THE HUB CONTRACTOR A BUILDER WANT II Here's MI1MITTF vni T Several of the citizens of Prince Date Pudding. aeon Itupert are feeling anxious . uu 4 cup. of lard InLo 2 mm. nt accu.tomed to A, lath Seventh Store and Office Fixtures, until - - w. Vou are P.O. BOX 12 PRINOa RUPERT they receive word from Halifax ii'our. 0110 teaspoonfut of baking cold w -stantly. Saab, Door and Moldings. regarding the safety of their rela powuer nnd one cup of sugar getting Thnkc, J BOWLING ALLEYS Oak and Hard Woods of all tives. Air. ii. s. Wallace's family tea together. l.factlon of e"'n "Ja POOL and BILLIARBB kinds. were there, Mr. Geo. Morrow's Add 0110 cup of chonoed date nnd In ! tttn$,?'l if LUNCH COUNTER We Specialize In Hardwood mother and sisters, ami ..v.p.i Pour In h cup paclfl0 M,k Mx abundance,Water r''.j others. wen ana steam one hour Boat Ribs, Sash, how much has RepreaenUnn Door, "e shall be Rlad tn nrlnt n.iv Tijlor Enrtneertnr Company, Alice eto. Arm. B. C. T. A. Kelley Lotting Plata The O. W. V. A. will ImM . recipes you may send In that will So;rWATERL.KEM.0.0 Ltiauber Co, Ltd., Queen Charlotte I. and Sheet Glaaa and dance In 8t. Andrew's Hall on De 7 ,l "i"" Iho lost of living. WE CASH PAY CHtOftS Qlaxlng. cember nun. Admission, ami. If they ronlam Vneittn mhv ... Hanson Maka Tba HUB your headquarter, Corner Fraser and 6th Sts. I, Ladles BOc. ll send you a little surprise. Harry lav your mall addreaaed In our car. 2U7. Service bring. E3 Ip&pJ t wsur PHONE OREEN 269 Frizzell's PACIFIO MILK this oonvemc..-. Turkey. rn Blase 010. M. L Rut, Pre. Iariral ainv CO., LTD. P. O. BOX 448. lowest prices, courtesy and r. Factory at Ladnor, B. O. f3J -Jr.Mra9F.O.BOX3f5 r VlCO. nni 1 J h-T---Tl K M J ,,rJ